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Talking for hours before unconscious Purab for hours n then having lots of drinks was his new routine, it's been a week
Today he again woke up late, still in drunken state, opened his eyes slowly as he heard bathroom door opening, what he saw was unbelievable, she was there standing right next to him, she was looking so beautiful in that peach dress, it almost camouflaged with her skin tone, wet soft curls resting on her shoulders
"It's you, how come??? When???? Are you for real???" Saying so he almost jumped upon her
She pushed him
"You started drinking in morning tooo!!"
"No talks my love, ( he hugged her tightly n was about to kiss her)"
"Hold yourself Aaaabhiii ( she shouts ) you are not in your senses, this is wrong"
He didn't listen n pinned her on wall
"Why are you so angry??? I should be angry with you!! I have gone mad looking for you, thinking about endlessly, I was cursing myself why I had teased you...Do you want to know ??? It was my first time too...."
She slapped him
"I'm Tanu, Tanushree Mehta" he doesn't realise what she is talking
"I'm Abhi, Abhishek Mehra, So..."
She gives him one more slaps
"This is too much, I'm going from here n will never return not even for your Dadi ( she pushed him n he falls on bed, still missing Pragya hopelessly)
Tanu straight goes to Dadi, " I'm sorry Dadi but I have to go, I might never come back, I'm shifting to New Zealand for few months"
"No problem, I can understand, I heard everything, now I will handle Abhi my way,"
Saying so, she asked robin to bring hot coffee which she made for Abhi, they entered his room, which was smelling alcohol, he was still in same position Tanu left him, on bed
"Beta getup, I have brought your favourite coffee..."
"She was here, right in front of me but don't know why??? She slapped me n went.."
"It was Tanu in Pragya's clothes, I by mistake spoiled her dress when she was giving me porridge, so I only told her to change into Pragya clothes"
"Are you sure Dadi..!!!"
"Yes beta, come ..."
She hugs him dearly, n make him sleep on her lap, n while patting him she further tells
"I know you miss Pragya, me too miss her a lot but did I starting having drinks, NO I just pray for her, n taking care of myself as Pragya would do, I do things which would she do.. what makes her happy..."
Suddenly Abhi bust n starts crying as if he just realised she is no more, as if he gave up n came to reality, today he cried his heart out n Dadi let him do, she didn't further said a word,

Later, it was around 7pm when he got call from hospital, which Dadi received as after much of crying he finally was sleeping n Dadi doesn't wanted to wake him up, she rushed to hospital n instructs robin,"hide all alcohol from Abhi's room n if he wakes up tell him Purab is calling him, so he will straight come to hospital"

As she entered hospital, nurse guided her to Purab room
"Purab..., how are you feeling ???
"Fine Dadi,.... but Pragya.....
Dr aaliya enters
"I'm really sorry... Dadi but he can't talk much, he just woke from coma, we have to do some test first,"
Before Dadi could reacts, she takes Purab to other room for check ups, she waits for about an hour but still Purab doesn't come so she left
Abhi woke up next day in early morning, he straight went to hospital, he was feeling fresh as after so many days he slept well n today was special it was Friendship Day, he wanted to spend whole day with Purab, as he reached nurse told he has to wait for while outside room, it was almost hour when Abhi forced enters
"What is taking so long...!!"
"Relax Abhi, nurse was just giving me sponge bath"
N he winked at him, Abhi was so happy to see him alright sitting n fully awake, he wanted to talk so much, he pushed nurse n just gave him body crushing hugs
"Go easy man, I'm still weak"
"Oh sorry I forgot, there is so much to talk, I have been waiting for this moment..."
"I know you wanted to know....."
Abhi doesn't let him finish, he didn't wanted to tell him about Pragya death so he started explaining about Tanu, he couldn't think of anything else
"How would you know??? I'm so embarrassed for whatever I did to Tanu"
"Ya, it's long story but let me cut that long in short, I miss behave with her, like almost forced myself on her"
"What??? I can't believe it"
"Believe me, that's why now she is moving to New Zealand" he went on n on with some silly talks, n here Purab was thinking why Abhi is not asking about Pragya.
"did I miss anything whole this while when I was in coma"  Abhi face went pale, he excused himself "How on earth I tell you she is no more, n I'm such helpless that I didn't even arrange for prayer meet"
"There is something he is hiding from me, I am going to find out"
Purab though to himself, after few minuets Abhi came back with some chocolates
"Here this is for you, you love them"
"N you love Pragya, why are you not talking about her, why are you not asking where is she anymore????"
"Did you heard everything I told when you were in coma..!?"
"Of course I did, but what happened today??? I was so ready to tell you everything but you here speaking only of Tanu"
"But it's true, when she came out bathroom she was wearing Pragya clothes, I was too drunk to understand that she is she n not my Pragya, I was like finally she came back...."
"Hold on, She is not back yet??? I mean..,,"
"She is no more, she didn't survived that accident....."
"I have accepted reality, you too accept it, her full burned body was found inside suitcase, I'm so unlucky I couldn't do her last rituals,"he went on explaining whatever happened till date n Purab was finding it unbelievable, Abhi's version of story was not similar to what actually happened, he thought Abhi is not in state to understand anything, he should wait for correct time, just then he saw someone's shadow standing outside room, he signs Abhi to keep quiet n ask to open door
Nurse loses balance n falls
"What were you doing here??? Listening to our conversation??"
Purab asked in anger
"No sir, I just wanted to take autograph of Abhi the rock star, So was waiting outside
"No problem, I will sign in for you" he sign autograph n she leaves
"I'm telling you, this hospital is not safe, there is always something going on, yesterday whole day I was acting to be unconscious, nobody attended n suddenly when Dadi came, they took me, I felt staff there does want me to get fit n fine"
"You are over thinking, according to them you were unconscious so they didn't bother you but when to came to senses they wanted to treat you that's it, stop imagining things ok, rest"
"Even if I say Pragya is alive, you ask me to rest, wont you question me???"
"Even DNA reports matched..."
He said heavy heartedly
Purab had nothing to say now, he hugs him
"Just for my satisfaction, can I see reports"
"Ya sure, I will ask robin to get it"
"Can you ask Dr bulbul to arrange for discharge papers"
"It's Dr aaliya, Suresh's sister, every time I came she was treating you"
"No it's Dr I bulbul, Suresh's ex girlfriend, every time I opened my eyes I saw her"
Something clicks both of them, n they say at same time
"They fooled us"

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