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Jackson's P.O.V

Something had been bothering me since yesterday at night when Irene talked in her dreams. I was sure I had heard the wrong thing but I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Unnie!!!" I hadn't realised I was deep in thought until Minjoo shouted. Trying to knock off the thought of my head my eyes followed everyone's attention and then landed on a very excited Minjoo hugging a tired looking Irene. She had probably forgotten she was hugging Irene because after a while she suddenly pulled away scratching her cheek embarrassed and then touched Irene's whole face.

"what are you doing?" I walked over to them laughing.

"just checking she is fine..." she squished Irene's cheeks and smiled "and I think she is" she turned around to face me "all yours" she whispered and grinned. I smiled at her and she walked away.

"hey, how are you feeling?" I put my hand on her head.

"I'm better, just a little bit tired" she shot an arrow through my heart with her smile and held my hand "I also had a weird dream" my eyes widened and I slowly looked at her as she was playing with my ring "well I had similar ones before aswell but this one felt very real" she suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"wh-what is it?" I held my breath nervously. She moved her hand to my forehead and brushed away a strand of my hair. She then started moving closer to me while my whole body tensed up "what are you doing?" I stayed in my position as she was looking at my forhead.

"nothing, I just thought of something" she went back flat on her feet and smiled "It's nothing, don't worry"

I was still confused. She looked very focused while staring at my head and I really wanted to know why but I felt a bit scared to ask, I don't know why...

"are you hungry?" I asked to change the topic and she nodded many times.

"I'm starving!" she held her stomach and I laughed at her cuteness.

"J.S and Bambam are still sleeping so it's only the three of us" I walked to the kitchen and found Minjoo already taking the kitchen utensils out "what are we making chef" I stood at the corner and waited for her to tell me what to do.

"just something light, they say it's not good to eat a lot before swimming" she took out three eggs and placed them on the counter "this with some rice will do" she smiled and moved her head telling me to look behind. I uncounsiously smiled when I turned around and found Irene falling asleep at the dinning table. I slowly walked to her.

"Awww, my little baby is still sleepy~" I cupped her face and pouted.

"I'm not a baby" she furrowed her eyebrows and I smiled even more.

"you are my baby" I saw her ears getting red as she avoided my gaze. Even if she took more care of me I still felt the need to take care of her sometimes "now go take a rest and wait until we get breakfast ready, okay?" I made her stand up and led her to the sofa.

"but I want to help" she pouted, looking at me with puppy eyes but I shook my head and continued by moving my face closer to hers.

"you'll regret it if you cross this line" I whispered in her ear making her flinch. She looked at me with open eyes which made me give her an innocent smile.

It's so easy to control her and I don't like to do it but sometimes I have to, to make her stay safe.

I then patted her head and walked back to the kitchen to put an apron on.

"you look quite professional" said Minjoo as I smiled.

"well, I usually eat alone so I just know the basics to make simple stuff" I said as I concentrated on cutting some vegetables for the salad-

"you lied to me" I looked towards the voice and found Irene resting her face on her arms as they were on the back of the sofa "you said you didn't know how to cook" she furrowed her eyebrows as I laughed awkwardly.

"well that's because I wanted to eat your food" I said as I slowly checked out her epression and saw her cheeks a bit red "it's so good!" I dropped the knife on the table excited.

"I know right! Unnie's cooking is really good. She's even better than my mom" she smiled and I chuckled at what she said.

"do you guys want tomato in you salad?" I took out a bag of cherry tomatoes from the fridge and opened it.

"yes" they said at the same time and laughed "I'll start frying the eggs" Minjoo heated the pan and threw in the first egg.

"did you put oil in?" Irene asked as she moved her head to see the pan from far away.

"oil? what oil?" Minjoo looked at her confused. I looked back at Irene and saw her stand from her seat to walk over to us but swiftly stopped before she went past the sofa. She looked at me as if she was about to do something wrong and I smirked.

