The Sacrifice

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Like every fairy in the mortal realm, I can feel the magic blanketing the cold, serene night. It's not the normal protective magic that shields the mortals from evil, no, but a different, darker energy.

Tonight, the Knights of Antirrhinum are eager to finally escort the fairy chosen by the fates to the High Tower of Fatum, where they will be sacrificed.

I am the sacrifice.

"Stop, Buttercup." Jared has been following me through the crowded main plaza. He reaches for my hand and holds it. "Let's just stay here." The act reminds me of when we first met. He had pulled me into his arms, saving me from a passing car. It was when I ran and hid in the mortal land to escape my fate.

We've been in love with each other ever since.

I say, "Then stay if you want to. I-I need to go somewhere else." I need to lose my pursuers. I don't want to be sacrificed. In fright, tears form in the corner of my eyes and I start to tremble.

Two warm arms envelop me in an embrace. "Please don't cry." Jared's voice was soft and gentle, like how it is every time he speaks to me.

If only I could tell him the truth. That I am a sacrificial fairy who fell in love with him, a mortal man. That I fell in love with life.

The four Knights appear in front of us. I want to run but Jared is holding me still. Invisible to the eyes of mortals, the armored fairy Knights speak in unison: "You, oh great sacrifice, will be escorted now to your fate. How lucky you are to be chosen."


Being chosen is a curse!

They surround Jared and me and ask, "Are you willing?"

I immediately answer, "No--"

"Yes," Jared says.

I look at my lover. He is staring right into the eyes of one of the Knights. He can... see them?

The Knights call his name. "Jared, humble rose fairy, come with us and fulfill your destiny."

Jared... Fairy? Destiny?

What is happening?

I look at Jared.

He is smiling as he wipes away my tears. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. But, don't worry, everything will be alright. You're safe now." He starts walking toward the Knights.

Finally understanding what's happening, I hold on to his shirt.


"No!" I shout. "So you're a fairy! I don't care whatever you are! D-did you take away my fate from me? And now you are the sacrifice? Please, Jared, no." Don't die! Don't leave me. Then to the knights, I plead, "Take me instead! I am willing now!"

They answer in unison. "You are no longer a worthy sacrifice." They sprinkle white pixie dust and start to disappear.

I try to hold Jared's arm but I can no longer touch him. Before they're completely gone, I hear Jared say, "Live, my love."


No, please.

Not you!

Sacrifice me!

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