If its real, it never be over

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Hey readers this is last part hope you share your thoughts n like it
Next update will be my new story "MAIN AUR MRs MEHRA"
I know I was supposed to update old stories n another new story "CHOTI DULHAN" but I'm still stuck with end, what I had planned I was not happy with it n now I'm not able to decide what else can be the end as it's one short story I have to complete first to update it
Without further due, here is last part

"Pragya.... Pragya.... fuggie .... just wake up.... it's really too late... fuggie.... let's go inside ... it's really not good..... for your health to sleep on swing.... fuggie"

She goggle at him for longest time
N thinks "ohh god I was dreaming about rockstar, how desperate am I???"


"Stop calling me fuggie..... n what took you so long???"
She gets irritated that it was just a dream n moment is gone now, a she has to get over that desire

"I came two hours back, I was in dadi's room, next week is Purab n bulbul's marriage.. so ....."

She cuts in
"Why didn't you call me??"

"I came but you were on swing with eyes closed, I thought maybe you were just thinking something so I didn't wanted to disturb you but now when I came back, you were still on swing... so I thought maybe you are sleeping"

"Ohh.... ok...so is there any functions before marriage ???, like mehandi or sangeet, or it's direct marriage ceremony ???"

"Actually.... it's just register marriage in court, n reception later, both don't have parents or any first cousins, only us n in that you are pregnant n also with this heart condition, dadi is too old to manage n me.... well.... I'm not that good with arrangements so they thought it's better to only reception"
He totally forgot that she doesn't remember last few months n her health issues

"I'm having heart condition???"
She was totally surprisingly shocked

"First promise you won't faint....."

"Ok... promise"

"Remember.... you used to faint often"
He takes her hand n makes her sit next to him

"Yes... I know"

"well it's because of some heart problem but don't worry, nothing serious, we will solve it after you deliver babies"

"So it's always about babies, they are more important to you then me???"

"It's not like that, but operation can only be done after delivery, when problem was diagnosed you were already pregnant"

"What if I die before or during labor"

He hugs her tightly
"I won't let anything happen to you..... I too will die without you"
He kissed her forehead continues
"I have promised myself that I won't hold babies in my arms till you get perfectly fine, that's why I'm making every possible thing I can do, before babies are born, that's reason crib n all these toys, As I will be with you for your treatment, n babies will be here with dadi, Purab n robin ... they will take full care of babies ..till you recover, bulbul n me will be at hospital with you till then, n one more thing, we are not waiting till you actually go into labor, just waiting 29weeks .... that's like mostly only 5 weeks from now....please don't freak out....."

"I'm not freaking out, but why bulbul..she doesn't like me much.... specially after what I did to her???"

"I know...., but everything is ok now, in fact you were with her all this time, in London n you used to call her Di n she called you choti, you two having such great bound now"

"London????.... I was in London with bulbul???.... then where were you???"

He again takes her hand in his hand
"Well ... when you met with accident, we had still not announced about our marriage, n she too didn't know that you were married n that to with me, she saved you, n took you London for better treatment, n when she came to know we are married n I'm searching for you she contacted me, n than I brought you here.... we fall in love all over again.... I was going to propose you again but you fell unconscious that day n when you came to senses your memory was back"

"So first I loss memory n then I again get memory but I forget whatever happened between that ??"

"Yes, now can we sleep.... please"

She was so happy that tonight they finally had proper discussion for first time, since she came from hospital, she didn't bother to think anything further n slept instantly n Abhi too

Next day morning

She woke up early n went for walk, n then made breakfast for everyone, both Abhi n dadi were surprised, she hardly ever cooked even before

"Wow pragya, this parathas are delicious"

"Dadi, please... don't lie I forget to put salt in it"

"No problem fuggie, salt in curd is double so it is balanced"

"First stop calling me fuggie n it happens... I put double salt by mistake, ok"

"Abhi please... stop teasing her, n pragya don't listen to him n spoil your mood, you have your breakfast"

"Ok dadi"

After sometime both went to their bedroom
She was laying down on couch n reading something n he was watching TV, she takes phone n he immediately went out as he thought maybe she is calling him (Abhishek) but he was wrong, she called someone n chatted for long time



"So all set"

"Ya, how are you doing ??"

