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Date: 17th oct
Time: 5 pm

Today Farah had reported to the headquarters and successfully submitted her report for the research conducted in karachi, few days back. At about 5 pm she exited the place and calmly walked herself to the parking lot wearing a light green shirt coupled with a white trouser and a chiffon dupatta wraped around her neck, beautifully.

She sat inside her car, while fastening her seat belt while she was lost in her thoughts, she quickly came back to reality when she noticed the time on her grey wrist watch. She immediately turned the engine on and left.

After a few minutes through huge traffic and dusty weather, she stopped her car in a familiar area. She organised her hair in the rear mirror of the car and stepped out of it, smiling.

She walked herself to a brown gate beside her car and rang the door bell excitedly. After a minute a woman around the age of forty opened the door. She had a light complextion with black curly hair tied in a thick braid.

"Yes." she asked as she saw Farah standing.
"Ahmer..." Farah said confusingly as she observed the lady from head to toe.
"I don't know any Ahmer." she replied.
"He used to live here." Farah exclaimed.
"We bought this house two weeks ago via a real estate agency. I don't know about who owned this house before or where did they go." she answered plainly.
"Okay..." Farah replied.
"I am sorry I can't help you." she said and closed the door leaving Farah puzzled.

After one and a half year.....
In London
Date: 20th april
Time: 11 am

It was a moderately sized apartment, not fully furnished but just basic furniture. It consist of square living room with two black couches, a wooden coffee table occupied with a discharged tablet and used mugs. On one couch a brown jacket was laying while black boots were laying roughly the wooden floor of the apartment.

Beside it was an airy balcony with a nice view from the 11th floor. There was an open kitchen with loads of appliances like a microwave and a coffee machine etc located opposite to the balcony.

A few steps ahead was apparently a bedroom with closed door. It had been about fifteen whole minutes since then the door bell had been ringing but no one opened up.

Finally the sound of keys jingling was heard from the door and soon the door swung open, unveiling her. She growled as she witnessed the condition of the place. She placed down the box of donuts and two cups of coffee on the kitchen counter. She took off her coat and placed it nicely on back of the other couch.

She moved herself to the balcony and unlocked the door letting in some cold refreshing breeze. She closed her eyes as she stood facing the balcony and the waves of breeze gently touched her face and her hair which bounced lightly with it.

After enjoying the weather for a few more minutes she started looking for something in the living room just then her gaze caught the closed bedroom door. She hurridly walked to the room and as she opened the door, she stood amazed when her eyes tangled with a familiar pair of eyes.

Ahmer pov
"Woah miss, there is a custom of knocking the door before entering." I naughtly said as my eyes caught her gaze. I turned away and continued buttoning up few left buttons of my shirt.
"Argh Ahmer, I guess there is a custom of locking the door before changing," Farah mocked him as she started roaming around his bedroom.

"Honestly you are such a mess." she said while examining his not so clean room when she noticed me staring her. She moved forward and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Wake up," she said and started to move towards the door.
"I got you breakfast hurry up." she announced before leaving.

I am such a jerk! I was staring her like maniacs, thank God she didn't mind it. There is something wrong with me when she is around, something that makes my heart beat flutter.

That way she came here today, her black hair scattered over her her smooth cheeks, her dry lips cracked under the influence of cold wind, her shiny eyes and her voice, music to my ears.
I wish with the bottom of my heart that she stays with me forever. I was lost in these thoughts when my phone ringtone kicked me out of my mind.
I looked at the screen, then thinked for a while and causally declined the call.
"Ahmer hurry up." she yelled from the living room.
"Coming." I yelled back and joined her while fixing up my crumpled collar.

I stepped into the living room and saw her standing by the kitchen counter.
"Need a hand?" I asked as I jumped onto the couch.
"Nope," she replied and swung the box of donuts towards me which I managed to catch very well.
"I'll get the coffee." she finished.
I grabbed the box and sat properly on the couch just then she came up with two plates and two coffee mugs.
"Here." she offered me.
"Thanks." I replied and took a sip of my coffee.

"Coffee, donuts what are you bribing me for?" I asked her mischievously and she started laughing.
"You are helping me to unpack my stuff and set up my apartment." she replied smiling cunningly.
"Very well." I said with a mocking smile on my face.

Date: 20th april
Time: 5 pm

"Ahmer, that box, the one on the extreme right." Farah told Ahmer as he shuffled the cartons.
"This one?" He picked up the carton and showed it to her.
"Yes" she replied and he placed the carton on the floor while she started to tear the tape off it.

She picked up few books from the carton and started placing them on the book rack.
"Where does these go?" He asked showing her the boxes of shoes.
"Put them in the bedroom." she told him and he did so.

Time: 8 pm
It had been hours, Farah and Ahmer were setting up Farah's apartment. Finally they were successful in transforming her place. Now every thing was organised enough.

It had been a week since Farah came to London for her undergraduate course in criminology. She was lucky that Ahmer was already posted there so he helped her alot in getting the apartment as they went along very well.

Farah pov
"Finally the place is suitable for humans to live now." I said aloud as I saw Ahmer gathering up my few bags.

He looked so adorable. Still dressed in his dark blue sweat pant and blue shirt with his beard scattered around his face and his curly hair bounced on his forehead as he assembled my stuff.

When he finished assembling my things, he ran his fingers through his hair while examining the cleanliness of the place. He then moved to the sofa and fell on it just like an innocent kid. He is actually very tired. Oh mine and he looks so good!

I was busy gazing him without his knowledge with a crazy smile on my face when the sound of door bell brought me back to reality.
"I'll take it," I told him as he reacted to the bell and answered the door.
"It is the delivery guy, our food is her." I replied him as I peeked through the door.

'Fate doesn't care about your plans'

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