Cyren and Baby Jaslynn

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It was a peaceful night in the castle, most were almost done with dinner and others were going to sleep. Yet Daeva was no where to be found. This wasn't necessarily unusual as she always stayed out late for killing sprees in the human realm.

"You think Daeva will be coming for dinner?" Cyren asked Rooney

Rooney shook her head

"I doubt it, she always turns up at 7 in the morning"

Cyren nodded and continued to finish his food.

Opal was on his shoulder resting peacefully. The halls were quiet on the night, you could only hear the faint sounds of the servants moving about. Until..

Daeva walked through the walls of the dinner room to enter. She came earlier then anticipated by everyone.

"What happened? You came early" Rooney questioned.

"Oh yeah, just went out for a peaceful walk with Nang Tani, ran into Chinami too" she answered.

"We still have chai if you want some" Cyren offered

Daeva s eyes light up and she flew to the kitchen faster then the blink of an eye.

"God dayum-" Cyren laughed.

Rooney yawned.

"Alright guys I'm going to bed" she said as she walked out.

"Smae" Cyren said and got up to follow Rooney.

Cyren bet that there wasn't gonna be any chai left in the morning.

It was late at night. Cyren was sleeping in his room. The castle was dead silent. So silent that you could hear your own breathe. Cyren was asleep until he felt something poking him.

"hMmmmm....go away.." he mumbled.

But the poking continued. Cyren begrudgingly tried opening his one eye. He saw a king white cloth poking his face.

"What the-" he thought. The cloth had black beads on it.

"Opal?.." he murmured.

"What are doing? Go back to bed" he said turning over.

The snake was persistent.

"Mmmmmm....F i n e" he whispered angrily.

"What is it!?"

The snake just slithered away, signaling to him to follow him.

Cyren, barely conscious to even tell the difference between a carrot and a
tomato, slowly walked and followed his companion.

The white creature led him to the lobby and silent halls of the castle. Then through the dining room, and then to the stairs.

"Is this really necessary?" He muttered.

The snake just kept leading him. Cyren mentally groaned.

The creature led him upstairs, past Paris (disaster) room and to Daeva's room.

"No you won't make me wake up her up!" He quickly whispered.

But the snake went past her room. Cyren was confused to where in the world his snake was taking him, in the middle of the f the frickin night-

The room ahead had no name on it. It was usually empty so Cyren was confused on why he was brought here. The snake led him inside. But instead of seeing something like a le boxes or some magik gremlin creature.

There was something else.

A baby bed in the middle of the room.

Cyren nearly had a heart attack.Why was there a baby? What is doing here? WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON-

"What the- Did Daeva bring it?" He said quietly.

Daeva often brought Children, orphaned children to give them homes but he didn't know why she didn't tell them.

Curious, Cyren slowly went close to the crib. He slowly stood beside it, being careful to not scare it or air any noise.

The child was tiny, with brown eyes. It was a girl.

"Omg." Cyren quietly said, looking at the child with wonder.

The baby smiled at him.

":0, your cute" he said.

The child wasn't scared of him.

"So your my new niece eh?" He chuckled

"I liek you, I can tell we'll be good friends"

He held out his finger and the child held it with it's hand.

Cyren was happy that Opal woke him up to meet his new niece.

Have this-

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