Drama Class!

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Yay! My sister wrote one about drama club! If you didn't know, I am a theatre nerd and very much miss the drama club at my school. So I shall tag Le Drama Friends!


There is also someone who changed their username and I can't tag...

But anyway! On with the random!

Ron: Ugh... I hate muggle school.

*bell rings*

Ron: Finally... we can go home!

Harry: No, we still have drama class.

Ron: What?? Extra classes?

Hermione: I think it sounds fun!

Percy: Hey guys, are you headed to drama too?

Ron: Unfortunately

*actors glare at Ron with fire in eyes*

Snape: One more second and you would have been late.

Ron: How could muggle school get worse?!

Snape: No Slytherins in this class. Forget it, I'm leaving.

Annabeth: The school musical is supposed to be in five days!

Percy: I guess we'll have to wing it.

Poseidon: Hey!

Percy: Umm... I mean flipper it?

Harry: Okay... it's a musical! I'm great at singing! Watch! lAAAAAAAAAaaaAaaaAaaawaawwaaqwwaqaaq!!!!!1!1!11!!!!!1!!

*everyone except Harry covers their ears*

Hermione: *puts a spell on him so he can't talk* There.

*Harry gives Hermione a rude hand gesture*

Annabeth: Okay, Harry, you're not exactly Orpheus...

*Hermione lifts the spell*

Harry: Wait... I can dance!

Ron: *facepalms*

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