Chapter 2: A New Day

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The place where Selena moved was Fork, Washington's town; it is wet, with little sunlight. Everything around it is always blue-gray. Selena faced the windshield, closed her eyes, breathed the air around, she could feel the scent of the cool wind and trees.

Today is the day Selena starts a new school life. She hated going to school. Her life never hated anything except going to school. While sitting in a classroom, everyone looks and admires, but more than envy and aversion. Although Selena is not a self-conceited person, she thinks because she is too good, she receives the teacher's focus and the thorn in the eyes of other students. In addition, she hates the kind of people who appear to be gentle and good-natured but no different from those who are not educated.

Sometimes Selena feels things are unreal. However, when she woke up, looked at her face in the mirror, looked at everything around her then knew she was alive.

"What are you thinking?" Suddenly a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"I hate going to school," Selena said, turning to look at James.

Today is not only her first school day but also James's. Contrary to the depressed mood of Selena, he is very calm, going to school as drinking a cup of tea to him.

"I know" James is still driving. "But it looks like not just that."

"Don't arbitrarily judge like that" Ash-gray eyes became darker "Don't forget what is between us"

James just smiled and said nothing. The atmosphere in the car was also low, but it did not seem to affect the two of them. This was originally the way James and Selena lived together.


The white Ferrari car finally arrived, James and Selena got out of the vehicle. They both look stunning, quickly become the focus of all the talk, especially when they are new students.

The school at Fork was not as big or massive as the school in Boston, where Selena had studied, it was smaller but made others feel comfortable. The students, despite looking at each other, have no evil or aversion eyes, just curious eyes. This makes Selena feel more comfortable here.

James looked around and smiled lightly at the girls, causing them to blush, but more than delight. Selena saw that scene without reacting, ambling beside him.

Far away, the Cullen family saw this scene. The girl yesterday they just met with a strange guy.

"Edward, you said you couldn't read Selena's thoughts?" Alice turned to her brother, asking.

"It's not really unreadable, it's just not an inner soliloquy," Edward said with a frown.

This is the first time that someone thoughts are read songs. What a strange girl. But if it were a monstrous one, it would be Bella, the smell of her blood was too seductive, making him crave it. Therefore, when Edward saw her, he could not calm down, always trying to control his bloodthirst.

Going with Alice, Edward caught Bella coming out of the car. She got out of the car and accidentally saw him looking at her, she was about to say something when Edward avoided her gaze, it seemed like his mood was not good. Bella feels that Edward does not like her, every time he sees her, he coldly turns away uncomfortably. She remembered that she did not seem to have done anything.

While Edward was trying to avoid Bella, Selena and James received the schedule. James looked over at Selena's timetable and smiled a bit, it was right she was different, all the weird courses to him.

"Psychology?" James raised an eyebrow at Selena, "I never know that you're interested in that."

"That's a confirmation that you don't understand me," Selena smiled softly, she crossed her arms and looked at him. "Right?"

"Is that so? What about other things?" James turned to her, his face still mischievous, but there was something serious, "Hum?"

"Nothing happened" Selena ignored the other story, she did not want to continue the topic. "What's your first class?"

"I can take this as your concern for me." James smiles, "Chemistry."

"Okay, see you," Selena said.

After saying that, she went forward without telling James what subjects she studied. He just stood there looking at her back shadow and smirking, a smile that was so sly. James knows, Selena is not a typical girl.

Selena is now standing in front of the classroom for Psychology. She took a little breath and went in. In front of her was a young teacher, he saw her coming in a bit of smiling. Selena frowned slightly but quickly pulled it out. He does not look like a teacher at all, his face is bright and handsome but full of mysterious breaths.

"Are you a new student? I'm John Winslow" He smiled, "please introduce yourself to class."

"Hi, I'm Selena Scarlet." Selena scanned the classroom, introducing herself.

She had to recognize this class with very few students, less than twenty people. This subject is not everyone's liking and ability to learn. She looked around the classroom, spotting a person that made her eyes dark.

From the beginning of entering the class, everyone in the class noticed Selena because she was very outstanding: beautiful and aura from her like a princess.

"Selena, please sit at the last table, near Bella," the teacher showed her.

Selena bowed her head and went down there. She passed by the girl Bella and sat down on her chair. Selena was not happy about her seat at all. But at least from now until now, nothing has bothered her and disgusted.

During the class, Selena began to show her abilities in the subject, which made the teacher very happy to have found a talent in this area. She loves psychology, she has been following her for a long time, every time she comes into contact with it, she feels like she is alive and free. All the knowledge that the teacher taught, almost Selena knew all, but she still heard the full lecture.

Although she disliked listening to the lectures, Mr. Winslow taught very well, his voice was soft and comfortable to hear. It is true that the voice pattern she likes. So Selena is very attentive, occasionally saying things that are highly praised by teachers.

After school ended, John came to Selena because he knew her knowledge of psychology was vast, not only that she was very knowledgeable and intelligent.

