Gay Shipping

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ALRIGHT! There's nothing wrong with gay shipping, but there's some flaws in it with Fangirls.

According to Fangirls having a gay ship means:
1) You're totally not homophobic

Most Fangirls are straight, and when you ask them do they support gay rights they'll easily respond "yes". If you ask them why? You'll probably receive a "because my otp is".

Also if you ask them do you ship *insert awesome lesbian ship* you'll probably get a no, or if you get a yes, it's because apparently someone from that ship is a guy?

I don't know, but so many people have told Ruby from Steven Universe is male, solely because she's in love with Sapphire.

2) You're awesome if you "awe" at every gay couple you see

I can't believe this is even a thing.

When a gay couple walks down the street that is not an invite to awe or say "that's so cute". No. Uh-uh. You're basically treating them like a roadside attraction. When someone's walking their dog down the street I awe go to pet the dog. Don't do that with gay couples. Their not there for your amusement.

Their human beings.

3) Every female who gets in the way of your precious gay otp is wrong

I covered this with IRL shipping in the previous chapter. But also all the hate female characters get when they are with a person in your gay otp. It's absurd.

4) Bi? Pan? Not an option. ONLY GAY.

Ok cmon. There's more to sexuality than just "gay" and "straight". Wow! Bi people exist? Pan? Ace?

Yes! Isn't that exciting! More than two sexualities! Isn't it overwhelming?

No. Not really.

I'm sure there's more I'm missing but whatever.

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