Chapter Three | Youngblood

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Youngblood, by Five Seconds Of Summer

Draco walked among his group of Slytherins as they followed their new Care of Magical Creatures Professor into the woods. Potter and Weasley walked ahead, right alongside the half-giant, Hagrid. Draco rolled his eyes. He didn't understand why Dumbledore would give the big oaf a job that required teaching others. It clearly showed that neither were qualified to teach. Still, Draco did wonder as to where Granger might be. She was usually with Scar Head and Weaselbee. Perhaps she was smarter than he thought and hadn't signed up for this class. It would make her smarter than him. But why was he thinking about this anyways?

Β Β  Frustrated, Draco shook his head and turned back to face the group. Pansy, fortunity, was not in this class, so he had Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle for company. It was a sad excuse for a group of friends. Though he was glad Pike was not in this class either or he would have lost his temper by now. He thought back to Granger's pained expression when Pike had hit her and his blood began to boil. He wasn't above the name calling and teasing, but when it came to physical abuse, that's where he drew the line. It was wrong to hit anybody, especially if it was a girl. This girl in particular.

"Hey! Hey, wait up!" Draco's head snapped up. Speak of the devil. He knew who that voice belonged to immediately. Draco turned around to see Granger running full speed at him. He stared at her in shock, until he realized that she had not been speaking to him. She ran by, her soft, bushy hair brushing Draco's face. But for a fraction of a second, she stumbled, and that was all it took for her to tumble forward. Draco barely had a moment to react when all of her weight came barreling on top of him. Draco reached out and placed his hands on her waist to avoid the collision but it was no use, the force of the impact knocked him over and they both fell to the ground. Granger on top of Malfoy.

Β Β  For a split second, they remained that way. Draco felt the soft tresses of her hair brush his cheek and eyelashes. Granger propped herself up on the palms of her hands, her face mere inches from his. Their noses were so close they could almost touch and Draco could feel the warmth of her breath on his lips. Her hair hung over her shoulder, creating a curtain between them and the other students. Draco took in her scent and held his breath, trying to make it last. She smelled of roses and strawberries with the hidden scent of new parchment. Granger's breath hitched when Draco lifted his head a fraction and their noses touched. They both remained silent, not daring to move.

When finally, Draco snapped out of his distraction and came to his senses. He sat up, his hands still on her hips and shifted precariously, twisting Granger around to where she sat on the ground beside him. She landed on her bottom with a shocked look on her face. Draco smirked. "Next time don't run into me, Granger." She started to open her mouth but decided better of it and shut it again. Draco pulled himself to his feet and grunted. He brushed off his robes, ridding them of any dust or dirt and smirked. Then he turned around and walked away, leaving Granger on the ground.

Draco did not look back as they continued on into the forest. When they finally made it to a gated area along the border of the woods he laid his bag down and leaned against a boulder. Feeling bored, Draco turned on his signature know-it-all smirk and began twisting his Slytherin crested ring around his finger. The silver band stood out and felt cold against his pale skin. It glinted in the mornings light, blinding those around him as he circled it round and round his ring finger. He looked around for any victims to patronize but unfortunately Potter and Weaselbee were preoccupied.

Β Β  When no one seemed amused or annoyed by his presence, Draco huffed and pulled out the monster book of monsters. The book writhed and growled under his touch, but Draco secured his grip so as not to drop it. Hagrid stopped walking and turned around to begin giving instructions. "Open yer books to page forty-nine."

Draco scoffed at the irony. Forty-nine seemed to be a special number. "Exactly how do we do that?" He spoke defiantly.

"Jus' stroke the spine o'course." Hagrid said as if it were a fact anyone should know.

Draco looked down at the book and wrinkled his nose but rubbed his fingers along the spine. The book growled and hissed but then settled and made a soft purring sound. With a grimace, Draco pulled open the latch, half expecting the book to bite his hand off. It did not. The soft purring came to a stop when he opened the books cover. Neville Longbottom attempted to do the same but opened the book too soon and it wriggled, knocking him over. Draco rolled his eyes. "Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom." Neville sat up, his eyes crossed and insisted he was alright as another Gryffindor came to his aid.

Upon hearing laughter, Draco looked up to see Granger smiling softly. She shrugged and set her book down, turning to Potter and Weasley. "I think they're funny." She said softly, grimacing, as if trying to convince herself of the statement.

