When god gives you new beginnings, don't repeat old mistakes (part-2)

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Hey thanks to all of you, who read n voted n commented, n to those salient readers too, this story is coming to an end, this is second last part, which means next is last
I'm trying my best to update more frequently but failing it miserably
So without much taking your time here is my update,

"She is such a cheater, she told she will talk to me... but all she does is eat, sleep, repeat... she has no time for me... she can talk for hours with Abhishek but not even single minute for her rockstar husband ... "
he mummers in announce to himself n tries to sleep on other side of bed, but he couldn't... he was feeling restless

"Suniye please... can you keep it down..."

"Down???....but I'm not making any noise"

"I'm talking about you rolling like empty drum.... it's very hard for sound sleep.... n if I don't sleep properly then I get cranky n then hungry"
She gets into talking

"Are you serious??....all day you do only that.... whenever I'm round you are just sleeping or eating...."

She cuts in
"I'm eating n sleeping for three people...."

"You have become fuggie... like balloon, which is just about to pop..."

"Fuggie....I look like balloon...."
She was almost about to cry

"I was just joking.... I'm sorry if you felt bad.....please don't cry"
He instantly takes her in his embraces her with his warmth, her face fits perfectly into angle formed between his neck n shoulder

He tapped on her face

"Please let me sleep.... I have not fainted... just sleeping"

"You are one of kind..."
He mummers to himself
Finally they both slept hugging each other

Next day morning
He was first to wake up, he looks at her, who was hugging teddy bear tightly, he was so jealous of it, for second he thought to throw that teddy n he should be one who hugs her that tightly but he didn't disturb her, just kissed her forehead n went to freshen up
She was still sleeping, but sudden noise woke her up
"What happened????"
Looking for from where that loud noise came

"Nothing I just dropped hairdryer"
He was looking so hot in just towel wrapped around his waist, n water droplets dripping right from his hair to his chest n then lost down there, she just covered her face with blanket n didn't uttered a word
N he continued
"Get ready today is doctor's appointment... we are already running late"

"Let me sleep for just 10 minutes more..."
She answered while covered herself with blanket, he thought she is hiding it because of sunlight coming through curtains but reality was she felt heat n was shy to look at him who was half naked

"Only 5 minuets more... I'm waiting down... you come ...."

"Ok fine"

She took almost half hour to get ready n she comes down wearing  Saree, sits next to him, who was mesmerised with her gorgeously looks which she totally failed to notice n gets busy eating her breakfast
Here he thinks how he lied to Aditi (pragya) that day when he gave this saree to her saying it was Pragya's saree, as he wanted to take her to his home n he thought dadi won't like her western clothes

"Abhi..., why are you playing with paratha... have you breakfast properly"
Dadi's words brought him back to planet earth

"Nothing... I was just thinking..."


"Dadi we are getting late for doctor's appointment....you also join us"
Pragya suggested

"No... you both carry on"

"Ok.... come on let's go"
He just drags her, who grabs one rolled paratha in her hand
While driving there was this awkward silence...... both didn't even looked at each other, his eyes were fixed on road, as they were running late n she was still feeling shy thinking of him half naked, she wanted him badly, she was trying hard to recollect how they must have been cosy n cuddling n finally worshiped each other that one time when they did it, she so wanted to feel him again but she didn't knew how to express all this to him. Soon they reached hospital, they were very late n missed their appointment... so abhi was busy convincing receptionist that they should go next instead of an hour later, here pragya feeling irritated by cranky infant crying nonstop in next room, she was thinking why that baby torturing her mom, she saw that woman trying everything from changing diaper to feeding to burping to trying to make baby sleep.... still nothing was working

"Pragya come... doctor is calling"
He calls her from distance
She quickly goes to doctor's cabin
N he checks from weight to bp to sonogram n all other checkup usually done during pregnancy

"Mr Abhishek Mehra... everything is fine, anomaly scan is next week but my concern is unreasonable weight gain..."

"Doctor... She is carrying twins so it's obvious...weight gain"

"But there is limit to it..... she has gained almost 3kgs in 10days... it is too much n too fast... it's not good for babies or mother"

"What is not good for babies n mother???"
She walks in

"Mrs. Mehra.... I was thinking you should slow down on weight gain.... it's not good for health....."

She cuts in
"But I should eat for three..right??"

"No... it's not like that.... 12-15 kgs is max you should gain till 37-40 weeks.... you have already gain 13 kgs in this 5 months..20 weeks .... so now slow down...go for walks... eat but small portions of food, n not empty Calories..."
Abhi was listening everything n trying not to laugh as Pragya was almost about to burst on that doctor

"Are you mad....you are telling to go on diet... how can I cut down on food.... I feel hungry n sleepy all time n in later part of weeks I have read sleeping will get difficult.... so what is your problem... if I'm resting now...."

