Its easy to forget but diffcult to live with some memories

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Story has reached more than halfway to its end, still few chapters left, thanks for you all people for giving your time to read my stories, it means a lot

I'm updating specially  today as me being shabir fangirl forever, it's our rockstar birthday......Shabir stay blessed forever n keep faith everything happens for reason,

Now without much delay here's next update (next update is AMOUR, last part)
PS: please excuse me for grammatical mistakes, I have not edited, please do pinpoint if you find I can edit later


"Aditi...Aditi.... listen...Aditi" he shouted his lungs out, everybody turned to look at him but she didn't turned
He runs towards her n taps on her shoulder, she stops, takes out hands free from ear

"Ohh yes ...I forgot to say you bye... Abhi"

"Aditi....You know me...??"

"You know me??......." she skipped heartbeat when she heard her name from him again

"Ya..,that's what I asked you?" Replied confused Abhi

"You are famous.... everyone knows you..,, but how come you know me??"

"Well....I mean.... I guessed your name" he gets nervous but then just acts

"Do you really want me to believe this.." she reacted like seriously is this true

"If I were you.... I would have" he bites his lips thinking what if she thinks like I'm flirting

"Are you flirting with me??" N she instantly replies

"Sorry babes I'm taken"

"Ohhh... so why are you talking to me???...your girlfriend will kill me"

"I'm married"

"Then also flirting.... you are one brave man.... if I was your wife.... by now you would have definitely be dead meat"

"I love you"
Something clicks him

"What???...are you out of your mind??" She roared

"I'm not proposing you... I was talking to myself.....see you gave me awesome idea.... see my wife is not talking with me.... if you pretend as my girlfriend then she will get jealous or like you said she may even want to kill me.... at least she will come to me" Suddenly tears lined up in his eyes
"Please Aditi will you come with me"

"I don't know??" She was hell confused

He again hugs her n this time even more tightly

"You almost chocked me.... but why me" she was still very confused

"Because you gave me this idea"

"You still didn't tell me you know my name?" She tries to divert conversation

"First you say yes, then only I will tell you"

She was so eager to know how he knows her...that without thinking outcome of this situation she agreed

"Aditi you have agreed n now you can't back out after knowing ok, you have to come with me ....Deal"

he forward his hand n she also promised

"Ok then I got to know about you from hospital, remember that day you scared me with your witch look"

"What??? I look like witch to you!"

"Jokes apart, that day.... I asked head nurse about you n she told me your name"

"So you only know my name... n nothing else?" She was little sad which was visible on her face which melted him

"Ohh I just remembered your Di is my friend's would be wife"

"What??? Di is getting married??" She shouted with excitement but Abhi thought otherwise n quickly reframe his sentence

"I'm just joking, she is my friend"

"Well I know she is getting married to Purab, but I thought it's between me her n purab"
Even Aditi act as she already knows

"You know Purab??"

"I have only seen his pic in Di's phone"

"Ok.... so deal is on, We are going Mumbai today"

"Sorry it's not possible"

"You just make deal with me.... now you can't deny"

"My passport expired.... so I can't"

"Ohh ..... But my flight is today.... n I have to leave today itself... you don't know my wife..... she might come here n kill me"

Both laughs for very long time

Aditi was going back to her place, but suddenly she remembered something n went straight to hospital

Here Abhi was waiting at airport, n thinking about Pragya
He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he failed to notice his name was been announced again n again
He got confused why ???
He met airlines stuff who informed him that there is emergency n he is been called to hospital, n without wasting time he went back

Within no time he reached

"Where is she??"

"Sir .... ma'am is in her cabin"

"Ok, thanks"

"What happened?? Is she alright??? Did she  ......" Abhi asked nervously

"She.....I really don't understand now what happened??" Bulbul gave up this time

"Come on you have to be strong, I have convinced her that she has to come Mumbai with me....don't worry....n she agreed......."


"Where is she??"

"Room 156"
He rushed to her room


She was totally surprised to see him


"You here??? were supposed to go back .... your flight???"

