What meant to be, will always finds its way

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Hey readers 
happy Diwali
Happy new year
in advance
I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as i enjoy writing it
Even this one is coming to end soon
Please excuse for grammatical errors as I'm not pro writer,
Do vote n comment if you like it
Happy reading

Soon both slept in same room same bed, she was comfortable on his lap, but he was so very uncomfortable n struggling to sleep sound, finally early morning he had peaceful sleep
Soon that peaceful sleep turned into nightmare
"Are you out of your mind.....leave me.....you are hurting my babies.....you are really pervert .....stop hugging me so hard.....aaaabbhhhiiiiiiiii get up from me"
She shuts her lungs out when she felt sudden weight on her body which was unbearable
"Abhi....... are you sleeping or you are unconscious" again she asked with little Curiosity but still there was no response n she finally pushed him harder

"Ouch..... Pragya What is this??"

"Pragya????......I'm Aditi..... are you alright???"

He comes back to reality, n gets worried about her health n instantly puts hand on her tummy
"I'm sorry...... I was dreaming ...."
He almost choked n left from there, leaving Aditi confused

It was about 11am, Abhi was not home, n Aditi was getting tense of thinking where he must have gone???.....did she over reacted????.... did he got angry n left??.... or he is ashamed of his behaviour so he left???? All these thoughts were driving her nuts
Just then he comes with 2-3 bags
"Hey Aditi..... I'm sorry.... for morning.... I was so deeply dreaming that I didn't realise, you too were there next to me...."

"It's ok..... me too sorry..... I over reacted...."

"Aditi..... shut up..... n take these..."

"Pregnancy testing kit??? But why???.....I already know I'm pregnant n that too with twins"

He cuts in
"You know..... my friends prank me n my wife..... that she was pregnant..,... that to with her ex boyfriend...... she was so annoyed....

She cuts in
"But I already done all tests n even sonogram.... than why????"

"Please Aditi for my satisfaction...." he literally pleaded making puppy face

"Ok" this was all she could say but in mind she was hell annoyed n confused of his behaviour

"Now don't be couch potato... move your butt n check now"

"you are scaring me right now..., weirdo"
She mummers to herself n goes stamping her feet

"Are you done....are you pregnant??"

"Abhi stop bugging me..... n yes I tested...  n yes I'm pregnant.... But..."

"What happened???? Are you ok??? Should I come in???"

"I swear one more word from you....I will go from here.... I just wanted to say but please don't ask about father again"

"......." he didn't said anything

"Why You didn't reply???" Asking so She comes out n show pregnancy kit to him...

He jumps like little boy n gives her body crushing hug..... n sign something

"Abhi I don't understand??? What are you trying to say???"

He takes note pad n writes
"I promise I won't speak from now on, but please don't be angry, this will affect both you n baby, once again I'm sorry for morning.,, hope you are fine now"

"Abhi.... it's ok.... you can talk.... I promise I won't go from here today but some day I have to go back London"

"But why??? You can stay here... with me"

"Are you forgetting you are married.... n your wife is missing...."

He cuts in
"I know....what are you trying to say...., but you are my friend.... I'm not asking to marry me... or I'm cheating on my wife..,,. I'm helping my friend"

"But what if she comes back n gets upset......seeing me at your house like this"

"I really hope that day comes.... at least I will able to see her in person.... everyone around me says she died.... but she is alive for me.... n she will always be in my heart....you know she is really gem of person, n very understanding.... she is not typical jealous wife..."

