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Irene's P.O.V

"are you sure you don't want to come?" I asked J.S and he nodded.

"I told you I don't want to go with a bunch of people I do not know" he said looking at his book.

"yh, that's why I told you you could invite some of your friends, Minjoo said it was okay" I placed my bag next to the table and sat next to him.

"all my friends went on holiday" he said still looking at his book.

"that's why you should come, otherwise you will stay here by yourself" I snatched his book away.

"HEY! give it back!" he tried to reach for it but I threw it on the other sofa and flicked his forehead "so annoying..." he mumbled under his breath and crossed his arms.

"just come, it will be fun I promise" I even begged him but he still shook his head. I sighed and leaned my back on the sofa as I was starting to give up.

Me and J.S barely spend time together and knowing him he doesn't usually go out to have fun. The only time he goes out is to go to school or to go to the library, so I really wanted him to come with us and breathe some nice, fresh sea air rather than staying between books on the holidays.

"why don't you want to go?" dad suddenly walked in the living room and sat on the single sofa, eating an apple.

"because they are probably all girls..." J.S said and I looked at dad.

"well, I think Irene told me Jackson and his friends are going as well, right?" he winked at me but I didn't get what he was trying to do "you know the 'football team'..." he said a bit louder and I noticed J.S's eyes widening.

"guys?" J.S asked dad and he nodded. I looked at dad confused and suddenly J.S stood up and walked towards his room "wait for me" he said before closing the door behind him.

"what did you do?" I asked dad surprised and he smirked.

"have fun!" he finished his apple and went towards the kitchen to throw the core.

"but how did he suddenly change his mind?" I followed dad and he just smirked again.

"let's say I... I awakened his brotherly instinct" he suddenly raised his eyebrows and held my shoulders "I'm sure Jackson is a good person because you chose him so I'm not worrying about you being with him but I don't think J.S feels the same way" he said and I nodded when I realised what he was talking about.

"thank you dad" I hugged him and he kissed my head "we're only going for a few days, so take care of yourself. Don't stay up until late and remember  to take showers at night oh! and also, I left some food in the fridge, so you just have to re heat it" I said to him and he smiled.

"don't worry, I will" I smiled and then we heard a door opening. I turned around and saw J.S with a bag on his back "are you done?" I walked over to him and he nodded "okay then, I think they'll be just about to co-" just then we heard a car honking outside. I ran to the door and opened it to see Jackson with his hand up like as if he was about to knock.

"did you read my mind?" he asked and I laughed.

"maybe..." I joked but I suddenly saw him tense up "what's wrong?" I asked and turned around to see at what he was looking at.

"you must be Jackson" dad said with a deeper voice than he usually has, I knew he was doing that to scare him, and then he stuck his hand out at him. Jackson immediately bowed and shook his hand.

"yes sir, I'm Jackson Wang, nice to meet you Mr. Bae" he looked at dad and bowed again "thank you for for not opposing our relationship" he shook dad's hand again and bowed.

"who said I agreed" dad suddenly said making both of us look at him surprised.

"what do you mean-"

"I'm joking!" he wrapped his arm around Jackson's shoulders and laughed "don't worry about me" he playfully hit Jackson's back and continued laughing.

"thank you Mr. Bae..." Jackson said trying to reach the spot dad hit as I was sure it hurt quite a lot.

"what are you doing?" I heard J.S say from behind me. I turned around and pulled him next to me.

"Jackson, this is my brother J.S, J.S this is Jackson" I smiled at both of them.

"nice to meet you" Jackson stuck his hand out at J.S and waited for him to shake it but J.S just stood there glaring at him.

"J.S, don't be rude" I whispered in his ear but he just gave me a bitter smile and started pulling me to the car "J.S wh-what are doing...?" I kept saying until we got to the car "what was that for?-"

"Unnie!" I looked at the seat next to the driver's seat and saw Minjoo smiling at me.