Draco scoffed. "Oh yeah. Terribly funny. Really witty." He said aloud. Draco sensed Crabbe and Goyle move in closer, along with half the other Slytherins and he continued. "Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." He sneered and laughed, raising his eyebrows. Draco looked over to Crabbe and Goyle, who sniggered.

Potter stepped forward, "Shut up, Malfoy."

Β Β  Draco raised his eyebrows. "Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo." The ooo's could be heard from the rest of the Slytherins. Malfoy dropped his book into Crabbe's hand and stepped forward, challenging Potter. He narrowed his eyes and smiled wickedly as he came up with an idea. Coming face to face with Potter, Draco froze and let his eyes widen. He took a few steps back, pointing behind Potter, Weasley, and Granger with a frightened expression and called. "Dementor. Dementor!"

Β Β  Potter, Weasley, and Granger spun around frantically, only to realize they'd been tricked. The students howled with laughter. Draco grinned, and he and his fellow Slytherins pulled the hood of their robes over their heads and made ghostly sounds. Malfoy smiled and laughed heartily, earning a mocking smirk from Granger. She put her hand on Potter's arm and spun him around. Then, looking back at Draco, she wrinkled her nose in disgust, her face pinched, and stuck her tongue out slightly to mock him. Draco grinned. He had gotten the response he had been after.

Β Β  Draco so enjoyed getting Granger to show her Slytherin side. Draco always found a way to bring out the best... or rather the worst in her. But Draco found her bad side to be his favorite side of her. When she wasn't being a stuck up know-it-all, Granger could be quite amusing. He found teasing her so very entertaining. A few seconds later, Blaise poked Draco's rib cage with his elbow and raised his eyebrows. "You've made our little Gryffindor Princess mad." Draco rolled his eyes.

Β Β  In their first year, Blaise had taken the liberty of choosing nicknames. Weasley's was Weasel King, Pansy's was Raven Queen (cause of her dark hair.) As of recently, Granger's was The Gryffindor Princess and Draco's was The Slytherin Prince. Draco scoffed. He wondered if Blaise realized the pairing he had made with those names. It was quite fitting though. The Gryffindor Princess. Quite fitting indeed. Draco would wonder what a pairing a Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor Princess would make. He grimaced. It was too revolting to believe possible. He couldn't imagine himself with her, a muggleborn Gryffindor. Besides, Granger was too pure for the likes of a Slytherin.

Β Β  Draco realized he had been staring into space and his eyes widened. He blinked and rubbed his forehead. What was wrong with him? He had to be off his rocker. How could he be thinking such things? It was against his better judgement. Draco pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to clear the throbbing headache that was growing. He had to be completely and utterly insane. To think, Draco, a pureblood, with the likes of a no name muggleborn like Granger? It was absurd.

The loud sound of Hagrid clearing his throat, snapped Draco out of his reverie. Once Hagrid caught everyone's attention he raised his arms. "Da da da da!" All the students turned and several gasped. A large creature stood before them. It was massive, with the body of a horse and the head of an eagle. Two large wings folded against its sides, the creature was covered in feathers from head to... claw? Or was it hoove? Draco wrinkled his nose and held his breath then looked over to Granger. Her lips were slightly parted and she stared at the creature in awe, clearly breathtaken. Her eyes sparkled and a smile played on her lips.

Hagrid grinned with pride. "Isn' he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak." He threw a dead ferret to the animal and it caught it in it's beak then bowed.

Weasley's eyes widened. "Hagrid. Exactly wha' is tha'?"

"That Ron, is a hippogriff. Firs thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that their very proud creatures. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may jus be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid clapped and smiled. "Now. Who'd like to come an' say hello?"

Everyone took a step back, except Potter, leaving him unaware that he was standing front and center. Hagrid turned around and nodded. "Well done Harry, well done." Potter turned around and looked back, realizing that everyone had left him to volunteer. "Come on now." Hagrid said. He took a step back but Weasel stepped forward and gave him a push. Hagrid beckoned Potter forward. "Now, you hav to let him make the firs move. It's only polite. So, step up, give him a nice bow. Then you wait, and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go an touch him. If not... well, we'll get to that later."

Draco watched as Potter approached the beast. It raised his head and spread its wings, snapping it's beak aggressively. "Back off, Harry. Back off." Hagrid said in a rasped tone. The creature stepped forward and snapped at Potter, causing Granger jumped. She reached over and grabbed Weasley's hand. Draco watched them with resentment as Weasley looked over at Granger as if she were a leper. Hermione's eyes widened and she looked at Weaselbee nervously. Weasley wriggled his arm free of her grasp and scooted away, a disgusted look on his face.