"I will pray that you meet your wife soon...you deserves all love"

"Just like you ..... get ready for evening....there is surprise for you"

"Sure.....I love surprise"

"I know..... but you know whenever I tried surprising my wife she used to faint..... once again I'm sorry.... I don't know why I'm missing her today way to much...bye for now...,. I have some important meeting.., I will come by 6pm... you be ready.... we will have dinner together"

He is such naive, first he told its surprise then he himself told about having dinner together, it's obvious we are going out for dinner she smiled thinking about him

Bulbul was going to reach Mumbai in evening around 5pm, it was decided Purab n Abhi together will go to receive her at airport, ( this is not surprise)
But Abhi was not picking up purab's call, who was waiting outside airport, finally he just turned towards entrance to go inside airport n
he was shocked to see Abhi who was already inside n thundering on Bulbul
He was not able to hear what Abhi was angry for as he was standing at distance

"Hey relax Abhi, why you made my would be wife cry like baby??"

"She lied about Aditi's pregnancy, what was she thinking that I will not know???, as she very well knew she is going stay here with me for her medication ... that to for maybe 2-3 months

Purab cuts in
"But there must be something ..."

Abhi doesn't let him finish n cuts in
"she is carrying twins n Bulbul should have told me earlier, I would have taken better care of Aditi"

"Wow so much care n affection for Aditi ...,, I'm so happy for you, finally you moved on in life"

"Shut up!!.... I'm worried about her health... I think i should leave..... it's her medication time"

"You are leaving right now but please don't tell her Bulbul is here, I want to spend little time with her.... inform Aditi tomorrow.... ok"

"No..,,, not even tomorrow.... maybe next week ok...bye"
Abhi mummers

Bulbul just kept looking at both of them n thought to herself, "they don't even care to ask me if I wanted to meet her.... sorry Choti.... I am being selfish..... I promise I will come to meet you soon"
It was almost 7pm he reached home,

"Aditi aaaditi.... where are you???"

"Stop screaming..... I'm here in bedroom.....just a minute I'm coming"

No need, I'm coming there......here take it"
He gives a bag

Wow .... gift ....sari ....but dont ...mind me .... if you gift something at lest wrap it n give
She quickly removes it from bag

He cuts in
Done with your lecture, it's not gift....it's my wife's sari..... wear it come with me......


He again cuts in
"Where we are going.... you can't were this kind of clothes, which you wearing right now"

"What is wrong with this???
She shows her T-back tee"

"You can't come in this tees n jeans"

"These are comfortable, specially in pregnancy"
She pouts

"Yes .... now you are talking... you should wear something that covers your tummy......." n he winked

"Oh yes... "

"Fast change clothes"


"Now what????"

"I don't know how to wear sari.... your wife doesn't wear anything else that can fit me???"

"She do wears salwars n all but I doubt that will fit you.... wait I know.... I will help you wear sari"

"Ok.... but I will feel shy in front of you.....so ..please close your eyes"

"Are you mad.... how can I do it with eyes closed...... but you can one thing..... you ...close your eyes.... so you won't feel awkward"


She comes wearing blouse n petticoat .... n stand with eyes closed n cross her hands in front.. he gets hell nervous n was cursing himself for such dumb idea, n he starts n quickly drapes her.... as he himself felt weird about this whole thing..... but during process his eyes fells on mole near her right shoulder n he thinks even Pragya has it n he again get confused no no she has it on left shoulder

She opens her eyes n looks herself in mirror n noticed him who is again lost in his own world
"Abhi where are you lost....now don't tell me you remember your wife..... you are really weird... always thinking of her.... but you don't go to find her...."

He comes back to planet earth n cuts in
"It's done.,,,, not stop your lecture n come fast.... we are getting late"

"Where are we going????"
She asked innocently... she thought she knows that they are going for dinner but she didn't knew that it's just half story

"Now that's surprise"
He smirked, even he doesn't know that this idea of his will change his life forever

they started car....there was no discussion, both of them were busy thinking that they know what's going happen next..... but what was running in there mind was just one side of story

Soon they arrived
She was confused looking at this place n was wondering why he brought her here

"Abhi I thought we are going to some restaurant for dinner"

"Do you really think I'm that naive, if I said it's surprise n mentioned about dinner together that doesn't mean we are going to some restaurant....... now don't trouble yourself....this is my house"

Her eyes widened.... n mummers "why???"

