Greeting the Guests

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Peter woke up early on Tuesday morning. It had been a 3 day weekend, and he was grateful for that, seeing as he was nearly fully healed. He had school today, and he was excited to see MJ.

The two teens had been texting all Sunday, much to Peter's family's displeasure. They'd been subject to spotty responses and sentences that died out as Peter grabbed his phone. Pepper had been careful not to be too upset, and made sure the family wasn't too hard on him for it, and Peter had been talked to by Natasha about it. Monday was a notable improvement, as Peter ended up spending the majority of the day with family and without the phone.

But this morning, all the excitement from Sunday was back. He was going to see her! And kiss her!

Peter dressed quickly, choosing a pair of jeans, a long sleeve grey top, and the new blue sneakers he had gotten on Saturday. Sliding into the kitchen, he was met with only 2 family members, his Uncle Sam and his Uncle Clint.

"Where is everyone?"

"Your parents had work, everyone else is getting ready to receive guests today," Sam shrugged, sipping his coffee.

"Happy will drive you," Clint smiled.

Peter gave a small smile. He didn't mind that his family was busy, he was just a little disappointed that he wouldn't see them until tonight, when he would also be meeting so many other people. He poured himself some coffee, grabbed a banana and his bag, and then gave his uncles a quick hug.

Happy was waiting for him in the garage, keys to the Audi in hand.

"We're taking this today, since I have to go get someone from the airport after I drop you off."

The drive over to school was slow, there was a lot more traffic than normally. Peter noticed a few streets were shut down.

"Is that cause of us?"

"Oh, the streets?" Happy glanced up at Peter in the rear view mirror. "Yeah, we have high security routes for today's pick ups."

"Pick ups?" Peter knew that Shuuri and the Guardians would use the landing pad on the Tower for their own ships, and Thor and Loki would just use the bridge to the courtyard, and Stephan would take a plane, but who was the other pick up?

"Oh, well... Wanda is heading home."

"What?" Peter sat up straighter, his voice heavy with panic.

"Calm down," Happy assured the teen. "She and Natasha talk more regularly than you think, she wanted to come home and help." Wanda had lived at the Tower for a year when Peter was young, but ultimately, she had left by the time he was 10, and Peter didn't have a clear memory of her. Ever since then, she had been travelling and helping out with low-level crime around the world.

Happy pulled up to the school and Peter hopped out, shouting a quick thank you.

The tall boy made his way into the school, spotting MJ at her locker. He threw a lazy web, pulling it shut and grabbing her when she spun around.

"That wasn't very nice," she huffed.

"I know it wasn't. What can I say, I'm just a bod boy." Peter ran a hand through his hair.

"Uh-huh, a bad boy? I think not," MJ laughed and wiggled out of his hold.

The two held hands down the hall, towards MJ's history class, joking the whole way there.


Peter's school day passed quickly and he walked out of Midtown High with a score of 4 kisses, 7 hugs, and 2, yes 2, whole trips to classes holding hands. He hummed a little tune while getting in the car.

"Good mood?" Bucky's voice startled Peter, and he boy jumped a little.

"Uncle Bucky! Where is Happy?"

"Picking up Wanda. Wanna tell me why you are in such a good mood?"

Peter quickly gave him an overview of his wonderful day, fully aware that he was blushing madly. Bucky interjected with questions or chuckles every now and then, taking pleasure in his nephew's happiness.

Peter pulled up to the Tower, hopping out of the car and tearing through the garage.

"Peter," Bucky called. "We have guests. Try to be... calm."

Peter nodded and waited for Bucky to catch up to him. Then the two made their way upstairs to the penthouse.

Stepping into the house, they were hit with the smell of Natasha's cooking. She was making her ever so famous lentil stew, perfect for feeding lots of people. The red head was standing at the stove, making casual conversation with Clint and Sam, who were sitting at the island bar.

Tony and Pepper were both talking to a mass of people by the dining table. Peter recognized everyone only from pictures or conference calls (or the occasional stop at the Tower) but he didn't really know them.

"Peter! Come say hello," Pepper smiled warmly and Peter threw his bag down by the door. "Everyone, this is Peter. Our son."

Peter waved shyly. He wasn't accustomed to being the center of attention, especially not when he was in a room of nearly 20 superheros.

"You're Spiderman," a dark skinned girl grinned at him. "And you developed all your own tech?"

"Yeah," Peter said.

"We're gonna talk about that," she said.

"Introductions!" Tony interrupted the teens. "Peter, this is Stephan, or Doctor Strange, Shuuri, Peter Quill, or Star Lord, Gamora, Draxx, Groot, and Rocket. You know Wanda and Thor and Loki."

Peter said his hellos, made some small talk, and then slipped out of the room when no one was looking. It was just small stuff, catching up and whatnot. Nothing important yet.

Peter pulled out his phone and clicked on Ned's contact while he wiggled out of his jeans.

"Hey, what's up?" Ned's voice was laced with worry, and Peter quickly assured him everything was fine, he just wanted to talk.

"Dude, there are so many people here. My dad went a little overboard on the whole 'call the world and watch out for people trying to kill me son and wife' thing."

"That's his job. As your dad and as Pepper's husband!"

Peter sighed. His hands were full, so he hadn't yet put his pajama pants on and was simply pacing his room in Avenger themed boxers, a present from his Uncle Clint. Occasionally, Peter would pace up a wall and onto the ceiling, not even thinking about it. This was one of those times.

"Listen, I am totally behind him on being careful and investigating and all that, I'd want to do that, too! But calling the Guardians from halfway across the universe? Pulling Shuuri out of Wakanda?"

"I get what you mean... Wanna take your mind off things?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I got the new Spiderman lego set. It's huge, like a whole city-scape and everything. Wanna build it with me? We can build you!"

"Heck yeah! Wanna come over tomorrow to build it after school?"

"Yeah, okay, I'll ask my mom!"


"So, are you gonna tell me about MJ?"

Peter turned red. "What do you want to know?"

"I wanna know everything!"

Peter retold the story to Ned, getting more and more caught up in the details. The first kiss, the jokes on Sunday, the memes she sent late that night. Everything was still so new and fun.

Peter was so caught up in the story, in fact, that he didn't even think about making his way out the door and into the main hall. He didn't think of going to the kitchen, webbing the fridge open, and grabbing a can of soda. He didn't think of people outside his family, who were all very accustomed to Peter's antics and boxer shorts, being in the dining room.

"So then Flash said something stupid, as always, and MJ flipped him off so he shut up, and I was walking her to class so I went to kiss her cheek good bye but she just rolled her eyes and pulled my shirt so I go stumbling forward and she just started kissing on me! Like full making out! And Mr. Vern was all like 'none of that now!' so we break apart and she's like 'see you after class, babes' and I don't even know how she learned that word!"

Peter laughed to himself, crawling down the wall and cracking open his soda. He sat on the counter, shivering slightly as his exposed thighs met the tiles.

"Woah, Pete, you have a WILD one!" Ned laughed. "Hey, I gotta go, my parents are calling me. Talk tomorrow?"

"Sure, talk tomorrow. See ya!" Peter turned his phone off and swung his legs, taking a drink of the soda.


Peter's head snapped up, noticing his family. His father raised his eyebrows.

"Nice boxers, bud," Clint snickered. Peter looked down at his legs and jumped up.

"Don't look!" The teen shrieked and ran back to his room, being chased by laughs all the way.

**A/N: I am so honored and excited and thankful for all the reads this is getting!! You guys mean the world to me, I am usually very shy about my writing, so this was a big step for me and you guys are making it so much easier!**

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