43 | Lovey-Dovey Weekend

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Also! I'm working on the imagines & preferences book for Riverdale!


"Honey, did you know that Mayor McCoy is resigning?" My mom asks as I walk into the living room as she's watching tv.

"No, she is?" I ask. Josie didn't mention this...
"Think it's the Lodges?" She asks smirking a bit. I know that look....

"Maybe..." I say and raise an eyebrow. "Mom, what's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing, honey. Nothing you need to worry about" she assures me. She's lying.

"Mom" I say warningly. "Maia, don't do this now" she stops me.

"Don't shut me out again, mom. Don't lie to me" I snap at her. "Fine! Sit down!" She shouts and I do as she said, that's when I notice her hands are shaking and she's nervous.

"It's Connor-he's-he's coming out of prison" She stutters. My heart stops beating, my eyes widen, my jaw drops to the floor and I can't breathe. "W-What?" I get out.

"He somehow got through to the guy you met with, he used him, now he's getting out, he's doing exactly what we we're afraid off, he's using Clay to take the fall. So, he's going free" Jessica gulps and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. "No.....not now! Everything's going so well!" I blurt out panicked and stand up.

"I-I can't breathe" I whisper and everything starts spinning. My mom tries to grab my arm but I shove her away, she tries to talk to me but I can't make out what she's saying.

"W-What about Fangs?" I whisper and grab my head before I fall to the floor. Everything's spinning and I get a harder time to breathe.

Fangs. He's the only one I can think about. What if my dad gets to Fangs? If he finds out about him, then it's over, he will kill him.....

It's over. I whisper the words and drop my head to the floor as I pass out from the lack of oxygen. I feel my moms arms pulling in me, but I can't open my eyes again.

I wake up to the feeling of laying in my own bed....I look around confused and hold my heavy head. I'm in my room.....

What happened? Was it a nightmare? Is the devil really coming back into our lives?

I grab my phone and hurriedly call Fangs, it goes straight to voicemail, then I try Jughead, no answer, then I try Toni, no answer.

I try Sweet Pea and he surprisingly answers. "Maia? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Pea snaps angrily.

"Obviously not bed time if you're awake, so what are you bitching about?" I retort.

"Shut it. Just get to the point" Pea says and I chuckle. "I need to talk to Fangs, it's kind of an emergency...." I say.

"Well, he's at the Whyte Wyrm for some meeting about his Serpent stripes" Pea explains. "Can you check up on him?" I ask before I can stop myself.

If my dad is getting out, he might as well have found out about Fangs, and he might already be trying to get to him.

"What? Why?" Sweet Pea asks confused. "Please, Sweet Pea! Just do it!" I snap panicked.

"Girl, calm down-why are you sounding like that?" Pea asks. "Please, Sweets, have I ever asked anything from you? No. Please, do this for me and check up on him" I beg him.


"Because! If you don't something might've already happened!" I blurt out in a harsh half shout. "What are you talking about?"

"Sweet Pea! Find him, now! Get him to call me and I'll explain everything, I'll come to the Southside as soon as I can walk again" I say.

"What? You can't walk? What's going on?" Sweet Pea asks confused and a worry in his voice. "I'll explain, just please do it" I tell him and hang up.

I grip my head in pain as I feel a spot that hurts A LOT. Oh, I hit my head on the floor, that's right, I almost forgot....

I throw my feet over the edge and place my feet at the floor, it's dark outside. Is my mom asleep? I change my clothes and grab my Serpent jacket and slip it on before grabbing my phone and keys.

As I sneak downstairs-I hear multiple voices. "No, there is no other way, my daughter had a panic attack when I told her! He will not destroy our lives even more than he already has!" My mom snaps loudly and I stop.

"I understand. I will see what we can do" an older man's voice says. I raise an eyebrow before sneaking past the living room without them noticing, I slip out of the door and then I get in my car and drive towards the Southside.

I get to the Whyte Wyrm after getting a text from Sweet Pea saying they're there. I hurry inside and Sweet Pea and Fangs immediately comes up to me as they see me out of breath.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" Fangs asks and take my face in his hands. I notice a few Serpents stop to listen to what's happening and I glance at Sweet Pea who has his arms crossed as if Beijing ready to beat someone.

