Day 6: Second Tribute FOB Assault

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I woke up from my bunk to the snores and sleep-mutterings of Warrior and Soldier Brony and Pegasisters all around me. I groaned cause the three other bunks around me were occupied by Solarwolf1, Turbosky, and Winter_injuly and as I sat up and looked around, I rubbed my helmets eyes as I thought they were my own. I stretched quickly as I got up and walked out of the sleeping room, which had been set up in a hotel not too far from the FOB we had taken.

It had been decided that besides a small garrison at the FOB that everything else was to be scattered to the winds to make sure the Tributes couldn't decimate the entire Brony force in one fell swoop and as I looked around the hotel, I began to wonder what I would be stuck doing next this day.

Of course, that is when I looked across the way from the hotel to see several Soldier and Warrior Bronies, along with a few from the War Thunder units, huddled inside and I was about to calmly walk over when one of them noticed me and waved me over. I quickly jogged over and as I entered the adhoc command center inside of a coffee shop, I wondered what they were all doing.

I found myself amongst the group looking over a map of the city area the war currently resided, flaps of clear plastic over the map as the commander here drew out whatever was taking place. But as I looked around at the faces, they all had the same game-face going on: determination played plainly across their faces.

Then I looked back down at the map and I saw arrows leading from the various Brony positions all around and pointing directly at the second Tribute FOB.

Immediately, I stopped looking down at the map and I listened in to what the commander Soldier Brony had to say.

"Alright, we will attack in three different phases. In just a few hours, we will launch the first wave of Warrior's and Soldiers into the fight, having them take out any Tribute patrols and trying to avoid the main focus of the Tributes back in the convention center. Thats the first phase.

"Phase two has our Bradley and Abrams will move up to the very edge of the park and begin to fire on all of the Tribute fire positions that dot the area. Infantry units will come in to support the armored attack.

"And finally, Phase three is when our War Thunder units swoop in to deal a crushing blow against the Tribute's airforce by knocking out as many hovercraft from the area as is possible."

"Does anyone have questions?" asked the commander as he looked all around.

No one, not even myself, said a word and as the commander nodded, he said to us all, "Then get the rest of the garrison awake and moving! We need to be ready now or else we may not be able to make this war end by tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and began to move out and go to the various buildings the other Warriors and Soldiers were in and as I quickly re-entered my room, I turned on the lights, opened the windows, and said in my best commanding voice, "Up, you lazy bums! We got an assault with our name on it, with ice cream at the end! So gear up and be ready in," I quickly checked my digital watch, "ten minutes!" I didn't know whether they would care or not but I watched in surprise as the Warriors and Soldiers slowly get up and began to gear up. I watched as Turbosky was the first to wake from my group and as I watched him shake awake the other two, they quickly geared themselves up before they walked over to me.

As soon as I thought everyone was awake, I quickly left the room as I made my way outside as I prepared myself for the coming assault.

I crept around the corner, like some weird corner-creep from TF2, as I kept my gun up to my shoulder with not much regards to a cheek weld. Trubosky, Winter_injuly, and Solarwolf1 were right behind me along with a few other Warriors and Soldiers and as we cautiously walked around the corner, I could see the Tribute FOB set up in what looked like a smaller park, furnished with a pavilion and a playground. I nodded to the others but then I stopped the group as I saw the ominous shape of not only an APC but of a black tank, the model hard to tell because the black mended most of the edges together.

But I knew it was most likely a Abrahm tank, like the ones we used and as I took out one of my radio's, I said over it "Command, be advised there is an Abrahm just outside of the Tribute FOB, over."

The reply was terse and quick," Warrior, continue onward as planned."

I put the radio away as I lead the team forward as told and as we slowly advanced towards the FOB and as we did, I was very, very leery of the tank as it sat ominously near the FOB. All I could do was hope and pray that no crew member was inside having a good eye for the Bronies.

