Chapter Four | Girls Like You

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Girls Like You, by Maroon 5

ย ย  Hermione smiled to herself as she made her way down to the hall. She was not sure what had just happened in the hospital wing, but it was progress. Any communication with Malfoy that was not bickering or taunting was progress. It didn't mean they were friends or anything. Hermione laughed slightly at the thought. No. They were far from friends and she they probably always would be. It was just too absurd. But as long as he was trying to get along, she would be grateful and treat him kindly. He wasn't exactly going above and beyond, but for Malfoy, it was a miracle she'd gotten him to promise not to tell his father what had happened.

ย ย  With a sigh, Hermione entered the great hall and made her way over to the Gryffindor table then took a seat next to Harry and Ginny. Ron looked up from his plate and stared at her skeptically. "Where have you been?"

"I was helping Hagrid take another student to the hospital wing."

Ron snorted. "Pfft. It was just Malfoy. Does it really matter what happens to him? Maybe he'll do us all a favor and drop over dead." Hermione stifled a gasp at Ron's bluntness and he looked at her. "What had you so worried anyways?"

Hermione's eyes widened. "I... It's none of your concern. Besides, I was worried for Hagrid's sake."

"Humph. Sure you were."

Hermione's anger flared. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

ย ย  Harry laughed and placed a hand on Ron's shoulder. "I think you'd best let it go before she really gets mad, mate."

"Why should she be the one who gets to get mad."

"You did somewhat insult her, Ron."

Ron fumed. "Like hell I did..."

ย ย  Hermione raised her hand, cutting him off. "I'd rather not argue over trivial things with you Ron. Can we just sit and enjoy our meal for once?" That shut Ron up rather quickly as he grumbled and stuffed a pumpkin pasty in his mouth. Hermione nodded triumphantly and pulled forward her glass. "Butterbeer." She said in a firm, clear voice. The cup filled to the brim with cold, frothing butterbeer. Compliments of the kitchen's house elves. Hermione smiled, despite Ron's loathful glare and downed the glass of creamy, golden liquid. Once she finished, Hermione pointed her wand at the empty glass and filled it again.

ย ย  "So," Ron started, through a mouthful of food. "How is the ferret? Did he lose his arm? Oh wouldn't that be a shame."

"Ron how many times must I tell you? Don't talk with your mouth full."

He rolled his eyes. "Jus answer the question, Mione."

Hermione sighed. "He was injured but I don't think it was too bad. I didn't care to stay and find out."

ย ย  Just then, the Slytherin table burst into cheers, giggles, and gasps. Hermione turned to find out what the commotion was about to see Malfoy enter the room. His arm was in a sling and he looked rather pale, more so than usual. It was almost as if he might faint. Hermione knew at once that this was an act. Though he may have actually been injured, Madam Pomfrey should have fixed him up well enough to where he should not feel anything at this point. Draco snorted, raised his head, and walked over to his seat.

Malfoy cradled his injured arm with his uninjured arm as if he had broken it. The Slytherins bombarded him with questions, Pansy at his right hand side, giving in to his every need. He smirked as she fawned over him, clearly enjoying her pity. "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" She mused, caressing his hand in her own, looking at the wrapped wound.

He shrugged. "It comes and it goes. Madam Pomphrey said another minute and I could've lost my arm. Couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks."

ย ย  Hermione was going to object but decided better of it. Let him have his moment of glory. All he sought was the attention anyway. No use in giving him what he so desired. But she wasn't the only one who was irritated by Malfoy's presentation. Ron looked disgusted, or rather, annoyed. "He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?"

"Mhm." Hermione replied and buried her nose in her mug.

"You don't have any input, Hermione?"

Hermione shrugged and downed the mug then wiped her lips. "He's just being an idiot, as usual." Ron looked skeptical but nodded.

ย ย  A few minutes later, Hermione glanced back at Malfoy, who seemed to be enjoying all of the extra attention, and the pity. It was rather disgusting really. Hermione didn't understand why someone would want all that attention. But Malfoy always had been an attention seeker, and that's exactly what he was getting. Not only the Slytherins, but also many Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were fooled by Malfoy pity act. A sigh could be heard from across the table where Parvati Patil swooned. "Oh he's so handsome."

Hermione turned to look at the Slytherin table and scoffed. "Oh he's handsome alright, and rude and conceited and... and... Ugh!" She couldn't put him to words. Hermione turned back around to face three surprised stares. "What?"

Ron growled and mumbled a series of inaudible curses and Harry just looked confused. It was Ginny who spoke up, "You do realize you just called Draco Malfoy handsome, right?"

Hermione gasped pressing her fingers to her lips. "Did I say that out loud?"

Ginny giggled and Harry nodded with a grimace. "I'm afraid you did, Hermione."

