Day 2: Skirmishes begin

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As the sun rose up over the many buildings, I yawned and groaned as I sat across from Opalrekt, who was still asleep as he was slumped up against the wall. I was also against a wall and as I slowly got up, my body ached from being in such an awkward position the whole night. I looked outside as I watched the suns rays slowly illuminate the surroundings outside and as I did, I slowly reached over and lightly tapped Opalrekt on his shoulder as I attempted to see if he would just wake up.

He moaned as he rubbed his eyes and as he sat up against the wall, he looked outside to see the world and he asked me, "What are we going to do?"

"I think the plan is to find out what the heck is going on... hopefully we won't die though...." I muttered as we both got up from the ground and got into a low crouch stance.

I slowly opened the door as I looked around. The building was in another block outside of the park and so the streets were surprisingly quiet to my ears. Cars were sitting around where they had been parked and as we slowly eased our way out of the doorway, we kept our eye and ears out for trouble of any sort. We walked alongside the cars with hunched backs as we tried to not be seen by anyone that could be around.

"Maybe we should leave the area completely." Opalrekt said in a hushed tone.

I shook my head. "Remember? We tried it last night but this whole place has been fenced off. Remember everyone else with us?"

The a little bit after we had ran from the convention center, we tried to leave the area but found tall fences blocking us out, topping with barbwire and razor wire. Other people had tried to find a way through but we had been smart and left the area, knowing that whoever wanted us dead would come towards the fences.

"Right...." Opalrekt seemed to be really low on morale so I said to him, "Hey, the one good thing is that we're still alive and breathing. I swear if I find a gun-"

"A gun? Wait, you would wage a war against these guys?" He asked me incredulously.

"Well, call me weird but I consider myself a Warrior Brony... Say the least, my mindset isn't all for peace.... It's mainly geared towards war."

"Warrior Brony?" Opalrekt looked at me like I was some sort of nut job before he thought about it and said, "Tell me, what is a Warrior Brony?"

"Oh, just like a normal Brony but a Warrior Brony would start a fandom war if push came to shove.... and not just with foam weapons but with real ones." I said with a shrug as we stopped at an intersection.

"Thats... just..." Opalrekt looked like he was going to blow a fuse trying to understand me when I told him, "I'm ADD and I have Autism... Do you really want to try and figure me out?"

He gave a sudden, 'Oh!' at that and he nodded his head as we quickly scampered across the way towards the other side of the street. As we did so, I thought I heard the sudden sound of nearby gunfire and we both hit the deck next to a car as we looked around. I almost thought I had seen nothing but then I saw a muzzle flash and after hearing the gun report, I knew someone was shooting at someone else.

But why?

We  both got up very slowly and began to walk towards the figure holding the gun, which is probably one of the dumbest thing's I've ever done to say the least. We kept close to the cars as we approached and as we came to a bench, I peeked over to see a Tribute holding what looked like an M4, firign it sporadically into a nearby window of an apartment.

"What is that Tribute doing?" I whispered the thought out loud and Opalrekt shrugged as the Tribute seemed oblivious to us.

I looked around me for something of a weapon and saw a nearby tire wrench left next to a vehicle and I quieyl slid over and picked it up. I hefted it as I looked at Opalrekt and shrugged as I crept around the car to get behind the Tribute. I stayed as low to the ground as I couldd without crawling as the Tribute reloaded his weapon and as I finally got behind his back, I saw what he had been shooting at.

Two poeple, from the Brony fandom judging by the merchandise that lay torn and scattered around them, were slumped up against the wall with the bright splatters of blood on them and across the wall. I nearly swore and cried at this as the Tribute fired another burst into a nearby body and my rage filled me as I took a few steps forward and swung the tire wrench with everything I had in my body.


TheTribute fell to the ground with that sound as his weapons almost clattered to the ground but i managed to catch the strap he had on it and as I looked back at Opalrekt, I began to strip the Tribute of his weapon, his ammo, and the decent looking armor he had. Although he wore no helmet, and I shook my head at such foolishness, I strapped on his vest and I secured the M4's strap to me as I put everything where I wanted, mainly ammo in my pockets. I took the magazine as I checked the ammo and then I clicked it back into the assault rifle as I saw a pistol and tossed it to Opalrekt along with the few mags the Tribute had.

He looked over at the corpses and I heard him say, "Oh my gawd..." as I sighed and said to him, " Well, at least we know who may have started this whole mess."

He nodded as he looked down at the pistol and then he looked back at me as he said to me, "Um... I don't exactly know how to use this thing...."

I looked at him as I looked around before I quickly showed him the basics and as he nodded and held the thing with barrel pointed down, I looked around before I said to him, "Come on, lets go. We need to find others to help us in this Fandom War..."