Of course, that was added to the list of other things I was praying for, mostly that I didn't die, we win this war, etc.

We all spread ourselves across a few cars and as I watched a few Tributes that seemed to be on nearby patrols, I wondered how we should tackle the base from here.

"Psst, take this." A Soldier Brony handed me a silencer and as I took it, I screwed it onto my M14's barrel and as I aimed it around, I prayed that it silenced the shot for the most part.

I settled myself down as I whispered to the others, "Get ready for all heck to break loose..." as my sight began to pick out Tribute targets all around and as I watched the Tributes, my sights settled on one Tribute in particular.

The Tribute pitched over as he fell from the mounted .50 cal and as I watched the other Tributes act like nothing else happened, I sighed in relief as I looked for other Tributes that would pose a heavy resistance. I saw that in a nearby tree there was what looked like a look out and as I sniped the boy from his perch, he hit the ground with a thump! that I could hear and I winced as I saw a few Tributes took notice. I quickly panned the area and only the tank scared me the most but as I looked at the open hatches, I was very determined that it was empty and that the crew were occupied elsewhere.

Leaving us with a short opportunity for us to take advantage of.

So with that thought leading my head, I got up an d quickly sprinted as the others followed me and as we crossed the street and reached the playground, I watched as a few Tributes took notice of us and begin to raise shouts for others to hear. I quickly unscrewed my silencer off as Turbosky fired a shot from his M4 and as a Tribute pitched over, it started the beginning of the battle.

I noticed other groups of Warriors and Soldiers as they advanced along the flanks of the FOB and as I fired a few more shots from my now unsilenced M14, I watched as a few Tributes begin to climb onto the tank. I almost snarled as I fired a few shots and sent the majority tumbling from the tanks armored carapace, leaving the last guy to wisely get off and run away but I knew that we were slowly taking casualties and as I looked around, I charged for till I reached some sandbags and as I popped up, I felt a bullet snap by my face and I looked to see a Tribute taking aim again and I planted some lead into him as Solarwolf1 and Turbosky popped up next to me and fired with me as we suppressed a group of Tributes advancing up from a nearby tree line that skirted the edge of the FOB.

I heard someone behind me cry out and I turned to see Winter_injuly hit the ground hard and as I ran over, I grabbed her by her arm and I quickly ran back to the sandbags as I rested her against them and as I popped back up as I fired another stream of lead at the advancing Tributes and though I watched some of my shots wound the Tributes, I was thankful they were out of the fight for now but then I felt a shot from a Tribute burn my arm as it grazed me and I didn't wince as I fired my gun and sent 6 grams of lead into the Tributes head.

"Phase two, beginning." said from my radio and I was almost thankful that we had made it this far.

Of course, that also meant that we were nowhere even close to finishing the fight and as I watched another Tribute fall to the ground with blood splashing he ground, I knew we needed to cap the base before Phase three happened.

Which meant we had to move our butts now before that happened.

Immediately, I jumped up and ran towards a nearby tree and as I ducked behind it, three bullets smacked into the trunk and I ducked back before I popped out and fired a stream of suppressing fire for my friends to move up. Turbosky and Solarwolf1 quickly ran over to me and as they covered me, more Warriors and Soldiers joined us before I ran towards the fencing, which was part of an incline where the FOB sat on the hill. I saw a gun tower and hit the deck as someone up in it fired a SAW and the shots scattered all around me before Solarwolf1 nailed the Tribute and sent the boy flying from the tower to hit the ground with a thump! that even I could hear over the shots of rifles and the booms of tanks and as I jumped back up, I watched as one of the Soldiers take out a slab of C4 and throw it at the fencing and then the C4 erupted into fire and I watched as the fencing was ripped to shred to expose the FOB.

But as we ran through the breach, I saw this was a more sophisticated FOB compared to the others. And as I took cover behind some concrete barriers, I felt bullets snap by my head as more Bronies tried to pour into the breach. I popped up as my friends appeared next to me and as I tried not to get sniped, I could see we were in a whole new world of hurt like no other.