"We are here to meet my Dadi.... ok.... n don't tell about pregnancy.... n don't tell we are staying in same house.... n don't"

She cuts in
"Abhi....... shut up......I know that.... why will I say I'm pregnant n I'm living with you to your Dadi?"

"But I will..... ok.... in my way....you don't utter a word"

"But ... why???"

He didn't answer her n he wanted her to stay here from now as she was pregnant n rings bell
Dadi with excitement comes

"Abhi .... finally...who is she???? So you finally moved on....I'm so happy..."

"Dadi it's not like what you think.... n at least let her come in.... you just started blabbering... I will go back if you assume things like this..... I know Purab must have informed you"
Abhi replies with annoyance

"Namastey Dadi.... im Aditi... from London... n"
He pressed her hand very tightly

"N... my college friend"
He completes her sentence n she looks at him shocked

"Aditi....you look Familiar... have we met before???"

"Dadi ..... I don't know... maybe.. it's been years" she didn't know what else to say

"Let's have dinner"
He rushed both ladies to dining table

Robin started serving food n notice there was awkward silence which he didn't like n specially when his abhi sir came home after so many days n that to with new friend, so he decided he will do something

He very smartly poured raita on her
"Ohh god...."
She suddenly gets up with jerk due to which she almost fainted

"Aditi are you alright????"
Abhi literally jumped on
Dadi was shocked n worried at same time

"Dadi actually I forgot that I should not have got up suddenly, I'm heart patient, my BP drops very low due to this"
She tried to explain

"Ohh ..... I thought..... let it be.... you know .. I was very young ...When I conceived prem, Abhi's dad n my only son, at that time I was only 17 years n full of energy, I used to literally wanted to do every thing myself n only then I felt relaxed but my mother in law used to say ...in pregnancy we should not do any sudden movements which results in fainting"

"Really I didn't knew that...."
Abhi somehow was trying to cut in their conversation but failed

"Aditi.... Consider me as your dadi.... n there is nothing to hide.... all is completely noticed.... if you wore jeans or something i would have thought maybe you are on healthier side but this sari says it all"

"Dadi there is nothing like that..... I'm really heart patient... I'm here for my medication"

"Aditi first come with me...I think you should change.... I might have  something that fits you"
He just dragged her before even she answers

Dadi n robin tried hard not to laugh on his childishness

"Abhi.... leave my hand it hurts.... why you are behaving like this"

"So what should I do.... I told you I will tell everything myself... then why you said you are pregnant??"

"I didn't said anything.... dadi only figures out.... she is so smart... not like you.... You are tubelight ..."

"Take this n come down.( he gives her pragya's pyjamas)....I'm going" he stamps his feet n goes

He is totally mad.... how can I wear this n comedown..... this shorts...... buggy Tee...with bunnies print.....he is so cute when he is angry..... i think I will just msg him n tell
"I'm really tried.....I'm not coming down..., resting in your guest room... please don't disturb... I hope it's ok.... if I sleep here for while..,one more thing you look really cute when angry"

Big smile came on his face after reading her msg, luckily it was not noticed by anyone

"Aditi stays in which hospital for treatment????"

"Dadi..., can she stay here please...she is alone.... she really wishes if she can make it till she deliver babies ...."

"What???? Babies???? Does that mean Twins ???"

"Yes dadi.... she is carrying twins"

"Is she really your college friend???"

"Dadi ...... please.... ok fine.... she is bulbul's roommate in London... but she is so attached to Aditi that she is not able to do her treatment properly... she gets way to emotional n alll"

"Ok she can stay here.....but..... promise me..... you will not let anything happen to her... she is so sweet..n ...."

"I know where your sweet ends..... I love only Pragya n she also knows that n very clearly ok"

"Ok.... let her stay here from today itself.... n get all her belongings tomorrow from hospital"

"You are best dadi"
He hugs her tightly.... abhi wanted Aditi move here because she feels alone when he is not around n dadi can take better care of her pregnancy

"What was name of hospital again???"

