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Jackson's P.O.V (in the shop)

I get to the shop and the first thing I do is pick up a basket as I know I'm not going to buy a lot. I get all the things I needed plus some extra snacks and I make my way to the checkout. I walk behind one of the shelves and right when I walk past it I feel something hitting me. It didn't hurt but it was still a hard hit, so I get myself ready to shout at the person (I really needed to release the anger in me) but when I looked at the person all the anger disappeared. My heart was beating really fast and I could feel my boiling blood rushing around my body. It was the girl from yesterday. Unlike yesterday, she looked completely healthy, which made me happy. I was just staring at her and I could see her talking to me but I couldn't hear anything. Suddenly, I saw her  looking around for something and a few seconds after I heard her groan in pain.

''ARE YOU OKAY?!!'' I said worried. She had a big bruise in her hand.

''I'm fine'' she says. ''I'm the one to say sorry, your nose is bleeding because of me, I'm really sorry''she bowed at me. 'My nose is bleeding?'

''nononono, it's not your fault!'' I say waving my hands around. ''I was already bleeding before'' I lie.

''but still, I hit you with the trolley'' she said embarrassed.

I look at her and I see her looking into the air, as if she was thinking about something.

''are you okay?'' I ask.

''Yes, I'm fine'' she looks at me with a smile. Then suddenly, she shouted.

''AAAHHHHH, THE BOY FROM THE BUS!!!'' I get startled and I look at her surprised, 'boy from the bus?, have we met before?'. Then I see her face turning red which made remember about yesterday. 'does she have fever again?' I ask myself. Just as I was about to ask her if she was okay she quickly pushed her trolley to the checkout and payed for her things at the speed of light, and walked outside the shop. I quickly go to pay for my things to follow her outside. While I was waiting in the cue I remember about the bruise in her hand, so I ask the lady behind me to look after my things for a second and I quickly go to grab a pain relief spray. When I finish paying my things I run outside hoping for her to still be there, so I look around and I spot her just a few metres away from the door. We make eye contact which made me a bit nervous.

''oohh, you are here'' I go in front of her, and I leave my bags on the floor to hold my knees, trying to get my breath back. ''you are quite fast'' I say.

''I'm sorry'' she says once again. I look up with a serious face.

''It's fine I told you it wasn't your fault'' I say smiling, but she started laughing.

''what!!! is there something on my face?!!'' I say touching my face.

''well, you are still bleeding and your nose...'' she says while chuckling. I look at her and she looks...cute.

''let's go there, I can help you clean it'' she says pointing at a bench and I just nod accepting her help. I see her trying to take a bag with the hand she hurt before but she can't pick it up.

''Should I help you?'' I say and she smiles.

''sorry...'' she says and I take the bag straight away.

We sit down on the bench and she takes out a pack of tissues from her pocket.

''Here let me help you clean it'' she says and wipes the blood of me. I just stare at her, 'she's too close', we were literally a few inches away, I could feel my face going hot and my heart reaching some unbelievable number of beats in a few seconds, but then she moved back and looked around looking for something. I see her run to a fountain to wet a tissue. Then she runs back to the bench but she trips on her knees, before I could go to help her stand up she was half way there, but I still go to her.

''are you okay?'' I say worried holding her hand to help her stand up completely. Her hand is so soft and small.

''I'm okay thank you'' she smiles at me. My heart skips a beat.

Then she wipes the rest of the blood. I look at her smiling but then I see her taking out a plaster from her pocket.

''wait don't move.....done!'' she puts the plaster on my forehead and chuckles. My heart skips another beat.

''thank you very much''I say smiling at her. Then I remember about the spray '' it's my turn'' I look for it in my bags. I take out the spray, and I spray it over her hand. ''this will help your hand get better and it's a sorry about yesterday as well'' I say smiling as I remember about yesterday.

''you didn't have to...'' she says looking a bit down.

''It's fine, I'm a gentleman after all!'' I say.


We are just sitting down saying nothing and it's a bit awkward. Then I finally break the silence.

''so, how's your fever anyway?'' I say and she stares at me confused.

''how did you know I had fever?''she says surprised.

''do you not remember?'' I say looking at her confused. Both of us look confused.

''well I know a boy helped me out but I couldn't see his face'' she closes her eyes, thinking.

''and...'' I say waiting for more.

''and he was well built and taller than me and...'' she says. I stare at her hoping she will realise.

She slowly open her eyes and looks at me surprised. ''was it you who helped me out??'' she asks looking even more surprised when I nod yes.

''but it was my fault that you fell on the floor, I shouldn't have walked while looking at my phone'' I say looking down.

''no, it was my fault as well for not looking where I was walking'' she says and we both smile.

''what happened to you anyway?'' I say looking at her, feeling curious.

''it's a long story...'' she says looking away. 'a long story...' I think. ''well, I should start going home'' she stood up to bow at me.