I could see Tributes everywhere, behind sandbags, behind barriers, behind vehicles and buildings, up in the towers, within the buildings, so many of them in cover that as Brony's attempting to make through the fencing began to fall tot he Tributes, I took out a grenade and I yanked the pin out with my teeth as I popped up and hurled it as hard as I could.

It sailed through the air as it landed amongst a few Tributes behind sandbags and the explosion tore them up as it cause the sandbags to go flying. I ducked as bullets zipped and snapped over my head and that's when Solarwolf1 fired his grenade launcher and the projectile sailed through the air as is exploded amongst another group of Tributes. I looked around and saw the flag pole, along with the many Tributes that were holding the line with a mixture of assault rifles and machine guns.

All of whom were firing at us in a huge unison of lead death.

I ducked down as I felt another bullet snap over my head and as I looked around for another place to use as cover, I saw a nearby APC that just so happened to be parked nearby and as I crouched low and got towards the edge of the cover I was behind, I looked back and saw the other guys that had made it inside the FOB firing back and as I looked at them, I wanted to shout "Covering fire!" but found that I couldn't.

So, instead, I went for it.

I bolted across the open terrain as I felt bullets snap by me and as soon as I hit the side of the APC, I got on my belly and crawled towards the edge as I popped out my head and fired a few shots down range.

I nailed a machine gunner trying to reload and as bullets forced me back, I saw Turboksy and Solarwolf1 come sprinting over as they, too, ran that gauntlet and as I ducked my head down, I looked around for another place to run towards for cover.

Suddenly, I heard my radio say, "Phase Two completed, Phase Three beginning." and I nearly swore as someone said, "Where's our support?"

I looked around with a sense of urgency as I knew we either captured the FOB now or we never would capture it at all.

But then I heard the screams of jets from above and looked up in astonishment as the Tribute Hovercraft and a few normal het fighters take on the War Thunder ponies. At first, I thought it was suicide but as I watched the War Thunder ponies agility out-do the Tributes craft and fighter-jets and I could see the streamers of rainbow and rockets being fired from the War Thunder ponies as they slowly knocked down the enemy fighter craft one-by-one. I heard a shout and saw in horror as a hovercraft slowly came down towards the FOB and before anyone could react, it smashed itself into the ground across the way and as flames went up into the sky, shrapnel from the explosion went everywhere and I knew that that was the bell and that it was now or never to finish this fight.

"FOR THE BRONIES!!" I hollered as I charged the Tributes last position and I heard the call taken up by other voices as other Bronies and Pegasisters charged with me at the Tributes, amidst the hailstorm of fire trying to scythe us all down.

I felt bullets snap by my body and face but I fired my guns remaining ammo in its clip as I watched my shots go everywhere but I heard more guns firing at the Tributes as we suppressed and pinned them down. And then, when we had reached the Tributes position, I hurtled over the sand bags as I smashed the butt of my rifle into the skull of a Tribute and as the boy reeled back, the rest of the Bronies and Pegasisters jumped after me and the vicious melee ensued in a flailing of limbs, feet, and weapon stocks. I ducked under the swing of a Tribute as I took a combat knife out and stabbed it into the head of the Tribute as Turboksy and Solarwolf1 dashed tot he flag and quickly began to take down the Tribute flag while everyone else was struggling to hold of the Tributes. I fired at point-black range from my rifle at a Tribute and as the Tribute stumbled back, a rifle stock smashed the back of my helmet and I stumbled forward as I swung my rifle in wide arc, catching the Tribute in the waistline and causing them to fall to the side. I heard the explosion from another hovercraft or fighter-jet coming down to hit the ground hard and as I took my knife and put it on the barrel of my gun, I stabbed it through he front of a Tributes neck.

And then, my radio crackled as I heard the phrase, "Phase 1 and Phase 3 are completed! We won the battle!!!"

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