A Hidden connection is far stronger then an obvious one

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Happy New Year to all

It's been really long time I have been telling you about "CHOTI DULHAN" well good news is it will be short story of single chapter n updating soon mostly by next month on sriti's birthday
Hopefully I manage to complete it by then

Now without much delay here's next part, hope you like it n yes only few more parts left n if you all like to read more then maybe I will add some more


It was almost lunchtime.... he was still sitting on couch n watching tv
Aditi came n sat beside him

He acts as if nothing happened, even she does the same
Robin comes with fruit salad
"Juice..... she likes juice"
Abhi informs with almost chocked voice

"Fruits have more fibre n nutritious then juice.... it's good for health"
Dadi said joining them on couch

Aditi has one bite n she feels puckish n runs from there n Abhi too runs behind her, forgetting all about his Swollen ankle

He puts hand on tummy
"Babies are fine...right.... I think we should go for check up"

She kept on looking at him for longest time ever
She was still in her lost zone n Abhi already took doctor's appointment n sat on couch n started searching on net about "is having sex during pregnancy is harmful ???"
He got little relief after knowing almost everything related sex during pregnancy,
Aditi was sitting in her room by now, n thinking about him n soon she fell asleep

Here Abhi was still feeling guilty about what happened last night

Suddenly she heard voices

"I will meet you after 2 days ok now you go back"

"how can I sleep in same room, what if he???"

"he is your husband then what's your problem"

"just because he is my husband, I should have no problem, how can you say that???"

"Everybody is not Suresh"

"he loves somebody else"

She woke up with jerk n then shouts in pain
Everybody came instantly to her room n she gave body crushing hug to Abhi n continue crying

"Please call bulbul, I want to talk, ..... I want to go back"

Dadi n robin left the room understanding situation

Cupping her face he almost cried
"Look I'm really sorry for whatever happened yesterday.... believe me it was not intentional...."

She cuts in
"I have to speak with her..... it's really urgent.....what if I forget"

He was shocked
"What???? How can you forget???? ( she was about burst in crying) I remember everything... I will tell her.... you rest for now... I will call her"

"I'm not talking about us.....
It's about something else..."

He cuts in

"It's really personal..,. I can't tell you.... please try to understand"

He was still thinking it's something related to last night
"Look I have taken doctor's appointment..,,, I read it on net.... there is nothing to worry .... sex during pregnancy is completely safe.... it won't effect babies....."

"Are you out of your mind..... I know that .... that's why I didn't stop you.... but this is totally different.... nothing related to we having sex......"

"So you knew n still allowed me inside you"

"I just didn't stop you"


"I don't know....."

"I don't know....What kind of answer is that??"

"Can you please call Di... I want talk right now.... I want to go back"

"Enough is enough.... ( he roared) you are not going anywhere n I'm not calling anyone, first you tell me clearly what happened?"

"You don't know anything about my past n you won't understand it"

"You can't decide that I won't understand.... first tell me only then I will call bulbul"

"Ok....... I want to talk her about Suresh....."

He shocked n just kept looking at her

"Seee.... I told you.... you don't know him or my past.... only Di can help... so please now call her"

"we will call her in morning..... that's first we will do after doctor's appointment"

She was exhausted trying to convince him so she didn't argue further

"Should I get you juice"

"Actually... ice cream will help...."

"Ok I will be back in minute"

He Stormed out n quickly called bulbul


"Why ??? every time Suresh's past is connected with my present"

"What are you talking about??"

"Aditi..... wanted to talk to you something about Suresh, n wants to go back.... I somehow convinced her that she can talk to you in morning..... is she Suresh's girlfriend??? Did he just played with her feelings n left??? Did he cheated on her n then Pragya??? Is she carrying his babies???"
He bombarded with questions

"She is not carrying his babies...that's all I can say to you for now.... we will talk in morning"

She just cut the call, he calls her back but she again cuts his call

"Damm... if Aditi not carrying Suresh's babies then why she wants to talk about Suresh n wants to go back" he talks to himself n goes back with ice cream

"Can I come in"

"It's your house.... why are you asking for permission"

"It's my house that means you allow me to enter anywhere"
He replied sarcastically

"I'm also sorry about yesterday, I don't know why I didn't stop you"

"I promise..."

