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Date: 15th oct
Time: 10 am

The whole place was empty but the key hole rotated following the jingling sound of keys as the clock almost struck 10. The door squeaked as she opened it revealing herself to her home.

She stood there peacefully and moved her gaze smoothly around the place, observing the place. She hanged the keys on the key rack on the wall and walked herself with all her luggage into her perfectly neat and clean room. For the first few minutes she gazed outside her window smiling crazily into the bright sunlight shining on the clear pane of window.

Then she took of her shoes, placed them inside her cupboard and left the room moving towards the kitchen. She opened the cabinet and took out a saucepan. She turned the flame on, placed the pan filled with water on the stove and as it started boiling she added a spoonful of aromatic coffee powder. As it started to mix, the aroma had already spreaded around the whole place making it delightfully soothing.

She transferred her prepared coffee into a blue clay mug. Then she poured some milk into the mug until it satisfied her craving, she took it and then returned to her room.

She sat down on her desk chair by the window, comfortably sipping her coffee with her eyelids closed as if something very inportant was going through her right now.

Few days back, on the evening of 25th sep, Farah who was busy in her prayers was distracted as the door bell rang.
She unwrapped the scarf around her head and walked with fast pace towards the door and was pretty amazed to acknowledge that Insp Rehan and another man was on the other side of the door.

"Aoa." Rehan greeted her.
"Woa sir." she replied.
"I know it's not the right time, but we need to talk about something very important." he said.
"It's okay sir. Please come in." she replied while gesturing them to enter.

Three of them sat down on the couches in the living room, comfortably.
"Can I get you some tea?" She asked.
"No there is no such need." he replied signaling her to sit down.

"Well he is my colleague, Saad Malik." he introduced her but to his amazement she wasn't even a bit of surprised or shocked.
"Hmm." she replied.

"Farah, he is your father." he told her and a nostalgic yet simple smile appeared on her face.
"I know it already," she said and their faces turned pale out of shock.
"I knew about this from years. What do you think, for years we have been staying in one city yet I won't be aware of your existence. It's a very small world." she added staring into his soft eyes and both of them stayed silent.

"How did you came to know about it?" Saad broke the momentarily silence in that room.
"After we came back to islamabad, I saw you many times, once you were having tea with some uninformed officer in a restaurant, once I saw you driving the car, MH 576, once at a supermarket... I knew it all along that you are alive but hidden." she stopped with a sigh.

"Hmm. As you know everything. I want to add something, I have been working as a undercover officer from years as a service to my department because if I had came back, maybe you all would have suffered. From few days, some criminals are stalking you and threatening me to kill you, so I prefer you to leave this case." he said.

"Well, I know it. Those people are after me from about six months. They are following me every where, even once tried to attack me but..." she started speaking but was interrupted by Rehan.

"When?" He asked.
"Remember Ahmer's accident, the cops were right, it was planned. They banged his car with intention to hurt me but fortunately I was not in that car but Ahmer was." she answered them.

"Few days, they came again. Ringing of the door bell, power cut, sound of breathing, these all were not coincidence but truth. They came, I guess one of them went through my place but when I checked nothing was taken." she finished.

"Farah, this is not good. You need to quit." Saad pleaded her.
"I won't." she replied straightforwardly and both of them looked at her in shock.
"I won't back off because of their threats." she continued.
"This is a matter of life and death, for you and your family." Rehan blasted out in frustration.
"Life and death is a pre planned thing. Nothing can change it." she replied calmly.
"What is wrong with you." Rehan said.
"I have a strong faith in this, if I am not doing anything wrong, nothing will harm me" she said.

"Farah, I have lost my family once, I don't want to lose it again." Saad said to her.
"You lose one thing, just once. And when you lose it you never get it back," she replied plainly.

"Thankyou for you concern." she concluded.
Rehan and Saad stood up from the couch and started to walk to the main door. Rehan left the guesthouse but Saad was still there. He turned towards Farah and said
"I am sorry if I hurt you. I had no other choice.".
"It was your choice, you choose your job over your family." she replied without looking into his eyes.
"Take care Farah." he said he left the guesthouse to join Rehan, who was seated inside the car.
She opened her plain eyes instantly, staring the ceiling expressionless. She took another long sip of coffee, enjoying it's soothing warmth and aroma.

"Look, who's back." Seher's voice interrupted the mess going inside her head.
She excitedly turned to see Seher standing by the door. She ran to her and hugged her.
"Me!," Farah replied her.
"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Farah said.
"Yes, I came to pick a few things I left behind in the morning." Seher replied while chuckling.

'The past can not be changed. The future is yet in your power'

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