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"Congratulations, Claire! A well-deserved recognition for you."

"You're definitely on the map now, right up there with the best of the best!"

"Be prepared for this win to take you places, young lady!"

Claire Ryan smiled graciously as well-wishers offered their praise. Her latest movie, a film adaption of the novel Down Came the Rain, was critically acclaimed and had just won her a prestigious movie award. The approvals were coming in fast and furious.

"Amazing job, Ms. Ryan! Your movie is wonderful."

"Thank you." Claire smiled demurely at the passerby. "I'm so happy you enjoyed it."

At twenty-one, Claire was a class act. Having been in the entertainment industry since childhood, she knew how to play the Hollywood game yet still felt uncomfortable with the attention that came along with it. Acting was her life, she couldn't imagine doing anything different, yet adapting to a "celebrity" status had always been something she'd struggled with.

"I knew you would take home the prize," Jonathon Walters announced, waltzing up to Claire and engulfing her a giant hug. "This win is going to make you the most sought after actress in Hollywood."

Claire smiled up at the producer of Down Came the Rain and returned his embrace. At over six feet tall, Jonathon was a very powerful looking man. With his shock of white hair, penetrating eyes and strong features, he was a sight to behold.

"I don't know about all that," she replied modestly.

"I do," the veteran producer boomed. "You just reached a whole new level of stardom, my dear." He gave her another squeeze before wandering off toward his adoring fans. He had an entourage to entertain and many "thank-yous" to hand out, and he'd never been one to shrink into the shadows.

Not only had Claire won "Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role", Down Came the Rain had walked away with two awards, one for "Best Picture" and another for "Outstanding Production". It had been an exciting night for the hard-working cast and crew as all of the sacrifices they'd made and the long hours put in during filming the psychological thriller had finally paid off.

Claire stood alone, taking in the after-party scene. She was softly pretty, with wavy brown hair, dark eyes and delicate features, not your typical bleached-blonde California beauty. Born in rural Colorado, she made the move to sunny California at the age of eight to pursue a career in acting. After winning a local audition for a television sitcom, one she had tried out for on a whim, Claire's entire family uprooted, leaving their small town behind. The family sitcom ran for four years, ending just after Claire turned twelve. She went straight from that show to a young teenage drama called Paradise Cove, which featured a group of friends living in the small California town of the same name. The series had been wildly successful and ran for more than three years, ending only because the majority of the actors had moved on to bigger and better projects. Claire had remained in contact with most of her cast-mates and still considered them to be her closest friends, all having bonded over the sudden rush of fame starring in a top rated television show offered.

"There you are," a silky voice whispered from behind her. Claire felt two arms encircle her waist, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

The feel of his breath against her ear still gave Claire goosebumps, just as it had for the past five years. She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I've been right here the whole time," she said, smiling at her date.

Miller Bradley's 5'11 frame towered over her. Standing at a mere 5'5, Claire was considered petite by Hollywood's standards.

Miller planted a small kiss on the tip of her nose. "How're you holding up?"

"I'm good."

"Come on." He gave her a knowing smile. "I've been around for awhile, remember? It's no secret how much you hate being the center of attention."

Claire's lips turned up into a sheepish grin. "True, but the cast and crew worked so hard on this film and this is their night, too. I want to be here for them."

"And what about you?"

"What about me?" she asked, pulling away from him and grasping his hands in hers.

"You're the winner of one of the biggest awards in the entertainment industry, or did you happen to forget?" he teased lightly. "You're always thinking of everyone but yourself."

"I remember, Miller, and I'm very grateful. But this is about more than just me."

"I know that, it just seems like you never give yourself enough credit," he responded.

"Well, I wouldn't have won if it hadn't been for the efforts of everyone involved. You, of all people, should know the amount of hard work and commitment that goes into making a successful movie."

"Of course, I know!" Miller laughed. "But I'm also quick to point out all of the hard work I put in, as well."

Claire playfully punched his stomach and giggled. She'd been dating Miller on and off since their days starring on Paradise Cove, and she couldn't have been more in love with him. He was everything she had always believed a soul-mate to be, and more.

"Are you ready to take off?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

Claire breathed a sigh of relief. "I suppose, but first we have to say goodbye to everyone," she relented, referring to their friends.

"Well, I saw Brooks hiding in the coat room, making out with the Jonathon Walters' seventeen-year-old daughter. And I think Ashton and Juliana are at the bar."

"Of course." Claire huffed quietly and shook her head. The five friends had been extremely close since their days on Paradise Cove, and she knew them, and their idiosyncrasies, like the back of her hand. Their self-indulgent lifestyles worried Claire to no end, and she feverishly wished they would practice better self control.

"If I'm ever going to get you alone, I guess we'd better go find them," Miller suggested in resignation. He knew better than to try and talk her out of leaving the party without notifying their friends first.

