Nexo Knights- Your Heart

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Song: Your Heart by Damien Dawn
Characters: Clay, Macy
This was a request from vaury2004. Honestly, this song is probably one of my ABSOLUTE favorites for writing fluffy things, and I felt it went really well with this ship. Enjoy!


So many nights I've watched you sleep
(I've watched you sleep)
Tried to resist but it got so deep
(Got so deep)
And when you're next to me
You're still out of my reach
But I just long for you

Even thought Macy was a member of the Nexo Knights, her title as princess sometimes topped her normalcy. On an agreement with the academy, her father, the King, asked that one of her teammates be her guard, in secret, mainly at knight. Clay immediately took the job, keeping it a secret from his teammates as well (Lance, Aaron, and Axel can't keep secrets to save their lives)

As time had passed, however, Clay soon saw himself begin to fall for the red-haired princess. But, as his feelings grew, somewhere in his heart, he knew it would never work- "she's a princess" Clay always reminded himself, "and I'm just a knight..."

But all this couldn't stop Clay from falling in love.

My soul is dark, I seized the night
(Seized the night)
But you're the angel that showed me the light
(Showed me the light)
And I try to be strong but I still long for you

During the day, he poured his heart- and unreturnable feelings- into training. He'd train from early morning to late night, taking only a slight nap before heading on his nighttime patrol. One night, his routine changed slightly.

He was making his rounds past the kitchen, when he bumped into something, or rather, someone, falling to the ground as silently as he could. He rubbed his sore backside, looking up to see Macy standing in front of him.

"Clay? What are you still doing up?" She asked, helping him off the floor.

"Me? What are you doing up?" Clay asked, trying and failing to hide his panic. Had someone gotten in under his watch?

"I was getting a drink. Clay, I'm serious, what are you doing up? Aren't you exhausted from your training? You've been doing it all day."

"Oh, I was just getting a snack." Clay said.

Macy narrowed her eyes. "Your not even in your pajamas."

Clay gulped, turning around. "It's nothing Macy. Goodnight." He turned a corner, returning to his patrol. Macy sighed, and returned to her room.

I look into your heart and discover myself
But I'll never be a part of your world
I need you, can't reach you, we're worlds apart
If you need me, look into your heart

When he and Macy first met, he could tell they were similar- and even more so as they got to know each other. While they were surrounded by people (usually friends of the parents), they still felt alone. They wanted more out of their lives then what their parents were trying to force on them. Though Clay never talked much about his family, that was with good reason- They never wanted what was best for him, just best for them.

But, no matter how similar they may be, Clay realised, she'll always be on another planet, far far away from him.

Even though he may never reveal his feelings for her, Clay knew he would always be there for her, just a call away.

You tamed the beast, I bleed for you
(I bleed for you)
You showed me love, that's something I never knew
(Never knew)
I'll take the blame, my life's a shame
But I still long for you

The following day, during training, Clay had an audience. Macy was waiting for him when he walked into the training room, wearing a t-shirt and her soft pants, her hair pulled into its classic ponytail. Clay stopped dead in his track, his eyes widening as he saw her.

"Macy? What are you doing here? You hate training."

Macy stood up and walked over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Are you alright Clay? Why were you awake last night?"

"I told you, I was getting a snack. I had just finished training-"

"Seriously?" Macy sighed. "Clay, we're on vacation, we can take a break from training for a few days. All you ever do is train; you need to take some time for yourself. I'm going into town for a bit today, why don't you go with me?"

Clay sighed, knowing he wasn't going to win this. "Fine."

I look into your heart and discover myself
But I'll never be a part of your world
I need you, can't reach you, we're worlds apart
If you need me, look into your heart

As they walked into town (he, reluctantly, changed into a simple long sleeve and some more casual pants), Clay couldn't help but smile at the energy that flowed through Macy as she looked at the marvels the main city had to offer. The shops, the families, everything brought light into her eyes. Clay smiled.

"I have her this close." Clay thought to himself. "I can't risk that."

Don't wait for me (Don't wait for me girl)
I'll never be (a part of your world)
But I'm in your heart forever

From then on, for a while, things were better. Until one  day, when Clay found Macy in her room, visibly upset. He knocked, stepping into the room cautiously.

"Macy? What's wrong?"

Macy turned to look at him. "It's awful Clay- my father is making me take an arranged marriage to a diplomat from one of our neighboring countries, to "solidify an ally". I won't get to be a knight anymore."

Clay's heart shattered as he sat beside her. "Oh Macy..." He pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back as she finally broke down.

"They said they would never do this to me; that if I ever got married, it would be for love." Macy muttered, curling her hands into fists.

I look into your heart and discover myself
But I'll never be a part of your world
I need you, can't reach you, we're worlds apart
If you need me, look into your heart

The dreaded day had arrived: Macy's wedding day. Clay and the others had been invited, given front row seats to their teammates torment. Ten, then twenty minutes had passed, and the bride still remained unseen. Quickly, the king made his way up the side aisle, before grabbing Clay.

"Macy's refusing to come out until she talks to you. Please, talk some sense into her." The king pleaded, bringing him to Macy's dressing room. "She's right inside."

Clay nodded, knocking on the old door before going inside. As he shut the door, his eyes landed on Macy, his face heating up faster than the sun.

She was in a beautiful cream gown, no lace or sparkle of any kind upon it, just a black belt tied firmly around her waist. The gown was poofy; truly fit for a princess. Macy turned to look at him, in obvious distress.

"I can't do this Clay, not even you can convince me to go through with this ridiculous plot my father concocted." Macy huffed, crossing her arms in distaste. Clay sighed, walking over to her.

"To be honest, while this is why your father brought me over, that's not what I'm going to do." Clay said. "I have something else I would like to say." He took a deep breath. "Macy, these past few years, from our academy days until now, I've... I've developed feelings for you." He said. "I know you and I can't be together, but before you move on with your live, before you do whatever you're going to do, I just thought you should kn-"

He was cut off by his lips on hers, arms wrapped tightly around him. Clay, after the shock, returned the kiss, entering a moment of pure bliss.

Macy broke away, sending him a smile. "I love you too, you idiot. That's why I can't go through with this marriage- my heart has always belonged to you."

Clay smirked, getting an idea. "How about we ditch this and head off on our own, to somewhere where we're not knights or a peasant and a princess; just Clay and Macy?"

Macy nodded, undoing the belt of her dress to reveal a pair of pants and a top underneath the poofy dress. "I couldn't agree more, and we'll give my dad some time to cool down after this."

With that, the two lovers left the church, hand in hand, to place where they could be themselves. For home is where the heart is, and that's where they are.

I look into your heart and discover myself
But I'll never be a part of your world
I need you, can't reach you, we're worlds apart
If you need me, look into your heart

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