"I'm fine, I called you to ask something"


"Am I going to die??"

"No, but promise me ..you won't tell anyone, what I'm going to tell you...it will be between us, I can trust you on this, right?"

"Yes, Please tell"

"Fine, I don't know what Abhi told but truth is, you are not going to die or having any kind of heart problem, it just normal blood pressure issues, I had to tell him n everyone else that you were heart patient because at that time you were suffering from memory loss, n I was scared that even if I worn Abhi he would try himself something stupid to bring back your memory n that would give shock which may directly or indirectly affect you n babies so I had to lie him n everyone else too, n there was one more reason, I wanted Abhi to take you back India so when I insisted Abhi that you ( Aditi) is suffering from heart problems n I can't see you die, so please take her with him, n I told you also that you are dying n can't make it till your delivery. trust me, I was sacred to death when you came out of coma, n didn't recognise me, at that time I didn't even knew you were married or pregnant, after few days I came to know you were married to him but by then you were already with me in London n very next day in morning I came to know you were pregnant n in evening you got conscious, so I concluded that you are having memory loss, I gave you new name Aditi n you too gave me new name DI, I informed Purab about you n he somehow send Abhi London n I introduce you to him, soon you both fell in love again"

She cuts in
"I'm so lucky to have friend like you, after all I did to you, I thought you must be still angry with me, but at same time I'm glad that Suresh is no more into our lives"

"You know about Suresh !!"

"Ya, in fact we dated for while, he is reason Abhi is now in my life, Suresh is good for nothing, I hope I never see him again in future,

"Ohhh ... so she doesn't know he is already dead"
She talks to herself

"Me too think same, Will meet on Thursday"

"That's after 5 days, why don't we all meet tomorrow??"

"Sure, bye for now"
Pragya was so happy after knowing that she is not going to die, n nor Abhi now have to wait to hold babies, n to be with them
Talking to bulbul really lighten her mood, but she didn't tell this to Abhi
Here Abhi came back to room little annoyed as she didn't call Abhishek

He purposely coughed

"Where were you???"
She inquired

"Just went to studio room"

"Can we go out with Purab n bulbul tomorrow??"

"Why suddenly you want to meet them??"

"Actually they are getting married in five days so I thought?"

"Ok .... let me ask Purab if he has any plans for tomorrow"


"Why I feel you are annoyed or something is bothering you??"

"No nothing.... I was bored"

"Ok... I'm sleeping for sometime, can you please turn off TV or mute it"

"It's ok... I  think I should too take nap"
He purposely comes next to her on couch itself

"Why you want to sleep here??? It will be uncomfortable..."

"I'm ok with it"

"Ok then you sleep here"
She goes to bed n sleep

He thinks to himself, "god ... why?? ...I thought I will sleep next to her... now I have to sleep here"

Whole day just passed as usual, they talked on some random topics n Abhi msg Purab that "if it ok with him then they all should go out for dinner tomorrow"
He instantly replied "it's ok"

Next day
She did just like yesterday went for walk in morning n made breakfast n lunch for everyone,
It was evening, she was getting ready for dinner n Abhi was still annoyed as why she is not calling him ( Abhishek), so he decided to call but to his bad luck, she cut the call n didn't even replied to his msgs, he walks in bedroom

"why are you not ready yet??"
She asked surprised

"Ready for what??"

"You forgot... we are meeting Purab n bulbul for dinner?"

