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Peter had a fractured pelvis, skull, and shoulder blade, as well as a substantial amount of broken ribs and some road rash down his left side. Bruse had put him asleep and worked with a few of the Avengers' private doctors to reset the pelvis and tend to the rest of the wounds.

The teen woke up a few hours after Bruce had dressed all the wounds and such, feeling thirsty and wanting his mom.

"Mom?" Peter blinked. He felt someone grab his hand and looked up to see a concerned Uncle Sam looking at him.

"Petey, hey, how are you feeling?"

"Thirsty," he rasped. His uncle got his some water and helped him drink from the straw. "Where is everyone? Is Mom okay?"

"Yeah, your mom is fine. A little bruised and scraped up, but bandaged and fine. Your parents are in the situation room with the rest of the family, I said I'd wait for you to wake up."

"What... happened?"

"Peter, you broke your pelvis, skull, shoulder blade, and some ribs. You have some scrapes, too, but they are already starting to heal up," his uncle assured him, speaking as calmly as he could.

"How long am I on bed rest?"

"I'm not sure exactly, but I-"

"Actually," Bruce interrupted from the doorway. "You're okay to move now. You remember those webs you made with the healing properties? Well, we used a laser and some special glue to seal all the fractures, and then we used the webs to hold it all together. You'll be sore, and there is absolutely no way you are leaving this tower in the next week at least, but you're invention, along with those webs, will have you healed up in virtually no time."

Peter smiled and let out the breath he was holding.

"Can I see Mom and Dad now?"


Peter, Bruce, and Sam made their way up to the situation room, the two older men supporting Peter when he started to get wobbly.

Uncle Bruce was right, Peter thought. I'm stupid sore.

The situation room was a room hidden behind the fireplace in the penthouse, where the Avengers got calls and discussed the course of action when faced with fights. Peter had only seen it once before, when he had stumbled on it playing hide and seek the first week at the Tower, much to Tony's upset. Now, it was kept behind at least 3 different locks and codes, for fear of Peter getting inside and being thrust into dangers bigger than your average city crime.

Sam punched in the first code needed to open the door, then scanned his fingerprints, and then, finally, did a voice recognition pattern.

"It'd be safer to have a DNA test, you know. Finger prints could be lifted and voice activation could be hacked in 2 minutes. I'll show you," Peter interjected, shutting the door quickly and reactivating the locks. He punched in some coding quickly, and the code was bypassed. The fingerprint scanner came up, so Peter took a plastic glove from his Uncle Bruce and pressed it over the scanner. Given the latex, the scanner couldn't pick up a read and instead, rescanned the partial remains of Sam's print. Finally, he punched in some more code and said "Peter 'The Best' Stark". The door opened.

His uncles stared at the boy in front of them, totally in awe.

"Come on," Peter smiled, gesturing to the open door in front of him. He hobbled through; his uncle had been right. He was sore and walking felt totally awful with his hips in the condition they were in.

The family was seated around a large, oval table. The room was all dark wood and silver, the table was glass, and the TV at the front of the room was huge. When they saw Peter, they all grew quiet except for Tony and Pepper who both called for their son.



"Bruce, can we get an update?" Tony stood with his hand on Peter's shoulder while Pepper crouched down to see how Peter was doing, checking him over for cuts and bruises.

Bruce quickly filled them all in, while Peter assured his mother he was completely fine in hushed tones.

"You should have seen him 2 seconds ago, he broke into the situation room, no sweat," Sam chuckled while taking a seat.

The whole family looked stunned to hear their little boy was breaking codes and bypassing locks. "Peter," Pepper said, the warning tone seeping into her voice.

"Ah, that's alright, kiddo! You can help us make the locks more secure, then!" Tony brushed off the incident. In his head, he was wondering why the hell it took the kid this long to try and crack the codes for the door.

"What did we miss?" Bruce took his seat next to Sam. Tony returned to the head of the table, while Pepper let Peter sit in her chair.

"We were going over basics. We were able to get camera footage of the incident from a nearby store at the mall, but the plates were fakes, so we didn't get a hit through the DMV database. The car was a basic model, JARVIS and FRIDAY didn't pick up anything usual when they scanned it.

"We also don't know who was driving. No one seems to be able to give a description, seeing at the windows and windshield were dark. For now, we're working on a security plan for Pepper and Peter, seeing as they were the ones targeted."