She cuts in n puts finger on his lips
"Please don't say anything further....I said I want to go back but it's not because of you.... I just freak out when I saw dream.... I was scared.... I was just blabbering, I'm so staying here"

"Forget about your dream... n stupid Suresh.... now finish your ice cream"
He didn't wanted her to stress more

"Ok but can you"

He gets up instantly
"I will ask dadi to sleep with you"

"I'm not asking you to sleep here, I just wanted to say can you please stop stressing yourself, whatever happened yesterday, I'm equally at fault, you did it because maybe you were not in your sense but I didn't stop you .... I was losing it completely, maybe because of hormones, in pregnancy such things happens.... hormonal imbalance"

He cuts in

"I know, I had read it .... in morning when I was searching on net about sex n pregnancy"

"I can't believe it.... you freaked out...."

He cuts in
"Obviously.... is this funny??"
He was hell annoyed

"Ok ok ...It's not funny..... I'm sorry..... I promise next time you try I will give you tight slap n you will back to your senses"

"That's it....( he tickles her) now slap me"

She actually gives him tightly on his right cheek
"I'm sorry..(she was trying hard to not laugh) it was reflex action"

"Im going for now"

She kissed him on left

"It was right cheek"

"I know.... ( she gives now on right) bye"

"Tomorrow morning... don't be late... first doctor then meet bulbul"

"Di is here...."

"Yes.... we will go to meet her"

"But why didn't you told me before"

"Aditi please...."

"Ok bye"

"Should I ask Robin to send dinner here"

"It's ok I will come down after sometime"

"I'm going out, will come late, so don't wait for me n sleep early"

"Where are you going?"


"N dinner??"

"I will eat there only"

"Can I come, it's been really long time since I went clubbing"

"What you will do there?? I don't think dancing is good idea n you can't even have drinks"

"So do you, you are not going to drink Mr Abhishek Prem Mehra"
N something flashed her

"What??? Why are you calling me with my full name"
He was amused

"Nothing it just like that"
She smiled awkwardly

"What's your last name??"


"You n bulbul have same surnames"

She looks confused

"Abhi please don't drink....."

"Aditi please..... you go to sleep after dinner n lock door"

"Are you afraid you gonna..."
She teased him

He cuts in
"Don't you dare complete that sentence.... bye"
He rushed out from there n she laugh out

She kept on thinking
"was she married?? N if yes... then her husband was in love with someone else....
Am I pregnant with his babies or I was having affair with person I was talking to??
Who is Suresh???
Why that person told everybody is not Suresh??
Does Suresh was my ex boyfriend n I married someone else n sharing my problems with some other person??
How many men were in my life ??
N in all this where Abhi fits??? It's obvious I know him from past that's why I keep on sketching him, god I will go nuts if I keep on thinking all these, why can't I ask Abhi directly"
With all these thoughts she fell asleep
N here Abhi kept on thinking about "how she is related to Suresh ???" But he was not able to come at any conclusion n he kept on drinking almost whole night

Next day

She found herself sleeping with company, there he was sleeping bare with only shorts on, hair all messed up which actually look sexy n row, she bite her lower lip, she was so so turned on n just kept looking at him but keeping all desire aside she tries to wake him

"Abhi... Abhi.... wake up"

"What??? Let me sleep for some time more"

"Why are you sleeping on couch?"

"Ohh yes couch "

"But why are you not sleeping in your bedroom"

"I was sleeping in my bedroom...but you..... I just came to see you.... as I enter room fall on couch ....so sleep here only"

"Ok...but wake up... we have to go for appointment"

He wakes up instantly n goes to his room immediately

Soon after breakfast they reached hospital

"Dr Gupta she is my friend I told you about yesterday...."

"Yes... come Aditi.."

After check up

"Everything is fine, babies are doing but we will operate her little early maybe after 36 weeks"
Doctor informed

"Why??, you just said everything is fine"

"Listen..... it's twins.... we can't wait till last moment....anything can go wrong n plus her condition n everything else I have informed her"

"What everything else??? Tell me"

"How can I discuss with you, if you were her husband then it would be totally different thing"

"Ohh I understand"
He fakes

"Doctor anything else???"
She inquired as she comes out

"Nothing, just remember what I said inside, then everything will be fine"

"Abhi let's go"
She harried

"Thanks doctor bye for now"

As soon as they left doctors office
He bombarded with questions

"What happened??? What he said inside??? What was he talking about??? Why he can't discuss with me??"