''oh, I have to go as well'' I say not knowing what to do, so I bow at her as well. ''it was nice meeting you directly, I hope to see you around in uni'' I say smiling, waiting for her to get surprised to know that we go to the same uni.

''if you do, just ignore me'' she picks up her bags. I look at her confused. 'what?'

''why would I?'' I pick up my bags as well.

''bye bye'' she says smiling and turns around to start making her way home.

''bye...'' I say waving my hand still confused. 'what was that about?, did I do something?, 'I thought she would get surprised. I wasn't expecting that answer'. I question myself while walking home.


I get home and I just throw myself on the sofa. I can't stop myself from thinking about what happened earlier, so I decide to go make curry for dinner even if it's still early, but before that I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I'm finished washing them, I dry them with a towel and I look at myself in the mirror. My hand moves unconsciously on to the plaster the girl gave me and I smile. I remember how her face was really close to mine before and I blush, yesterday was the first time I felt like that, and today I felt the same way again because of her. I really can't stop myself from thinking about it. 


I finish eating, and I wash my dish. The house feels so empty, I don't have anything to do. I walk to my room and I lay myself on my bed. I close my eyes and I think about this day.


"Buuzzz.buzzzz" I hear my alarm ringing and I wake up to do my morning routine. When I'm done I dress up and I pick up my bag to take it downstairs with me. I won't do the same mistake again. I eat breakfast and I head out to the bus stop. The bus was a bit crowded but not like yesterday, which made me happy because I could sit down in my place.


I'm about to open the class' door but someone else does. I look at the person and my heart starts beating fast. It was the girl. We just made eye contact for a few seconds and she walked past me. 'Did she just ignore me' I think and turn around to see her walking into another room.
"Mr. Wang what are you doing standing still in front of the door" I turn around again to see the teacher talking to me. "Why do you look so shocked?" she asks.

"Since when is she in our class?!!" I say and the whole class turns around to look at me.

"What do you mean, Irene has been here the same time as you and everyone in this class" says the teacher and I could hear some students laughing. 'I forgot about that, her name is Irene' I think as I go to my desk. A few minutes after the teacher started talking, she came in the classroom and gave some documents to the teacher.

"Thank you" says the teacher smiling at her.

"Your welcome" says Irene and walks to her desk which was at the back. 'Why does she sit so far away?' I ask myself and I turn around to talk to her. My heart skips a beat when we make eye contact, but it only lasts for a few moments before she looks away, ignoring me. 'Why do I feel like this?' I turn around to face the teacher and I see her staring at me with curiosity in her eyes while talking to the class. It made me feel uneasy so I just look away.

The bell rings signalling the end of tutor time and we all go to our classes. As I was walking to my class I had a deep think with myself, which finally made up my mind.


It's finally lunch time, so I go to the canteen with Bambam. We sit down and I notice someone familiar not far away.

''so, Jackson, what happened to you yesterday?'' Bambam looks at me and he sees me staring at something, so he turns his head to see what I'm looking at. ''I thought you said you were not going to be interested in girls until you finished uni'' he smirked.

''yh, and I'm not interested'' I say still looking at Irene.

''then why are you looking at the 'ghost girl' ?'' he says.

''I'm not looking at the ghost...-? I say realising something. ''wait, what?! what do you mean by 'ghost girl' ?'' my eyes widen.

''you don't know about her? oh well, I'll have to tell you then'' he says eating a potato and I nod. ''so, once upon a time, there was girl who entered this university to become a professional song writer, she didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to her, but everyone knew her because there was a rumour that said she had a really nice voice and wrote her own songs but no one was ever sure. Then one day she suddenly disappeared and no one knew why. Months kept passing and no one actually knew where she was or where she lived, so another rumour started to go around saying that she died. A few weeks after that rumour started she came back and people started to call her 'the ghost girl', just for fun. After that, it became more serious and students made other mean nicknames and they only approached to end up hurting her feelings, but she never complained, not even once. One day the head teacher organised a big assembly and nearly everyone went, she talked about how this was a university 'where people came to reach their dreams and not a primary school where kids had to be mean to each other to have a status' or something like that. She also said that if there was any other incident related to bullying who ever is responsible for it he or she would be expelled immediately and forever. Everyone knew she was talking about 'the ghost girl', so that marked the beginning of a new hell. No one talked to her any more but they made anything possible to make her suffer without any evidence and it has been like that until now.'' he eats another potato. ''I'm not sure if it's actually true, someone told me, but I have to say she's very pretty'' he looked at me and waited for an answer but I banged on the table and stood up instead.

''thank you for the information'' I say and I run towards the exit.

''wait, Jackson! where are you going?!!'' he says and I turn my head still running. 