"ju-just put in a bit of oil so it doesn't stick" her eyes were shaking as she went back to her seat and I gave her a thumbs up 'I hate you' she mouthed to me and I smiled.

'I love you too' I mouthed back and she rolled her eyes making me laughed "okay, I think I'm finished" there were five small salad plates, three for us and two for J.S and Bambam.

"that was fast" Minjoo said looking at the pan to not burn anything "you can start taking it to the table if you want" I nodded and took the salad plates, cups, chopsticks and napkins for everyone. As I was going back to bring some spoons I saw Irene looking at me impatiently.

"you can come now" I smiled and she let out a long relieved sigh.

"doing nothing is not my thing" she quickly stood up from the sofa and sat at the table.

I went back to the ktchen remembering about the rice, and filled up three bowls with it. Just as I placed the bowls on the table Irene's eyes sparkled with joy.

"you're very hungry aren't you?" I chuckled and she nodded "you can start eating if you want" I said and she shook her head.

"I can't do that, you guys prepared all of this. The least thing I could do is wait for you" instead she reposed the things in front of her to make it easier for her to eat.

"you don't have to wait" Minjoo came with the eggs and gave us a plate each. She quickly sat down and took the chopsticks.

"thank you for the food!" Irene exclaimed and started devouring her food. Bite after bite without stoping, in a few minutes her plate was already empty.

"that was fast!" my eyes widened and she sheeplishly smiled.

"because it was really good" I smiled proudly and looked over to Minjoo who was already smiling like me.

"Unnie, you should go get changed so as soon as we finish we can go get a good place in the beach" Irene nodded and stood with her plates pilled on top of each other to take them to the sink.

"just leave them, I'll wash them" I said and she nodded before running to the room.


After washing the plates and cleaning the table, I sat on the sofa and waited and waited and waited, and after decades of waiting, I ended up going alone because they said they were going to take longer to get ready. I sometimes can't understand girls...

I rented the parasol and some chairs and looked for a good place. The beach wasn't that busy but there were quite a lot of people so I ended up taking a place close to the forest even if I knew there would be many bugs there. It wasn't me who chose to pick the place.

Anyways, I put the chairs under the parasol after I buried it in the sand and I even made the sand around flat to make it easier for them to walk but I ended up sitting on it because I was starting to get tired.

"man, what's taking them so long..." I whispered to myself as I played with the sand. I didn't even have my phone to spend the time.

"excuse me..." my face brightened and I quickly looked up thinking it was them, but to my surprise...it was someone unexpected.

"YOU!" we said at the sametime. I couldn't believe he was here aswell "what are you doing here, Kang" I stood up and dusted the sand off me.

"I came with my little sisters to spend the holidays, any problem?" he said rudely and I huffed.

"well yes, because I had to see your face" I said and he laughed dryly "what?" I crossed my arms.

"I can see you're alone" he said with a smirk, making me laugh "what are YOU laughing at now" I looked at him and sighed.

"It's just funny to see your face" I smirked and he closed his fists.

"what did you say?" he moved his fist back to intimidate me but I just laughed even more.

"I'll call you honey punch from now on" I said and he looked at me offended.


"what's taking you so long?" a little girl that looked around 7 suddenly came and pulled Kang's shirt.

"oh, I'm so sorry princess, I'm coming now" his attitude changed so quick that I got scared by it "let's finish this later" he pointed at his eyes and then at mine and left as he happyly held that little girl's hand.

I just stood there still confused, but I remembered that he said he came with his sister, so that must of being her. It still made me confused because how could a cute little girl like her have the same blood as that stupid guy. I don't understand.

"what are you doing just standing there" I turned around and saw J.S putting a beach bag on the chair. I noticed he was alone.

"where's everyone else?" I asked looking around.

"they're coming" he said and I looked past him to see Bambam, Minjoo and...that's it?

