Night 3: The Warrior Bronies

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Our group of Brony warriors, as I was already calling our group, moved in a scattered single-file formation away from the Tribute POW camp as everyone had been armored and armored to the best we could manage. I lead the group as I used my scope to scout the way ahead and as I looked up into the sky, I saw the sun was slowly going down, signalling nightfall.

"Great, nightfall is coming soon and we'll be forced to run around in the dark!" I muttered and Turbosky, who was next to me, heard me as he said, "Should we raid the Tributes for some gear to help us?"

"Reason I got this," I jerked my thumb to my NVG's, "Was because none of the Tributes were in their APC, which I blew up with the Tributes."

Everyone had finally halted and scattered around to get in any cover seen and as I looked around, I could see that flag in the park of in the distance but as I looked at it through my scope, I saw it was the Tribute's Hunger Games symbol and I bit my lip as I realized they were marking their territory.

"Come on." I said to the group of 14 Bronies behind me, "Let's get somewhere we can hold up ourselves in till morning. I doubt any of us want's to do a night raid."

And everyone silently followed me as we kept on jogging down the road, around the area outside the convention center.

I dropped to the ground as everyone somehow got the idea and did the same and as I brought my DMR up, I watched the Tributes patrolling along with a critical eye. They seemed lax still, which surprised me since a few of them were already dead, and they all had helmets and NVG's next to body armor and the M4's and M16's they had in their hands.But as I watched them stop in the middle of the intersection, I was kind of scared because there were at least 8 of the Tributes.

Why I was scared of 8 of them when we have 15?

A. we're all technically greenhorn militia

B. They had the equipment to fight in the dark

and C. They had full armor while we had split what armor we had to accommodate all.

I let my sight drift around the Tribute's neck's, the only exposed part that was a critical hit, as Solarwolf1 mosied on up next to me and asked me, "What should we do? Should we take them head on or should we ambush them?"

I looked back at everyone behind me and thought about it some, then went back to watch the Tributes begin setting up some sort of camp and I knew we had to deal with them before they discovered us. So as I looked around us and kept an eye on the Tributes, I finally said to the others, "Split up and tke cover around here... And absolutely do not try and be spotted by them."

Everyone nodded as they began to disperse into the night to hopefully, quietly surround the Tributes.

I slowly crawled along on my belly as I kept my rifle barrel up off the ground in my arm's and as Solarwolf1, Turbosky, and winter_injuly followed me, I slowly made my way behind a truck and put my back up against it as I slowly eased myself off the ground just a little bit and peeked through one of the window's.

The Tribute's were still unaware that they were slowly being surrounded and as I watched them, i wanted to pop up and send a stream of bullets through them but I knew that to do so would only get one or two killed before the rest scattered. I could see the other Warrior Bronie's moving around in the shadow's and as I watched them through my NVG's, I kept an eye towards those Tribute's as one got a small camp fire going. The light played heck with my NVG's and I flipped them up as I watched the Tributes with my naked eye and as I watched them have a quiet conversation, I watched as everyone found a spot and took cover there, waiting for me to go.

I eased around the truck's front bumper as I slowly eased myself back onto my stomach and as I pulled down my DMR's bi-pod, I let the sight rest on the neck of a Tribute girl who was currently laughing at something that was said.


The shot took her neck and obliterated everything inside of it as I heard everyone else begin to fire at the Tribute, a mixture of shotgun's, assault rifle's, and hunting rifle's. The Tribute's jerked like puppets on strings attached to someone having a terrible seizure and when everyone finally stopped, mostly to reload, the Tributes were more in pieces than they were in one piece. I walked over as everyone quickly joined me and as we slowly stripped the Tributes of their armor, I looked around before I said to everyone, "Hurry! Before more come to investigate what just happened."

Everyone nodded and took only armor, ammo, and the weapons and then we quickly left the area as we fled into the night.

When we stopped near another hotel, everone had some armor on their body and as I approached the front door's, I looked back at the others and nodded as I enterred it with my gun up. Turbosky, Solarwolf1, and winter_injuly with her new M4 followed me in as two other Bronie's also followed us into the hotel. I walked slowly as I approached the tower and as I looked over it, suddenly I was looking down the barrel of an M16 and I froze as my own M14 was staring straight at the guy, who seemed to be wearing the cosplay of what may have been an OC. His Cosplay was like shining armor but his cutie mark was not Shining Armor's and as I slowly withdrew my M14, he looked at me and asked me, "Brony?"

I nodded. "What's your username?"

He looked around as he slowly took his rifle barrle out of my face before he said, "I am..... LightningFlash2580..."

"Well, I am Kommando293. There is a group of other Bronies outside if you want to join the fight against the Tributes. Want to help us?"

He shook his head as he said, "I would but I need to protect the other's inside here... Just knock on doors and you'll see what I mean."

I looked back and nodded to the others but before we had even tried, I watched as people begin to appear from what few doorway's I could see and it was a mixture of normal fan's, Cosplayers, and I was even surprised to see a few in military uniform. As I watched the people slowly congregate towards us and as I heard one of the other Bronies say something to the other Bronies outside and as the other Warrior Bronies slowly came inside the hotel, I watched as the other Bronies finally congregate towards us, all looking worn out and tired.

"Who exactly are you all?" Asked LightningFlash2580

I looked back at everyone and part of me just wanted to say "Bronies" but when I looked at everyone else in the group, I knew that we were more than just simple Bronies.

"Calls us.... Warrior Bronies..." I said to LightningFlash2580

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