"Sir," FRIDAY's voice came on. "Ned is at the door. He says Bruce sent him a text when Peter woke up."

Everyone turned to look at Bruce, who shrugged and played cool, despite his slight blush. "What, you told me to keep the kid updated!"

"FRIDAY, please let Ned in and bring him up to the penthouse."

"Yes, sir. He has a girl with him, he says Peter will want to see her. Should I let her in as well?"

This time, everyone turned to look at Peter, who also shrugged and played cool, despite his definite and intense blush.

"Sure, let the whole school come in and check on him, what do I care?"

Peter slipped out of the situation room and shut the door, letting it lock. A second later, the elevator slid open and Ned and MJ came barreling out.

"Dude," Ned said, worry in his eyes. "What happened yesterday?"

"Yesterday?" Peter hadn't thought he had slept that long. "Was I out that long?"

"Yeah, Bruce called around 3 and said you'd been hit by a car! And I came here, of course, but they said you were in surgery and that they would call me as soon as something changed."

"Woah," Peter breathed. "Well, they weren't lying. I got hit by a car."

"Do they know why?"

"Not yet, they don't even know who did it," Peter sighed, letting his head lull against the back of the couch.

"Was it cause you're the Stark heir or... you know?"

Peter thought a bit. In all honesty, he hadn't thought about if it was because he was Spiderman. That kinda changed things. Uncle Steve was right, he'd put his mother in danger.

Ned and Peter continued to talk, but MJ was uncharacteristically quiet. She made no snarky comebacks, no jokes, just hummed in response to some things. Peter and her had gotten closer in the last few months, especially after Homecoming, and he knew something was up with her.

"Hey, uh, Ned? Could you go get some stuff from my room for me? Walking and all that is pretty shit with my pelvis like this."

"Sure!" Ned bounced up excitedly.

"Great, just uhm... my blanket and my water bottle I guess?" Peter's excuse to get Ned out of the room for a while was flimsy at best, and it took Ned a moment to realize what was going on.

"Oh, yeah, uh, yeah. Yeah! I'll just go get that," Ned winked obviously, causing Peter to turn a little red.

Once Ned was out of the room, Peter turned to MJ.

"What's up with- oh."

MJ was tearing up. She opened her mouth as if to try and say something, but ultimately she closed it again. Peter waited for her to say something, anything. It felt like he waited forever.

Suddenly, she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck.

"You scared me half to death," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly. "I never want to lose you."

Peter was stunned. This stoic, beautiful, mysterious, cool, smart girl was scared for him. And didn't want to lose him.

"You won't lose me," he said, carefully putting his arms around MJ. "I'm Spiderman. And a Stark. I don't think I could die if I tried."

She laughed a little and pulled back. "You're an idiot, Stark."

Peter's smile faded a little. Just friends, he reminded himself. MJ saw his smile fall, and was quick to amend her statement.

"You're not an idiot. You're smart and caring and funny. And selfless. And terrifying because you think of everyone else before yourself and then you get hurt. Like this."

Peter cocked his head to the side.

"And... and I know I play it tough, but... those few days you didn't come to school? They felt like weeks. Because I can't imagine not seeing your face in class and hearing your laugh and this is the most open I have ever been in my life and I just-"

Peter cut her off with a kiss to the cheek. "You're an idiot, Jones."

MJ's eyes sparkled with surprise and laughter as her smile grew.

"You're beautiful and smart and kind and mysterious and-"

This time, it was MJ who cut Peter off, attacking his lips in a kiss. He melted into it, fully enjoying the fact that MJ was in charge this time. He swiped at her lips, silently asking for permission, and the girl parted them. The two rolled into one another, Peter holding MJ up on his chest while they deepened the kiss. MJ had her hands planted firmly on Peter's pecs, while he had one in her hair and another on her waist.

"Mm-hmm," Tony coughed lightly. Peter and MJ broke apart, looking up to see Peter's family coming out of the situation room and Ned tip toeing down the hall. Peter turned a deep shade of red and sitting up, MJ simply sitting up and acting as though it hadn't happened.

"Peter," Pepper cut in before her husband could say anything else. "Care to introduce your friend?"

Peter went to stand up, but felt a pang in his pelvis and collapsed backwards onto the couch. MJ stood, confidently.

"Hi, I'm MJ. Peter's girlfriend."

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