Found You

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I hate these numbers on my wrist.

It was a present from Aphrodite because my grandparents have been devoted to her, they said. A gift to find true love, these numbers serve as a timer that counts down to the time I would meet my soulmate.

What the hell?

Who the heck is Aphrodite to tell me who to love and who will love me back?

This is my life. My decisions. My heart.

"Let's break up. It's just not working." Tom finally says those words as we finish our dinner inside a restaurant.

He's my seventh boyfriend and we, too, didn't last long.

Must be the curse of that damn timer on my wrist.

"Fine," I reply, not feeling heartbroken. I'm already used to breakups. "But please pay the bill." I stand up and exit the resto.

Outside, it is crowded. I resist the urge to hide away inside a locked room. I should've just stayed at home. The timer on my wrist says that it's only a couple of minutes before I find my soulmate. Meaning, one of these people could be him.

But I don't want to find him. The idea of meeting a total stranger and being forced to love him is just not fun. It's scary. That's why I dated many men before, to counter my fate. But, they all didn't work out.

I cross the street and look at the cars. I wonder what will happen if I suddenly die. Maybe Aphrodite will have a heart attack. Or will become so embarrassed she won't show up to my grandparents anymore.

2 minutes.


I don't wanna die, so suicide is a no-no.

A blinding flash of light surrounds my vision. There is a loud honk from somewhere near. I didn't notice that I'm still in the middle of the road while the traffic sign is already green.

I hear people scream and then feel my body being thrown away to the other side of the road.

I got hit by a truck.

And I'm dying.

10 seconds before I meet my soulmate, the timer says.

Aphrodite, you liar.

Everything goes black.

Then I open my eyes. I'm in the middle of the road looking at my corpse.

I really died?

Shocked and frightened, I'm about to cry.

1 second.

Then, a clumsy young man in a black cape, holding a gigantic scythe, appears from nowhere and inspects my corpse. The man lifts his head and looks straight into my eyes.

Gosh, how my soul trembles at the sight of him.

This is the first time in my life that I have felt like this. Like everything is suddenly bright and exciting and perfect.

The man smiles and my spirit seems to soar.

Surprisingly, I don't find this warm, weird feeling unwanted. Not even a bit.

Actually, I kinda... like it?

Oh, damn it.

The death reaper walks near me, kisses my hand, and says, "Found you."

I clutch my chest.

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