Chapter 6: Talk With Elder Raven

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Wyatt's P.O.V.

I decided to go and talk to Elder Raven about my imprinting. Wynter offered to come with me, but I told her she didn't need to.

I know Willa wouldn't, which I didn't mind. I had my own responsibilities as well.

I got to Elder Raven's doors and knocked. I heard a cough before a soft voice saying "Enter."

Opening the door, I stepped inside and saw Elder Raven laying down on her bed, letting out some coughs with her daughter beside her bed.

"Oh, hello, young Wyatt." Elder Raven greeted before coughing, her moonstone turning a sickly green.

I bowed my head, showing her my respect before looking to Rose. Even though she was the only wolf with an eyepatch, I could tell she was very defensive.

"Can I speak to your mother for a bit? I need to discuss something very important with her." I asked.

Rose looked at me as she stood up. "I don't think that's a good idea. My mom needs to rest."

Elder Raven coughed before speaking. "Honey, it's okay."

"But Mom, I can-" she started, but stopped as I flashed my eyes and snarled.

Sighing in defeat, the eyepatched she-wolf walked out of the room, closing the door.

"Come, dear one." she told me as she gestured for me to sit on the chair next to her bed.

I walked over to her and sat down on the chair as she looked at me.

"Tell me, young one. What concerns do you have?" she asked.

I looked at my hands before telling her what she could know.

"Elder Raven, I have come to you for some advice and details on something that's happened to me." I explained.

"Go on, young Wyatt." she encouraged before coughing a bit.

I sighed before looking at her.

"I imprinted on a human girl. She lives in Seabrook. I hope you aren't disappointed in me. I just wanted to know more about imprinting." I explained.

"Oh, young one. That's good news. I'm not *cough* disappointed. Imprinting is *cough* *cough* one of the best things that can happen to our kind." Elder Raven told me.

"What does it mean exactly?" I asked as I helped her drink some water.

Elder Raven coughed a bit as she clutched her necklace.

"Imprinting on someone is not like love at first sight. It's more like gravity. Your whole center shifts. Suddenly, It's not the earth holding you here anymore. It's her. You would do anything, become whatever she needs, whether that's a friend, a protector, or a lover. Nothing else in the world matters but her. Everything else becomes secondary. Imprinting can't be forced on anybody, it just happens, no matter who the soulmate may be or how much the werewolf may want it. Your imprint is your top priority and is all that matters to you first." she explained.

It all made sense now.

Veronica was my soulmate for life, even though she didn't really accept it fully yet.

"However, unlike the werewolf, the imprint can choose whether or not to accept the wolf as her soulmate. Don't worry, because it happens only rarely, since imprinting deems a 'perfect match'. I'm sure you and your imprint will be one someday. Human or not, nobody can keep you two away from each other, since the law is that the imprint can't be harmed or threatened." Elder Raven explained.

"Wow, I didn't know it was that deep." I explained.

"It is, my dear one. Tell me, do you love her?" she asked.

I nodded my head. "More than anything. We've been hanging out for a while and I caught feelings and then I imprinted. I feel so drawn to her, I want to protect her with everything I have."

I just wanted to find Veronica, tell her about my true self, tell her how much she means to me, and mark her as my mate. It's like my inner wolf is telling me to do so since he yearns for his mate as well.

I smiled at her before a question crossed my mind.

"If you don't mind me asking, did you imprint on anybody, Elder Raven?"

She smiled weakly as she coughed.

"I did, young Wyatt. A long time ago when you were just a pup. He was a human who loved me for who I was. Our love was real, but the *cough* *cough* pack didn't think otherwise. However, the previous Great Alpha gave us a chance to prove ourselves and we did. They accepted him and he became an honorary pack member. His name was Eleazar and he was a great man. We had our beautiful Rose together.. I still miss him every day. Hopefully one day, we will meet again." She explained.

I felt sorry for her as I took her hand. "I pay my respects, Elder Raven." I told her.

"Thank you. It was a long time ago, dear one. Now, you know what it means to imprint and the effects. Now, go on young pup and find your mate and help the pack." she told me.

I nodded before getting up and walking to the door. I bowed my head. "Goodnight, Elder Raven."

"Goodnight, young one." she replied as she coughed again.

I opened the door and I saw Rose and another wolf named Warren (her mate) walk past me and straight to her mother.

I walked back to where my sister and Wynter were, my thoughts on my mate.

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