5 | Serpent Deal

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I decided to have some fun today and I 'accidentally' found a picture from when I lived in riverdale as a kid.

I remembered now, I couldn't place the faces, but this picture shaped it—I snapped a picture of it and sent it to Jughead.

Betty giggled as I pointed out how I—as a kid, were teasing Jughead.

"This is hilarious! How did you find it?" Betty asked as she laughed.

"I had this feeling that I had seen you guys before when I first came, but I didn't think much over it. Then I found this old photo album and then I saw it" I explain and chuckle.

"That's amazing" Betty said and I nodded. "I'm so gonna blackmail Jughead with this" I say and Betty laughs.

"Oh, we gotta see Kevin" Betty said and I nodded and we found Kevin and sat down. "Hey. What happened last night?" Betty asked.

"Yeah. You said you were coming to Veronica's" I say and pout. "Yeah, something came up" Kevin said and shook his head with a chuckle as he saw my pouting face.

"Something in the woods?" Betty asked. "Betty, don't take this the wrong way, but how many years did I listen to you go on about Archie and Jughead?" Kevin said and I winced and silently oh'ed.

"Did you ask my permission to date them?" Kevin continued. "No. You didn't need it. And I don't need yours" Kevin said.

"Dating is one thing. This is—""—it's none of your business" Kevin finishes and packed his things up.

"I'll, uh, catch you later" Kevin said and I sent him an apologising look as he left.

"Kev" Betty said and scoffed. "He just needs to get his feet back on the ground" I tell Betty and pat her back.

"So, button-down Kevin Keller has a sex-drive. So what?" Cheryl said as she walked up to us and sat down. She gave me a look and I returned the favour.

"So, it's putting him in danger. Why won't he just stop?" Betty said.

"Oh, Betty. How little you know of the human psyche" Cheryl said with a smile.

"Kevin used to be a lonely, awkward fat boy with acne. Now he's a smoke-show" Cheryl said and I scoffed.

"And?" Betty said. "In his mind, he's still that unattractive Pugsley" Cheryl said.

"Kevin wants validation, connection, even if he has to find it in the woods" Cheryl explained.

"Even with a killer on the loose. Even if you don't approve" Cheryl continued and my phone started vibrating.

Cheryl got up and left and I pulled my phone out. "I gotta take this. Sorry" I tell Betty and walk away.

"It's your secret best friend. What can I do for ya?" I say in a fake British accent.

"Maia, if you show that goddamn picture to anyone—I'm gonna make your Sorry ass beg for forgiveness" Jughead says and I laugh at him.

"How? From the Southside? Good luck with that" I snort.

"Maia, I'm not kidding!" Jughead warns me.

"Oh What was that? Jug? I can't hear ya" I say and make fake noise before hanging up and rub my hands together and giggle.


After school I drove to the Southside and towards The Whyte Wyrm. I decided to see an old friend of my dad.

I parked a few minutes away from the bar just to be safe and then I walked the rest there. As I get inside all the Serpents look at me as if I'm an insult—probably am. But who cares?

"Maia Anderson? I'd be damned" a familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Tall boy and I smiled and he brought me into a hug. "You are all grown up" he commented.

"I'm sorry about your old man" he says and I smiled. "It's fine, really. I kind of need to talk you about something..." I say and trail off as I eye the curious eyes around us.

"Sure thing, lets go somewhere more private" Tall boy says. He leads me through the crowds and as I turn around I make the mistake to notice who walks in the bar.

Him. The hot guy. The Serpent. Fangs Fogarty.

He sees me and clenches his fist—which I roll my eyes to and turn my attention back to Tall boy.

"So what's going on?" Tall boy asks as we're away from hearing.

"It's the whole thing with the Black Hood. He's going after people—and I'm not exactly 'innocent'. I'm sure you remember, and I'm kind of afraid it will catch up and bite me in the ass" I say nervously and rub my hands together under the table.

"Well, When have you last done anything like that?" Tall boy asks wonderingly.

"A while ago, I was involved with drugs at one point, but then everything changed and we moved here to Riverdale" I say hurriedly.

"I have to admit—I have never seen you anxious" Tallboy comments.

"It's that couple from my school—who got attacked by the Black Hood—and they we're taking Jingle Jangle" I explain and my hands start shaking.

"I don't think the Black Hood is gonna go after you. You seem to get along on both sides, right now" Tallboy finishes.

