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Jackson's P.O.V

After what happened in the car, Irene made me carry her luggage all the way to the house while J.S was carrying Minjoo's.

"why do I have to do this?!" J.S complained as we walked up a little hill.

"because I say so" Irene glared at him and then at me and sighed "is it heavy?" she wiped the sweat off my forehead and I nodded desperately "don't worry there's only a little bit left" she patted my shoulder and ran back to Minjoo and Bambam. I couldn't even oppose her because she had the picture.

I need to definitely not make Irene angry in the future, otherwise I don't know what will happen to me.

"I see the house!" I heard Bambam shout. I looked up and saw a big wooden house but it looked very new and modern.

"and your family owns this?" I asked Minjoo and she nodded. I mean it's not like it's my first time seeing a house like this one but it's quite impressive.

We finally reached the front door and me and J.S quickly dropped the bags on the floor exhausted as the the rest ran up the stairs without looking back at us.

"hey peasants! hurry up!" Bambam shouted to us. I felt a vein popping out from my forehead as I grabbed the bags annoyed. As I was taking big steps up the stairs I saw J.S struggling next to me.

"you okay?" I asked him. He stopped, glared at me, sighed and continued climbing the stairs while I stood there dumbfounded.

"peasant number 2, what's taking you so long?" I looked up and saw Bambam stomping his feet with his arms crossed "J.S got here before you" he gave J.S a thumbs up and surprisingly he smiled, only a but, BUT HE SMILED.

"you better run, because if I get you..." my lip twitched and I quickly ran to him but he ran away before I could reach. As soon as I got inside the house, I dropped Irene's bags and ran after him until we reached a corridor with a dead end "Bambam... come out~" I stood in the middle of it in silence and listened carefully for any sounds inside the rooms.

With careful steps I suddenly heard the sound of a door opening inside one of the rooms. I stood in front of it and placed my hand on the doorknob.

"got you..." I smirked in victory and burst inside the room without having second thoughts "BAMBAM!!!" I opened the door so much that it banged on the wall. I ran inside and the first thing I saw was... Irene... standing bare footed on the thin carpet, water slowly dripping from her wet hair, her white shoulders exposed, shining as if they had glitter all over them and lastly... her hands tightly holding a single, white towel which wrapped around her body.

My eyes slowly widened as I started to realise what I had gotten myself into.

"PERVERT!!!" she literally picked up the first thing she saw (which happened to be a pillow) and threw it directly aiming at me, specifically my face.


After all the stumbling back, trying to balance my body to not fall and the begging so she would forgive me happened, Irene finally understood the situation.

"sorry for throwing the pillow" she said looking at her feet while I barely managed to stand up after my sleepy legs had giving up on me for spending so much time on my knees.

"I guess I will need something back to compensate for that" I said dusting off my knees.

"like what?" she tilted her head.

"a kiss" I stretched my neck forward and pouted my lips.

"wh-wh-what? why?" my eyebrows furrowed and my eyes opened annoyed.

"because... I deserve one" her cheeks turned into a clearer pink.

"I-I don't want to..." she mumbled under her breath but I heard.

"it's not like it's your first time and you don't have a choice to begin with" I pouted my lips once again and moved my face closer to hers.

"ugh- fine, but close your eyes" I was so excited that I just did as she said and waited.

Narrator's P.O.V

Irene was obviously not going to kiss Jackson, it was too much for her. Yeah, she did kiss him before but not like this. After looking around the room her eyes met with her clothes and then she remembered her body was still covered with a towel. So in a rush, she took her clothes and ran to the toilet. She knew Jackson wouldn't let her go so easily that's why that was her only option.

After changing she stayed in the toilet for some time to make sure Jackson had gone away. She checked one last time for any noises and slowly opened the door, taking a quick peek at the room to find it empty. Then she decided that it was the right time to finally go out, obviously with careful steps just in case he was still nearby. Closing the door behind her she smirked as she imagined Jackson's reaction when she disappeared from his view.

"I wonder what..." thinking she was alone in the room, she talked out loud but obviously that wasn't the case, it wouldn't be fun otherwise "...he did" her words barely came out when she saw Jackson standing in front of her.