Β Β  Draco looked at Granger's hurt expression and scowled. Weasley was either the cruelest wizard in the school or the stupidest if he couldn't see that Granger had feelings for him. Either way he was an idiot for ignoring her affection. It was true that Draco ignored Parkinson's constant attentiveness, but her feelings were not genuine. It was his name and name only that sparked her interest. Or maybe it was his families money. Draco scowled. If he had the chance at true intimacy, from someone genuine, he would not dare deny it. But, dare he say, that a specific name came to mind when he thought of his longed for affection.

Β Β  No, no, no! He couldn't be thinking such things. Malfoy couldn't bear the thought. It wasn't worth it, to drag himself back into the state of believing. Believing what, exactly? That he could have a chance at a real relationship? With... her? No! Why on earth would he ever want any kind of relationship with a mu... Draco struggled on the word. Muggleborn. He finished the sentence in his head. Why did it matter? It was an impossibility. Even if he did care for her, there were too many obstacles. He couldn't lead himself to believe they could have so much as a friendship. Because it would not happen. He wouldn't allow it.

The whole class began clapping, knocking Draco out of his trance. When he looked up, he noticed that Potter had approached the beast. Hagrid smiled with triumph. ""I think he may let you ride him now."

Harry looked away from the creature. "What?"

Hagrid grabbed Potter under his arms and thrust him atop the creatures back. Potter thrashed and his eyes widened. "Hey, hey, hey!"

The last thing Draco heard Hagrid say was, "Don' pull out any o' his feathers, because he won't thank you for tha'." And with that, he smacked the animal on its rear and it took off in a run. Draco laughed as it took to the sky with Potter holding on for dear life.

When Potter disappeared, Hagrid began to line up the next students to ride the hippogriff while the rest of them stood in awkward silence. Draco leaned back against the boulder and began twisting his ring again. His gaze cast upon Granger who had removed her robes and vest and now rolled up the sleeves to her pleated white shirt. She chatted merrily with the female Weasley and the Weasel himself, who still looked nervously uncomfortable. Draco positioned himself, facing Granger and aimed his ring towards her. The sun reflected off of it and the light hit her in the face.

Β Β  Covering her eyes, Granger let out and exasperated moan and turned to face Draco. "Do us all a favor and grow up, Malfoy!" She scowled.

"I will as soon as Potter does."

She gave a sarcastic laugh. "You're so immature!"

Draco thought of the most puerile thing to say and sneered. "I know you are, but what am I?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "A little childish aren't we, Malfoy?"

He grinned, spitefully. "You started it."

Granger fumed. She clenched her fists and stomped her foot, spinning to face the Weasleys. The little redheaded Weaselette looked frightened at Granger's sudden outburst and Draco heard Weasley mutter under his breath. "He really does bring out the worst in you, Mione." Draco smiled. That was his goal.

A loud screech filled the air and all the students looked to the sky. Draco watched the creature glide through the air, Potter sitting on it's back, grinning ear to ear. It came to a gentle stop and landed before Hagrid. Granger clapped and laughed and Weasley nodded. The half giant helped Potter down and other students began to line up for their turn. As Hagrid and Potter talked, Draco looked over to Granger who was smiling sweetly at Weasley, who blushed and shied away. Draco felt something stir deep inside and stormed forward. Barreling through the group of Gryffindors, Draco pushed through Granger and Weasley, shoving the Weasel back away from Hermione.

With little excuse for the outburst, Draco aimed all of his anger towards Potter. Without so much as a second glance Granger's way, he marched up to the great beast. With as much confidence as he could muster, Draco approached the animal. "Yes. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?"

Β Β  Malfoy simpered and looked back to see Granger's reaction. She spun around, horrified, her hair blowing wildly in her face as she leaped forward. Hagrid looked alarmed. "Malfoy, no..." In an instant, Draco turned back around to see the great creature rear. He lifted his arms to shield his face and felt it's claw come down across his forearm.

Β Β  Draco fell backwards and hit the ground hard, knocking the air out of his lungs. He gasped and it took several sharp intakes before he could get any breath. His arm stung and Draco still struggled for breath when he saw Granger come forward. He gasped several times, hoping to catch her attention. "Oh. It's killed me. It's killed me." Draco saw fear enter her eyes and he swallowed deeply, wondering what her fear could be for? His well-being? Definitely not. The giants job? Likely. The creature? Most plausible.

Hagrid approached Draco and held his hands out trying to calm him. "Calm down, it's just a scratch."

