Night 6: Preparations for final assault

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I walked around as Bronies and Pegasisters slowly picked the dead up and went off to carry them away as Solarwolf1, Turbosky, and a newly revived Winter_injuly walked with me as we walked towards the command center. Everyone who wasn't rebuilding the FOB, retrieving the dead, or treating the injured were being summoned to the command center and as we walked along, there was already a great deal of Bronies and Pegasisters assembled at our FOB's command center.

Around us were tanks, APC's, and the War Thunder ponies and as a few walked over to the command center, the commander of the force appeared as he addressed us.

"Tonight, we shall begin preparations for tomorrow's final assault on the convention center. All of the Tribute forces are digging in there and are preparing for a last stand.

"Our main objective is to either take back the convention center or to take the head off the snake. We have confirmed the presence of the Katniss Everdeen amongst their ranks, along with many other notable characters. Although they do not have as much air and ground forces as we currently do, they still have some that is a threat to us tomorrow morning."

Murmurs swept through the crowd and Turbosky muttered to me, "Katniss Everdeen? Isn't she an actor?"

"I'm thinking she's there because she finally wanted to be her character... doesn't exactly surprise me..." I muttered back as the commander continued.

"The plan tomorrow is for everyone that can still stand, or will be standing, to assault the convention center in a full-out assault. We will attack from the air and ground and we will crush the Tributes in one last battle. Whoever wins tomorrow wins the war!"

Everyone hollered in a cheer and as everyone was dismissed, I walked around as I said to my friends, "I'll catch up with you all later... I gonna go be by myself for only a short bit."

They looked at me with worried glances, at least I think they were, as I walked from the FOB and walked through the park.

"Lord..." I began with almost a choked voice. I sat in the limbs of a tree as I tried to muster the strength for prayer.

"Lord... thank you... for my friends.... and for keeping me safe in this strange war... I know that I should show mercy and that in many cases I have created a great many sins... Please... forgive me of what I have done... And if tomorrow is the day that I die... than I pray that I will be with you... and in your name.... Amen.." I said as I tried to keep myself calm.

As I looked around the area, I decided to do myself a favor and I checked the scope out as I soon found the area deserted. So I looked around as I soon climbed down as I walked back to base.

The night was going to be full of much preparation.

I watched as mortar's were brought out, tanks and APC's were refitted and refilled, people geared up with weaponry as the Warrior's and Soldiers prepared for tomorrow morning. As I walked along, I saw Turbosky, Solarwolf1, and Winter_injuly standing near an APC and I walked to them as Turbosky saw me and waved me over and I jogged over as I said, "Well, are you all ready for tomorrow?"

"We are. Are you?" asked Solarwolf1.

"I'm ready to die tomorrow. But hopefully I won't die tomorrow." I said as I watched the area around me as Bronies and Pegsisters moved to and fro.

"Well... what are you going to do tomorrow?" asked Winter_injuly suddenly and we all looked at her as I thought about her question.

"I guess I'll be the sweatiest tryhard on the battlefield and play the objective." I finally said, not knowing what else to say.

They all looked at me and I saw some smiles play across their faces and I chuckled as we all soon were laughing as Turbosky asked me, "Sweatiest Tryhard? Where on earth did that come from?"

I shrugged. "It's a gamer thing. Do you really wanna question it?"

Turbosky nodded his head as we looked around and as we thought for a little bit before we finally looked at each other and then Solarwolf1 said, "I think we should get some sleep while we still can..."

We all nodded as we soon walked away to get some sleep.

Tomorrow was the final day of this terrible war.

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