Chapter 5: I Don't Have A Choice

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Wyatt's P.O.V.

After taking Veronica back home, I immediately made a run for the den. I knew I was going to get in trouble.

I knew what it meant when it came to imprinting, but I never gave it any thought. Nor did I think it would happen to me.

I imprinted on a human girl and the problem is that we can't really fall in love with humans.

Even though I only knew this girl for two months, I felt drawn to her and wanted to protect her at all costs. The imprinting made me feel this way already.

Whenever I caught her scent, it drove me crazy. The sweet smell of vanilla mixed with shea butter was enough to make my inner beast insane, wanting me to mark her as my own.

I hope Willa or Wynter don't get mad at me.

I got to the den and went inside. I was greeted by the other werewolves howling and I responded before I saw Willa and Wynter walk to me.

"Welcome back, brother." my sister told me.

"Hi, guys." I replied.

I got my marking painted on me and put my necklace around myself.

Disguising myself as a human was really getting annoying. I just wanted to be close to Veroncia as myself. I really wanted to go back to Seabrook and see her, but I don't want to cause any problems. For her and the pack.

"Are you okay, Wyatt? No offense, but you reek of anxiety." Wynter told me.

"Wait, no. It's a different scent. Wyatt, what did you do?" Willa asked me.

The concern on her face didn't hide the thought that she probably already knew what happened.

"Nothing." I told her before walking off to an area where I sat down on a log.

When I got there, I held my head in my hands.

"Man, Veronica, why do you torture me so much?" I asked the air.

Now that I've imprinted, I think I may have just put her in danger. I hope not because I'll be damned if anything happens to her.

I heard footsteps and I recognized the scent.

Willa walked into the moonlight's view. "Hey, brother." she greeted.

"Hi, Willa." I replied.

She walked over before sitting next to me.

"What's wrong, Wyatt? There's something you're not telling me." she said.

Here goes nothing.

"I imprinted." I confessed.

She was silent, but she kept a stern look on her face. "Really? Who is she? Somebody from the pack?" she asked.

"Her name is Veronica and no. She's from Seabrook." I responded.

"What?! You imprinted on a human?! You know we can't fall in love with humans!" Willa shouted.

"I'm sorry, Willa. It just happened." I told her calmly.

"Really, Wyatt? After what those humans did to us all those years ago, you're going to throw away what you learned for one of them?!" she yelled.

I had enough of this.

"Willa, it wasn't my choice! Did you really think I meant to imprint?! It just happened! After getting to know her, yes, I started to think I could like her, but then the imprinting happened! Our kind can't control it!"

"You need to stay away from her! She's a human! They stole our moonstone!"

"She doesn't even know I'm a werewolf!" I shot back.

Willa stayed quiet with wide eyes.

"But, I can't stay away from her now, since I need to protect her! Nobody can touch her or hurt her! Not ever." I explained.

She was confused, but still had an angry expression.

"We have a law that I'm pretty sure you don't know of since you haven't been Alpha long. Whenever one of our own imprints on someone, the imprint cannot be harmed for any reason. No exceptions."

My sister let out a sigh of defeat.

"I just don't want you to get hurt again. After what those humans did to us. To you. We almost lost you. My only brother." she told me.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You guys won't lose me. I'll always be there to help the pack, sister. Just let me have a chance. This girl is my soulmate."


"I love her, Willa. She and I have been hanging out and I already love her, even though she hasn't seen my true form yet and I haven't asked her to be my mate yet. I can tell she feels something too. I'd sacrifice myself for her and I'd do anything as long as she's happy because that and her safety is my top priority now."

She looked at me. "It's going to take me a while to accept this. When you can, bring her to the den. I want to see who she is and if she's everything you say she is. Until then, she doesn't have my trust."

I sighed, but nodded.

I knew Willa would love Veronica once she gets to know her, but it kind of makes me sad that one of my possible soon-to-be only blood relatives doesn't accept my imprinting.

I just hope Willa and Veronica get along in the future once they meet.

"Have you spoken to any of the Elders about it?" she asked.

"No. I'm going to speak to Elder Raven about it. She knows more about imprinting and she can have the other Elders accept it." I replied.

Willa nodded before sighing.

"I'm sorry. For lashing out." she apologized.

"It's okay. You're the Alpha and my twin sister. You're just looking out for me." I reassured her.

We hugged and I began walking off, but stopped halfway.

"But, seriously, Willa. If you or anyone in the pack try to hurt her, the Elders won't be happy. As for me, things won't end well for anyone who tries." I warned her before leaving.

It was then as I walked back into the den, I saw Wynter run, but I knew she had heard everything.

"Wynter, I know you heard everything." I told her.

She stopped in her tracks. "Bad wolf! Bad wolf!" she cursed herself.

"Please don't tell anybody else. Only you and Willa know." I said.

Wynter smiled at me before patting my shoulder. "I won't tell anybody. Don't worry, I'm happy for you! You imprinted! I can't wait to meet her!"

I smiled at my packmate.

At least Wynter is happy to meet Veronica. They will be the best of friends for sure.

We walked off to join the rest of the pack, not realizing Willa had already walked in.

Veronica is now part of my life. I absolutely love her more than anything at this point. She's my soulmate. Now, it's my job to protect her and be there for her, either in disguise or as a wolf. Nothing can really stop me from doing that now.

Not even my own pack.

Not even my own sister.

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