"Hagrid!" Granger's voice rang out as she stepped forward. "He has to be taken to the hospital." There was urgency in her voice and something in her eyes that Draco could not quite detect.

Hagrid sighed and nodded. "I'm the teacher. I'll do it." The giant slid his arms underneath Draco and lifted him up.

Β Β  Malfoy caught Zabini's eye and the Slytherin scoffed, crossing his arms and shaking his head as he chuckled. Draco thought of something, anything to say and spat out random quips. "Your gonna regret this." He told Hagrid.

Hagrid ignored him. "Class dismissed!"

"You and your bloody chicken." Draco felt Hagrid's chest heave slightly and a small laugh came from his beard.

Β  Granger ran ahead and opened the gate, looking up to Hagrid. "He will be alright, won't he?" She asked, sounded nervous and genuinely worried. Draco did not care to listen to Hagrid's response. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of Granger's voice as she spoke with Hagrid. She walked ahead, opening every door they came across and leading the way. It didn't take long for them to reach the hospital wing and Madam Pomphrey led them to a bed.

Hagrid deposited Draco onto the mattress and stepped aside with Madam Pomphrey, describing the situation. Draco had not realized it, but Granger had sat at the foot of the bed and watched him as he wriggled uncomfortably. Feeling a slight dip in the mattress, Draco opened one eye to find Granger leaning in, face to face with him. Draco startled and winced as pain shot through his arm. "Ah!" He shot up as another dose of pain ran through his body. He looked up, struggling to keep his features under control. "What in the bloody world is wrong with you!"

Granger tilted her head and Draco scowled. She hesitated. "You truly are in pain, aren't you?" She asked as if in disbelief.

Draco pinched his face, quite annoyed at her little remark. "Of course I am! That bloody animal trampled me! For as bright a witch as you are, you can be quite daft sometimes, Granger." Hermione's eyes widened and her cheeks turned pink. Draco moaned, realizing what he'd said. But something sparked his interest. Granger looked regretful, as if she had something wrong or judged him unjustly and Draco realized something. "Did you think I was faking?"

Granger looked down, ashamed. "I... I suppose I did. I really am sorry."

Β Β  Draco wrinkled his nose in disbelief. No one had ever apologized to him before without being forced. It was strangely appealing. A warm feeling settled in his churcing stomach yet his nervous mind would not relax. He opened his mouth to jeer at her but could not bring himself to say anything hurtful. She looked so gentle and remorseful, her eyes downcast. But what came next he couldn't have prepared for. "Please don't tell." She whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

Draco didn't know how to respond. He shifted, uncomfortably, looking anywhere he could to avoid her gaze. "T... Tell what?"

"You know what." She said earnestly.

Then Granger stared at him, almost expectantly, waiting for an answer. Perhaps an assurance that he would obey her wishes. "I won't." Draco said, his eyes widening as the words passed his lips and he sat there, abashed, not knowing why he had agreed to her request.

"Promise?" She asked, her eyes hopeful.

Draco scowled, perturbed that she did not trust him, but then again, he gave her plenty of reason not to. "Fine. Alright then, I promise."

Β Β  Granger wore a surprised expression but it was still grateful. "Thank you." She smiled, and reached over, her hand stopping inches from his. Hesitation entered her eyes but with little delay, she let her warm fingers brush the back of his hand, her soft skin grazing each knuckle. His pale stark white skin looked odd next to her rosy complexion. Draco looked up and his cold blue eyes met her warm brown ones. They seemed to be doing this a lot recently. But why was she doing this? Human contact wasn't something Draco got much of, aside from Pansy, and he definitely hadn't expected it from Granger. He tried to convince himself it was just out of gratitude.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Madam Pomphrey's voice boomed as she entered the room. Draco pulled his hand back swiftly then hissed at the pain the movement brought him. But still, he and Granger distanced themselves from one another as Madam Pomfrey approached them. "Miss. Granger. What are you doing here?" She asked, confusion twisted on her face. Draco startled, looking Hermione in the eye, he gave her a scathing look and she knew it was time for her to leave. She gave Madam Pomphrey a half smile and turned to leave. With one last glance, she mouthed the words "thank you" and closed the door behind her.

Authors Note:

Well, for his chapter I decided to add a moment. I didn't intend to have the falling scene but it just came naturally while I'm as writing. I hope you all enjoyed reading this one. I edited the smell of Hermione's hair to fit future preferences. Please like this story for updates and I will try to add new chapters every week!

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