"I had to cancel"


"I thought I will go with you only, so I came back ...,.that I can help you apply for new passport"

"Why are you so desperate to take me with you??"

"Because I love my wife, you have given me such awesome idea..."

"Really you are unbearable n unbelievable"

"Ok, jokes apart....actually I have signed one more assignment so had to stay for few more days"

"Ok but how you know I was here??"

"I came here for telling Bulbul that I will be staying at her other apartment as I'm bored with outside food"

"Ok then see you later, I need to rest now"

"But you didn't tell me ....why are you admitted here??"

" it's personal ...."

"Well I know.... but still want to hear it from you"

"You are don't know anything"

"Well .....I know you are.... .....heart patient"

"So you know only this about me??"

"Is there anything more??"

"No.....but please don't come here again..... you kinda annoy me"

"Really???? don't like me.... ?"

"You are really one shameless person, if you came here to meet Di then...why you standing here??? Did I called you??? Please leave"

"Your Di is very worried about you... please don't do things that you might regret later....."

He just left from there, without  saying bye or even looking at her
She felt empty....

It's been 3days..... Aditi didn't went for walk nor she came out of her room.... she didn't even care to make any meals, Bulbul tried hard to talk to her but she was angry with her as she didn't like that Bulbul discussed Her life with  Abhi.....she argued that how can she just inform an outsider about her problems

It's was fourth day, Aditi was one stubborn person... she still continue with her silent treatment to Bulbul.... her Di

"Choti....enough is come out ....or .... I'm calling.....Abhi...he is main root cause of all this .... I'm calling him"

Aditi did not responded... Her Di again repeated
"I'm ready to answer all your questions.... please Choti talk to me"

She slowly comes out then 🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇 (you will know this in coming updates)

Just then
"Hey ladies ....." Abhi enters giving flying kisses

"Who called you here???.....all this is happening because of you.." Bulbul cursed him

"I hate you..... I can't stand you.... you give me headache" Aditi roared stamping her legs n marched back to her room

"Clam down.... it's not good for you...Aditi please" he followed her to room n he securely hold her hand n made her seat on bed

"I lied to you... my passport is not expired" she pouted

"I know..,. So let's pack... we have flight to catch"

"I can't travel.... my health"

"Everything is fine.... forget packing..., will buy new clothes n everything..., it's getting really late"


He literally took her in arms n made her sit in car.... bulbul who watched this thanks god that finally everything is getting back to normal n now she can start planning for her n Purab marriage

(I know you all might be thinking why Abhi being so desperate to take Aditi to Mumbai n fake that she is his girlfriend will know by end of this part)


They reached safely but Abhi didn't took her to his home, he was afraid his Dadi might overthink or Aditi will feel awkward, he didn't even introduce her to Purab in spite he knew that Purab knows about Aditi....instead he took her so his rented apartment which he booked from London, Aditi didn't had any idea about this,

"Abhi you stay here...alone ??? Your parents???" She beamed

"They died in accident"

"Ohhh.... my parents too died plan crash...when I was small....

"Oh.... mine died in road accident"

"So you live alone all these years"

"No I leave with my grandma.., she has gone to our native place"

"I really want to rest.,, can you book hotel for me"

"Why hotel??? Stay here..... all rooms are empty..,., go select one room for yourself..... I will take other one"

"You are kidding.... I won't stay alone with you.... I don't trust you fully"

"It's ok.... if you want... you stay here... I will go n stay in hotel"

"I was just joking.... even if there would have one room... I would have shared it with you....I'm here because I trust you ok"



It's been 2 weeks.,, Abhi was finding it very difficult to tackle Aditi...,, she was very demanding n dominating........if she want something then it's end of discussion, her habits were driving him crazy...,, he cursed his stars... for planning such stupid things ......he almost give up


Here with Pragya
"I'm confused ..... should I share my curiosity..,, my idea.... my life .., my secret or should I keep it to's like I'm living two different life, in front of others I'm different person n in this room I'm totally different person,
Slowly I have discovered myself, it's like I'm getting my identity back, im getting these flashbacks, will you ever find me???....but what is our relationship??? Am I just FANGIRL"

She  just finish her new sketch, this was her new routine, when ever she got time she would talk to  herself while sketching

Weeks after With Aditi

"'s really ...was bad idea ... me coming here..... I was better in London.... look outside.... god ... how much pollution"

"If you don't want to come for dinner then don't..... stop being dramatic...."