"Excuse me—get along with the Southside? Look around you, there's probably some mentally replaying my death in their minds" I say and scoff.  *COUGH*FANGS* FOGARTY*COUGH!

"I, have no where to be safe! I'm all alone in the house. My mom is not in town. My friends know nothing about my past! I'm afraid, I'm next!" I anxiously blurt out.

"Clam down, kid. You can come here at any time you want. I can figure something out, a place where you can stay" Tallboy says and i shake my head.

"I don't want any trouble. Obviously The Serpents doesn't like me" I explain. "You're a Serpent yourself?" Tall Boy says and I look around hoping no one heard.

"Yes—but I'm not ready to drop that bomb yet. They will know soon, just not yet" I say and Tall boy nods respecting my choice.

"I'll help you figure something out. Do you have cash?" Tallboy Asks. "Yes. Plenty" I say and nod.

"Good. Then, you'll hear from me. Get home safe, kid. Try to hold again with the crimes" Tall boy says and put his hand on my shoulder as we stand up.

"Thank you. Really, I appreciate it, Tall boy" I say and Tall boy shakes his head.

"I would do anything to help you, besides any friends of your father made a promise. I'm gonna keep that" Tall boy says and I nod with a smile. "You Serpents" I joke.

"Get home safe, Maia. Stay off clear from the alleys" Tall boy says and I nod.

"Will do" I say and walk out of the club only to be stopped by a tall black haired pale Serpent.

"Northside, going so soon?" He says.

"Sweet Pea" Tall boy calls out warningly and Sweet Pea glares at me and walks out of my way.

"Yeah—I think I am, Sweet Pea" I say and wink at him, before walking out to the place.

"Northsider?!" A voice asks and I turn around only to be met by a fist. I stumble backwards only to be grabbed from behind and pushed into a dumpster behind the bar.

"Stop!" I shout, but they don't. They started hitting me and forced me to the ground, they continued to kick me in the stomach.

I didn't scream for help knowing it would make it worse to call out for Serpents.

"Hey!! Get off of her!!" A strong female voice yelled. They ran away and she ran towards me, I coughed and she tried to help me up.

"My ribs" I groaned as she helped me sit up. "What's your name Northsider?" She asked.

"Maia" I say with a groan. "I'm Toni" she says and I nod.

"I-I have to go" I say and push myself up. "No, sweetheart—you need help" Toni says as I fall back on the ground as I try to stand up.

"Don't get me help! J-just help me up then" I say and Toni sighs before helping me up.

"I have to get out of the Southside. No offence" I say and she chuckles. "None taken" Toni says amused.

"Where's your getaway ride?" She asks and looks around. "My car is nearby" I say and hiss.

"I'll walk you there" Toni says and I nod. We're halfway across the parking lot when Serpents yells after Toni.

"Topaz! Where are you going?" "Fangs dares you for another game!" The voice I recognised as Sweet Pea's yelled.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Toni yelled back. "Just go. I've got it" I say.

"Are you sure?" Toni says. "Yes. Thank you for this" I say and she nods.

"You May be a Northsider, but you sure as hell spend a lot of time on the Southside" Toni comments.

"Lets Just Say I'm related" I say with a grunt. "You got it?" Toni asks as she slowly lets go.

"Yeah, I got it. Now go" I say and nod towards the bar. "It was nice meeting you Maia" Toni called out and I waved my hand back at her and she laughed.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I got in my car. My ribs hurt! A lot! I started driving back to the Northside when my phone was blowing up.

"What?" I hiss at Betty.

"Have you seen the video of Archie and The bulldogs?" She asks.

"No, I was busy" I say and grunt in pain.

"Oh god—either you're in the middle of sex or you're hurt—I don't know which one I want it to be" Betty mumbled disturbed.

"I'm fine Betty—no, I'm not in the middle of sex. If I was I wouldn't answer. Now I need to go" I say and Betty says goodbye before I hang up.

I cry out as I get out of my car and rest against the door before shutting it.

I curse as I stand in front of the house, with nothing but turned off lights and an empty space.

I get in and into my room, I go straight to my bathroom and strip off my bloody clothes.

"Oh god" I say as my ribs turned purple. I had small cuts on my cheek bone and my shoulder is completely bruised.

I took a deep breath before taking a warm shower after that I passed out and fell into my bed.

A/N: Rough night? She met Toni Topaz! Do you think the Black Hood would go after Maia?

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