Day 7: The final battle

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The morning dawn rose up and already every single Brony and Pegasister, Soldier and Warrior, were on the move, whether they were in APC's, on foot, or in the air. As I marched along with Turbosky, Solarwolf1, and Winter_injuly as we marched with a large column of Bronies and Pegasisters towards the convention center for this last great battle. As we marched along, the road was crowded with APC's and tanks and above head, the War Thunder ponies were way in the sky so that no one would see them coming.

Finally, the convoy stopped at a street and signals were exchanged as the Warrior and Soldier Bronies were dispersed into the city and as I lead my friends through some alleyways as others followed us and as we moved a the cramp alleyways, I knew we were closing in on the convention center.

As soon as we were halted, I could see what was sadly left of the park that had been outside the convention center. The park was a cratered, blackened, and strewn with the remains of the tree's. And as I looked ahead to the convention center, I could see the fortifications that had been made in front of it. There were barricades of fallen logs, sandbag barriers, there were a few bunkers made from a few cars, and then some tanks and APC's were apparently being used as barriers themselves. The fortifications went from hallway into the park back, all the way to the convention center.

And swarming all around them were the Tributes.

"All units, attack on my mark." said a voice from my radio and I got low as I braced myself for the sprint to the nearest object of cover, which was the remains of a car that stood on the edge of the park.

Just then, I watched as the War Thunder ponies went overhead and I saw a few rockets reach up for them as they let go bombs from beneath their wings and as the explosions rocked the Tributes, the voice said, "GO!" and everyone bolted out from everywhere as the tanks and APC's rolled up to provide support. Tracers criss-crossed the field and as I dove behind the car, I popped up as I fired a few shots down range at the tributes as Turbosky, Solarwolf1, and Winter_injuly slid right next to me.

Solarwolf1 fired his M203 and as the grenade sailed away, I watched as an APC make it to the edge of the park and I bolted to it as I prayed not RPG was fired at it. I made it and I immediately began to fire blind and snap shots at the enemy as I quickly spent my entire clip. As the others and a few other Bronies and Pegasisters did the same, I quickly reloaded my gun just as the APC's guns began to fire towards the Tributes lines and the voice from the radio said, "All units, charge the Tributes!! DO not stop advancing or stop the assault!!!" and I heard the whine of engines as I watched the War Thunder ponies fly over, slamming rockets into the Tributes as a few Hovercraft tried to take off and fight back.

The APC continued on and I suddenly got really stupid and crazy as I ran from the APC towards the Tributes lines as so many others ran with me and as I felt bullets snap around me, I dove into a crater as I lay there just as a few Brony bodies fell in. I didn't know where the others were but I presumed I was alone and that they had died and as I got my breathing back to normal, I prepared to jump up and run forward again, but this time at and angle, hoping to maybe enter an alleyway to the right of where I was.

I jumped up and blitzed across the field as I ran by where bullets of all sorts of calibers snapped around me and bodies of Broneis and Pegasisters fell around me as I made it to an alleyway and began to make my way towards the convention center.

The alleyway was filled with the noises of explosions and gunfire and as I moved along, I wondered why I was doing this. I knew I wasn't afraid but as I jogged along, I felt like I was running away from something. But then I shook my head free of those doubts as I came to another street and as I peeked around, I saw a few tributes that I could pop from where I was. So I got down onto my belly and as I aimed at the tributes, I fired my gun as I kept my sights directly on the Tributes necks. Blood splattered out as the Tributes died and a few turned to see where I was but I quickly ran from the spot as I continued along my flanking maneuver. I checked to see how much ammo I had on my belt when I realized my belt, and everything else, was completely gone and torn off and as I ran along, something suddenly knocked me off my feet and my breath left my lungs in a sudden spray of spit as I saw the Tribute disappear around the corner as I hit the ground. I brought my gun up as I struggled to breath and as I watched the corner, I flipped my guns firing to 'auto' as I waited for the tribute to look around the corner.

As soon as the Tribute poked his head around, a good portion from my clip left my barrel and blasted his brains out as his body spasmed and collapsed and I managed to rise on my own as I quickly continued along my way and as I came to the corner the tribute had been at, I saw several more but I also noticed that our advance was losing its momentum but then suddenly several mortar shots from some friendly batteries came crashing down onto those spots and as I ran on, I could hear the sounds of gunfire coming closer, along with screams and explosions. I continued along, hoping I would reached the convention center when I finally realized what I was doing:

Cutting the head off the snake.

But just as I realized that, suddenly something blew up before me and threw me into a wall and as I grunted, I knew my gun was gone. My ears rang and my body ache and as I hit the ground, I didn't know if someone had known I was here or if it was just a stray shot. I groaned as I somehow managed to get up and as I looked around, I saw that the buildings had been crumbled by the explosion and as I checked myself, I found I had one M9 still on me and as I took it out, I checked the magazine before I continued on with it.

I jogged along as I finally came to the end of the last street and as I peeked around the corner, I saw the convention center and I also saw all of the heavy fortifications around it and as I looked at it, I brought my pistol up as I fired a few shots into the flanks of the enemy tributes.

That's when I heard the radio say, "All units!! Fall back!!"

I stopped. The attack failed? We cant stop now! We need to finish them off before this war last another day!!!

I was shocked at this and as I ducked back behind the corner, I looked down at my M9 and realized that I was out of ammo. I peeked around and saw besides the Tributes cheering, Katniss Everdeen on the steps with her bow and quiver of arrows, with Gale and Peeta by her side.

And suddenly I remembered all of those times when I played medic ball, how I would often charge at the medic for one last suicidal run if I was still in the game. And as I thought about it, I sighed as I took my pistol and threw it down as I took out my combat knife.

"All Bronies..... This is Warrior Brony KommandoStalker... I need you all to give me support as I charge the convention center... i'm at its flank and have a clear shot to Katniss Everdeen... if I don't try this now, if we don't make this last attempt... more of us will die..." I said over the radio.

I believed that the commander of the Bronies would argue but then he said, "Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"

I thought about it and then knew the answer.

"Im ready to end this war once and for all..." I said as I got ready for what was going to be the fastest I have ever ran.

"Alright, all units, renew the assault!!! All snipers, provide covering fire for this guy and I want all CAS to give him as much of an opening as you can get!" came the reply and as soon as I heard explosion, I ran as hard and as fast I could as I gripped the knife with a death grip.

I watched as explosions and bullets rained down onto the area before me and as I ran, I could hear the song "Diamond Eyes" by Shinedown playing in my ears but I ran on as if I was outrunning Death itself.

Tributes fell all around me as I ran on and as I my vision narrowed onto Katniss Everdeen, she seemed to be suddenly panicking about what was going on. I heard the roar of engines go past me and as I ran, I couldn't even let myself stumble over anything I ran on as I had reached halfway towards my objective. I watched as some tributes faced me and tried to shoot at me and I ran by them as I felt the bullet snap by my face and I felt myself suddenly speed up as my adrenaline flew through my body and my heart was in my throat and my ears. I watched as a strafing run by the War thunder ponies shred up a few Tributes in front of me and as I ran along, suddenly I watched as both Peeta and Gale come racing at me as they planned to stop me.  But those snipers were really good and both of the Tributes were killed with bullets to the heads and I ran onward as the only thing I had to do was kill Katniss Everdeen. And se knew what I was doing as she was about to run into the convention center but I was too fast for her and we collided as I took my fist and smashed it into her gut as I followed up with a kick to her chin as he head came down to crumpled with the rest of her body around the spot where I had hit her. And just as she landed, I was on her as my knife was raised for this last act of war.

"For the Bronies." I said simply.

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