"I'm not doing any drama.... it's not good for my health..... you know na...."

"Look at you..... you have become like couch potato ....always sitting n doing don't go walk have gained so much....."

"I'm coming in 5 minuets"
She rushed to her room, she lifted her tee little
"Oh god.... my tummy..... it will start to show now..... how I'm going to make him understand this?..... I'm annoying him to core but he is not giving up..... god please save me"

"It's already 15 minuets.... Aditi ... hurry up"

"I changed my mind..... im not coming.... Look .... I don't think.... your wife is spying on you or jealous or insecure or something else..., it's been 2 weeks.... she still didn't return or reacted or any sign.... please.... let me go back.... I have to continue with my treatment.... it's request"

"Ok fine.... but there are good doctors in India also.... in fact one of my friend is Doctor........( suddenly she fainted)

Aditi.....Aditi.... what happened.... please this is no time for jokes.... I'm hell panicked... Aditi.... wake up.." he keeps on patting her softly just then he remembers how pragya used to faint n he sprinkled water
He quickly does same but Aditi doesn't get conscience, he calls Bulbul n informed her everything

"Are you out of your mind?? Why you want to do such stunts, I was afraid of this only, that was reason I kept her away from everyone, she is not in state for any shock or sudden information, didn't I thoroughly made you understand everything, didn't I send you whole list of do's n don't, then how this happened???? Only because of you ....I allow her to go before her treatment was over, you put her at risk, if anything happens, it's all your fault, I thought maybe you will move on in life....with Aditi but now.....I think you will make her move from this world" n she hangs up call n started arranging things to come India

Here Abhi was speechless, he makes her sleep on his lap n patts her softly n he starts analyse what he told, that trigger her health.... I just asked her for dinner n then I told about visiting doctor..... I didn't took any names.... nor restaurant or doctor's name...... I just wanted to help her..... n I just wanted to divert her mind ..... so I thought of this stupid plan....making my wife jealous blablabla ..... I know my pragya is not that kind of person....... she will understand... I'm helping Aditi.... she is suffering .... she is heart patient..... there are so many complications"

"Why are you Staring at like this??" She questioned him feeling awkward

"I'm sorry..... it's not like you think...... I was thinking what i said that made you faint"

"Ohhh..... I thought .... wanted to know ...why I was admitted in hospital.... 2 weeks Back"

"I know that because of some complications....but you refused to get treatment"

"actually....I requested Di to abort my I'm single n heart patient.... (he gave jaw drop look)...yes I'm pregnant with I'm in fix..... when you told you will take me to doctor..... I panicked as I realised first doctor will know....then you....then whole world, I'm not ready to face this right now .....but in few weeks everyone will know I'm pregnant"

"What??? Pregnant....twins....what are you talking???"

"Stop it.... I know Di told you everything...."

"No....not everything...,bulbul ...your Di didn't told me that you are pregnant.....that to with twins......n before marriage??? ( tears lined up in her eyes.... she was about to burst ....he quickly figured out maybe her boyfriend left her, he cupped her face). don't worry...we will find him"

"I know where he is....... I lied to Di that I have no idea about him but truth is I know him.... but he moved on"

"Tell me ..... how's that loser"

"Forget him.... he is married to someone else n I don't want to bother him.... something changed n now I want to live for babies.... but I'm not sure.... if ...I can make it till end.....Abhi...we have only one life, I want to live it to fullest, I don't have time to regret, I have already move on"

"so easy to say but very difficult in practicality"

"that's me, I'm take it easy way, it's easy to forget but difficult to live with such memories, ....I just hope I'm alive for few more months....until....I hold babies in my arms"

He didn't know how to react, this sudden news made him speechless, he just hugged her tight n she also responded same
After their little moment

"Come on's really late for dinner....if you wish to not go out then let me order something here only...I'm so hungry That I can eat you also"

She gave her death glares
"I want spaghettis with some blueberry cheesecake"

"As you say......funny girl"

"Funny.... I thought you are trying to say something else...."

