4 | Black Hood

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Everyone talked about this shooting that happened last night in the woods. But I hadn't been told who the victim was.

"Midge covered in Moose's blood, screaming like a banshee. It was insane" Kevin told us. The colour in my face drained and my hands shook at what Kevin told. That's some serious shit going on in this town.

"Kev, What were you even doing there? You could've been shot too" Archie said as he walked in.

"Hey, are you okay? You look very pale?" Betty asked me and took my shaking hand.

"I'm just—it's just awful, all of this. I mean who would do this kind of thing. It is insane" I say and scoff.

"I was just doing night-jogging, you know, as one does, and suddenly, I hear gunshots" Kevin said and Betty and I scrunched our faces.

"Can we agree there's a killer on the loose?" Archie said and sat down.

"With terrible aim" Jug scoffed.

"Jughead, he murdered Ms. Grundy" Archie said and I raised an eyebrow before raising a hand.

Veronica nodded at me questioningly.

"Who's miss Grundy?" I ask and look around to see everyone look down.

"Never mind. I wasn't that curious" I say and shrug.

"Arch, we don't know these these crimes are related" Betty said after my last comment.

"Guys, can we focus on what matters here?" Veronica said.

"Midge and Moose are alive. Archie's dad survived. The Matchelrette starts tonight. You're all coming over to watch" Veronica said and I raised an eyebrow before nodding.

Better staying anywhere else than my own house, it's so boring. And I can't go to the Southside, not after how pissed Fangs got at me.

"There's a shooter terrorising the town. You really want us to watch a gross dating show?" Jughead said.

"What I really want is for you guys to meet my dad officially. Back in New York, my dad was always in his study, doing bad things, as it turns out" Veronica said and paused.

"I'm tired of closed doors. I need to know my dads life and he needs to know mine" Veronica finished and I put my hand on her shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze.

She looked up and smiled at me.

"Well, we'll be there, V. Can't wait" Betty spoke for us and I nodded.

"Than you" Veronica said happily and relieved.

"Hey Andrews, we're going to the hospital to see Moose. You coming?" Reggie came in and asked.

"Yeah, for sure. I'll see you tonight, Ronnie" Archie said and went with the bulldogs.

"I better go. Was supposed to meet my peer mentor at Southside High half an hour ago" Jughead said and I coughed on air. Southside?

"Wait—are?" Betty started and walked after Jughead.

"Damn. Is everything always so....dramatic and hectic?" I ask wide eyed.

"Yeah, pretty much. But it helps when your friends comforts you. And thank you for that" Veronica said to me and I smiled.

"Anytime, you were so great when I started here, I like it here, and that's all thanks to you and Betty" I say and smile as Veronica cheers.

I started thinking as Veronica and I left for the next class.

What if—the black hood guy went after people who was doing something...bad?

Then I would probably be on that list. All the stupid shit I've done. But, it was in greendale. I'm in Riverdale now, it should follow me here.

"I-I need to go" I say and excuse myself.

I hurry out of the school instead and run a hand over my face and fix my collar.

I need help, maybe if I went back to some of my dads friends? Here in riverdale?

I'll have to check who's in town. But first—Veronica's father.


Betty and I came at the same time, Jughead came a few minutes after and Archie, Well, I'm not sure when he arrived.

"Why don't you sit down next to me, loverboy?" Veronica said to Archie and I looked up to see Archie tripping like crazy.

I put my attention back on my phone and kept searching for names for anyone who were on good terms with my dad.

FP Jones, Tall Boy I think that was the names.

"Archie?" Veronica exclaimed and I look up again only to see Jughead steal the popcorn.

"Hey!" I say and grab a few of the popcorns and Jughead smiles innocently.

"I'm sorry. This thing with Moose, it's like nobody cares. Dad keeps saying, "leave it to Sheriff Keller" and I'm like, "yeah, he did a great job catching Jason's murderer. Oh. Wait, I'm sorry, that was us" Archie says and I raise an eyebrow before raising my hand to say something and Archie paused and looks at me along with everyone else.

"I know this is bad timing but....who's Jason?" I ask confused.

"Cheryl's twin" Betty answers.

"Oh" I say and remember the talk about him getting killed by his own father. Cheryl's father.

"Inside voices, please?" Veronica begs after I got my answer.