"Do you want to do research with me?" John asked, "I really need a student like you."

Selena was silent, she was interested in it, but just that she didn't want to be bothered, she didn't trust this man either.

"Can you give me some times?" Selena asked and received John's nod.

"Hope you don't make me wait too long."

After that conversation, Selena excused herself. Finally, the lunch break came. In the previous classes, she got to know a girl named Jessica Stanley, who was very lively and liked to talk to others. Selena only said a word, but that girl had glimpsed, told a lot about the Fork. Even though that type of person is annoying, it is still better to have someone like that besides her.


Lunchtime arrived, Selena and Jessica went to a nearby dining table, where four people were sitting there: two guys and girls, and one of them had a classmate with her Psychology- Bella.

"Let me introduce you," Jessica said casually "This is Angela Weber, Eric Yorkie, Mike Newton and Isabella Swan, but he likes to be called Bella."

"I'm Selena Scarlet, you can call me Selena." Selena smiled slightly.

"You are so beautiful," Angela admired.

Bella frowned at Selena, watching her remind Bella of her old schoolgirls, always cold and noble. However, she had to admit that Selena was stunning, she had the face of a Greek goddess, just as bright as an angel, but had some cool features. Her golden hair was as smooth as a stream, and her ash-gray eyes were sharp. Today she also wore a white shirt and black legging pants, but simple but revealed the irresistible beauty of Selena.

"Your eyes look cool, it's rare to find someone have the same eyes colour as you" Mike praised, everyone can find out that this guy fell in love with Selena.

"Thanks for your compliment," Selena said.

Suddenly a guy was approaching their table, Selena looked up, was James.

"Can I sit here?" James smiles again, a smile that makes many girls melt.

"Alright," Jessica blushed and nodded.

James nodded and sat down next to Selena, smiling at her, giving her a lunch box.

"You forgot on the car," James said, his tone very calm.

"Thank you." Selena knew he intentionally brought it to her, but she didn't expose it.

"Hello, I'm James Scarlet" James laughed "Selen's brother."

"Are you two brother and sister?" Angela was surprised and muttered, "You two are not looking the same at all."

Selena did not care about others, she opened the lunch box to eat well. The way she ate like a lady was so polite and elegant. Jessica was suddenly saying.

"Cullen family" Selena looked over.

Five people include Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Edward came in. Everywhere they go, they are noticed and pointed out by people. But still just admiring and jealous, they can't do anything. The Cullen family, which was inherently alienated from others, went everywhere together.

"They're always together like that," Eric whispered.

Meanwhile, the five of them went to the table away from other tables, one at the corner alone.

"Selena" Alice rejoiced "Here she is"

"That girl is not normal," Rosalie said.

"But I can become her friend," Alice said, "I want to have a friend like Selena, I can see her future."

"What about you, Edward? With that Bella girl" Rosalie avoided Alice, from a distance she had seen the girl and was trying to stop herself from chasing her neck out of the canteen because not only Edward, but Jasper also attracted by her blood.

"Still fine, nothing to worry about," Edward said coldly.

He hadn't noticed Bella for a while now, but he was looking at Selena, the girl was eating as politely as possible. At first, he thought she was only pretending but remember yesterday, it seemed that the girl was like a lady from time immemorial. He was curious about how her family could eventually teach a girl like this.

"Selena is not a bad person," Edward said absently.

"What do you say?" Rosalie and Alice are all together, but their intonation is entirely different. While Alice was happy, Rosalie was angry, though she didn't hate Selena, she didn't want her family to be close to humans.

"Why are you saying that, Edward? Don't you think about what will happen?" Rosalie fired, next to Emmett comforting her so she wouldn't explode.

"Calm down, Rosalie, I know what makes you scared of, but I don't think she will harm our family," Edward said.

"You couldn't read her thoughts but was so confident." Rosalie was not angry but still felt uncomfortable.

"I trust her, You have to trust me, too," Edward looked straight into Rosalie's eyes.

She felt so silent, Rosalie had never seen Edward's face so serious. This was also the first time Edward defended a human being. He was always cold, never caring about others, simply because he found it annoying. Yet because of Selena, Edward persuaded Rosalie to trust the girl. This really makes people curious.

While the two were arguing, Alice approached Selena. Everyone at the table eating was surprised when she approached. Alice ignored the surprised eyes of the others, smiling at Selena.

"Selena, tonight Esme invited you to my house to eat" Alice smiled "Are you busy?"

Hearing that everyone was surprised. The Cullen family has initially been not close to others, always pointing to each other, never seeing anyone who could be close to them. Yet Selena was invited to Cullen's house for dinner, which many people dreamed of but couldn't get. They were curious at last, not knowing why Selena had a close relationship with the Cullens.

Selena thought quietly. She did not want to be close to the Cullen family since it was very troublesome. But she loved Esme very much, the woman reminded her of her mother. After all, they invited her, Selena could not refuse. What had come was inevitable.

"No, I will come," Selena smiled softly.