"Thank you," she offered, looking into his gentle blue eyes. She reached up on her tiptoes, kissing him gently. "You're so good to me."

Miller smiled against her lips. "And that's why you're with me."

"Well that and your curly brown hair."

"I'm nothing but curly-headed sex slave to you!"

Claire laughed. "Stop it! You know you're so much more than that. You're also the guy who kills the occasional spider in our home." Miller and Claire had recently decided to take their relationship to the next level and move in together. They'd just bought a beach house in Malibu, and still felt giddy over becoming roommates.

Miller grinned and pulled away. He took Claire's hand and lead her toward the large bar situated on the opposite end of the room.

"Claire-Bear!" Ashton Montgomery announced loudly when she noticed the two of them approaching. She stood up from her bar stool and teetered toward her friends. "Congratulations, love," she slurred, flinging her arms around Claire's neck. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Yes - way to go, amiga," Juliana Santiago offered in a thick Spanish accent. She walked toward them with a glass of wine in her hand. "I knew the award would go to you. Never a doubt in my mind."

"Thank you, both." Claire smiled at her friends. "I'm still shocked. There are so many other actresses that deserved that award, I just can't believe it went to me."

"Oh please, stop playing humble," Juliana said, rolling her eyes. "You deserve it just for putting up with that jackass Jonathon Walters!"

"Come on," Claire said, laughing. "He's not that bad."

"Are you kidding me? I've worked with him before," Juliana reminded her. "He's a monster!" She flung her waist-length, dark hair over one shoulder and regarded Claire through suspicious eyes. "You're too nice. You wouldn't say shit even if you had a mouth full of it."

Claire playfully turned up her lip, disgusted by her friend's brash comment, and let out a giggle.

"Hey guys--Juliana and I want to go to The Sayers Club for some after-party drinks. You two game?" Ashton asked abruptly, twirling an auburn wave around her finger.

Claire shook her head. "Actually, I think we're going to head home now. Have you seen Brooks anywhere? We'd like to say goodbye."

"Awe, come on! You guys are always such party-poopers!" Ashton whined. "You never want to go out and have any fun."

"Yes," coerced Juliana. "We'd like to celebrate your victory with you. It's not everyday you win a Film Award!"

Miller intervened. "Look ladies, we appreciate the sentiment, but Claire wants to get home. It's been an exhausting night for her."

"Yeah right--you two just want to make out in your new swimming pool!" jeered Ashton, making Claire blush.

Miller ignored her comment. "So, have you seen Brooks?"

"Last time I saw him he was headed out the back door with Brianna Walters in tow," Juliana said with a snort. "She's going to have one pissed-off daddy if he finds out she's messing around with an older man!"

Claire shook her head in annoyance. "You two just be careful, will you? Don't make me worry about you any more than I already do."

"You don't have to worry about us, amiga. Ashton and I will be just fine." Juliana winked, giving her friend a hug. "We're big girls."

Claire returned the embrace and said her goodbyes, then laced her fingers through Miller's and guided him toward the front entrance.

"You don't want to find Brooks first?" he asked, surprised.

"What's the point?" Claire pulled out their valet ticket from the small clutch she carried with her. "It's not like he's thinking about us right now, and I'm not about to interrupt whatever it is he's up to."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh Brooks, tell me you love me," Brianna Walters breathed from the back seat of his black Porsche Cayenne. She was oblivious to the roll of his eye at her request.

Brooks continued to pump away. "Of course I love you." Their hushed whispers were fogging up the windows of his overpriced SUV and he vaguely wondered if anyone could see the vehicle rocking.

"And will you call me tomorrow, just like you promised?" the seventeen-year-old girl went on.

When was he going to learn to stay away from teenagers? They were always so needy with their annoying whines and silly demands. Wasn't it enough that he was loving her right now? How many girls could say that?

At twenty-two years old and the lead singer of U-Turn, the hottest boy-band-of-the-moment, Brooks Kennedy could have any female he wanted. And he usually did. He hadn't intended on getting laid that night, but it had been almost 48 hours, and the desire kicked in when he'd least expected it. Why had he decided to have sex with the famous producer's teenage daughter in the first place? It wasn't the smartest idea he's ever had, even he knew that - as stoned as he was. It was because she was there, giving him googly eyes all night, making his dick tickle at the thought of sticking it to her where the sun don't shine.

What would Claire Ryan say if she knew of his latest conquer? And why was he even thinking about her right now? Oh yeah - because he'd always had a secret crush on the sweet and reserved Colorado beauty. A lot of good it had done him since she'd been in a relationship with his best friend for the better part of the past five years. When was he going to get it through his head that Claire and Miller were a permanent thing? They'd even bought a house together, that right there should tell him something. Real estate was the biggest investment a person would ever make, and they had made it together. But no, he'd insisted on pining away for her, waiting for the day she dumped Miller and came running to him for comfort. What? It could happen. In the meantime, he planned on sowing his wild oats - and anything else that came along.