ย  ย  Hermione groaned. "Oh no!" How could she have let something like that slip? Did she even think he was handsome? She'd never really thought about it before. She couldn't deny that she found him at least slightly attractive. Hermione looked back to scrutinize him and their eyes met. He grinned, leering at her with taunting eyes. But for a moment she saw something else. He stared at her with those smoldering eyes and their gaze became intense. It only took a second for Malfoy to realize what was happening. He looked away, tapping on Goyle's chest, making motions in her direction, and laughed.

ย ย  "Of all the self-centered, inconsiderate, disrespectful...!" She fumed. He was completely and utterly impossible! How could he be so... so... Ugh! Hermione thought back to Malfoy's promise, something deep inside of her was reassured. Maybe Malfoy wasn't as bad as everyone thought. Maybe, just maybe, there was a part of him that longed to be good. His actions were questionable but his behavior towards herself and the others was inexcusable. However, this was the second time he had performed a good deed. That must mean something. At the very least it ensured there was good in him. Hermione shook her head. She was getting ahead of herself.

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." She reminded herself. But then again, there was a second part to that quote. "Though it seems enough to condemn him." She whispered to herself.

Harry looked up. "What'd ya say Hermione?"

"Oh nothing. Just talking to myself." She hesitated, then looked back to her empty plate. "You know what, I think I'm going to head over to the library. I need to get some extra reading in before class. I'll meet you in Defense Against The Dark Arts."

Harry nodded and offered a weak smile. "Okay. See you then, Hermione."

ย ย  Hermione smiled then stood and walked out of the great hall. She caught Draco's eye and shook her head, showing her disapproval. When he stared at her, stricken, she smirked, satisfied with herself. It wasn't often that she confused or addled Malfoy, but when she did, it was slight progress. Hermione walked away, attempting to mimic his prideful strut with her head held high. The library was not too far from the great hall. She was glad for that because she did not have much time before their first Defense Against The Dark Arts class of the year. She just needed to check out some books and review the first five chapters again. One could never be too prepared.

ย ย  It didn't take long for Hermione to realize that she was being followed. She could see his silver hair out of the corner of her eye. "Hmph." She ignored him and kept walking, uncertain of what his initial goal had been. If it had been to annoy her..., he was succeeding, but she wouldn't let him know that. Besides, Malfoy would rather die than enter the library, even if to make a point. Still, he didn't have any of his minions with him. Why would he be following her alone? Without his gang of Slytherins, it would be quite hard to make a spectacle.

Hermione made her way to the library, smiling to a few first years and waving to some fifth years along the way. She wouldn't let Malfoy get to her. That's what he wanted. Though she did not understand how bringing others misery with your very presence could be a pleasant idea in the least. Once she reached the library, Hermione was surprised to see Malfoy follow but walk in another direction. Suspicious as she was, Hermione didn't have time to investigate. She went straight to the Defensive Charms and Spells section and picked several third year level spell books.

Carrying the armful of books over to a table, Hermione took a seat, pulling out her copy of the Defense Against The Dark Arts textbook they had been assigned. She opened the book with a sigh and buried her nose in its pages. Nothing was more satisfying to her. The smell of the parchment both new and old calmed her nerves and she relaxed. This was her favorite place to be. Out of the whole school... Well, it was her favorite place to be in the whole world. She would get lost in the pages of her books and lose awareness of her surroundings. But not soon enough.

It did not take long before the bleached blonde approached and took a seat across from her. Hermione had been holding her textbook in front of her face so that he could not see her but decided to take the risk. She shifted and craned her neck around to see what he was carrying. A green little book with black binding was all that he held. Malfoy stroked the cover before opening it to a page she was very familiar with. Page forty-nine. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, by Newt Scamander. The very book Malfoy had chosen to tear up in order to help her find the answers she needed. Though Hermione herself would never dream of ruining the pages of such a beautiful book, it had been her saving grace that he did. She found it odd that Malfoy would pick out that specific book, considering the circumstances.

ย  ย  They sat in silence for several minutes before her patience reached its end. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

His reaction was not taunting or rude, as she expected, he simply frowned and raised his eyebrows. "I thought that the library was open to all Hogwarts students, or are Slytherins excluded from that circle?"

"Of course not!" She hissed, glancing at Madam Pince to make sure she had not noticedย  the rise in Hermione's voice. "It's just that..." She trailed off when Draco raised his eyebrows once more in question.

When she did not finish the sentence he shrugged and went back to reading his book. "I'd think you'd be glad that other students are reading more." He said calmly. "After all, you are the one who says that no one takes these classes seriously."

"I didn't mean... What I meant was..." She grumbled. "What are your intentions, Malfoy?"

Malfoy didn't bother to look up from his book. "I don't have the foggiest idea of what your talking about." Hermione did not care to respond and neither spoke for a good amount of time.

ย  ย  After another ten minutes, he broke the silence. "Good book, don't you think?"

Hermione looked up as he motioned to Fantastic Beasts' cover. "Um... yes, I suppose." She shook her head, trying to figure out his angle. It had to be a trap. But regardless, she warmed up to the question. "The author had a great mind and a great understanding of magical creatures."