"Dadi please.... I'm really tired, n look at you ..... you too are also so tired.... let's call it for night bye goodnight"
He just rushed back to her room to check on her

She was about to fall from bed, as it was smaller from what she used to sleep on, he caught her in correct time, here she was in so deep sleep that she didn't even realised it
To make sure she doesn't fall again he decided he will sit on side of bed
Today again....Soon both slept in same room same bed, she was comfortable on his lap, but he was so very uncomfortable n struggling to sleep sound
Just then he sees her closely n he remembered something but was confused.... he again checks....he then cups her face, n looks at her very closely, he moves her face up n down n then  from side to side....stress himself to think clearly but still confused,
He was in big dilemma, his heart was saying she is his pragya but his mind somehow already accepted that she is dead, his hearts again n again screaming that she is his Pragya, but way she looks is little different, he again thought but why doesn't get fainted .....his heart argues with his mind ....n finally he decided...he slowly turns her, his hands were shaking n shivering but he was determined n he forward his hand n unhook her bra, very slowly n softly he looks for another mole which was just behind her blossom, but he failed, he had not that much courage to do it, he felt desperate n ashamed of touching Aditi inappropriately,  he placed bra properly as it was,

Just then she woke up

"What were you doing??? Is it what I am think you were doing??? How can you?? Tell I'm misunderstanding... tell me what I'm thinking is wrong" n she kept questioning him

"I'm sorry...,even I don't understand what is going on, all I remember is I was thinking about ......." reality strikes him..... he can't tell her ... what was running in his mind about her....he just went to his room n lock it

Here whole night She talks to herself
Abhi, I really want to know who am I to you?? when I sketched your pic... I thought we are connected, maybe in love.... maybe I'm your past n you moved on....maybe you know I have lost my memory......n that's why you being so nice to me....n my babies at times I thought you might be father of twins ..... but you keep chanting about how you love your wife....who is she,, who is your wife???, I'm so desperate to know what was between you n me???? Or is it still there???.......what am I thinking????....... truth is I don't know anything about you except your name .....n she dose off with these thoughts

Here Abhi was so ashamed of his actions that he didn't came for breakfast also.... he went out early before anyone woke up

it was almost lunchtime, he send all Aditi stuff with one f his Servent n after that she arranged all her things in guest bedroom n she had her breakfast n lunch in room only .... she informed dadi through robin that she is not keeping well.... so she will eat in room itself n not to worry everything else is fine... so dadi didn't disturb her but she was confused that what must have happened..., "why Abhi is out from morning N why Aditi is suddenly not feeling well???"

He didn't return for dinner also
Aditi was very upset, she argued with herself that she over reacted.... but then he was about to touch me inappropriately .... but this is just your thought... maybe he had something else in mind....
she heard knock at her door
Before even she says come in, he marched in n asked
"Everything is ok??? You said you are not feeling well??? What happened???"
He literally started checking he put his hand on her forehead then neck n last on her tummy, looking for any signs of fever or stomach ache

"Stop it.... are you drunk"

He faints n falls on bed
She made him sleep on bed properly n she herself went to his bedroom
She was amazed at big paintings of Abhi n long curtains, n long bookshelf with attached balcony and she took quick tour of whole bedroom n went to sleep
It was around 3am she screamed
She had vision
It was same room in which she is sleeping right now, Abhi was sitting on arm chair n shouting at her,
"what's your problem, why can't you accept the fact, n move on in life"

"this baby is my problem, I'm not even able to feel or connect to baby, it's my body n my life, I will decide whom I want, n definitely I don't want this baby,"
( she was not able to see herself, only back was Visiable)

"enough is enough, if I don't have any problem then why are you feeling guilty"

"I'm not feeling guilty but disgust, this baby is not going born out of love but hate"