"Ohh yes, I will be ready in 5 minuets"

As he comes out from closet, and was mesmerised by way pragya was dressed, that simple yet flowing pink dress looked perfect on her

"You look really beautiful in this dress, when did you bought this dress"

"Remember that day we went to mall, you were busy buying toys,"

"Yes, I'm really sorry for that day,"

"Please.. don't be, I didn't knew that time that you were doing that for reason"

"Shall we"
He comes closer n gives her light kiss on forehead n they drive to restaurant
It was almost an hour, Purab n bulbul still didn't turn up

"I hope it's ok if I order something, I'm really hungry"
She cried out like baby

"Sure... you order... I will call Purab"
He goes out as there was no range inside n he comes back after sometime

"Looks like love birds are busy,"

"What happened???"

"They are not coming, bulbul is having headache"

"But ...Why are you laughing... ??"

"I can sense it from his voice, I'm sure they were busy doing it, you know what I mean"

"Sure...I can understand what they must be doing, which we can't do"
Last line she mummers, but he heard it n he smirked,

"You know sex in pregnancy can be risky thing"


"I heard what you said just now, I was so freaked out last month when we did, you were in so much pain, n then you fainted, I rushed you to hospital"

"What are you talking????....sex can be so painful??"

"Yes ...totally"

"But then why did you did it in first place"

"Actually I was drunk, n was not able to stop thinking about you, n you know Aditi I mean you only, reminded me of my wife which is you,...thing was you had some flashback like bad dream, n you insisted I should sleep with you in same room, after sometime you gave me side hug, your touch felt like pragya, so I started feeling you, few moments past n you too lost control because of yourself due to hormonal changes, you won't believe how horrified I was next day, I really felt guilty"

"So how I reacted after that??"

"You just said you were equally at fault, hormonal imbalance etc, but I was really freaked out... n you were so understanding, you knew how much I missed my pragya"

"So Aditi, I mean I had flashbacks n still I didn't knew you were my husband"

"Actually you yourself were confused, you said to me, you saw your husband was having affair, then you got divorced, n he married love of his life, n after that you got pregnant.... how will I know what was cooking inside your mind"

"It's simple.... maybe when you said you love pragya, Adit thought you married again, n divorced.... I remember telling Abhishek once I wanted to divorce you even before meeting you.... I'm sure, she ...I mean I must have seen you in my flashback but you kept on telling you love pragya so Aditi I mean I never asked you"

He cuts in
"You are really smart, You crack the case in no time"

"But still I don't believe you"

"What is there not to believe??"

"First tell me, did you knew that I'm pragya before I got my memory got back??"

"No....but for me... Aditi I mean you, always felt like you I mean pragya, specially your eyes.... I can never forget....when You came back to India I didn't knew Aditi n pragya are same"

"So technically you had sex with Aditi..... you betrayed me Mr Abhishek Prem Mehra"
She snapped

"Clam down..... Pragya... everyone is looking here... please don't create a scene... I was just joking.... nothing like that happened... I was just teasing you....please... I'm sorry"
All this was true but He purposely bring this up so that she gets annoyed with Abhi n calls Abhishek but his plan backfired

"I don't believe you now, you just making stories.....you are taking advantage of me as I don't remember whatever happened between us in last few months... this is not fair...."

He cuts in
"I'm extremely sorry.....please forgive me"

"Only on one condition"


"We can at least attempt to...."

"Are you mad??.... it will hurt babies... we can't have sex"

"It's always about babies.... my feelings don't count right??...how I wish, I married someone who actually cares about me n not babies all the time"

"Please... try to understand..."

"It's now or never... you decide"

"Please don't be so stubborn...."

"Let's go home... I had enough of food"
She started walking towards parking area n he too follows
Their drive was quite, no one spoke a word but as soon as they reached their bedroom she again started with arguments

"So you think I'm stubborn??"

"Please.... let it go now..."

She takes support of wall n sits on couch

"What happened???"

"Nothing....just babies too are fighting like you...."

He seats beside her n he too feels kicking
"Babies are on my side, they are telling you to clam down n rest"

"From today, you sleep on couch n I will sleep on bed"

"Why?? Now what have I done??"

"Nothing.... that's what you did"

"Come on ... please don't start it again"

"If you are so hell bend on doing nothing then why you even want to sleep next to me"

"It's not like that....."