"Mrs Mehra clam down... I'm not telling you to lose weight... I'm telling you slow down"

"Aren't you going to say anything?? Why will you....This is all because of you.... why did you touch me... why did you get me pregnant...one night of your pleasure is going to be nightmare of my life...now pregnancy n later babies... that to two babies... always... always crying around me...feeding ..diapers ...burping ... nappies...everywhere... ...I will not have life....I will be horrible mother.... I don't know any thing about babies....I will be terrible mummy"

"Pragya please clam down pragya (she faints already) pragya??... doctor this is all because of you... if anything happens to her... I will sue you....pragya... you don't have to listen to this good for nothing doctor... you do whatever suits you...... I will take break from work for while... n we will spend time together. (she winks at doctor) pragya... wake up... please.. pragya"

"I want to go home..."
She makes puppy face

"Ok sure ... let's go..."
He too winks at doctor, who was hell confused why both husband n wife winking at him

In car ..Abhi was still controlling to laugh on pragya

"Laugh out loud.... I know what you are thinking, ..........all I do is eat-sleep-repeat, but ...You are responsible for all this.....I am so afraid to walk around our bedroom, what if I accidentally broke that crib, that pictures of babies... why you want pictures of some unknown babies ????, it really creeps me out, so I always go out to balcony n sit on swing, n when I'm afraid, creeped, nervous I feel hungry... n if I eat more ... I sleep more...."

He cuts in
"You are such a drama queen....that doctor was idiot... it's ok if you even blown out like balloon.......fuggie"

"Stop calling me fuggie.... I hate it....you know I had to wear this stupid saree today.. I was not fitting properly in my dresses"

"You know how to wear saree?"
He was surprised

"No, I saw on Internet... but why I have sarees if I don't know how to wear"

"I gifted you"
He mummers

"Actually I like yellow colour"
She was little embarrassed

"It's ok ... it's not necessary ...you like whatever I gift you...."

"I'm sorry... I didn't wanted to hurt your feelings"

"It's ok.... lets go .. shopping n get extra large size clothes"

"It's called Maternity clothes"

"Ok.., let's go"

Here with Purab, bulbul just got back from London this permanently as they are going to get married next week

"How am I going to face pragya, it's gonna be very awkward"

"She doesn't remember anything, all she knows we are getting married, please don't freak out"

"But I remember everything n that's making me shameful for my act, I can't even face Abhi..."

"Listen... he is ok about all this... I have talked him through all.. nothing to get worried about ok"

Just then doorbell rings, n dadi comes

"Dadi ... now you only make her understand.."

"Purab is right ..bulbul we all have already forgiven you, there is no need to feel guilty about it, we know all that happened because of misunderstanding, actually I'm thankful for taking so good care of pragya, now stop crying n give me hug"
They all had group hug, n had lunch together

Abhi n pragya reaches mall n she was trying some clothes, she was little confused about what to buy, she looks for Abhi, for his suggestion but he was busy with selecting toys n other baby stuff, she gets irritated, takes everything she tried n comes out from changing room
"I am done with shopping now let's go n have something.... Shopping is really stressful thing, makes me go hungry..., I might eat everything on menu"

"Ok.... let me first settle the bill"

"So many toys???.... babies won't even play with these for sometime n still it's about four months to go n that add up to six months..."
She was hell annoyed this he wasted so much time on selecting so many toys instead of being with her

He cuts in
"I can't resist buying them"
He make puppy face which makes her more irritated

"You are impossible"
She Storm out from store n he follows taking only clothes, they had their lunch quickly without any talks n nor speak in car till they reached home, she straight goes to balcony of their room n he rest himself on bed, he didn't wanted to start any conversation as he himself was mad that he had to drop those amazing toys
After sometime she calls Abhishek


"Were you sleeping??"
She asks as he sounds little low

"No just laying down"

"You won't believe... that rockstar is getting on my nerves"

"Ohh really.... What he must have possibly done....."

"What do you mean by that??"

"I'm sure it must be you, I mean your hormonal imbalance, In pregnancy there is this mood swings....which makes you think everyone around you is annoying..."

"How you know??"

"Well this woman at my workplace used throws tantrums all the time when she was pregnant n now she is normal person"

"Ohh... so ...you think maybe I annoyed him, (she tells him everything happened today)"

"Maybe he is too excited about babies so...."

"But it still there's lots of time for that.... he could have spend that time with me.. but no he was busy with toys.... how irritating is that... it's always about babies, what about me??"

"He doesn't care for you ??"

"He does but ..."

"But what?"

