Changing Times

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Peter woke up early again on Tuesday. He showered, changed, and got dressed quickly, hoping to have a few extra minutes with his family before school.

Sliding down the hall in his socks, Peter hunched over and put his shoes on one at a time.

"Smooth," Clint chuckled as he slid into the kitchen, one foot raised and being shoved into his trainers. Peter stuck his tongue out at him, only to have Bucky pop the back of his head in a friendly manner.

"Why are you up so eary, Bambi?" Tony looked up from his paper, curious as to why his son was ready to leave when he'd normally only be getting up at this time.

"I wanted some extra time with y'all this morning," Peter shrugged and made some toast. Sam was making eggs, but given that everyone in the family was picky about their toast, that was left to them to figure out on their own. The boy rooted around for a Go-Gurt in the fridge and slurped on it while waiting for his toast.

"Anyone want to play Smash Bros. before Spidey heads to school?" Uncle Steve looked around. Spidey had been Peter's affectionate nickname since he had been bitten.

Peter shoved his toast into his mouth. "I dof!"

Natasha rolled her eyes and laughed. "I'll play, too."

The three of them played a few rounds, Natasha winning 2 and Peter winning 1, before Pepper began to gather her things and told Peter to get his school bag. Her heels clicked down the hall as she grabbed her own bag and briefcase. Peter grabbed his school bag and gave his Uncles and Aunt a hug, before kissing his dad's cheek. "Be home at 3!" He called.

Pepper and Peter rode the elevator down to the car port, where Happy was waiting. "Ma'am," he said with a curt nod.

"I'll be driving Peter to school today, if that's okay with you."

Happy looked taken aback at first, but soon his confusion faded into a smile as he saw the teen's excitement. "Alright, ma'am."

Pepper asked Peter to pick out which car he wanted to drive. There were at least 12 down here, all shared by the family and in varying in color, make, model, and specs. There was the most fancy, the one his father used for bigger events, a bright red Lamborghini with a convertible roof. There was his mother's flashy car, a silver Porche with darkly tinted windows. The rest were all Mercedes, Audi's, or BMW's, in as many colors as there could be. Eventually, Peter settled on one of his mom's favorites, a shiny black Bentley. It was his Uncle Steve's favorite.

"FRIDAY, inform Steve that I will be taking the Bentley today."

Peter loved this car! It wasn't often that he got to go places with his mom and dad, let alone with the other Avengers. One of the downsides to not being officially related to them, he typically walked places, or had Happy drive in the little Toyota 4 door any family would own. This car was different.

It was sleek, from the outside to the inside. The seats were all leather. The console in the middle was dark wood and silver, with FRIDAY's interfacing showing on the navigation screen.

"FRIDAY, drive please," Pepper asked while she looked through her bag for something. "Here," she gave Peter a bag. "Your Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky wanted to make you lunch today."

Peter smiled and rolled his eyes, fully expecting a note inside.

"Where does Happy normally drop you off?" Pepper asked.

"FRIDAY knows, just let him take over," Peter smiled. He was finally going to be dropped off by his mom. At school!

He got out his phone and quickly texted Ned.

Peter: Come by the front and wait for me.

Ned: Why?

Peter: Cuz it's cool

Ned: What is?

Peter: The cAr I am in... rIgHt NoW!

Peter threw his phone back into his bag. "Hey, Mom?"

"Mmm," Pepper hummed in response.

"Thank you. For driving me."

She smiled. "Of course, babe! Just a heads up, though, if I can't make it back from work, I'll ask Dad or one of the others to pick you up after, okay?"

They pulled up and Peter spotted Ned leaning against one of the closed doors at the front. When he looked over to the Bentley, his eyes widened and he started running to see Peter. The windows were tinted, so the rest of the school was curious as to who might step out, but Ned knew. He'd seen this car in the Tower when they had been in the garage getting something for Peter's Uncle Bruce.

"Bye, Mom, see you tonight!" Peter leaned over to kiss her cheek and then stepped out. Ned looked ready to faint. The rest of the school looked totally shocked that it was Peter. Peter Parker who had stepped out of that car. Pepper drove off and Peter made his way inside the school with Ned.

