Odette and Xena (Part 1)

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The following is an myth and legend based in the wonderful world of the Desi smp. These will be stories of this universe, got it? no questions? Good.

Opal was a white snake, a prized and loved companion of the Naga Cyren. They were related to the Supreme Ruler Daeva. So life was good for the tranquil Naga. They let their graceful little snake wander the far lands and Opal enjoyed a gracious life.

In the same realm, there were two sisters named Odette and Xena. They were both Selkies, creatures who were seals in water but could take off their seal skins on land (ik gross but deal with it-) They were beautiful and ambitious young ladies but their lives were on the line as they were on the run.

They were quite recently involved in a unforgivable crime and were wanted in the kingdom. They were planning to departure from Echantra and to the Human realm. But they had no fortune or wealth to survive in the mortal realm and they needed some money. They were stuck in a difficult situation until they thought of a brilliant idea.

The Royal Family's main Supreme Ruler was Daeva, a vengeful and clever ghost who gained power and became the Ruler. She went on to adopt many faithful and astute children. She had a mother, siblings and many other distant relatives. The two Selkies on the other hand, were not interested in their lives but their glamorous companions.

Supreme Ruler Daeva had a majestic Pegasus named Tsubasa. Izra had a dragon named Aarush, Cyren obviously had Opal the white snake, Jaslynn had a Alicanto named Aldara and the list goes on. The sisters had their eyes on Opal and Aldara who they thought could be useful for their financial stability in the human world.

Taking Tsubasa would be difficult as its a winged horse that could easily escape their advances. Opal  was a beautiful white snake that Xena thought she could show off and make money with the beauty of the white snake in the other world. Aldara despite being a bird. couldn't fly but she could lead to treasure so she was useful as well.

So they decided to take Opal and Aldara before they left for the other world. They disguised themselves as seals to venture through the Zolhidina River beside the castle. They waited patiently for Uncle Cyren and Princess Jaslynn. After some time, they both walked into the royal court yard to let their companions play around.

As Jaslynn was busy rambling to Cyren how freaking disgusting the Bruschetta was they had for lunch, the ladies waited for the pure white snake and the golden bird to get closer to the waters. At this point, they forcefully grabbed the two mythical creatures and swam off and through the river.

It took some time before poor Cyren noticed they're precious Opal had gone missing and then Jaslynn noticed that her bird was missing too. They both got agitated and started frantically looking for their tiny friends. Every failed searched made, Cyren became more uneasy and the sky started getting darker and darker whcih brought the attention of (Granny-) Rooney and Izra, Cyren's sister.

Izra obviously asked why Cyren was so distressed, for the weather had started getting odd. Jaslynn explained that they cant find Opal and Aldara and that's why Cyren is uneasy this moment.

Rooney, not one to see Cyren so upset, ordered a search for Opal and Aldara with Izra leading the search. But there was no luck. Day by day, there were massive floods and disasters ravaging some areas of the kingdom due to Cyren's distress. 

This was starting to get dangerous so both Daeva and Rooney came up with a plan to let Izra and Cyren go to the human realm to find Opal and Aldara. Jaslynn wouldn't go because she was much younger. They said that if they needed insistence they could call them and they would be willing to help. 

So the siblings Izra and Cyren ventured out to find both Opal and Aldara, will they succeeded who knows?

That is it for Part 1, yeeEEeEEeeEEeEEeeE

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