"I also want little attention...I don't remember much about past few months but instead of discussing that.. he is always into babies.... I feel left out"

"I don't understand what you mean??"

"We are having babies because we love each other, n so we had sex n then babies"

He cuts in
"I still don't understand... what is your point"
He totally understood but was just teasing her n he wanted to know what exactly running in her mind

"Ok fine.... just because I'm pregnant, can't we have little romance, I feel wired there is nothing physical between us"

"Ohh... may he is afraid to do so, maybe he is thinking how will you react n all, I don't know how to put this in words"

"Please help me out"

"it's between you n your husband, how can I help??.... I can just advise you... why don't you make first move... I'm sure then things will fall into place"
He was surprised that him not being physical is bothering her so much

"Are you mad!! Today morning he came out from bathroom, I felt so uncomfortable n shy that I covered myself with blanket.... I can't do it"

"Come on.... it's not like you have never seen him naked"
He gets all excited that she feels hot for him

"For me it is like first time ok,"

"But still... I think you should make first move if you want it so badly"
He tries to tease her further

"You are insane, you know I should have not told you, you just making fun of my situation, I don't want any of your advice, you're mean ...bye!"
She hangs up n goes back to her room, n finds out Abhi is not there in room, so she lays on couch n starts watching tv for timepass

It's been almost an hour but he still didn't turned back, she thinks for while n then msg him
"Where are you??"

"I'm in meeting"
Actually he went to his studio room so that he can talk freely with her

"But you said you will not work for while"
She gets upset

"I'm at home only in studio room, on video call, will be back in 10 minutes"

"Ok fine, bring some chips from kitchen when you come back"

There was no reply, n after 10 minutes he came back

"Here have this"


"Doctor said no empty calories"

"But you said no need to listen to that good for nothing doctor"

"Yes but this is good for both you n babies"

She eats two three bites of watermelon n rushes to bathroom n he too follows

"I'm so sorry, how can I forget you feel puckish when you eat fruits"

"It's ok, it's not like you did it purposely"
She mummers sarcastically

"Wait I will get juice for you"

"It's ok, I don't feel like having juice"
She Fumed

Both settled on couch
"So you like cartoons"
He just wanted to started conversation as he very well knew she was upset on him for not bringing chips

She snapped back

"Then why are you watching it"

"Babies kicks less when they hear these kind noises"

He instantly switched off tv n place his hand on tummy but there was no movement, so he lifted her tee little
She mummers here he goes again

"Did you said anything"

"No, did you hear anything"

"No, ( just then he felt real kick for first time) wow.... this is amazing"

"This is painful"

"Let me massage, you will feel better"
He tries to make it up n Cheer  her up

"No ....it's ok"

"Please... put your foot up n relax"

He brings coco butter n starts massaging, she closes her eyes with pleasure n moans softly

"Sorry... I'm hurting you???"
He just wanted to make sure, he is doing it right

"No.... just keep doing it, it feels exactly what I imagined"
She softly mummers, as she imagines they are getting cosy

He was shocked at her reaction

"Ohh god.... you ruined it"
She opens her eyes n snapped

"You talking like you were aroused or something??"
He just blabbers

"What?... no... I was in my zone n you wake me up"
She felt little embarrassed, tries to cover up

"I'm sorry.... let's do this again n I will not utter a word.. promise"

"You know ...moment is gone, let it be"
She thought she might again embarrassed herself

He cursed his star, n went straight to washroom to clean his hands n she talks to herself
"You are right Abhi moment you touched me, I was aroused so deep that if you continue I would have eaten you row today, my hormones... are way out of control today ...."

Here Abhi in bathroom
"Why she is being impossible to handle???....I know she is having these mood swings but now she is having problems with everything I do... that's it... I'm not talking to her till she apologised for her behaviour"
He straight goes to bed, n tries to sleep, here she dose off on couch while watching TV, after almost an hour robin knocks door n asked if he should bring dinner here only as dadi is staying at Purab's place for dinner, Abhi asked him to bring here to bedroom

"Pragya.... pragya...prag.."
He tries to wake her up

She cuts in
"I know it's dinner time but please... let me sleep for 10 more minuets..."

"Fine....but I was going to tell... I'm going out for sometime, you have your dinner.... bye"
Before she could ask him where is he going?? He stormed out, she understood that he is upset because of her behaviour, she instantly calls Abhishek

"What happened now"
He replied rudely

"Are you in bad mood???"

"No why???"
Instantly changes his tone

"I thought so... you sound .."

He cuts in
Nothing like that ... just work load"

"I wanted to ask you something"


"I think rockstar is upset with me, i mean with my behaviour"

"What happened???"

