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Narrator's P.O.V

Jackson and Bambam were still in the water while Minjoo and J.S were making sand castles in land. Neither of them really liked to get wet so they tried to stay away from the water as much as possible. But that wasn't going to last long.

"we'll go from behind and then do it quickly" Bambam whispered to Jackson as they slowly walked to their direction. Minjoo and J.S were so immersed in making the castle they had promised each other to make, that they didn't even notice the evil presence behind them.

Jackson and Bambam looked at each other, making each other laugh by just thinking about what they were about to do. At the count of three, Jackson quickly picked up J.S like a potato bag with his legs at the front and his head at the back as Bambam picked up Minjoo the same way.

"what are you doing??!!! let me go!!!" J.S kicked his legs and threw his fists around as Jackson entered the water.

"okay, okay, I'll let you go if you want me to" Jackson looked at him behind his back and smirked "have fun" J.S' eyes widened and before he could say anything Jackson had already dropped him in the water.

Jackson laughed his ass off as he watched Minjoo punching Bambam to let her down.

"I'm going to kill you!!" as soon as he let her go in the water he ran away from her as she was chasing him.

Jackson continued laughing until something caught his attention. Nothing. His heart started racing when he realised there was no response nor sign from J.S. He was nowhere to be found and Jackson panicked. He looked around the water desperately.

"J.S!!!" Jackson put his hands around his mouth to amplify the shout "J.S!! WHERE ARE YOU!!??" he moved back and forth on the place he had dropped J.S, shouting.

He held his head in disbelieve. What had he done. It was just a joke. He never thought about the possibility that J.S wouldn't know how to swim. Irene. What was he going to tell Irene?

"J.S PLEASE!" he shouted once again this time with a few tears rolling down his cheeks "if this is a joke it's not funny-"

Suddenly, two big forces pulled Jackson's legs back, causing him to fall face first in the water. It was a similar situation from before which gave Jackson hope. There was only one person who would do that to him

"J.S!!!" Jackson immediately stood up from the water and hugged J.S with shaky hands "I thought-"

"let go you psycho!" J.S pushed Jackson away flustered "I nearly died from a heart attack! who told you it was alright to suddenly throw people in the water!" his face was red from shouting at Jackson. On the other hand, Jackson's tears kept rolling down as he smiled feeling relieved from seeing J.S.

"sorry" said Jackson smiling like a freak and J.S sighed.

"why does a 15 year old have to shout at an adult huh?" he held his hips and glared at Jackson. He slowly looked up surprised.

"you're 15?!" Jackson asked. J.S face palmed himself and nodded.

"yes Jackson, I am" Jackson's eyes widened.

"aren't you a bit too tall?" he moved towards him and compared their heights "woow" J.S was quite tall for his age but it wasn't just his height that made him look older, also his grown up aura and the smart look he gave. He was also very handsome which was another reason for his popularity in high school. Even girls from higher grades went to see the boy who they called the 'Smart Cutie'

This made Jackson feel a bit jealous in a way. Despite his young age, J.S was very well spoken and mature and always knew how to take care of sudden and unknown situations. Jackson hoped he could learn some things from him in a near future to help him become what he thought  a 'better person' was.

"let me make this clear. I have realised that my sister is quite close to you. I don't really know why, but just to make things simple, if you ever hurt Irene in ANY way, I will make sure you don't see the sun for the rest of your life" Jackson was a bit startled at J.S' sudden confession "I might be younger and shorter but I can easily break stuff if I want to" he poked Jackson's chest with a serious expression and looked straight into his eyes. Jackson had realised J.S' protective attitude when it came to Irene so he could partially tell what he meant, making him smirk.

"that will never happen, don't worry" said Jackson simply, with a sincere smile and patted J.S' head. J.S was confused at Jackson's response. He knew Jackson was a simple, disgraceful playboy who just wanted to play with Irene's feelings, just like the rest. So why did Jackson's honest look, make him look like a good guy for a second. A guy whom he could trust his precious sister's heart with.

