IRL Shipping

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Now there's nothing wrong with irl shipping, hell even I have some real life otps, but I'm not talking about the pros this chapter. I'm talking about the cons

First off: if the people haven't given their a-okay for fanfics and are comfortable with you shipping them then DONT DO IT.

Respect people's boundaries.

Another thing is if a person in your ship have a significant other (spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc...) don't be an asshole.

Example of being an asshole:
Jensen Ackles plays Dean Winchester in supernatural. Dean is shipped with Castiel, the lovable angel. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a huge destiel fan, but some people ship Jesen and Misha(the actor for Cas). Now that's fine, and I don't really care much for the ship but what's going on is FANS ARE SENDING DEATH THREATS TO JESEN'S WIFE.
Not fucking cool. Like who in the wright mind thought, "hey I ship Jesen and Misha. Too bad their both married... I guess I better seND DEATH THREATS TO THEM!" Like NO! NO! That's not okay! At all. Seriously. Oh my god the fact I have to say it.

Fangirls are fucking crazy man. Insane even.

Another thing is fanfics between the two real ass people. I read fanfic between real people, but what really gets me is when a person from the fanfic is, again, married. Usually fanfics make the spouse hurt person a from their otp. Like no???? The person would never??? Also it's like you could've just made them friends or just pretend the spouse doesn't exist in this AU. I don't know and I don't care. But when the clearly non-violent spouse hurts someone important in the fanfic it's just mean. Chill fanfic writers.

Going back to the topic of repsecting boundaries....
I am actually a real life shipper myself. I ship rubberdoop and egobang, but Game Grumps (where their from) has given the word saying "hey we're fine with this." Some irl people have called the action of shipping them with their colleagues and friends awkward, but yet Fangirls still write fanfics and draw fanart. This is a dick move. Don't do this.

Like you know when you talk to someone and your friends say stuff like "kiss" and "ooooo someone's got a boy/girlfriend" even though it's clearly someone you don't like? Imagine that, but it's hundreds to thousands of people telling you this siamotainously well also telling other people that you guys fucked.

It's a little weird.
Scratch that.
A lot weird.

Basically respect people AND THEIR SPOUSES.

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