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Greg's POV
It was Christmas, and Steven wasn't even here. I didn't want to come, but the gems told me they had good news. Is this a joke? I thought. A joke to make me more upset, angry? I groaned as I walked through the door. "What is it?" I snarled. The gems stood there, while a child came up. "Hello, sir!" She smiled. "My name is Tech, and you are?" I was shocked. "Greg." I slowly replied. "Why are you here?" She started to chuckle. She lifted up her hand and I gasped as I saw a green emerald on her right hand. "How did you get that?" I asked in shock. "I was born with it." She said.
"I was abandoned by my dad since I was 2." She said. "Just because of my gem." I gasped. "That's HORRIBLE!" I shouted. She shrugged. "You'll get used to it." She moved her green hair out of her face. I could see her blushing a light green blush. She started to look up. "The gems told me about Steven." She soon said. "Its so sad to hear that." I nodded, holding back the tears in my eyes. "You know, I could maybe help you cope with this." She said, looking up.

Steven's POV
I hugged my mom tightly as a loud pounding on the door echoed through the castles. I jumped up in fright. "Its OK, Steven." Mom said. "Its probably someone in the neighborhood." She let me go an she walked up to the door. She pushed them open, seeing a box in front of her. She gasped in shock and picked it up. She carried it back in. "Its strange." She said, shaking the box. "Oh Steven!" She quickly said. "I forgot to show you to your room!" She grabbed my hand and walked me to my room.
We stopped in front of a red door with a yellow star on it. She knocked on the door as my gem glowed. The door opened with a star shape. My eyes turned to stars as me and my mom walked in. It had a red window curtain with yellow stars, a comfy bed with red and pink sheets, lots of stuffed animals, and around I turned around. "Thanks so much mom!" I said, giving her a hug.

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