"Ohh yes now I get it, you are gay,"

"What??? How you come to such conclusion??"
He was totally shocked

"First let me finish....point one... you don't want to have sex with me, second you don't have problems me talking to other guys n not even bit of jealous when I talk to Abhishek, yes maybe you are having affair with Abhishek"


"I said let me finish first.....you both talk so much about each other as if you both know each other inside out, both don't have little bit of interest in me, I'm finished talking.... now you can talk"

He simply crushed his lips on hers,
"I'm not what you think... I'm straight"

"Just because you kissed me on lips... you are straight"

"I know what you are trying to do... you can't trick me in having sex"

She throws pillows at him
"That's it.....now or never...what's your call"

"You are too much...."
He slowly takes her in his arms n makes her seat on Center of bed, takes off her dress n underdressed himself, then turns off lights, n whispers in her ears
"One step at a time... let's do just cuddling tonight....tomorrow foreplay....then after that both... later... n than everything you wish"
Four days passed, everything was fine between them, Abhi kept his promise.. they did it one step at a time...luckily even her hormones were stable n in their favour, but only problem was Abhishek, Abhi was going crazy nuts, thinking why she has not called him ???, nor answering his calls or msgs..His inner self told him why he is making such a great deal out of it but nothing was working

In morning both were sleeping cuddling each other, she spoke softly
"I'm done until babies popped out, nothing is going in"

"Was it painful??"
He gets little worried

"No but little uncomfortable"

"Everything ok???.... you feeling better?? Should we see a doctor??"
He asked with concerned

"No need to freak out, by uncomfortable I meant positions, I'm feeling fine, n babies too are ok...."

He cuts in
"Now who is talking about babies.... ?? Anyway five more weeks to go for ....

She cuts in
"I was thinking why can't we wait till actual date??"

"I was talking about our first anniversary, your operation is due in four weeks, after that we all can celebrate together"

She cuts in
"I have awesome idea, we can at least wait for one more week n operate after our anniversary"

"Will see.... for now let me get ready I have to go court to sign, remember Purab n bulbul getting married today"

"I also want to come, please"

"You rest, n come directly for reception, with dadi, today I have to look after all arrangements, will meet at lunch, with newlyweds coming here at our place, if you want you can cook something for them"

"So I can cook but can't come with you??"

"Whole evening we will be out, n it could get really late as we will be there till reception gets over, please try to understand, you rest for now, ok"

"Do I have choice... ok fine... don't make that baby face, it doesn't suits you"

They all have breakfast together, he goes to court n dadi to temple pragya was walking alone in garden n she received call from Abhishek but she ignores, he calls again n again n still she doesn't answers, finally he msg her
"I don't know why you are ignoring me, if in any way I have hurt your feelings then I'm extremely sorry, please talk to me, your silence is killing me, I will do whatever to talk to you"

She still doesn't reply or call back

It's was almost time, judge had came but Abhi had still not reached, Purab calls him n he replies that he is reaching in 2 minuets, soon he taps his back

"I'm here"

"What took you so long???"


"Why you look so upset??, come tell me, today is my marriage..."

"Will tell you but first let me get you married"

"What is going on between you two....???"
Bulbul questions

Both answers

Soon all the process was over n they finally got married n were on their way to Abhi's place
Dadi welcomes them with Aarti followed by lots of blessings n gifts,
"Lunch is served" called out robin
All settled at dining table except pragya, Abhi excused himself n went to his room to call her, but she was not there, he went to balcony n saw her
"Let's go down, everyone is waiting for lunch"

"I want to ask you something??"

"We can talk afterwards, first have lunch"

"I want to talk now"

"Ok, ask me"

"I'm confused, whom do you love more me or Aditi??"

"What kind of question is this?? You both are same"

"That you know now, back then you didn't knew"

"I was pragya, but Aditi, you were ready to accept me and my babies, why??"

"I told you before also, I always saw you in Aditi, then bulbul told Aditi is going to die, so I wanted to take care of you n babies, I wanted to give my name to babies, as who will take care of them after you die............"