"Oh, Brooks." Brianna sighed loudly. "We saw each other across a crowded room tonight, and magic happened. Isn't it romantic?"

"Yeah, romantic," he responded, barely listening. If this little girl believed they had something special together, she was even dumber than he thought.

"God, I love your British accent--it's a major turn-on!" she exclaimed breathlessly, starring at him with adoring eyes.

Why in the world was she still talking? And what was it with woman and accents? Brooks could not get over the shallowness some females possessed. Just because he was originally from London didn't make him any more special than some poor jerk born in the states. But try telling these crazy American girls that. Once they heard him talk he could see them visibly swoon. It was no wonder he had absolutely no respect for anyone--including himself.

"What is it that made you first want me?" Brianna continued on with her big doe eyes.

"What?" Had he seriously heard her right?

"Why did you choose me?" She let out a moan as he shifted on top of her.

"Uh . . . It must have been your eyes, love. They're such a beautiful shade of--" Shit, what color were they? Brooks pulled away and brought his hand to her, gently brushing the honey-blonde hair away from her young face and simultaneously catching a glimpse of her eye color. "Hazel. They're such a beautiful shade of hazel," he crooned. Bloody hell! He just wished she would stop talking so he could finish what he'd started.

"I knew it," she said with a triumphant smile. "I knew you wanted me just as much as I wanted you. I can't wait to tell all of my friends about this!"

A cold sweat came over him. "Wait, no - you can't do that," he panicked, almost going soft inside of her. "It wouldn't look good for my image, love. You understand, right? I have a lot of younger fans, and the record label doesn't like bad publicity."

"Awe," Brianna pouted. "I can't even tell a couple of them?"

Seriously, what was it with girls? Why did they always want to go flapping their jaws to the world?

"I wish you wouldn't, um . . . Brianna." That was her name, wasn't it? "Let's just keep this between you and me. Like our own little secret?" He kissed her on the mouth and felt her melt underneath him.

"Whatever you say, Brooks. I love you so much." She buried her hands in his unruly blond hair.

Brooks hoped it was dark enough in his vehicle that the teenage girl wouldn't be able to see the annoyance flash across his face.

I really need to find a new hobby, he thought as he finished up. This just isn't as satisfying as it used to be.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Young Woman hid in the shadows outside the Nokia Theater in downtown L.A., snapping photos of the young couple entwined in the backseat of the fancy SUV. She didn't plan on sharing these pictures with the tabloids just yet, she wanted to hang onto them until just the right moment when they would cause the most damage.

Her stomach turned as she watched their intimate act, remembering how at one time, a long while ago, she had dreamed of being the girl the pop-star had chosen to be with. What she would've given to have been with Brooks Kennedy, but he'd never paid her the time of day. It was his loss, of course. She knew she could have made him happy, very happy indeed. If only he had given her half a chance to prove herself.

Oh well, she would get her revenge soon, for that reason and for so many others. It really was the singer's own fault that he was stupid enough to have relations in the back seat of his vehicle with the teenage daughter of one of the industries most influential movie producers. She couldn't be blamed for that. Everyone knew how strict the man was with his only child. He'd gone ballistic several months back when he had discovered she was in a relationship with a young and talented theater actor - the incident had made tabloid headlines! The pissed off producer swore the poor kid would never work in Los Angeles again, and so far he hadn't. No one messed with this man, and if they were smart, no one messed with his daughter either.

Crouching behind a nearby Mercedes-Benz, The Young Woman snapped away with her camera, catching the most private details of their disgusting act, and despite herself, a curious feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. The sensation spread, releasing a warmth throughout her entire body. She watched as her dream-boy, with the wavy blond hair and piercing blue eyes, slammed into his latest conquest, causing the girl to cry out in satisfaction. The Young Woman imagined it was her in the backseat of that SUV, carrying on with the sexy boy-band superstar. She imagined it was her he was kissing and making love to. Without even realizing it, The Young Woman lowered her camera and pressed it firmly against her stomach letting it slide southward . . . lower . . . lower, until finally it caught between the center of her legs.

The electrifying sensation grew, until she was the one stifling a scream in the darkened parking lot of the large venue where a prestigious award ceremony had taken place only hours before.

Embarrassed by her unexpected release, The Young Woman turned away, content with the images she had captured on film.

Will Brianna's father find out about her rendezvous with Brooks? Find out in Chapter 2!

If you liked the first chapter, I hope you will consider leaving a vote/comment. I would love to hear your thoughts! Check out the media section to see a picture of Claire Ryan!

As many of you know, Strawberry Wine was chosen as the winner of The Write Affair writing contest and will be published in both print and eBook! It's available now for preorder on Amazon!


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(Chapter 1 approx. 2,995 words)

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