"you are impossible,"
Flashback ends

Abhi woke up instantly but was confused what he was doing in her room n if he is here then where is she??? He quickly figured out she is in his room
As soon as he entered she gave him body crushing hug

"Abhi please sleep here only, next to me.... I really had bad dream... please"

He just puts hand on her tummy n sleeps beside her, he was still not fully in his senses

Here Aditi too gave  him side hug but was busy in thinking
was that lady is me or someone else???
Why someone else???
If I'm getting vision then it must me.....
she was constantly arguing with her inner self,
She was distracted when she felt his hand was inside her tee, she wanted to scream but then she liked how his hand was moving on beats of her heart, that soft touches made her carve for more, soon she lost in game..... she gave up....... he was now out of control, he so wanted to explore all other parts..... n she too wanted same..... passion had took over practicality.... she knew it was sin.... but it felt so pure.....
now he was spooning her .... n soon he enters....... she reached her peak but he was still not ready to give up ......... n finally after few more unexpected moments .... he too reach clouds nine......she so wanted to get up n get cleaned... but he was still in no mood to let her go.....

It was early morning he was first one to get up..... he was horrified to look around .... every single thing .... n fact that he slept with her n this time....for all different reasons...... he clearly understood what must have happened......but then he thought..... I did because I was drunk but why she allowed.... did she mistaken me... maybe she thought I love her...... oh my god..... I need to clarify.... this happened just because I mistaken her for Pragya....oh yes.... now is chance.... I can see...
He goes close to her n slowly tried to lift her blossom so he can see mole he wanted to see earlier but to his disappointment.... that area was covered with stitches....
Now what..... I'm so selfish.... I'm so self-centred person... I'm just thinking about myself.... what about her..... she will be so angry with me when I will tell her that I mistaken her for Pragya...... no no ... I can't hurt her..... she is already suffering through so many things ..... I will make sure..... she is not hurt ...
He goes to take shower
Here Aditi opened her eyes n went to mirror n started looking herself in it.....she was confused.... what was he trying to see.??? She too lift her blossom n saw stitches.....
Does he knows about this???
"Aditi first think about how will you face him???
He was drunk, maybe he didn't knew what he was doing but you... you were enjoying it..... you didn't stopped him...... what if he asked you about this...... no .... he himself is so shy about all this.... he won't even bring out this topic ever again..... but that vision???

Just then he came out fully dressed.... shirt that covers his neck properly.....n coat that covers up his hands as wanted to hide love bits n scratches from nails

He so wanted run out from here to anywhere were no one can find him, but to his bad luck one by one each every person met him today
First in list was robin, who brought breakfast to bedroom itself as it was late n was surprised to see Aditi sleep in his room, soon this news reached dadi

While having breakfast dadi stop by ( can you believe it Aditi was still SLEEPING)

"What happened?? No one came for breakfast today??? Why is she sleeping in your bedroom??? This is not done.... what will people think....."

He cuts in
"Dadi.... she was sleeping here only.... i was sleeping in guest room...,. In morning I came to bath ..., we were not sleeping together.... ok"

"Ohh..... I thought"

"Don't you try to act smart.... I know where this is going"

"You know then why don't you marry her..... n give your name to twins"

"Dadi.... we will talk about this later"

He walks to fast from room as if he vanished n dadi laugh

In process of running fast he tripped at entrance of house n robin helped him to living room were he sat with ice pack on his ankle

It was almost lunchtime.... he was still sitting on couch n watching tv
Aditi came n sat beside him

He acts as if nothing happened, even she does same
Robin comes with fruit salad
"Juice..... she likes juice"
Abhi informs almost chocked

"Fruits have more fibre n nutritious then juice.... it's good for health"
Dad said joining them on couch

Aditi has one bite n she feels puckish n runs from there n Abhi too runs behind her forgetting about his Swollen ankle

He puts hand on tummy
"Babies are fine...right.... I think we should go for check up"

She kept on looking at him for longest time ever

Hope you like it
Happy reading
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