"Hm.." Malfoy nodded, opening the book once more. Then after a few seconds he spoke up. "I've met him you know. Scamander."

At this, Hermione looked up, her eyes wide. "You've met Newt Scamander?"

"Yes." He said as if it were an everyday occurrence. "Brilliant mind, he is." Draco reached out and Hermione flinched but froze and stared at him when she saw that he was handing her the book. She took it from his hand and he used his finger to open the cover.

Written on the inside was an inscription. "To the relative of a very old friend. Newt Scamander." She read out loud. "Who's the family friend?"

"This book was actually signed for my Aunt Bella, but seeing as she's in Azkaban, it will remain in mine... or my mother's possession." When Hermione looked confused he felt the need to explain. "See, my Aunt Bellatrix married into the Lestrange family. Mr. Scamander was very close to the Lestranges. Leta Lestrange in particular. I met him upon his visits to their family."

"Did you know this, Leta? Are you related to her?"

"Oh no. No she died a very long time ago. Quite sad you know. She was engaged to Scamander's brother when she was killed by Grindelwald. As I see it, Scamander himself held a flame for her all those years. But no, she and I were not blood related she was a cousin to my aunt and her husband's family."

Hermione wondered how he knew all this. "You... you said your aunt's in Azkaban?"

Draco's face grew grim. "Yes. She followed the Dark Lord with a passion and did not deny her alliance when placed on trial."

ย ย  Hermione winced as Draco looked like he regretted bringing up the topic and do not know why he was telling her all of this. She decided to change the topic back to a lighter subject. "Does he really carry a suitcase that's enchanted with the Undetectable Extension Charm that he carries his creatures in?"

"My, my. This little witch has done her research." Malfoy laughed. "Yes, Granger. It holds many of his creatures. The really big ones he keeps in his home but the suitcase is indeed real."

ย ย  Hermione's face lit up and Malfoy smirked, obviously amused. She didn't care if it was a trap at this point, as much as she hated to admit it, she was enjoying talking to Malfoy. She studied the book he had handed her and looked up at him from the corner of her eye. Then lowering her voice she spoke. "This is how you knew what creature was in the chamber." She had said it rather as a statement than a question. Malfoy hesitated then nodded and Hermione smiled. She handled the book gently but grazed through it enthusiastically. It was truly amazing. All throughout the copy were little notes written by Scamander himself.

ย ย  When she finally looked up again she noticed that Malfoy had been watching her intently. Their eyes met and he tilted his head with a sly grin. She smiled back at him and felt the heat rising to her cheeks. Malfoy raised his eyebrows teasingly and leaned across the table until their noses almost touched. "You really think I'm handsome, Granger?" Hermione raised the book to cover her face as she was sure she was blushing about fifty shades of red. The book covered her lips and nose so that all he could see was her eyes. He grinned, drawing his eyebrows up and down repeatedly. Hermione shied away then blinked several times, making her eyebrows flutter. Malfoy reached over and nudged the book away from her face with his finger. "You haven't answered my question, Granger."

"I don't think I should."

Malfoy smiled and nodded. "That's alright. You've already given me the answer."

"What's that supposed to mean."

He grinned. "It means your as red as a turnip."

ย ย  Instinctively, Hermione's hand flew to her heated cheeks and she looked up to Malfoy. He looked tauntingly smug and she knew she had just affirmed his hypothesis. With a wink, he stood to leave. Hermione was too dazed to stop him but snapped out of it seconds before he left her sight. "Wait!" Madam Pince gave her a severe look and Hermione knew she was in for a scolding. Malfoy turned slightly and raised an eyebrow. Hermione swallowed. "Your book." She held it out.

He nodded. "Keep hold of it for me." He said gruffly, then left.

ย ย  Hermione stared blankly at the door that he had just disappeared behind, unsure of what had just happened. Had she just flirted with Draco Malfoy?! She wasn't sure how she felt about it all. She had had a normal conversation with Malfoy and not ended up crying or loathing him. How was that possible? Malfoy's approach and conversation seemed genuine, and his features were a lot more welcoming when he was not being a total jerk. In fact, she found him more so attractive today than she ever had before. It was pleasant to see him like this and she had enjoyed his company as much as she hated to admit it. She didn't understand any of it.

With a sigh, Hermione looked down to the priceless book he had entrusted her with. How could someone so cruel be so... different within minutes. Draco Malfoy had changed completely and she had to say, she liked him all the better for it. But would this change be permanent? Or would he go back to being his loathsome self when his goonies were around? Was there more to him than meets the eye? Was his whole life a lie, an act to keep his Slytherin appearance? To keep his father happy? So many questions swarmed Hermione's mind. She looked down to the little green book in her hand. How could so much happen in one day? What started out as a normal day became the most eventful evening of the year. At least so far.

Authors Note:

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It wasย  kind of slow and calm, not a lot of action. Yet I felt that it still had a lot of meaning. It kind of shows that connection that they have and the bond that is growing. Thank you all and please leave your comments!

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