"Minjoo!" I said and went to her for a hug and then saw Bambam sitting on the driver's seat "hi Bambam!" I waved at him and he coolly waved back. I giggled at him and pulled away from the hug "thank you for inviting us" I said and she did a v sign.

"It took me a bit long to convince mom but I did it" she smiled widely and I clapped.

"well done" I patted her head and she turned her attention to the back seats.

"J.S!!!" Minjoo shouted when she saw him "you've grown so much!" I turned to look at J.S and saw him taking out a book to read ignoring Minjoo. She just smiled as she knew how J.S is "does he still say he wants to be a doctor?" Minjoo said in my ear so only I could hear and I sighed.

"he hasn't changed his mind" I smiled lightly and she held my shoulder.

"well, at least he agreed to come, I'm sure he will have fun" she smiled and I smiled back "now let's get in the car" I nodded and went to sit next to J.S.

Jackson's P.O.V

I felt really hurt by the way J.S ignored me, so I still had my arm up.

"sorry about him" I heard Mr. Bae say. I held my hand and moved it to my side.

"it's okay" I smiled and he patted my back "I don't know why but I imagined this would happen" I tried to laugh it off but I ended up sighing.

"he would do anything to protect his sister" he said and I looked at him.

"protect her from me?" I asked surprised.

"well...anyone" he said and I looked at the floor.

"can I ask why?" I quickly looked at his eyes but he just smiled.

"ask him directly" I sighed in defeat. He suddenly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him as he turned me around to face the opposite direction on the car.

"s-sir?" I was trying to balance myself.

"listen son, I trust you a lot, and I know you will take care of her but if something happens, and I mean anything, call me immediately" he handed me a paper, looking at me with trusty eyes. I was glad he trusted me even if we just met a few minutes ago and I couldn't disappoint him.

"yes sir!" I nodded decisively and took the paper.

"good" he unwrapped his arm of me and smiled at me.

"Jackson come on, we need to go!" I heard Bambam shouting from inside the car.

"thank you for trusting me sir" I bowed and faced him to give him one last smile.

"take care and remember what I told you" I nodded and turned to walk to the car "oh Jackson! one second..." he leaned closer to my ear  "if you make my precious daughter cry or anything like that you will have to deal with me, no pressure" he said with the same scary voice he used before and moved away after patting my shoulder. I gulped scared and went back to the car.

"what took you so long?" asked Irene as I sat next to her and closed the door "are you okay?" she looked at me  worried making me come back to my senses.

"y-yeah I'm fine" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"do you have everything?" Bambam asked excited and Irene shouted a yes in response "then let's go!!!" he shouted and slowly started driving.

"bye bye Mr. Bae!!!!" Minjoo put down the window and waved at Mr. Bae who was still standing at the door.

"bye dad!!" Irene also put the window down and leaned over me to get closer to the window. Mr. Bae waved back at them and the car started moving faster.

J.S' P.O.V

All of them are so noisy and loud, I can't even concentrate on reading my book, so I just gave up and tried to sleep for the rest of the ride but I wasn't sleepy and just ended up looking out the window.

"how long is it going to take?" I asked Irene. I waited for sometime but she wasn't answering so I turned my head to see why and I found her sleeping with her head on Jackson's shoulder... JACKSON'S SHOULDER??? WHAT??!!

"J.S" my eyes shifted from the scene and looked over to Minjoo who was calling me from the front seat "what's wrong? why do you look so shocked?" she asked me and I quickly shook my expression away.

"nothing" I said plainly and leaned my back on the seat again.

"anywayyy... I'm so happy you're coming with us" she smiled at me.

"yeah, me too" I looked over at Irene and Jackson and narrowed my eyes. She probably just fell asleep and accidentally put her head on his shoulder, nothing else. 'yeah J.S, don't worry' I mentally slapped myself and took the book to continue reading as if nothing happened.