He cuts in
"You know cheesecake is also my favourite"

"I said Blueberry Cheesecake.....blueberry" she makes her sound dramatic

"I know...I'm not deaf...excuse me...I have to make call now"

He quickly goes to his room orders food n later he check file given by Bulbul for Aditi medication n other information
"She has not mentioned anywhere that Aditi is pregnant.... why Bulbul didn't inform me....what was she thinking....she knows Aditi is going to be with me for few months for her treatment as  it was getting very difficult for bulbul as she is so emotionally attached to Aditi that She was not able to perform operation......what was she thinking .... I'm that dumb ....that I won't figure out that Aditi is pregnant..... actually she is right.... here Aditi herself told me...suddenly he felt like déjà vu, it's easy to forget but difficult to live with such memories,....Pragya also said something like this when she broke up with Suresh....."
His train of thoughts stopped when Aditi marched to his room feeling irritated

"What is wrong with you Abhi..... this is forth time I'm calling you but you are busy in your own world..."

"It's Nothing like that....I was thinking about my wife"

" are so sweet always thinking about her....You can share with how you two met"

She made herself comfortable n sits beside Abhi

"We met at pub....there was our common friend....she had came with know at that time she was just FANGIRL to me....and slowly gradually we came to know each other....we are destined ....we got married unknowingly....but when we came to face to face... everything changed... we fall in love all over again..."

"Aditi.....Aditi...." he panicked n patted her

"What is wrong with you let me sleep" She mummers

"Ohh ....I thought....let it be..."

"Abhi.....happy birthday.. .... FANGIRL" She mummers But he didn't hear.....he was lost in deep thinking

He was in fix, she was laying comfortably on his bed, n on his lap, he was wondering should he make her awake or let her sleep as she is now or wait for while n let her slide her on bed

"Abhi.... why did you stop... please keep patting for sometime, I feel light.... please Abhi"

He just looks on sleeping beauty Aditi.... he takes one more pillow n keeps behind his head for support n slowly started patting, thinking now what to do???

Just then bell rang, delivery man came with parcel

He was surprised when he opened box, it was cake n written happy birthday, he got confused??? Today is not my "birthday, ......ohhhh god.... is it Aditi's  birthday??" He talked to himself n quickly does little decoration in living room with flowers made from tissue paper n dim lighting n plays soft music, hearing it Aditi wakes up n was surprised to see all that

"Happy Birthday Aditi"

"It's not my Birthday"

"Then???....this cake"

"Remember I asked for piece of cake.....but you ordered whole.....I love you for this blueberry cheesecake" she starts digging in


"but only cake??? Where's spaghettis???"

"Sorry I forgot that"

"It's ok .....we can have this whole cake for dinner" she continue munching on

Soon both finished eating, they took opportunity to dance little on soft music which was already on, after that, Aditi requested Abhi to stay awake till she falls asleep

"What kind of request is this"
He asked looking amazed at her

"Today was really long day for me n very tiring too, please can you pat for while.....rhythm of your patting is so smoothing n clams me"

"You are such a drama queen, ok but don't make it habit, I have wife to look for....she must to waiting for lest I can meet her in my dreams"

"did you had fight??? Or because of you habit of flirting she left"

"Everyone says she died in that accident but I don't believe it....she is just playing hide n seek with me.....teasing me like I teased her......I will always be waiting for her"

"Your love is so pure for her.....I really hope you find her.....or she finds you"

"Stop.....chatter box.....sleep now.....don't muttered a single to sleep"

Soon both slept in same room same bed, she was comfortable on his lap, but he was so very uncomfortable n struggling to sleep sound

Hope you like it
Happy Reading n stay blessed
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