Night 2: Night raid

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The afternoon was surprisingly uneventful, although we had tried our hardest to stay away from getting into trouble with the Tributes like the first two times. As we approached a hotel that stood out from amongst the nearby shops and as we stopped at the doors, I watched in surprise as they slid open, figuring that since the beginning that no electricity was running thoughout the area.

We slowly walked though the lobby as we looked around and as I looked bhind the desk, I asked almost hesitantly, "Anyone here?"

"Thsi place is abandonned... just like everything else..." Muttered Opalrekt as he opened a door that lead into a room full of  what seemed like food for the hotel's morning breakfast.

Then, we heard a thud! from somewhere down the hall and we both looked at each other as we brought up our weapons and we slowly crept to the edge of the hallway and as I stopped at the edge, I kept my rifle's stock close to my chest. I looked back on Opalrekt, made sure he was okay, and I nodded as I whipped around the corner while he looked the other way.

At first, I didn't see anything too abnormal about the hallway lined with doors. I almost thought it was a level above us and my eyes glanced up as I tried to listen in on anything else. But then I saw a flurry of a limb, like someone was struggling with something and I grabbed the collar of Opalrekt's T-shirt as I dragged him along while somehow keeping the rifle up in my one hand as we slowly advanced down the hall. When we came a few feet from where I had seen the body limbs, I stopped as I tapped Opalrekt and pointed in my direction and I watched as his gun barrel appeared in peripherals

I let out a breath as quietly as I could before I stepped forward and shoved my barrel where the person was suppose to be.

And found a Brony girl cowering in the corner, holding a Fluttershy stuffed pony in her arm's as she cowered before us against a locked door.

We brought the girl from where she had been as Opalrekt did us a favor and raided everything foor and drink related and as we sat in the hotel's main eating area, the  girl was quiet and didn't seem to want to talk to us much. I was sitting in a chair backwards, resting my rifle on the chairs back as I kept it aimed at the hotel's main entrance while Opalrekt tried to coax the girl into talking or at least saying something.

"Hey, are you alright?" Asked Opalrekt as he tried to put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

As I looked over to see her stay in her quiet, shocked state, she looked at least in her teen's, maybe around my age of 18. She had blonde hair and her face was delicate and had a decent tan. She wore a Brony T-shirt and wore what looked like some slightly torn jeans.

I finally got tired of her in that shocked state as I said to Opalrekt, "Let me try."

Opalrekt looked over at me before he said, "Go easy on her. I think you may have scared her when you came around with your gun up." and he took my spot as I took his.

I looked into the girls eyes, although I had to lean my head as her head was tipped down towards the table top. Her eyes were the color of walnuts and she glanced over at me as she hugged the little stuffed pony a little tighter and I said to her, "Calm down. We're not here to hurt you. Okay?"

She stared at me for a little bit before she managed to say quietly, "What do you want from me?"

I sighed in sudden relief as I backed off slightly and I put my hand's together as I asked her, "What happend that made you come here?"

She slowly sat up as she looked at us both, two boys with body armor and guns, and as she kept the stuffed animal close to her as she said, "Well... when I heard the shooting start... I ran with everyone else... But the street was fenced off and I panicked and fled to here... What are you guys doing?"

"Me? I'm just with this guy. I don't want to be any part of this war." Opalrekt  said from behind me and I frowned slightly as I said to her, "We're just like you are. Trying to survive the craziest Fandom war I've ever known before."

She gave a slight nod as she kept her arms to her chest before she said, "What are you going to do? About this whole thing?"

"Well, I plan on doing what any normal person should do in this situation. Fight back because of this terroristic attack." I said almost instinctively as I looked at her and then I heard Opalrekt say behind me, "A normal person wouldn't fight a war. They would wish the war over already."

I looked over at him and muttered, "Civie's..." before I got up and said to them, "I think we should get ready for a long night... Myself and Opalrekt will keep watch... what is your username?"

The girl looked at me like I was a little bit weird and but she sighed as she looked around and said, "I'm called Winter_injuly."