"Fuggie.....fuggie.... what happened????"
Everyone came running hearing her scream
"Fuggie... wake up"
"choti!!!!, Abhi quickly give me that SOS box, I gave you"
Abhi took her in his arms n rest her on bed, after few minutes she came to senses
"Fuggie.... are you alright???"
She just nods, n again closes her eyes
"Don't worry, Abhi I have given her injection, she will be sleeping for while"
Bulbul assures him
It was around 4pm, she came to senses
He instantly mummers, in his sleep holding her hand tightly
"Abhi.... I'm ok... don't worry"

"What happened??? Why you fainted???"

"When you Said you wanted to give your name to babies, I had some flashback but I don't remember, everything was blurred"

"Don't think too much, you rest, I will be right back informing bulbul n Purab that you are ok"

She cuts in
"They are still here.... I ruined there marriage day"

"Don't say such things"
Bulbul walks in

"What are friends for"
Followed by Purab

"You both, go n get ready for reception, I will join you guys in no time"

"We are going but you are staying home, no moving from bedroom"
Bulbul said in strained voice


"No if n buts..."
Abhi too snapped at her


It was late night, or almost early morning, Abhi return home only to find out pragya was not in their bedroom, he quickly went to balcony but she was not there too, he searched whole house, she was not there,
"Robin, where is pragya???"

"Ma'am went to hospital, n asked not to call anyone on mobile, when everyone comes back, I should give message"

"Don't ever listen to such stupid things, you should have called"

He rushed to hospital n found her walking to reception area
He grabs her hand harshly
"What is wrong with you???"


He clams down n makes her sit
"What happened???"

"I want to do DNA test"

"What???, why???"

"Abhishek.... I got all my memories back, I just want to see if these babies are your's or Suresh's"

"Of course it's mine..... remember we did it... then I teased you ...."

"Suresh kidnapped me before I reached my office then he drugged me n raped me that all time, n after even four hours I didn't get conscious, he called for doctor, to his bad luck bulbul came there, I don't remember properly what he lied to her but moment her went back, he dumped me into his car n was driving crazy then suddenly we meet with accident, when I came out of car I saw Purab n Suresh were fighting n I too jumped in, I hit Suresh really hard with something but he was not letting go Purab's leg, suddenly car blows up n I get unconscious.
If these babies belong to him, I will definitely abort him or leave them for adoption, I can't live with my bitter past, they will always remind me of him"

Abhi hugs her tightly
"You want DNA test, we will do that, but you have already passed 20 weeks, abortion is not an option n if don't want babies we will give them to Aaliya but please don't get hyper, it's not good for you"
He pretends to be clam n understanding as he doesn't want her to take any tension, from inside he is still really very angry with her

"Abhi please..... don't judge me that how can I think so negative about unborn babies"
She sobs

"I'm not judging you, I can totally understand what you are feeling right now, let me ask nurse to take samples, then we will get back home but first you stop crying n give me one big smile"

She smiled half heartedly
"I missed you so much"
She kissed him on lips

Abhi being Abhi asked her very stupid thing which he regrets
"Why are you not taking my calls, I mean Abhishek, why you suddenly stop talking"

"Please don't be angry, day I was discharged from hospital n came home, I knew you are Abhishek.."

He cuts in

"Let me finish, I didn't told you because I was confused, that why are you lying n I was also not confident in talking with Abhi the rockstar, so I kept calling you but once again I fall for you all over again, I once again became your fangirl"

"Ohh that why you stop calling, but you should have told me"

"I was waiting for you to answer that, n also was that your first time??"

"Yes it was my first time too, happy now"

"There is one more thing, I'm not going to die, I don't have any heart problems, bulbul lied to you so you fall for Aditi"

"I'm going to kill bulbul, all this time she was making fool of me"

"N one more thing, I'm here to receive reports, tests are already done, it's our babies n ...."

"N what??"

"It's going to be one boy n one girl... Abhi ... Abhi..."
This time he fainted

***********THE END***********

Hope you like it
Happy reading
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