Chapter 5- Anyone can change...or can they?

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        "Oh no!", Pumpkin exclaimed. "Princess just saw you and probably me mess up on our test! Now she's going to tell the whole school and we will be utterly humiliated!"

        "Don't worry pumpkin.", Fang said comforting him. "I bet if we catch up to her, then we could talk to her about it."

        Fang and Pumpkin rushed out the door. Not even paying attention to Kati calling down the hallway for the dogs to come back. When they turned the corner, the only thing in front of them was the girls restroom for dogs.

        "Aww man! Now we can never talk to Princess! We aren't girl dogs.", Pumpkin complained.

        "I have an idea.", Fang said. "You stay here and guard the door. If Princess comes out, don't let her out of this hallway. In the meantime, I will go get Bella to get her to come out and talk.

        "But what if Bella thinks we're crazy and doesn't come with you?", Pumpkin questioned. "We don't exactly know her. For all we know she could just tell on us instead of helping us."

        "It'll be fine.", Fang said. "I will convince her no matter what. Besides, she's the only girl dog we know at all."

        "I guess you're right.", Pumpkin said. "Just get back soon. I don't know if I will be able to keep Princess here if she comes out.

        Fang nodded then rushed off. He slowed down when he heard the clicking of heels. When he turned the next corner, he saw Connie walking down the hall towards him.

        "What are you doing out of class?", Connie asked sweetly. "You better be getting back to class now. You don't want to miss anything important.

        Fang nodded and walked on. When he could no longer here Connie's heels, Fang broke into a run. Fang stopped to get a drink of water and catch his breath on the way to the classroom. Then he arrived at the door.

        When Fang entered the classroom, it was empty. He was about to leave when he heard some barking coming from outside. Fang turned back around and walked curiously towards the door.

        When Fang went outside, he saw every dog that was in his class. They were all running around and having fun. Fang saw a Frisbee fly by and wanted so badly to join in on the game but remembered Princess and went to find Bella.

        Bella was rolling in a mud puddle about the size of the whiteboard in the classroom.

        "Hey Bella. Can I talk to you for a second?", Fang asked.

        "Sure," Bella said as she bounded over. "What's up?"

        "Well," Fang started. "When I messed up on my test, Princess saw. So Pumpkin and I chased her. The problem is.....well....she's kind the girl's bathroom."

        "So you want me to talk to her and get her to come out.", Bella said nodding her head, in understanding. "Okay, let's go!", Bella exclaimed.

        Fang and Bella rushed through the door and out into the hallway. Luckily, the two didn't meet any teachers in the hallway this time and arrived at the bathroom in no time.

        When Pumpkin saw Fang and Bella, he jumped up. "Oh good! You're back!", Pumpkin said with excitement. "Princess almost came out, but when she saw me growling at her, she went back inside."

        "I'll go talk to her.", Bella said before walking through the door.

        The only words Fang and Pumpkin heard were muffled. It was a long time before the door finally opened and Princess and Bella came out.

        "Why did you guys have to chase me down?!", Princess exclaimed angrily. "Now you made me miss lunch!"

        "Well we didn't want you to tell the whole school about our failures and make us look bad.", Fang and Pumpkin both said. They looked at princess. She had tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?", Pumpkin and Fang asked in sync.

        "I'm sorry!", Princess exclaimed. "I just don't know how to be popular without working off of other people and dogs. That's why I'm always criticizing the beginner classes, to become more popular."

        "Well at least your sorry.", Fang said. "But just because you want to become popular, doesn't mean you can take that from others. Maybe now that you see how it feels to be the underdog, you will stop treating people and dogs in a mean way."

        With that, Fang, Pumpkin, and Bella stepped aside. As soon as they did, Princess rushed off. But what they they didn't see, was another smirk on Princess's face as she ran to her classroom.

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