Day 3: New allies

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I woke up to the morning dawn slowly rising over the city as it's rays shined through the window's curtains and as I looked around, my body felt more relaxed since last night. I tried to rub my head but I felt my new helmet and as I felt it, I suddenly didn't remember how I had managed to put it on, nor less the NVG's that were attached to them.

I looked up from where I was laying on the floor and as I looked towards the window, I saw Opalrekt snoring like a bear. I looked at the bed before me and saw Winter_injuly sleeping a lot more silently and as I slowly sat up and stretched, my muscles ached from all that I had done the day before. I yawned as I got up and as I looked around, I knew that I would have to wake the others up soon before something bad happened to us.

I heard a yawn and I turned to see WInter_injuly slowly sit up and as her hair stuck to her face like sticky candy, I saw the M4 across the bed from her that apparently she had slept with. She looked around and noticed me that I was awake and then we both instinctively looked over at Opalrekt as he still was snoring up a storm. I almost slapped my face as I approached him and I lightly tapped his shoulder as I said almost quietly, "Hey! Wake up. We need to get moving before the Tributes find us."

He woke up with a start and I almost felt sorry for waking him up but as he looked at me, he asked me, "You didn't do something to the Tributes did you?"

"Well, I may have stolen this helmet, the NVG's, and the bipod for my DMR, plus kill six of the Tributes along with their APC." I said almost in an almost guilty tone but I soon waved my hand and said, "But either way, we need to get moving."

He sighed but thankfully he nodded and as he got up, I gave him his M4 and we three left the room slowly as I kept my rifle up as we walked along the hall. As soon as we went outside, I avoided the way I went last night and we headed along the outskirts of the barrier that had us fenced in.

When it reached maybe 10:00 a.m., we suddenly came upon a gun store. It was surprising that there was no one who was dressed up as a Tribute, considering that these places would be the most likeliest places of Bronies arming themselves, but as I approached it, I saw no one anywhere but everything was shockingly still in there.

I opened the door and as we crept around the stall's, I looked around at all the available guns and as I slowly stood up with the others, I almost hesitantly asked, "Hello?"


My rifle was up as I spun to my right and as I leaned around the corner of a bunch of rifles, I saw a boy in a brony hoody with an AR-15, looking like he was ready to rock and roll. He had hair color Rainbow Dash style and he wore what looked like some decent gloves with hardened knuckles. He also seemed to understand how to hold a rifle and as I looked over him, i saw he had a Brony backpack.

"Brony?" I asked him.

"Your a Brony too?" He asked me.

"Yeah and I'm not alone. What's your username?" I asked him as I slowly let my gun drop and rest on it's sling.

"They call me Solarwolf1. What is your's?" He asked me as he let the AR-15 drop from his shoulder but he still held it.

"I'm called Kommando293. My companions are Opalrekt and Winter_injuly." I watched from my peripherals as the two others come next to me to show themselves.

"Well, looks like we need to raid this store of everything before the Tributes find it and blow it up. Can you help me out?" Solarwolf1 asked as he put a few more Brony backpacks on the counter, most not even half filled.

"Wanna join us, or me at least, in helping fight the Tributes?" I asked Solarwolf1.

He looked at me with a strange look and then he looked me over before he grinned and said to me, "Where can I sign up?"

We raided the store of any weapon we could possibly find, dumping all the ammo into the bags as we used slings to keep the gun's on us. I now had next to my DMR a long rifle, at least two AR-15's, and at least three different glocks inside of my pockets. I also had on my back ammo for all of the weapons we had taken with us, everything from 9mm rounds to solid-shot shotgun rounds.

Everyone else behind me were also loaded up and as we walked along the streets with weapons in hand, I watched for patrolling Tributes and APC's. Winter_injuly had been given an AR-15 and as she held it in her hand, she almost looked like a child soldier from other countries.

We crossed the street as we passed some more abandoned car's when I suddenly stopped the group and as I looked up ahead, I used my DMR's sight to see off in the distance, which was only a block or two down from us.

"Uh oh." I muttered as I got low.

Solarwolf1 got next to me as he asked me, "What's up?"

"Tribute POW camp.... Bronies Imprisoned.... No APC but I do see at least four Tributes, maybe more...." I said as I looked around the crude POW camp of barbwire, sandbags, and fencing. I saw the Tributes and all seemed very lax about what was going on.

I looked back at the others and asked them, "Should we bother to even deal with them? We may have even odds but only two of us has any armor."

The others looked at each other with worried glances but then Solarwolf1 said, "Let's do this, for the Bronies that they have!"

I nodded and watched as Winter_injuly also nod and then Opalrekt nodded his head as everyone came to a final consensus. I got into a prone position as best as the gear on my back would allow me as I settled the gun into my shoulder as I extended the bi-pod. I looked through my sight as I steadied my breath and as my fingers curled around the gun's handle, my index finger slipped into the trigger guard behind the trigger.

My sight quivered as I made it come to rest on the head of a Tribute as he leaned in a beach chair and as I let a breath out, my index finger moved onto the trigger as my body seemed to tense up. I watched as the Tribute turned his head to face a friend when my finger squeezed the trigger and the gun jumped as the bullet flew down range and blew the brains out of the Tribute to splatter another that he had been talking to and as the corpse flopped in the chair, I heard another shot next to me and I saw Solarwolf1 with a bolt-action rifle as he worked the action before firing again and I looked down range to see another Tribute fall, a shot with in his collarbone while another was lodged somewhere in his shoulder.

Thats when I saw Opalrekt moving up next to Winter_injuly and I tried to shout a warning to them but before I could do anything, a Tribute fired his M4 and I watched in mute shock as the shots connected to Opalrekt's next, bright artery blood spraying as he collapsed in a bloody heap, his voice gargling as he drowned in his own blood. Winter_injuly screamed and ducked into an alley as I fired again and the Tribute died as Solarwolf1 finished off the last Tribute.

I scrambled up as I went to Opalrekt who was already dead before we could do anything. I sighed in sadness as I took his gun, ammo, and armor and after a prayer for the dead boy, I walked over to where the POW Bronies were. I found the padlock and I shot it off and as we opened the gates, half of the Bronies left in a fleeing mass but at least twelve stayed behind.

"You all wish to fight?" I aksed them.

A boy came forward and I looked him over. I couldn't tell his hair color because he had his hoody up still but he did have a decently handsome face. He stepped forward as he said to me, "I am turbosky, and I am willing to fight for the Brony fandom. Give me armor and a weapon, and i will follow and fight."

More replies like that came in and as we unpacked our bags of weapons and distributed what we could, I gave turbosky Opalrekt's stuff and said, "Don't let his sacrifice be in vain."

Turbosky nodded as he put on the armor and took the gun and once our group was all ready, we headed out to create a ruckus against the Tributes.

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