chp 18

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Time: 10 pm

Ahmer and Farah had just finished their dinner and were now sitting on the stairs by the balcony right in front of the living room. Ahmer was drinking his soft drink while Farah was eating her fries.

Suddenly Ahmer realized something, he placed his soft drink can on the floor and took out his phone from his right pocket while Farah stared at him questioning him.

"I need to text my colleague." he told her to which she smiled causally. As he typed the text on his phone his rolled up sleeve of his right arm moved a bit more higher revealing few rough brown scars on his arm. Farah who was looking around, suddenly her gaze caught his scars and her smile disappeared from her dull face. Ahmer did noticed this but didn't reacted to it at all.

She moved her hand towards his arm and swayed her shivering and pale fingers on his scars while a painful smirk appeared on her face. She moved her fingers trying to feel his scars, though Ahmer hesitated a bit still couldn't do anything until she broke the deep silence between them.

"Do these still hurt?" She asked him plainly still feeling the scars.
"No, they don't." he replied to her gazing straight into her eyes.
"I am sorry Ahmer." she uttered stammering and moved her hand away from his arm.
"For what?" He asked casually just to enlighten the mood.
"There are certain things you don't know about me," she said trying not to meet his eyes and he was looking at her out of confusion.
"My father never died Ahmer." she blurted out still facing the wall.

"What do mean? And what does it had to do with my accident?" He asked her and she stayed silent untill few minutes.
"My father was in Islamabad police.........when he came back he choose his job over his family.............," she stopped for a minute and he was listening to her anxiously.
"The people who banged your car were after me, they wanted to kill me but I fortunately got off a bit before........." she stopped as he glanced her in shock and amazement.

"I met him two years back when I went to Karachi..........." she told him and he sat there silently.

"Farah how come you never told me this," Ahmer protested.
"They could have hurt you more." he said and she still eyed the floor in order to avoid eye contact with him.

"Farah, I must say your father is a very loyal and honest person. It requires a lot of courage to sacrifice for the sake of our country." Ahmer praised her father and Farah stood shocked as she was not expecting him to side with her father.

"You think what he did was right?" She rudely asked him in a loud tone.
"Yes." he replied straightforwardly.
"Yeah he was right. Abandoning your family for a sick job is a perfect thing to do." she said these words and stood up from the stairs, took the dirty plates and walked herself to the kitchen.
"Farah." he followed her to the kitchen though she didn't bothered to answered him.

"Farah." he called out again but still recieved no reply.
"FARAH!" he called a bit louder this time.
"What?" She replied while pretending to be busy in aligning the dishes.
"Farah it's..." he said something but stopped in between when he heard her sobs.
"Farah." he said as he held her tightly by her shoulders to comfort her.

"I am fine." she replied controlling her sobs.
"I know it has been tough for you, but he was a police officer before he even became your father, it was his duty to put his job first." he added softly as she turned to him so now both of them stood face to face.

Their faces were exactly parallel to each other, alligned straight as if they were sculptures not humans. Their eyes were entirely directed in to each other's eyes as they stood rugged as a rock.

Despite the heavy breeze that flew past them, making her hair fly roughly around her face and his curly waves of hair bouncing around. The wind blew across their eyes aswell falling on their eye lashes heavily still none of them bothered to blink because they were too deeply engrossed into each other, just like before, everytime they met!

"Ahmer." she broke the deadly silence in that room.
"Yes?" he answered embarrassingly as he realised the amount of awkwardness at that moment.
"Stay with me forever," she said and paused for a second.
"I love you." she completed her words.
"I would even die to stay with you forever," he replied low enough that only she could hear it.
"I love you more than you ever did. I have loved you from the day you stepped into my life." he finished and saw her smiling proudly in front of him and he smiled back.

He smiled softly with his eyes perfectly following her eyes as she tried to dodge his eyes. They were totally drowned in their own world where they had stepped in, years ago but admitted it just today.

Suddenly the sound of fire alarm echoed around the apartment as well as the whole building.

The sound of alarm brought both of them back to reality. They were looking around the place in amazement and panic.

They glanced eachother for a micro second and then Ahmer held Farah by her right arm tightly to which she clutched his hand tighter. They hurried themselves to the door with fast steps. As they stepped out of the apartment, they could see people evacuating the building as they exited the apartment.

They finally managed to escape the building and joined the crowd gathered outside the building. There people were standing and blabbering about the fire and on the other side the sky was growling as lightening bolted in the sky.

Farah was plainly looking at the pre thunder bolts in the sky while Ahmer was standing with her. Just then the firemen and the security staff arrived on the scene and announced that the fire was just a minor one which has now successfully been extinguished. As the people heard this, they sighed in relief and began to re nter the building except Farah and Ahmer who remained standing there until the first few drops of rain started to drip from the cloudy sky.

Farah smiled amazingly as a huge drop just landed on her face, dampening her cheeks. Contrary to every one else, Farah kept standing under the pouring sky with a graceful smile fixed on her face.

Ahmer was standing next to her, apparently busy gazing her but as the rain stared to pour heavily, Ahmer joined Farah.

For as long as it rained, both of them played in the rain like two carefree souls despite the fact they were completely drenched.

Since they saw eachother years back in in the college, met eachother at the airport, came close during the Lahore trip and moving on, fate had been playing it's part on it's best.

They were meant to meet so they did! And if they are meant to stay together, they will but what if they are not?

'I can't imagine a life without you in it. I want to grow old with you. Let's spend the rest of our lives together'

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