"What the hell, man?" Ned had his hands outstretched like a maniac.

"Okay, so I told my parents about the whole field trip thing, and they've been talking about going public with everything, so the plan is to tell you guys on Friday, and a press conference on Saturday to tell the world. Well, really it'll just confirm the rumors that everyone in school will be spreading."

"This is so cool, dude," Ned was barely keeping his voice down, he was so excited.

"Not a word till we get to Friday, though. We're going to a natural reveal, so FRIDAY will welcome me home, the staff is going to act friendly, and my family is just going to do what they normally do."

"Okay," Ned breathed. "I can do that."

Peter rolled his eyes and the two made their way to class.


Peter starred at the Lunch room with Ned, knowing exactly what was coming and mentally preparing. They made their way to an empty table and then...

"Hey, Penis!"

Flash's voice rang out over the crowds in the cafeteria. "What was with that car this morning, you get picked up by some celebrity looking for a charity case?"

There was a ripple of laughter, but Peter stayed silent. "Hey, Penis Parker, I'm talking to you."

Peter looked up, about to tell him to shove off, when Ned spoke up. "It was his mom."

Peter whipped his head around at Ned. "Natural, Ned. Natural," he hissed.

Ned mouthed back a 'sorry' before going back to his food.

"I know that can't be true. Penis doesn't have a mom. He's a fucking orphan kid."

Peter stared at his lap. He knew that if he wanted, he could beat Flash to a pulp, but he chose not to. It would raise more questions than anything else. Instead, Peter just sat there and took it.

"Fucking look at me when I talk to you, Parker," Flash spat as he slapped Peter. Ned jumped in fear, but Peter did nothing. "Whatever," Flash said before turning away.

"Fuck off," Ned said under his breath, but Flash heard and whipped around. He raised a fist, but Peter stepped in. "That was me!"

Flash turned, and his fist made contact with Peter's right cheek. The idiot had his thumb tucked, though, and he instantly recoiled. Peter sat back down at the table as the bully slunk away.

"Why did you do that?" Ned hissed.

"I'll heal up before I the end of next class, seeing as it will barely bruise. You would've had a black eye, and explaining that to your parents and mine would be impossible."

Ned nodded, and Peter got out his lunch. "Who made that?" Ned asked.

"My Uncles," Peter smiled while unpacking it. There was a sandwich, a Go-Gurt, and a granola bar, plus three notes. The first was from his Uncles.


Have a good day at school. We know change is hard, but you're strong!"

-Uncle Steve, Clint, Bucky, Sam, and Bruce"

The second one was from Natasha.

"Мой маленький паук

Люди глупы, и вам не нужно их одобрение. Ты так восхитителен. И если кто-то доставит вам неприятности, я их убью.-Aunty Nat" (Translation: My little spider- People are stupid and you don't need their approval. You are so amazing, and if anyone gives you trouble, I'll kill them.)

Finally, there was a note from his mom and dad, which Pepper must have slipped in when she got it out for Peter in the car.


Have a wonderful day. You should know how proud we are of you and how happy you make us.

Love Mom and Dad."

Peter put all three notes in his phone case, saving them to put on his bulletin board at home. He sent a text in the family group chat.

Spidey: I love you guys so much <3


The rest of the day passed slowly, and as Peter had guessed, his cheek wasn't visually bruised anymore, though it was still a bit sore.

He walked with Ned out to the front of the building and they looked to see who was picking him up. The Bentley wasn't there, and for a moment, Peter didn't see any of his families cars. Then he saw his mom's Porche behind a van. He waved to Ned and made his way over to the car, surprised to see his Aunty driving when he got in.

"Привет, Aunty Nat!"

"Hey, you! Your mom is stuck in traffic, so I thought I could come get you!"

Peter smiled. Change was definitely coming, but suddenly, he wasn't so worried about it. He was Peter Parker-Stark, the boy who had it all. A loving family, a wonderful life, and Spiderman. What more could he want?

** A/N: Sorry this is such a long chapter! I'm updating a lot right now cause I have the weekend off work, so I might spam you guys while I have the chance ;) I'm so grateful for the support I've gotten already, please comment if you have suggestions! This is only my 2nd fanfiction!**

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