'I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY MORE!' I closed the book and moved closer to Irene and carefully moved her head on my shoulder so she wouldn't wake up. My body stiffened when she suddenly moved. I peeked through the corner of my eyes to see what she was doing but luckily she was still sleeping. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and relaxed, leaning my head on the window.

After sometime I opened my eyes and checked my right to see if Irene was still sleeping and I found her head on Jackson's shoulder again. I questioned myself thinking that I was just dreaming and quickly did the same as before not caring about what Jackson might think.

I took my book once again and read about half a page before I could feel Irene's head being moved away from my shoulder. I leaned my head forward and looked at Jackson to see him moving her head back on his shoulder. He saw me looking at them and smiled at me but something in his smile annoyed me. NoNoNo, I wasn't going to let that slide. I hurriedly moved back and pulled her arm so her head would fall on my shoulder while Jackson did the same a second after me. We made eye contact and we both narrowed our eyes at each other at the same time. I definitely DO NOT LIKE THIS GUY. Who does he think he is to be touching my sister like that-

"I don't know what are you two doing, but if you don't stop I will throw you off this car" we both slowly turned our head to the centre and saw Irene with her eyes still closed, making it even scarier. We looked at each other and gulped nervously as we moved our hands away from her and went back on doing our own things.


"J.S, we are here" someone said shaking me as I opened my eyes and rubbed them.

"here where?" I said looking around confused.

"what do you mean? we are here, next to the sea!" I looked up and saw Irene smiling at me widely.

"let me sleep a bit more" I closed my eyes again and I felt a hit on my arm.

"how can you sleep so much if you went to bed at 9 yesterday?" she went on her knees on the seat and placed her hands on her hips.

"look who is talking, the one that slept first in the car" I said and yawned.

"about that, what were you and Jackson doing?" she raised an eyebrow at me and I laughed awkwardly.

"why don't you ask him" I quickly opened the door and ran away.

"YAH! Bae J.S, come back here!" she shouted but I just closed the door behind me and stuck out my tongue at her. I walked to the edge of the parking lot and contemplated the sea while I stretched my arms and legs after the long ride.

While stretching I heard a groan coming from next to me, so I looked over and found Jackson stretching as well, he looked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"YAH J.S!" I sensored danger coming from behind me so I quickly tried to escape but before I could she had already pinched my ear "how dare you talk back to me!?" she pinched my ear harder and I groaned in pain.

"OKAY! OKAY! I-I'M SORRY!!!" I tried to move her hand away but she didn't back away.

"and what are you laughing at?!" she looked over at Jackson and he covered his mouth intimidated, I really wanted to laugh but I couldn't because of the pain "what was that about in the car?" she pinched his ear as well.

"WAHH! I'm so sorry! please let go!!" he was about to cry and so was I "look me and J.S are very sorry, right J.S?" he winked at me. I hesitated at first but then I nodded and I finally felt her grip weakening a bit.

"don't you ever do that again, okay?!" we both nodded and she finally let go completely. I quickly held my ear feeling as if it was going to fall off and caressed it. I was about to say something but Irene turned around, slapping both of us with her hair and walked away, leaving us behind.

"don't go near my sister" I glared at Jackson and quickly followed behind Irene.

"wait! J.S!" I heard him shouting my name but I didn't even bother to turn around. I don't know who he is and what his intentions are but I will not let him hurt Irene as well.

to be continued...


Sooo, the next chapters will be around the beach and stuff so I hope you enjoy it. I will also try to proceed on the story a bit more and it will hopefully make it a bit more interesting as well as there will be more and more Jackrene moments (well, that's what the story is about anyway so I should)

Well, well well... the kings came back with eclipse and I literally cannot breathe every time I watch the stage like, who allowed Jackson to be so Jackson, and let's not talk about the queens' comeback coming up to save the summer, I will literally slap SM if the teasers don't come out soon.

Imagine Got7 and Red Velvet had promotions together, I would literally scream my lungs out😭


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