"I didn't know you were so sneaky" he took small steps towards her as she backed away until her back hit the wall.

"I thought you left" Irene laughed nervously as she saw that Jackson's expression wasn't changing.

Jackson pinned her to the wall with both arms and stuck his forehead with hers.

"you can't escape from me" he whispered in her ear and grinned.

Irene's body froze, the only thing that was moving was her beating heart. She felt Jackson's hands slowly moving to her chin and then moving her head up to face him. Their eyes met and they explored each other's expressions. His eyes were full of want, full of eagerness... full of love. While her eyes were wide open trying to remember how to blink from time to time. Soon enough, Jackson's hand travelled to her cheeks and carefully caressed them as he admired his girlfriend's beautiful face. He never got tired of seeing it. He had fallen in love so deeply that it was now impossible to bring him back.

"if you kiss me now, I will let you go" his voice was so deep that it made Irene gulp afraid but she wasn't going to give up so easily.

"and what will you do if I say no?" she gathered her courage and managed to say that with only a small shaky voice.  It was still better than just staying silent.

"do you really want to know?" he made Irene gulp once again as his breath was literally on her lips. It was so tempting and dangerous at the same time. Jackson really thought he wouldn't be able to control himself if he started, that's why he gave her the chance "hurry or I will-" he was cut off by Irene's soft lips. It was just amazingly fascinating how she made him feel so alive every time she kissed him, It was as if his whole body was all recharged.

"happy?" she moved away with red cheeks and crossed arms as Jackson just stared at her "don't look at me like that-" it wasn't enough, Jackson wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed once more as she held on his back tightly to not fall. Luckily he stopped right in time, before that side of him took over.

"now I am" he ruffled her hair and skipped away with a huge smile on his lips.

It had probably become a habit because the first thing Irene did was slide down her back on the wall and sit on the floor exhausted.

"idiot" she held her chest tightly and took long, slow breaths the calm her racing heart.


Jackson went to the living room feeling all happy, gaining everyone's attention in exchange.

"why do you look so happy?" Minjoo asked him in a teasing voice but he just nodded, making her confused. He was too happy to focus on anything else "maybe you want to help with the cleaning" Minjoo said sarcastically but Jackson just ignored her and continued with his happy humming. Minjoo looked over at J.S who had stopped wiping the table and they both shrugged clueless.

"ah! Unnie! do you know what's wrong with Jackson?" just then Irene entered the living room with a cap on. Irene looked over at Jackson and quickly pulled down the cap, covering her face when he smiled at her.

"n-no, I don't know" Minjoo could see that she was flustered by something but she decided to ignore it.

"oookayyy..." she narrowed her eyes at her "did you take a shower already?" Minjoo couldn't make it worse, that only made Irene remember about the incident "Unnie, are you okay? your face is red" Minjoo touched her forehead but Irene quickly moved it away.

"I-I'm fine, go take a shower if you want, I'll finish this" she took the cloth away from Minjoo's hand and pushed her towards the door.

"but Unnie I don't think you are feeling alright" Minjoo tried to stop her but she just kept pushing her until they reached the door.

"I'm perfectly fine, see" Irene gave her an assuring smile but it didn't convince her completely.

"okay, but I'll be quick" she stated and ran to the same room Irene was in. Irene sighed and turned around to find Jackson and J.S looking at her with the same worried expression.

"guys I'm okay, I promise" she already knew what they were thinking.

"sure but take a rest just in case" J.S walked her to the sofa and sat her down "me and that guy will continue cleaning so make sure to not move" he took the cloth away from her hands and threw it at Jackson who was already walking towards them.

"that guy has a name" he caught the cloth and gave J.S quick glare "we will do it, don't worry" he taped her cap and smiled.

"the thing is that I do worry" she stood up and walked to the kitchen, which was basically in the living room since it was all an open space.

"what are you doing?" J.S followed behind her and Jackson behind J.S.

"I will cook something, unless you don't want eat" she glared at him and opened the fridge"and it's empty" she sighed and looked at them a bit surprised. J.S and Jackson were standing next to each other looking at her like little kids waiting to be told what to do, in other words, they looked very cute and it made her smile.

"so what do we do?" they both said at the same time. Irene laughed when they glared at each other and looked opposite directions annoyed.