"where's Irene?" I asked Minjoo a bit panicked when she got to us.

"she went to get some ice cream for everyone" I sighed relieved and nodded "why, what did you think happened to her?" she asked sitting herself comfortablly on the chair.

"I thought she was feeling bad again" I scratched my neck embarrassed and she chuckled.

"she's fine" she peeked behind her sunglasses and I smiled.

"this is a nice place you got" Bambam nudged me and I smiled in victory.

"I had to walk around the beach for 30 minutes just to get this place" I actually exagerated a bit, it was only 5 minutes because the beach wasn't as full as now but I still deserve to be praised for carrying all the things.

"thanks bro" we fist-bumped and contemplated the sea "should we go get a bit refreshed while we wait for the ice cream?" I smirked at him and he already knew the answer. So I quickly took of my shirt, followed by Bambam and lined up to next to him have a short race to the water.

"are you not coming?" I looked at J.S and he shook his head "why not? it will be fun" I tried to sound nice but I just let out a sigh at the end after he shook his head again "let's go?" I looked at Bambam "at three, one! two! three-" I was about to run but a sudden grip on my ankle made me fall face first on the sand.

"what are you doing?" I abruptly stood up and looked behind me.

"YAA! WHO DID THAT?!!" I shouted without even looking at who I was shouting at and I felt a familiar punch on my arm.

"why are you shouting?!" I finally focused on the person and saw that it was Irene. That meant that if Irene just came and Minjoo was still sitting on the chair, the only person that could of made me trip was

"J.S!" my eyes landed on the place he was sitting but he wasn't there.

"J.S went to the toilet" Irene looked at me confused "why do you have sand on your face?" she wiped my face with her hand and sat on the chair next to Minjoo "do you want your ice cream now?" she picked up one from the bag and handed it to me but I shook my head.

"I was going to swim a bit, I'll eat it later" I smiled and she took it for herself.

"okay then, have fun" she put her sunglasses on and opened the ice cream wrapper as she leaned her back on the chair.

"JACKSON! are you coming?!" I turned around and saw Bambam in the water waving his arm.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back.

Irene's P.O.V

I was eating my ice cream quietly when I felt a stare coming from somewhere. I looked around and found Minjoo with her sunglasses slightly tilted down, looking at me, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"what?" I asked confused and she smirked.

"I see your boyfriend has some muscles huh" she raised her eyebrows. I didn't know what to say, I had noticed Jackson's muscles before but never actually seen them "are you perhaps... blushing~~?" she said in a teasing tone. I covered my face with one hand as the other one held the ice cream and sank in the chair embarrassed. I stayed like that for a bit, but couldn't control myself from looking at him from the distace. He looked very... muscular and strong and...hot.

I had never felt something like that towards Jackson, it was just really new and confusing. I never imagined myself looking at shirtless guys, well, not 'guys' it was only Jackson but the feeling was still there.

"why do I feel so shy?" I said behind my hand and Minjoo chuckled.

"I guess you'll get used to it" she smirked and I blushed even more. What did she mean by 'get used to it'?

"I think I might go take a walk" I slowly stood up feeling heavy for some reason, still holding the ice cream.

"okay, but don't go too far" she looked a bit worried, so I just smiled and nodded.

"don't worry" I assured her and started walking towards the less busy side of the beach as the ice cream refreshed my mind from all of those thoughts

"I guess... I don't dislike it"



I really don't understand how people dislike zimzalabim. In my opinion it's a really good song that shows how Red Velvet can pull off any kind of concept, with ANY kind of outfits, because seriously, the outfits, were really good and fited the concept very well, so saying that the outfit were bad doesn't really make any sense because you wouldn't expect them to wear school uniforms with a song like this one.

think about this chapter as a kind of extra because the timing wasn't good to write what I had in mind so I just wrote this in the middle to kind of set the atmosphere I wanted.

Thank you for still reading my story up to now and I hope you will until the end.


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