"Well then, Winter_injuly, you can get some sleep now. Opalrekt hopefully will get off his bum and go behind the counted to see where a card is to use." I said and I looked behind me at Opalrekt.

He realized that was a cue and he quickly jumped up as he went to behind the front desk and searched around till he found himself one key and then he came backa s he took Winter_injuly by her hand and lead her to the room while I kept myself at the front as I looked around outside. But then I got up as I looked around and I left the front as I went outside and crouched low next to a parked car as I looked out around into the night time of the street. I could hear nothing, which surprised me considering I would have thought I would hear lots of gunfire and maybe even explosions from tanks and APC's but it all was quiet. I looked around as I assumed that Opalrekt and Winter_injuly would be fine and so I slowly crept from the car in a low crouch as I crossed the street and headed off into the night.

I slowly stalked the night as I crept around a corner and just as I was about to cross the street, I heard talking from somewhere nearby from voices ahead of me, headed down the street I had just got on. I got low as I got on my belly in a prone position and I began to slowly crawl my way from where I was and I approached where the voices were coming from. As I came to a gap between cars, I looked over and spied what looked like a coffee shop and I spied what looked like six Tributes inside, talking while a abandonned APC stood nearby. I aimed my M14 up as my sight slowly drifted around the Tributes as they sat and lounged in their chairs but I stopped myself as I began to continue to crawl towards the coffee shop from behind the cars along the sidewalk.

It was slow progress but eventually I managed to the end of thr street and as I hid behind a nother car, I slowly eased myself up into a crouch as I kept my gun barrel up and aimed at the coffee house the Tributes were in. I slowly advanced around the car as I tried to not be spotted in either the moonlight or the lights of what few street lamps were on. I skirted the edge of a lamp light as I managed to get back into prone and slowly begin to crawl my way towards the Tribute APC, which was currently keeping the Tributes Line of sight blocked from where I was and I was thankful for that as I finally got up from prone and crouched next to the APC.

And as I was there, trying to keep my heart from thumping straight out of my chest, I listened in on whatever I could maybe hear from the Tributes but then i stopped myself as I thought to try and look around the APC instead. And as I found what looked like a fabricated side-hatch, I slowly opened it as I let the hatch ease open and I looked around the inside.

And I saw a wealth of gear, including NVG's that I took and placed on my helmet as quickly as I could as I saw two grenades and a flashbang and took them as well. Finally, spotting some Claymore mines and other explosives, I decided to do something very, very dirty to these Tributes.

The Tributes slowly filed out from the coffee shop as they continued to talk and joke around and just as they reached the hatch, the leader opened the hatch as she was about to look inside when there was a shot behind them and something blew up inside as it shot shrapnel and flames from the hatch just as a huge explosion ripped the entire thing in half as the turret flew off and landed nearby. I had taken from one weapon a bipod and had managed to afix it to my rifle and I had waited there for maybe am hour or two before they had come out. I had placed a claymore in the front of the hatch, just enough so I could maybe shoot it and hopefully have it blow up and as I watched the smoke roil inot the sky, a breeze caught the smoke and drifted a smell of burning meat and charred flesh that had me gagging real fast and it wasn't long before I got up and bolted for a place that was anywhere but here.

When I came back to the hotel, I enterred it slowly walked through the halls and as I looked around, I could only assume which door it was. So, wwitht hat in mind, I said in the quiet hall, "Opal? Opalrekt? winter_injuly?"

I heard a nearby click and tunred to see winter_injuly pointing Oplarekt's M4 at me but I noticed how much it wobbled around in her hand as she aimed it at me and I slowly walked to her as she finally let the gun barrel fall to the ground as I said to her, "Is Opalrekt okay?"

"He's sleeping already... said he hadn't gotten much sleep since this whole thing started." She said as she lead me inside and as I looked around att he small room, it wasn't long before I was finding a comfy spot on the floor and falling asleep there with gun still in my arm's.

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