"what's wrong with you two?" she giggled.

"nothing" they said at the same time again "stop" they said again "no you stop!" Irene ended up laughing out loud, she wasn't sure about what had happened between them but she was glad they were getting along, well... kind of getting along.

"then we should go to the shop" they nodded and put the cloths on the counter "wait, both of you are coming?" she said and they looked at her confused.

"right, someone should stay here" Jackson looked at J.S and nodded to himself "you stay here" he patted his head.

"who said I'm staying here" J.S slapped his hand away and gave him a death glare "I don't trust you to go alone with Irene" he crossed his arms and Jackson laughed "why are you laughing?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"why wouldn't I go alone with my girl-" Irene quickly covered his mouth and pulled him down to her level by wrapping her arm around him and facing the other direction.

"don't say that!" she half whispered so only Jackson would hear "you can't tell him just like that" her eyes were shaking as she thought about how close was that.

"why would you hide it from him, it's not like he will-"

"just do what I'm telling you!" she didn't have time to argue with him.

"okay, okay" he gave up and she smiled.

"thanks" she unwrapped her arm and faced J.S again.

"what were you doing?" he asked feeling suspicious about something.

"just discussing about who will go to the shop, and we decided that you two will go" their eyes widened.

"what?!" they said at the same time and Irene pinched Jackson's leg "ow! I mean... yeah we are! now let's go before the sun sets" he shrugged at Irene and pulled J.S to the front door.

"don't take long!" she waved her hand at them.

"but I don't want to go with him-" and the door closed before she could hear J.S complaining.

Irene felt her knees weakening as she sighed relieved. She wasn't even sure about why was she so scared to tell J.S. He is a good younger brother, maybe too protective sometimes, but that side of him saved her many times so she had nothing to complain about. At first she thought she was just scared that J.S would hate Jackson but now she was scared that he would hate her. After everything she's been through and now she suddenly has a boyfriend, it would definitely not make sense to J.S, but if she managed to show that Jackson was different and that she loved him a lot, he would probably understand. Hopefully.

"Unnie! what's wrong?!" Minjoo ran to her Unnie as soon as she saw her on the floor on her knees.

"I'm just a bit tired" she said weakly. Sudden emotional changes definitely affected Irene's condition and it wasn't very helpful in situation of this kind.

"I knew you weren't feeling good" Minjoo helped her stand up and walked her to the sofa. Irene wasn't actually feeling bad before. Her face was red because she couldn't stop blushing and that's why Minjoo thought she was ill but, oh well, it's not like it mattered at that point.

She moved her cap away and tied her hair in a pony tail to help her cool down a bit "your hair is still wet!" Minjoo ran to the room and brought the hair dryer "you know how sensible you are when you are wet" she tried to scold Irene but it was useless, she was too tired to even listen "look at you" she helped Irene lay on the sofa and ran to get a towel to dry her sweat "I hate seeing you like this" Minjoo carefully patted Irene's forehead and neck.

"It's fine now, thank you" she held Minjoo's hand and moved it to the side "I feel better" Irene forced herself  to stand up.

"Unnie! you can't do that!" Minjoo ran to support Irene "you need to rest" Irene's legs and arms were shivering non-stop making Minjoo even more worried "where's Jackson? and J.S?" she wasn't sure about what to do, should she call a doctor or take her to the hospital.

"they went to the shop-" Irene suddenly crouched down as she held  her pounding head, barely gasping for air.

"Unnie!" Minjoo crouched with her and held her arms as their tears formed in both of their eyes for different reasons. Minjoo had never seen her have this kind of sudden symptoms and she didn't know what to do.

"wwwooo! what's happening here?!" Bambam ran to them and saw Irene in that state "Irene!" he crouched down as well and took quick glances at Minjoo and Irene back and forth not knowing what to do either "what happened?!" he asked Minjoo.

"I don't know, it's my first time seeing Unnie like this" her tears were rushing down her cheeks when she suddenly felt a grip around her wrist.

"M-Minjoo, I'm okay now" Irene smiled in between her pain to stop Minjoo worrying about her but then groaned as the pain came back.