"and I will never trust you" J.S flicked Jackson's hand away, flustered for thinking about Jackson being a good guy. He wasn't going to fall in the trap again "do you really think I would-"

Jackson splashed water on his face.

"you should look at your face" he laughed pointing at J.S' wet face. J.S took a deep breath and wiped the excess water from his face, not being able to stand Jackson any second further.

"you should watch your FACE" he jumped on him and made him completely fall in the water "look who's laughing now" he laughed sarcastically and turned around to walk away but Jackson jumped on his back, making him fall in the water as well.

"I am" Jackson pointed at himself with his thumb and got into position to splash water back.

For the next 15 minutes no one walked past them. One of the main reasons being to not get unwantedly wet due to the war those two were having. By the time both of them wanted to give up due to tiredness but couldn't due to pride, Bambam and Minjoo (who already had their own fight) joined in and finished them once for all.

"I'm too tired" Jackson threw himself on the sand, followed by J.S.

"who said you could interfere with our noble fight" J.S lay himself on his stomach on the sand, only moving his mouth to talk.

"we had to, otherwise someone would of ended up calling the beach guards" Bambam took the towel and threw it at Jackson's face.

"we were just playing" he sat and dried himself with the towel.

"it wasn't just a game" J.S said with his eyes closed.

"yh, yh whatever..." Jackson stood up and finished drying his hair and then wore his white, sleeveless shirt "did the ice cream melt already?!" he looked at the bag with a liquid inside that Minjoo was holding towards him.

"well yh, did you think it would wait for you to be eaten?" she said sarcastically and then threw the bag away.

Jackson was disappointed because Irene had bought those ice creams for everyone but he had just ended up wasting it. If she was here, she would of probably scolded Jackson for wasting food.

Thinking about that, Jackson realised Irene wasn't there now either.

"where's Irene?" Jackson asked Minjoo as he knew she would know.

"she went for a walk" she couldn't help it bit smirk thinking about the reason of the sudden walk.

"oh really?" Jackson was a bit surprised because he thought Irene didn't like walking alone in strange places "which way did she go?" he asked picking up his thin hoodie and tying it around his waist.

"that way" Minjoo pointed at the direction Irene walked to and then Jackson smiled "where are you going?" she already knew what Jackson had in mind but she still asked to make sure.

"I'll go give her company" he smiled and then waved at Bambam and J.S, but he was already soundly sleeping "we won't take long" he finally waved at Minjoo and made his way to his girlfriend.


Meanwhile, Irene had her mind swimming in deep thoughts she never knew she had. Guessing, she was probably thinking about how her life got better after meeting Jackson. She made knew friends who actually cared and worried for her, she was able to open up more to her parents, she spent more time with her brother and most importantly, she was having fun. For once in her life, it wasn't forced fun.

As she walked even further down the rocky path, she found herself in the immense forest that was simply surrounded by big, intimidating trees.

"wh-where am I?" her face was frozen when she saw there was no sight of the beach. She didn't know from which direction she had come from and even if she did it wouldn't have helped because everything looked exactly the same.

Her feet were frozen and she did not dare to take another step. A cold drop of sweat slid through the middle of her back, all the way down until it reached her foot. A silly, dry laugh went out through her mouth when she realised she was lost.

In the middle of nowhere, or let's say everything, there she was standing on her now tired feet hoping for nothing to come out of those bushes.

Oh God, the most terrifying thing for Irene, the thing she most feared of, the situation she never imagined herself in, was standing in the middle of bushes where anything or anyone could come out from to probably give her a heart attack.

Irene got easily scared from literally anything, from the smallest lid drop to the anything that made a sudden sound or gave a sudden touch around her.

After minutes of thinking, with all her courage (and more) she decided to walk back through the place her back was facing. She slowly lifted her right foot and turned around to face the right direction, followed by her left foot. Deep breath and then she continued doing the same for about 2 minutes until a rustling was heard.

