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Peter's week passed without much out of the ordinary happening. Flash continued to whelp on him when he felt like it, he trained his powers with Steve and hand to hand combat with Natasha, and he was driven to and from school by one of his family members every day. He even made a lasagna with Bucky on Wednesday.

But it wasn't all peaches and cream, now that Peter thought of it. He'd been having nightmares recently, and Wednesday night had been particularly bad. He'd woken up with a yelp, and was surprised to find Natasha at the door.

"Nightmares?" Her voice was questioning, but Peter knew that she knew he was having them.


"Your Uncle Bucky and I get them, too. The others do as well, but... We get them more often than they do."

"What makes them stop?"

Natasha pursed her lips and thought for a second. "For Bucky, it was usually going to talk to Steve. Now he listens to rain noises when he sleeps and is usually fine. I listen to different kinds of classical music when I sleep and find that helps."

"Can... can you play some now?"

Natasha moved over to Peter's bed, sitting next to him and putting her arm around him. "FRIDAY, play my sleeping music."

Peter's ears suddenly filled with the sound of violin. Nothing else, just violin. Occasionally, the soundtrack had thunder play in the background. Peter eventually fell back asleep, with Natasha singing a lullaby to the music. He didn't have anymore nightmares that night.

Peter woke up Thursday morning feeling tired and worn down. Natasha promised him a patrol that night, and that perked him right up. That, and the 2 cups of coffee he had.

Patrolling was one of Peter's favorite pass times. Especially at night.

Thursday night was cold, but Peter's suit kept him warm. Still, he could feel the breeze in his face when he was swinging through the streets.

Normally, his parents would have never let him go out on a school night, but Natasha had convinced them to let him go before his big day tomorrow, explaining that he had had a rough night yesterday and could probably use the relaxation.

"Karen, play a classical playlist."

Peter wasn't normally a classical kind of guy. He actually really loved alternative rock, something his father said was 'alright for that new age stuff'. Tonight, though, the teen was in a mood for classical music. He slowed his swinging, letting himself swing through the air longer, not caring if he was going fast. He matched his swings to the music, speeding up when the music got faster, slowing down when he got into a slow part. He eventually found himself on one of the tallest buildings in the city, just looking out. It was a slow night, not much crime to be stopped.

At least, that's what he thought. Suddenly his music stopped and Karen's voice came on. "Peter, there is something happening."

Peter swung towards the sounds of shouts. Someone was in trouble!

It was a robbery, a jewelry store. The owner must have lived in the back, because he could hear him telling the robbers to take it all, just don't shoot "her".

Peter swung down and peeked inside. There were 5 people inside. A man in pajamas, pleading with a man in a mask with a gun to the head of a young woman, and 2 other masked men cleaning out the cases. Peter stepped in and calmly said "It isn't nice to take what isn't yours."

The fight was quick, but Peter was still tired from last night, His spider senses went off and he moved, but the bullet still grazed his cheek. It stung like a bitch. "Ow!" He looked at the shooter. "Really, man?"

Peter shot the gun out of his hand with a web. After that, it was smooth sailing. He slid over the counter, not thinking of the glass on the counter. A piece of glass must have cut his arm, because Karen told him that she was constricting the suit to stop the bleeding. Peter called 911 and then swung away.

He slipped through his bedroom window and got changed, hoping to simply climb into bed and get some rest. He wrapped his arm in some gauze he kept in his room and then slid into the plush bed. Tomorrow was it. The reveal. If he could make it through Midtown High's gossip, he could make it through a press conference.

"FRIDAY, play that song from last night, with the violins and thunder and stuff."

"Yes, sir. Would you like me to alert the family that you are home now?"

"No, thank you," Peter yawned. The last thing he needed was his family worrying about his arm and cheek right now.

"Yes, thank you."

Peter's eyes shot open and he sat up. In the doorway was his father. "Karen called me when you got hurt. What happened?"

Peter flopped back on his pillow. "I got grazed in the cheek and I slid on some glass that cut my arm. I'm fine though, all wrapped up."

Tony walked over to Peter and looked at his cheek. Then, he carefully unwrapped Peter's arm and looked at the cut. "FRIDAY, wake up Dr. Banner and have him come to Peter's room."

There was a small crash, then Bruce came rushing down the hall.

"Peter! Are you okay?"

"Yes, Uncle Bruce, I'm okay. Just a few scratches," Peter sighed softly.

Tony moved over so Bruce could take a look. "You're gonna be fine, that cut isn't to deep. You don't need stitches."

Tony thanked the doctor, who promptly left to get back in bed. Natasha caught him on the way out. "Is Peter back?"

"Yeah, a little banged up, but fine."

Natasha stood in the doorway, watching Tony smear some anti-infection cream on the cuts, then bandaged them. Peter winced slightly as the cream stung, but let Tony work. Finally, Tony was done and gave Peter a kiss on the head before leaving.

Natasha stepped back into her room without making a sound.

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