''I have to go somewhere!'' I say smiling at him. When I reach outside I stand in the middle of the path looking around, then I remember a place. ''the tree!'' I shout and everyone stares at me. I start running again and I reach that place. My heart skips a beat when I see Irene sitting down under the tree. Before I go to her I stop and I think about what to say, but instead I get an idea and I smirk. I quietly run behind the tree and I get ready to scare her, '1,2,3!' I count inside my head and I lean forwards to tap her back while shouting. ''IRENE!!!'' I shout and I see her jumping from her seat, screaming. The next thing I can remember is her bag hitting my face and my body hitting the ground while everything around me starts to go dark.


I regain my conciousness but I don't open my eyes. I feel my head resting on something soft and something cold on my forehead. I can smell a sweet scent, like a vanilla and flowers fabric conditioner. I decide to slowly open my eyes as my vision could be a bit blurry. As my vision gets back to normal bit by bit I can see a familiar face looking at me, but I'm not sure about who it is. 'a girl?' I think and then it finally hits me. My eyes open widely, to see Irene staring down at me with a worried face. My heart starts beating fast and I quickly sit back up, but my head hits Irene's which makes both of us groan in pain. 

''are you okay?'' I say to Irene with my hand massaging my head.

''you should ask that to yourself'' she points at me and I move my hand away from my head which was bleeding a bit. She takes the ice bag from the floor and puts it on top of my head.

''don't move'' she says and wipes the blood off my forehead. ''why is it every time I see you you are bleeding from somewhere?'' she says while putting the tissue she wiped my blood off with on one side.

''I don't know'' I say smiling, looking at her.

''and why did you have to scare me like that? I nearly had a heart attack'' she says massaging her head with her eyes closed. ''now I have a headache because of you'' she opens her eyes and gives me a stare.

''sorry...that wasn't my intention'' I say smiling, feeling embarrassed.

''why did you come, didn't I tell you to ignore me?'' she says coldly. 

''yes, you did, but I can't just ignore you. I need you to tell me the reason'' I say looking straight into her eyes. She looks at me as well but looks away after a few seconds and sighs.

''to be honest, I don't like you'' she says standing up and I stand up with her. ''I was only being nice to you because you helped me'' she says dusting her lap. 

''ah, I see'' I smile at her but she looks at me confused.

''anyway, I have to go now'' she says picking up her bag but before she could walk away I hold her wrist and she turns around to face me. ''what are you do-'' I start talking before she can finish.

''I'll say two quick things'' I say looking at her. ''1. I want to be your friend, and 2. you have grass on your hair'' I move my hand to take it off her. She just stares at me shocked but quickly moves back pointing at me. 

''well, I...I do..don't'' she stutters and leaves straight away.

I smile as I see her walking away but it disappears as I realise what I just did. ''why did I do that??!!'' I say shouting and jumping. 'I don't know where I got that courage from!' I run a whole lap around the field to release the adrenaline accumulated in me. When I finish I drop my body on the grass and I put my arm up to cover the sunlight from hitting my eyes. ''I will make you my friend, just wait.'' I close my hand into a fist and I drop it on the grass. I close my eyes and stay like this for a few minutes. 'but wait!' I open my eyes ''I forgot to ask about her hand!!'' I shout and I quickly run the same way she did.

Irene's P.O.V

I walk as fast as I can to the main building and I quickly run to the toilet. I sit down on the toilet lid 'I made the right decision' I say to myself holding my shirt tightly. I sit down for a bit longer to meditate and to try to relax. Then I open the door and I find Jackson in front of the door looking at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE GIRLS TOILET??!!!" I shout. He quickly covers my mouth and pushes me back into the toilet which made me trip and sit back on the lid once again. Then he comes in as well and closes the door.

"If you shout again people will come and I will get in trouble" he says whispering to me. I smirk and I open my mouth but he covers before I can shout. He stays like this for some time, staring at me forgetting that his hand is on my mouth.

"Jack...Jackson...I ca...can't...breath" I say weakly which made him comeback to reality. He quickly moves his hand and my back collapses on the wall, trying to get my oxygen back. "Are you trying to kill me?!" I say half shouting, half whispering.

"Sorry!" He quickly bows at me.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I stand up and cross my arms leaning on the wall.

"Well...how do I say this?"he says and I look at him confused. "I forgot to ask about your hand" he says smiling. I look at my hand.

"My hand is fine, thanks for asking, but is that all you came for?" I say, and he nods innocently. I  stare at him trying to hold back my laugher 'is this guy serious'. Then I clear my throat "You are crazy" I pick up my bag and I walk closer to him. Our faces are a few inches away. I could see him blush a bit which made me smile ''If you excuse me, I have to go now'' he moves away from the door and I unlock it.

"Oh, and one last thing" I turn around to face him. "Just ignore me. It's for your own good" I say but when I'm about to open the door he holds my wrist tightly.

"I will not" he says firmly. He let go of my wrist and I open the door and I quickly run to my last class.

'what's wrong with him'

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