Irene's legs stopped immediately while her heart was running after a sudden adrenaline leak. The rustling was getting closer and closer and closer until Irene couldn't take it any more and screamed her lungs out, hiding her face between her knees.

"please go away! please! please! please! please!" she covered her ears and cried for her life "please don't come near me" she didn't even know to what or to who she was talking to until a hand grasped her arm making her realise the human figure that was standing in front of her, looking just as surprised as she was "JACK...son!" her tears rushed out quicker as she saw her boyfriend's face. Jackson couldn't really understand the situation but he quickly rushed to embrace his girlfriend's body.

"what happened?" he asked as she buried her face on his chest, still crying about the affright. She just shook her head and tightened the hug without any words. Jackson caressed her back to make sure she knew he was there for her "are you better now?" he moved his face back to check on her and smiled.

"yeah..." she looked up at him and wiped the tears away.

"why were you crying?" he asked brushing the hair away from her face.

"because... I got scared" her tears started to come out again as she remembered about it and quickly hugged him to feel safe again. Jackson knew she was easily scared but not to the point where she would cry that much, so he decided to sit on the floor more comfortably and to bring Irene closer to him for a longer hug.

"I'm here now, don't worry" he smiled and caressed her hair as he heard her sniffing.

"I thought I was dying today" she said with a cracky voice making Jackson laugh.

"you exaggerate too much" he laughed gaining back a glare from her.

"it's your fault for making it so scary" she hit his arm "what are you doing here anyway?" she asked curious and Jackson slightly smirked.

"oh, so you don't want me here?" he raised his eyebrow and tried to stand up but was quickly pulled back down.

"NO! I never said that" she held his sleeve tightly and pouted "don't leave" Jackson's heart fluttered at her expression and he could only ask God how could she be so cute before hugging her again, not even trying to hold himself back.

"I won't" he ruffled her hair and looked at her for sometime and Irene lightly smiled at him. He finally stood up helping her as well and looking around the place he sighed "how did you get yourself into this?" he asked still looking around.

"uumm well..." she avoided his gaze to avoid bringing up the reason she ended up in there, which would literally give Jackson the definitive way to tease her.

Not knowing where to look, her eyes accidentally landed on Jackson's stomach. With the help of the sun, and the slight wetness coming from Irene's tears, his shirt became transparent, exposing his abs. In an instant, her entire face and ears went pitch red gaining attention from Jackson.

''what are you looking at?'' he asked following her gaze but Irene was quick enough to hold his face and stop him from looking. She found herself staring at Jackson's eyes from a very close angle, making her face go redder. She quickly let go of him and moved away.

''what's wrong?'' he asked confused moving closer.

''nothing'' she said suspiciously, taking a big step back.

"don't tell me you have fever again?" he asked moving his hand to her forehead but she dodged it "what are you doing?" he tried to touch her forehead but she dodged it once again.

''I don't have fever" she smiled awkwardly still avoiding his gaze.

"okaayy, there's definitely something wrong here" he took a big step towards her and she slowly moved back "are you sure you're alright?" he asked worried.

"ye-yeah!" she 'assured' but not completely convincing Jackson.

"if you say so..." he took a last doubtful glance at her and continued exploring the green area.

"Irene, get a hold of yourself!" she scolded herself and ran back to Jackson.

"are you still scared?" he asked, feeling a tight grasp around his hand.

"n-no" she said still avoiding his gaze, without letting go of his hand "do you know how to go back?" she looked at him with hope in her eyes.

"I do-"

"YOU DO??!!" her eyes widened.

"not, I do not know how to go back" Irene frowned and lowered her back as she started to give up.

Jackson noticed this and hurried to bring hope back to her.

"hey, look at me" he cupped her face and made her look at him "we'll get out from here, okay?" he looked straight into her eyes. Irene hesitated a bit at first but then nodded.

"okay" she finally smiled, knowing she could trust him on this.

"now, where do we go?" Irene just nodded at first but then looked at him confused when she realised what he had said.

"what do you mean?! I thought you were leading the way"

to be continued...

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