"Abhi .... stop it..."

"Is everything ok"

"Didn't he said it to you??"

"Yes he said everything is fine but what about everything else??? He said he would discuss it with your husband n why won't he tell me"

"Because he don't knew it was you, who had sex with me ok,"

"Did it harm babies"

"Please stop bugging me, he said everything is fine but next time if I have sex then I should be little more careful n use condom, for more smooth intercourse, or use lubricant... because my area is dry... you want to hear further"

He gives her that look

"I can't believe it ... why ??? ( he still insists) ok fine....further he said my breast are sensitive so should be touched more softly n can do doggy style for deep or spooning for relaxed intercourse .... that's all he said"

"Ok.... next stop bulbul"

"Actually can we go back home... I want to rest.... specially after he inserted

He cuts in
"What???(He stopped car) where????? Why??"

"He inserted his hand to check, it's routine things gynaecologist do to check if walls are fine or not"

"Whole hand"

"I really don't want to talk to you right now, you are impossible"

Rest of their journey was quite soon bulbul n Purab came to meet Aditi
Right after they reached home

Bulbul straight went to meet Aditi n entered her room
"Hey Choti, how are you feeling"

"Di I'm fine, can you stay here with me"

"Why ?? What happened??"

"Nothing.... Abhi takes extra care, n bugs me all the time, he didn't even takes me out for walk or dinner, I'm really bored"

Abhi was shocked to hear how she was complaining about him but didn't utter a word as he was hiding behind door to hear their conversation, he was so eager to know how she knows Suresh

"I can't stay here, it's his house n"
Bulbul tries to explain

She cuts in
"It's my house too"


"Dadi said ... it's my house too"

"You come with me,
Before she completes her sentence
Purab came in holding Abhi's ear

"He was spying on both of you"

"He is lying, I was just about to enter your room"

"Liar.... I saw you"
Aditi snap back

"That's why you were complaining about me to your bulbul Di"

"Caught you"

"Ok fine... I'm sorry"

"Ok both of you out from this room, I want to talk to Choti, something personal ok out"

"Don't worry I will take this spy from here"
Purab again twist Abhi's ear n both were out

"Now Aditi tell me"

"What Di?"

"Abhi said you wanted to talk to me"

"Ohh that, I had dream, I freaked out, I was just blabbering, I don't remember now"
Truth was she was not ready to hear any new information

"No problem, if you remember tell  me"

" I think I told Abhi, you can ask him"

"fine, let's go down"

"I want to sleep for while I'm tired"

"Ok, I'm going tomorrow if you want you can come with me or stay here till you deliver, whatever you are comfortable with"

"I'm not sure, maybe few more days then will come"

"Alright then, I n Purab are here till lunchtime, then going out for movie, if want you also want to join"

"I don't want to be third wheel, you carry on, n can you please tell Abhi to send lunch here only"


"We went for checkup, n you know how I feel uncomfortable after that"

"You should have told Abhi you are comfortable with female gynaecologist"

"Let it be... I think he understood, next time he will remember"

"Ok then bye"

As soon as bulbul n Purab went he comes to her room

"Lunch is here"

"Why two plates"

"We both will have it together"

"You did had with them"

"I did, but I'm still very hungry"

"Liar !!"

"What is there to lie, I had one roti with them n now one with you"

"So sweet of you"

"I'm going to be sour, because I'm not there for dinner, I have this meeting to attain so will come directly tomorrow evening"

"Take me with you"

"What you will do? N I'm going pune, it's not good to travel 3-4 hours that too by car"

"my life sucks, there no excitement, why I had to be pregnant that too with twins"

"Are you out of your mind, what are saying"

"What else to say?? I can't even connect to babies, they are to tiny to even talk right now"

"Do babies talk in tummy"
He was totally amused

"No but At least in latter stages I can feel their movements"

"Don't get upset I will call doctor n ask if you can travel"

"Did you called n ask him for day before yesterday"
She was annoyed

"I lose you win, you can come with me"

"I love you for this"
She instantly gives hug

Hope you like it
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Happy Reading

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