"no you are not! Bambam please, help me carry her to the sofa" he nodded and they both wrapped her arms around their shoulder and supported her with the other hand until they laid her on the sofa.

The only thing Minjoo could do was give her hand to Irene so she would have something to hold when the pain was unbearable. This kept repeating until Irene ended up losing against herself and sleeping out of exhaustiveness.

Minjoo looked at Irene as she was wiping her sweat away with cold tissues to calm down her fever.

"where did Jackson and J.S go?" Bambam asked and right then there was a sudden knock on the door. Bambam ran to it and opened it to let the same people he had just mentioned inside the house.

"it's your fault for wanting to take the longer path!" they had to be obviously arguing again.

"but you said you wanted to go that way first!" Jackson talked back as they walked to the kitchen to leave the bags on the counter.

"Ssshhh you two!" Minjoo half shouted at them. They looked at her and moved their heads clueless.

"why? what's wrong-" as J.S walked to Minjoo, he saw his sister laying on the sofa with discomfort clear in her expression "IRENE!" he ran to her and held her hand instantly. Jackson was still in the kitchen when J.S suddenly shouted Irene's name in such a displeased way, he ran to them and did the same as J.S.

"what happened?!" Jackson's eyes shot worry at Minjoo.

"I'm not 100% sure, but her hair was still wet-"

"WHAT?!" J.S's eyes widened as he looked at his sister "why didn't she dry it!" he said.

Jackson wasn't really understanding the situation but if this happened because Irene's hair was wet, it was his fault. He was the one that went to her room and interfered with her routine. He was the one that prevented her from doing everything she had to do.


J.S stayed next to his sister the whole time while Jackson decided to leave them alone and help Minjoo with the dinner instead.

"what happened to Irene?" Jackson whispered to Minjoo. She smiled lightly and made him sit next to her on the dinning table.

"I don't really know why but she is extremely sensible to being wet and if she doesn't get dry on time the consequences are bad, but they weren't this bad" she looked at her hands and squeezed them tightly.

"what do you mean?" Jackson said,  wanting to know more.

"before she would only feel tired and maybe a bit cold and nothing worst. But now she was shivering so much and she got a sudden headache... and the fever was so high. I don't know why this always happens to her" her hands were red from squeezing them so much.

Jackson had nothing to say. This was his fault and he couldn't forgive himself for being so clueless about something so important. He couldn't even face Irene. If he did... he would probably cry.

"J.S fell asleep guys" Bambam said with J.S on his back. Jackson saw his dried tears and just looked down feeling guilty.

"you should take him to his room" Minjoo stood up and patted Jackson's back "you get Irene" she said and led Bambam to a room where to put J.S.

Right, Jackson expected that to happen. He took small steps to his sleeping beauty. He really didn't want to do it. He didn't deserve to do it. But he had to do it, for her.

Slowly and carefully he moved his arms under her legs and behind her back to pick her up before even realising he had tears in his eyes.

Once again, he was surprised at how light Irene was, maybe this time she was a bit lighter. He took her to her room with light steps and laid her on the bed.

As he was moving his arms away Irene moved, making Jackson lose his balance and falling over her. His right hand on the bed supporting his body, his left hand on her right cheek and his lips on hers.

As usual, he blamed his stupid hormones for making him like this. She was sleeping and probably didn't even know what was happening, so he felt weird for enjoying it. Ashamed, he moved away and sat on the edge of the bed holding his lips.

"even when you're sleeping...why make me feel like this" now he was blaming Irene for being like that. Always so kind, so positive, so perfect. "I don't even deserve you" he held her hand and caressed it with his thumb.

Jackson heard a small whimper coming from Irene. She was crying. Her tears fell over the dried ones continuously, making him soften.

"hey, hey princess, stop crying" he said but he was crying himself, knowing how much she was suffering right now. Wiping the tears away, Irene mumbled something. Jackson moved closer to her and listened carefully

"Ackie... I'm sorry" everything stopped for a second. His eyes widened and unconsciously looked at the bracelet around his wrist.



As you can probably tell from J.S or Uncle's Wife, I'm not very creative when it comes to names so don't expect nicknames to be any better.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please look forward to the next one because it will be more exciting compared to this one (or that's what I think)



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