"Nothing he was massaging me n talking..., I got disturbed n told why he had to talk n I was in my zone n blah blah blah"

"You are so rude with him"

"Shut up.. it not like that.... let it be.... give me some ideas how should I say sorry to him"

"Say sorry to me first for calling me insane then I will suggest you"

"Ok sorry... now fast ... tell me"

"Say sorry like you mean it,"

"I'm really sorry that I called you insane.... you are insanely Genius person... now please advise me something"

"I asked you to say sorry n not lie"
He purposely annoys her, he wanted only her to come with something

"You .....that's it, I had enough of sorries, I will figure it out by myself"

She hangs off phone n finished her dinner alone n goes for walk at garden, after few rounds she comes back n seats on swing outside balcony
He comes quietly n rest himself on bed, she felt his presence so she comes inside to check
"What took you so long???"

"Just went to bring dadi from Purab's place"

"Do you had dinner???"
He makes his pillow comfortable

"Yes, bulbul made awesome spaghetti"
He covered himself with blanket

"Why did you went alone??? I would also have joined you all?"
She was still standing near bed

"I didn't wanted to disturb you as you were in your zone"
He turns to other side facing wall

"Ohhh so all this is about that... I knew it... you purposely being rude to me, as I was earlier... call it even???"
She too moved n walked on his side,

He gets up n sits, resting his back on bed

"I was rude because of this hormonal thing .. I can't do anything about it but you purposely behaved rude.... I forgive you... n we are even now ok"
She too made herself comfortable on bed, resting her back

"But when I said "I'm sorry""
He was confused

"Look ...Just you said it"
She was trying to change topic

"Well I'm still upset... for your behaviour"

"To be frank... I think you are just over reacting...."
She covered herself with blanket

"to be frank.... I think you are just over reacting"
He mimics in her tone

"I heard that.... are you teasing me?"
She snapped

"No just repeating what you said"
He snapped back

"You just impossible ... insane"
Now she turns to other side of bed

"Really am I??, you are..."
He fumed n crosses hands around his chest

She cuts in
"I just said "moment is gone"
N for that you have so much problems"
her eyes were filled with tears, which were just about to bust, n he felt it

"Ok fine ...I'm sorry"

"Say it like you mean it"
She turns to him, n wipes tears with one hand

"Really.... (he was about start arguing again n about to say don't repeat my dialogue....but it clicked ) I'm really really sorry"
Hugs her

"I'm too sorry..."
she too reciprocate

"Ok it's been long day.... I'm feeling sleepy... goodnight"
He was afraid what if they again start arguing on something stupid

"But can we talk for sometime ...."
She pleaded

"Ok.... so babies too sleep when you sleep"

"Yes mostly"
She gets little disappointed that he always thinking about babies

"I was thinking if we have girls then I will select their names n if boys then you can"
He totally forgot that she had expressed to Abhishek how she feels left out when Abhi talks about babies n she really wants to discuss their past n all

"Ok... fair enough"
By now she totally lot interest in talking

"Tell me do you like your food spicy or sweet"


"I read somewhere if spicy then girl n sweet it's boy"

"I can't believe it, all you are interested in babies, you are giving more importance to babies, it's like l'm just carrying babies for you ...like Surrogate mother, you only care for them n not me,
It's always about babies"
She finally breakdown

"I can't believe it.... you don't want to talk about babies, don't want to buy toys for them, n problem with this photos n crib"

"Because I'm not insane to over do everything, .... n alone, we could have choose all these together, but no... you think I'm just self-centred person who things only about eating or sleeping..., .....
He gets irritated n crush his lips on her to shut her, next moment
she too responded with equal intensity n deep love, soon he was all over her n she too was uncontrollable but things came to stand still when she wanted him inside her,

"I don't think it's good idea, it's not good for....."

She cuts in
"Don't even think about babies now, I know it's all right..... I have read it.... n talked to nurse when we were in hospital today..... all we need it little lubricant...don't spoil the moment now"

"Once I'm in.... there is no stopping... even if you plead ... I won't stop till I reach peak"
He tried to scared her, so that she back off

"I don't think that will be problem... I just can't stop thinking about this... right from morning.... I'm gonna kill you if you back off now at my peak"
Even she tries her luck... which works wonders... finally they worshipped each other bodies n soon she pleads to him that she had enough of him till she delivers babies  but as he said he left her only after he reached cloud, at the same time he did it slowly, softly n smoothly with lots of lubricant
Soon both slept in each other embrace
Four to five days passed, everything was fine between them, lucky even her hormones were stable n in their favour, but only problem was Abhishek, Abhi was going crazy thinking why she has not called him ???, nor answering his calls
His inner self told him why he is making such a great deal out of it but nothing was working

Hope you like it
Happy reading

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