Alice sees Selena agreeing to be happy and smiling. She turned away, returned to her room table and continued with the dishes that didn't match the taste but in a joyful spirit.

Selena saw Alice so happy and smiled a little, the smile came from her heart. Did she just make Alice pleased like that when she came to eat? As she was about to turn away, she discovered Edward was looking at him. Brown eyes stared at her, which had an emotion that was hard to put into words, like full of affection. Selena frowned, why did he look at her like that. Turning to see Bella was also looking at him, maybe Edward was looking at her. Selena turned away.

After Selena turned away, Edward no longer looked at her. Seeing Bella looking at him, his eyes were no longer as gentle as before but instead were cold and disgusted. In time for Bella to take shape, he turned his head. Bella saw that and stopped. Yesterday too, Edward looked at her with unhappy eyes. At first, she thought who Edward treated the same way, but today he saw Selena with that look, so different from her. Bella felt something was very uncomfortable in her body, why? Apparently, she met Edward first; apparently, she met him after her, but it was like that.

Bella looked at Selena in a sly manner. She didn't like this girl even a little. She's too perfect, and the ideal person is never right.

Selena felt Bella's disgusting eyes, although she was happy outside, talking friendly with others but smiling coldly inside. Jealous? What does she have to envy her? Selena hates the person likes Bella, which is not her own, but suspicious of others when she has not tried anything. Such people are called useless.

"Selena, why are you familiar with Cullen's house?" Jessica curious, "They even invited you to dinner."

"I just moved yesterday, so I got lost," Selena explained, "They met me and helped me back."

"So they invited you to the dining hall?" Angela interjected "You're lucky. Not everyone can go to Cullen's house."

Selena refused to continue.

"What's your next period?" James turned to ask Selena.

"Astronomy," Selena said while she was rearranging her bentos to prepare to leave.

"I studied Arithmetic" James pretended to sigh "We aren't in the same class again, how about I change to be in the same course with you?"

Seeing a fake smile, laughing on James's lips, Selena was also uneasy.

"If you want to," Selena shrugged and stood up. "Bye, I will leave now."

Saying that, Selena left the canteen, James followed her out but turned in another direction.

Selena went on to her classes again. Although the first day she went to school, she showed her intelligence and understanding. The first day was not bad, at least no one was staring at her or talking about her. This school is more interesting than Selena imagined, it is still more than the old school in Boston. The only thing she was not happy about today was facing with Bella so much, but it was okay, it didn't affect her mood today.


Finally, the class ended. Selena was preparing to leave, when she went out to the door and saw Edward, she frowned slightly. Seeing Alice also standing beside Jasper with her head stuck out, Selena remembered that she had to come to Cullen's house for dinner tonight. Alice saw Selena pull her hand out to where she stood with Rosalie, the beauty looked at her and nodded a little, uneasy, but there was no sign of anger, beside Emmett raised his hand to greet Selena and then put it on Rosalie's shoulder. Edward was very polite, he took her bag for her. However, this made many people notice. They all talked about it, both envious and admiring for her when she was with Cullen, even the cold celebrity like Rosalie wasn't angry when she was with her.

"She just went to school for only one day but still won the prince's heart."

"So jealous."

People were gossiping about it a lot, but it didn't affect Selena and Cullen family. Selena rarely paid attention to the words of others, saying that they were just unoccupied people who didn't know what to do, so they had such thoughts, and the Cullens were used to it.

On the car, Selena put on her seat belt and watched. This car is different from James's car, it seems older but looks ancient and pretty. Since Alice and Jasper ride Rosalie's car, there are only two left in the car, the atmosphere continues to sink. Edward was driving, occasionally glancing at the girl in his car, she sat very well, her eyes always looking out the window, not saying a word. It was pleasant to go with her, making him forget the fatigue of enduring the smell of Bella's blood.

Selena looked out the window with her hand, not knowing what she was doing. Obviously, she knew that she had to stay away from the Cullen family or troubles would happen, but when Selena saw Alice's begging face, she could not refuse, that face reminded her of a person from a long time. Perhaps now that person is in another world.

"Do you want to listen to music?" Edward cut off Selena's thoughts.

"Canon, do you have that?" Selena asked.

Edward was quite surprised when she also listened to non-verbal music, most young girls would not like to listen to this type of music, and when reading the thoughts in her mind were strange songs, he didn't think she would listen to the songs like this. It seems like he never understood anything about her.

"Yes, I just don't think young girls like this kind of music." Edward turned on the music.

Canon melody resounded in the car, gently cheerful but something unfortunate. Both of them are immersed in the music. Selena felt so comfortable when she was tired, she listened to it, which made her more comfortable and confident in everything. Edward turned to see Selena closing her eyes to listen to music, her hands occasionally moving as if she was the one playing the piano. So cute.

Edward smiled himself, not a smirk or a cold, but a happy smile from his heart. Selena herself turned everything she didn't know.

Everything started to change ...

... The rotation is shifted

~End Chapter 2~


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