Mom Can Fix Anything... If You Can Find Her

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Peter got home just before 3. He hopped out of the car and waved to Happy before making his way inside. He said hello to the guards on duty and the interns in the lobby, then called out to FRIDAY.

"FRIDAY, where is Mom?"

"Mrs. Stark left nearly an hour ago for a meeting. Would you like me to call her?"

"No," Peter sighed. "I can just text her."

Peter: When will you be homeeeeee?

Mom: I'm not sure yet, is something wrong?

Peter: No, I just needed to talk to you.

Mom: I'll try to be home by dinner, but I can't promise. Go ask dad or one of the others.

Peter: Love you.

Mom: Love you more.

Peter rode the private elevator up to the penthouse. He called out, trying to see if anyone was home. His dad was usually in the labs with Bruce, and the rest usually were training or mulling around, but today was unusual. No one seemed to be home. There was a note on the kitchen counter.


We went to run some errands, we'll be home soon.

-Uncle Steve, Sam, and Clint."

So. Rhodey was probably in the labs with Tony and Bruce, though finding which lab might be hard and if they were in the middle of a project, he didn't want to bother them. Bucky was nowhere in sight, and Peter didn't have the energy to go tracking him down.

Peter walked down to his Aunty's room and knocked. "Aunty Nat?"

Natasha came to the door quickly and let Peter in.

"Petya," she smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"I have a problem at school and I wanted to talk to Mom about it, but she's out for a meeting."

"So I'm second choice?" Natasha's eyes glimmered with amusement as she joked.

"No, it's not like that, I just... Okay so my class has a field trip this upcoming Friday, but-but Dad is gonna n-not really like it and it might-it might ruin things. Here." Peter looked down at his hands. He had a habit of repeating parts of his sentences or words, made worse by anxiety.

"Oh... Well, to start things off, your father loves you. We all do. This trip isn't going to ruin anything, мой маленький паук. Where are you all going?" Natasha put a hand on Peter's arm, trying to comfort him.

Peter brought his eyes to hers. "We're supposed to come here."


Peter and Natasha spent the rest of the afternoon sparring, with bouts of conversation when they took small breaks. Peter was working on honing his skills, and his aunt was proud of him, to say the least.

It was a nice distraction. They eventually wandered out of the training room and to the hall, both clad in shorts and tank tops. Making their way to the kitchen, they found the boys of the Tower lounging in the living room and chatting.

"Peter! How long have you been training?" Tony stood up quickly, noticing his son's red face and heavy breathing.

"Since 3ish. A few hours," the teen shrugged.

"Why have you been training so much, you normally only do an hour a day. It's nearly... 7 now!" Sam looked worried, as did the rest of the team.

"Just a lot on my mind. Besides, Aunty Nat taught me more about throwing knives and we sparred some!"

"Давайте не будем говорить о ножах, Petya. Они будут ревновать," Natasha winked. (Translation: Let's not talk about the knives, Petya. They'll get jealous.)

Peter walked over to his father, sitting on the floor with his head against the couch. Steve ruffled his hair and when Tony finally sat down again, he let Peter lean into his legs.

"Where's Peter?" Pepper's voice suddenly rang out through the penthouse as the elevator slid open.

"Here!" The brown haired teen jumped up. "Hi, Mom!"

"Hi, Bambi," she smiled softly at him. Tony got up and strolled over to his wife, kissing her quickly.

"I'm gonna make dinner, who wants to help?" Steve looked at the group expectantly. Tony was about to offer his assistance, but Pepper held his hand tighter, a sign that she wanted him free for the next hour or so. Instead, Natasha got up. That surprised everyone, but Clint, Sam, and Bruce eventually settled back into casual conversation.

"What's up?" Tony's face was worried as Pepper guided him to their room, with Peter in toe.

"Peter has something to talk to us about," she said.

"What's up, Pete?"

"I-I talked to Aunty Natasha about it, but s-she-she said you guys would figure it out, so I'm- I'm- I'm just going to say it. My class has a-a field trip this Friday. Here. We're supposed to come here."

Pepper's eyes widened a little, and she stifled a laugh. Peter looked up, confused. "What?"

"Peter, that's not a problem! Your mother and I were talking the other day and... we think it's a good idea to start telling the world you're gonna be the Stark heir. Maybe not everyone at once, the staff already knows and whatnot... We can start with your class and after that, a press conference. How's that sound to you?"

Peter had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it'd be nice to not have Happy sign all his forms for school. After all, Pepper and Tony weren't on the school's records as his parents yet, for fear of a leak.

On the other, he was about to change everything. He took a few minutes to think about it.

"I... I'd like that."

Tony and Pepper smiled.

"On one condition," Peter held up his hands. "I want you guys to take me to school sometimes. Not all the time, cause I know you guys are busy sometimes, but sometimes I'd like it."

Pepper laughed. "I'll take you tomorrow, babe."

Peter smiled and was engulfed in a hug. God, he loved his parents.

Steve called them for dinner, and the moment was cut short. The three of them made it to the long table, Tony and Pepper at the heads, Peter in the middle, and the rest of the family filling in gaps. They all ate, talking occasionally, before Tony cleared his throat.

"I have news. Peter, Pepper, and I have decided that we are going to be releasing Peter's adoption status later this week. We're starting small, telling Peter's class when they are here for their field trip, and a press conference on Saturday. I want you all to be prepared for questions, and I want you all to be looking out for our boy while everyone adjusts. Capiche?"

The whole family was shocked into silence for a second. Then they all smiled. Clint clapped Peter on the back, being the one on the teen's right. "I'm excited to go public as your funcle, eh?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Never say that again. Please," Natasha sighed.

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