We traveled sometime from where we had killed the Tribute but as we slowly crept around the quiet area, I felt bad. Not because I had killed a Tribute but because I hadn't even reacted to it. It almost made me wonder if I was even sane and not some psychopath  killer. But I would have to ignore the feeling as we neared another intersection and as we crouched down next to the corner of a building, I slolwy peeked my head around.

I saw all the way down from us the park and I saw what looked like a flag poking up from it. I didn't see much else but I almost wet myself as I watched an APC slowly roll itself forward, a Stryker from the looks of it, as it was accompanied by a group of four Tributes, also wearing armor and arrmed with assault rifles and carbines but I still didn't understand why they wouldn't wear helmets.

I ducked back as I looked at Opalrekt and said to him, "We have a APC at the far end of the street... Should we risk crossing the street?"

He looked around before he shrugged and said, "I guess so..."

I got up and after checking my rifle, I calmly strutted out into the open street. Opalrekt slowly followed me and as we made it to the otherside, we ducked around and I looked back down the street.

The APC had kept going on without a worry.

I smiled as i looked back at Opalrekt and gave him a thumbs up and we got up as we began to hustle away from the place.

Wehalted as we ducked down behind a car just as the two Tributes came into view. One had a leash in hand and had a pistol in the other and when I popped up to see what it was attached to, my blood boiled. A line of people in Brony outfits were being lead along like slaves and as I ducked down, I heard the other tribute, armed with what looked like an M14, say to his friend, "This is wrong! If people saw how we are treating these people, they'd have us all arrested!"

"Well, guess what? This is how war really works, no matter what people say!" Said the other Tribute as he dragged the poeple along with the line.

I almost gave a sneer as I began to raise my M4 when a gun report behind me made me jump and I whipped around to see Opalrekt with his pistol up, smoke curling from the barrel and he looked at me with an almost surprised expression.

The shot snapped over the Tribute holding the leash and he instictively ducked as I immediately popped up and fired a 3-round burst at the Tribute with the M14. My aim was good but not good enough and the rounds hit his arm but it was enough to make him drop his DMR as he howled and fell to the ground with blood splattering the asphalt beneath him.

The ohter tribute, who had his assault rifle stapped onto his back and only had the leash in hand and as he looked at myself and Opalrekt, his eyes went wide and I watched as he reached for his walkie-talkie.

"Frak you!" I spat that phrase out as my next burst of rounds caught the boy in his hand and arm and he screeched before a bullet blew out his brains to splatter the ground and I looked back to see Opalrekt with a grim, ashen-colored face. He was shaking as he muttered, "I just killed him..." And I sighed as I got up and went to the dead tribute on the ground while the other one squirmed around on the ground with his wounded arm. I took the knife the dead boy had and cut the leash as I handed it to one of the other people and said, "Cut those things off you." As I went over to the one tribute who was alive.

"What do you want?" The Tribute asked me as he looked up at me.

I looked at his M14 as I picked it up and as I looked back down at him, I suddenly asked him, "Why should I spare you?"

He looked up at me with frieghtened, wide eyes and I almost felt sorry for him. His mouth moved but only a small cry came from it and I sighed as I raised the gun and finally pput the boy out of his misery. Just like that, no remorse, no sudden guilt, just squeeze the trigger.

I ripped the M14 EBR strap off the boy as I took my M4 and lay it on the ground as I took up the DMR and put it on me. I took all the ammo and replaced my M4 ammo with it as I took up the M4 and then, as Opalrekt approached me, I tossed it to him.

He shook his head nd said, "No.... I... I just can't."

"Then you'll let them kill you like a lamb. We have no choice in this war. Come on, help me get this armor on you." I said to him as I stripped the armor off the boy.

He nodded stiffly as I strapped the armor onto him and as he looked at the assault rifle in his hands, I looked around in case more Tributes were on their way to investigate. The Bronies had now freed themselves and as they quickly strode past us, two of them picked up the other M4 and M9 from the ground as the one with the M9 put on the other dead tributes body armor.

And then it wasn't long before myself and Opalrekt left the scene.

When midday slowly rose up, myself and Opalrekt had put some distance between ourselves and the last confrontation we had with Tributes and as we stopped at a nearby Subway, we both took notice that the windows had been smashed in. We walked in and as we looked around in the abandonned sub shop, my stomach growled noisily and both myself and Opalrekt looked at each other and gave a nod in agreement as we looked about to sate our hun ger. I found some chips and as I ripped open the bag, I quickly stuffed myself with them as I soon got up to get a drink.

"I wonder why they started this..." Suddenly said Opalrekt from where he sat nearby.

I looked up from filling my cup with soda as I looked at him. "Why? For all we know, it may have been an accident that went south real fast."

Opalrekt shrugged as he ate his sub and as I sat back down and slowly drank my drink, I thougght about that thing myself.

Why did they start this thing?

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