A New Man

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MJ and Ned had stayed for dinner, much to Peter's excitement. He was still reeling from MJ's declaration that they were together, and there was nothing better than a good mood and good food to help the teen heal faster.

The whole family was cleaning up after dinner when Ned got a text from his mom telling him to head home. Peter and MJ offered to walk him down to the lobby, but he declined with a smirk. Instead, Peter had dragged his girlfriend to his room, hoping to actually get a chance to talk.

"So," he began, shutting the door behind them. "We should talk!"

"Yeah, look, I'm really sorry about what happened with your family, I was going to tell you that I wanted to be together together after that kiss but your family was there so I just-" Peter pulled her into his lap on his bed, effectively getting her to stop rambling.

"I didn't mind at all, you just startled me."

"You startled me, too! You got hit by a car, Peter!"

Peter laughed nervously, then flopped backwards with a huge exhale. MJ got on her stomach, propping herself up by the elbows and looking at her boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" MJ's voice was quiet.

"Nothing, I just... Do you remember when my class had that field trip?" MJ nodded. She had been sick that week, and had missed all the excitement, but had heard all about it. "Well, I had this press conference right after, to talk about me being a Stark. And someone asked if I were a superhero. My whole family had this talk about what to say and it basically boiled down to: if I tell people, I put my family at risk. I become a weak spot for them in fights or whatever. And it puts me at risk, too."

"Let me guess, that didn't dawn on you until one of your Uncles pointed it out?" MJ snorted.

"Yeah, I guess that's kinda what- I- never mind. I just didn't think about it till today and then... my mom... Either they wanted both of us because of my dad, or they wanted me and I put my mom in danger." Peter groaned and put his hands over his face.

"Hey," MJ cooed. "Hey, calm down, Peter! None of this is your fault! You saved your mom!"

Peter looked up at the girl between two fingers.

"You saved her and your family is going to figure this out. You're not alone in this." Peter smiled and dropped his hands.

"Come here," he whispered, pulling MJ in for a kiss.

The two broke apart when they heard a ding. MJ's parents were asking her to come home. Peter smirked, a devilish idea coming into his head.

"Give me 2 minutes, then I'll take you home."


"This isn't what I had in mind!" MJ yelled over the sound of the city and the wind. She was holding onto Peter's back with an iron grip while he swung through town.

"I know you love it!"

Peter was right, MJ did love it. She loved the feeling of the wind in her hair and the lights glowing below her. The only thing she didn't love, was the heights.

They reached her house quickly, and Peter swung to the doorstep. The two joked a little, Peter scrambling to avoid his girlfriend's hands. He found himself upside down, looking down to her. Slowly, he shot a web and lowered himself towards her. She peeled his mask back, just enough to kiss him. Both of the teens closed their eyes and melted into the kiss, but they were startled apart by the sound of the door opening.


Peter shot a web to the tree by the house and began to swing away. "I'll see you at school!"

MJ waved and turned to find her parents staring at her. 

"Care to explain, young lady?" Her mother had her hands on her waist.

"I'm dating Spiderman," MJ smiled, a swagger in her walk as she went inside.


Peter swung back into the Tower. He was still sore, yes, but he was feeling a lot better after time with Ned and MJ and food. He shrugged off his suit and changed into some pajamas.

Stepping into the living room, Peter mentally prepared for the talk to come. First up...

"A girlfriend?"

MJ. Peter knew Pepper and Nat wouldn't care, but his father and uncles would be offended they weren't told.

"What the hell, Peter?" Clint raised an eyebrow.

"Language," Steve interjected. "But I can agree with the sentiment. You didn't tell us?"

"I didn't know until you did!" Peter flopped onto the couch between his Uncle Steve and his Uncle Bucky.

"What?" Tony bust into a fit of laughter, and Pepper smacked his arm. The res tof the family was holding back laughter as Peter explained.

"She seemed upset so I asked her about it when Ned left the room and she said she was really worried and hugged me and then I was thinking it'd be a good time to tell her so I went to kiss her cheek and then I was starting my confession speech but she stopped me with the other kiss, and then you all walked in and she just said she was my girlfriend. I'm just as shocked as the rest of you!"

The whole family rolled with laughter at this. There was something particularly funny to them about their Peter, Spiderman with all his spidey senses and smarts, being ambushed by a girl and surprised to find he had a girlfriend.

After a while of talking about that they got more serious.

"We need to talk security," Happy said from where he had been hidden in the corner. He must have been there a while, but just not alerted Peter to his presence.

Peter looked up at him.

"Okay, the plan is to take rotations. You aren't to leave the Tower alone until we learn more, okay?" Tony looked at Peter pointedly and the boy nodded. "Patrol will always be supervised by one of us, and Happy isn't to leave the school after dropping you off anymore. As for your mother, Steve has been helping her around the office anyways, so he's going to be doing that a lot more to keep an eye on her. Rhodey is running some scans of the footage from his lab, working on figuring out more about it. I've also told Thor, Loki, Shuuri, T'Challa, Stephan, and the Guardians about what happened."

Jesus Peter thought. His dad was going all out on this. The Asgardians were usually left to their own devices, and the Wakandan royal family was never contacted unless it was an emergency. Stephan Strange came by the Tower occasionally, but for the most part, he was a solitary hero, preferring to do his own thing. And the Guardians?!? That meant his dad had used some pretty intense tech to call them.

"Stephan offered to come stay at the Tower, as did Shuuri and the Asgardians. The Guardians are going to come in a couple days."

Peter nodded. They had enough room for everyone, but it'd still be more crowded than before and Peter wasn't looking forward to the new people in the house. It meant he'd have to be on his best behavior... and wear pants everywhere.

**A/N: Hey, guys! I'm having some of the other MU characters join in. In this fic, Peter doesn't know any of them very well, I want to develop his and Shuuri's relationship, as well as the relationship I envision for him and some of the other characters! Comment with any suggestions, I love y'all and your input is so appreciated!**

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