"Can we go somewhere private?" I ask and the two nod and we go upstairs.

"What's happening?" Sweet Pea asks. "Remember my dad? The ultimate criminal Serpent?" I ask and shudder a bit.

"Yeah..." Fangs says and put his arm around my shoulders comfortingly. "He's getting out of prison. The whole thing with Clay got him a ticket out, he blames Clay and he gets the judges belief. He's getting out, Fangs" I ramble.

Fangs retrieve his arm and put his head in his hands and he takes a deep breath. "What does that mean?" Pea asks confused.

"It means he's gonna come after Fangs, because he's my boyfriend, when my dad wasn't in jail, he would make every guy I even looked at too long, disappear-and not in the paying him to leave way-the other" I say.

"But he's a Serpent?" Pea asks. "That's doesn't matter to him, Pea!!" Fangs shouts at him. I put my hand on his shoulder and look at him in worry. "How long do we have?" Fangs asks and looks up at me.

"I don't know, I'm guessing a week, tops" I say with a sigh. "Okay, so, what do we do? Do we run? Do we fake a breakup and stay under the radar?" Fangs asks me.

Truth is, I don't have the answer to that. Connor will find out, he always does.

"I don't know" I admit. But, I form a plan in my head, I'm gonna go to prison for a little visit. I have to, for Fangs.


I could barely wake up this morning, the panic attack had really brought me down. I stayed with Fangs for the night and my mom knew.

In the lounge I had met up with the others after starting to hangout with the Serpents, I had kissed Fangs and whispered that he shouldn't worry I had it figured out.

Now Veronica was blabbing out some lake house. "Fair warning, our Shadow Lake chalet is rustic, but it has breathtaking view of the mountains, the water" Veronica says.

"Oh, my god. That's sounds heavenly, V. What do you say, Jug? Can you hear it?" Betty asks.

"As long as it's cool with your dad" Jughead answers after a long pause. "Mr. Lodge suggested it" Archie says.

"Yeah" Veronica nods. "Well, then cue the duelling banjos. What? It'll be a good chance for me to work on my novel" Jughead says.

"What about you and Fangs, Maia? Think he wants to come?" Veronica asks. Oh yeah, she had asked me. Then Jughead bursts out laughing. "Fangs?! With you guys? That's gonna be funny!" Jughead blurts out.

"Thanks for the comment, Jones" I say and glare at him before turning to Veronica. "But no, I don't think that would go too well, plus we've both got a lot on our plates right now, family is a real pain in the ass" I say and mumble the last part which earns me a confused curious look from Jughead.

"We'll talk about that later!" Jughead claimed and points at me. "Right" I say and make a face at him and roll my eyes as he laughs.

"Right, remember, the point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug" Veronica says. "Luxury and weekend. Two of my favourite words. So, where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should I pack?" Cheryl chirps in, I smile awkwardly at Jughead and he snorts which caused Betty to slap his arm.

"Sorry, Cheryl. It's kind of a romantic couples-only weekend" Veronica says and winces a bit as I make a face to stop her. "I see. Of course. My mistake. Well, have fun with your romances" Cheryl says before walking out.

"I need to go...." I say and trail off before going out of the lounge, I slip my phone out and check for any messages. None. Which means there's no one who's gonna ask where I am.

So, I leave school and drive to the prison, to see the one and only-the devil himself.

I park and take a deep breath before looking around. "Come on" I whisper to myself. "You can do this. You got this" I say and walk up to the entrance.

After I get to see my dad, I sit and wait. Meanwhile waiting, I clear my face of any emotions. If I gotta do this, I need to be worse than him.

A guard walks with a prisoner in an orange suit and my dad's face appears, his face lightens at the sight of me and he sits down and grab the phone. I take a deep breath before snatching the phone to the other side.

"Hello, dad" I say coldly. At this, Connor already knew it wasn't a friendly visit, his face hardened and he leaned forward ready to hear whatever I was here to say.

A/N: What do you think she's gonna say? Is she gonna succeed? Or is she just making it worse by confronting her dad? Will Fangs be safe?

Also! I won't be able to post tomorrow since I have a huge birthday party coming up for a relative and I'm gonna run around like a chicken that lost it's head so yeah..... but I will probably post around Saturday-Sunday-ish.

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