"No, don't stop him" Jughead spoke up, I took that opportunity to grab the popcorn bowl from him and he glared at me.

"Archie going Travis Bickle is my favourite Archie yet" Jughead said with a smile and reached over to grab some popcorns.

"Doesn't if feel like he's targeting us? I mean, specifically?" Archie said and I coughed on the popcorn.

"Oh god" I cough and Jughead pat my back and I stop coughing.

"I don't want anyone else getting hurt" Archie continued as he looked over to me.

"When we had a getaway on the Cape, all of us got together and hired private security to keep out the riffraff, as an added layer of protection" Veronica said and I nodded impressed.

"I loved that house" a scary voice said from behind us.

"Satan?" I whispered and look up. Jughead snorted at my comment and Betty slapped his arm.

"Daddy" Veronica says and we all stand up.

"We're on our way to dinner at the club" Veronica's mom says.

"I wanted to meet your friends first" Hiram said.

"Great. Thank you" Veronica said and smiled big and I stayed behind Betty with Jughead.

"This is Betty Cooper" Veronica introduced and Betty and Hiram shook hands.

"Hi. Nice to meet you" Betty said with a smile.

"And Jughead Jones" Veronica continued.

"Hi" Jughead said and shook Hiram's hand.

"Hey" Hiram said.

"You know my dad" Jughead said.

"I do. He's a good man. He values family. I hope his return comes sooner rather than later" Hiram said.

"Yeah, so do we" Jughead said.

"And this is Maia Anderson" Veronica said and I smiled politely and shook Hiram's hand.

"Nice to meet you" I say.

"And, daddy, this is—""—Archie Andrews. The boy who's captured my daughters heart" Hiram finished.

"Daddy" Veronica exclaimed and I had to stop myself from snorting at all the 'daddy'.

I love Veronica, I really do. But all that, daddy. Is making me think of something, I'd rather not think about. Wadr!

"Uh, it's nice to meet you, sir" Archie said and put his hand out only for Hiram to ignore it.

"Ah, please. Call me Hiram" Hiram said and finally shook Archie's hand.

"Listen, I couldn't help but overhear your discussion and I, um...I understand your frustration with Sheriff Keller" Hiram said and I folded my hands in front of me interested.

"As for someone who's had his own share of run-ins with the law, I can say that the police aren't always the solution. Sometimes we need to take the matters into our own hands. We need to be able to protect ourselves" Hiram said and that had me thinking.

"We're gonna lose our table" Hermione said.

"Oh, Yes, If course" Hiram said.

"Hey, it was nice to meet all of you" Hiram said and I nodded like the others. Jughead took this opportunity to pull me aside.

If the black hood, for some reason came after me. I had to be prepared and ready to protect myself.

"Maia, I know about your father. I also know about your mother" Jughead said and I clenched my jaw.

"And What are you gonna do with that information?" I ask with gritted teeth.

"Nothing. You seem like a nice person compared to your father, I just want you to know that you've done a great job hiding this. It took me a lot to find out about this" Jughead said with a polite smile.

"So, you don't want anything?" I ask confused.

"No. Not really. But, I do have one question though" Jughead says and leans in closer.

"What really happened with that guy friend of yours who disappeared?" He asked concerned.

"I don't know" I tell him blankly. He gives me a look and I roll my eyes.

"Jughead. I'm not the type to lie, I don't know. I tried to find out and find him. But, I never did. I really don't know Jughead" I say honestly.

Rick was a huge asshole, my dad caught him and I kissing and I haven't seen him since.

That is not what made Rick an asshole though—well, not just that.

He was the schools douchebag. It was a great story when the word got around town that he was missing. I never heard from him again and his family moved away.

"Shit. You really are being honest" Jughead cursed and looked at me to figure me out.

"I really like you, Jughead. You're fun, smart and all that shit. That's friends I want to be with, I don't care if you know about my history, I wanted a fresh start when I came here. Even a new start with friends" I say honestly and cross my arms.

"Then, you're doing great" Jughead says and I smile and nod.

"I'm not gonna tell the others if you don't want me to" Jughead then says and I smile.

"Thank you. For now—with everything going on, I think it would be a good idea to keep it to ourselves" I say and Jughead nods.

A/N: Will the black hood come after Maia? Will a certain serpent show up in Maia's life again?

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