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I was left astounded, like majorly.

"Sir?" Farah asked questioningly.
" keep it low." Rehan replied while looking at the door timely.
"Why did you brought me here? And the gun shot?" She asked him.

"Hmm actually it was not me who messaged you but the criminals. Tonight at about 10 pm during an intelligence meeting, some men entered, took a few officers as hostages including me. They demanded for the investigation documents, when the officials didn't tell them anything, they from anonymous sources called other officers like you." he took a momentary pause as he was exhausted.

"What about the major officials?" She said.
"Few are still their hostages, and I guess few might be dead by now too. I was taken as a hostage too, then they snatched my cell, unlocked it with my finger print and messaged you,"he told her while sitting down on the garage floor, tireless, stretching himself.

"That's why I brought you here like this." he finished and Farah sat down with him.
"Now what do we do?," She asked him and he looked at her plainly.
"I have my phone." she finished.

"It's useless, they have now put on jammers all around the place, I tried to call from a phone but it won't." he told her.

"Can we escape?" She asked him again.
"No, their men are guarding the walls, they let you in because they wanted to," he replied helplessly.
"All we can do is to take cover until the network works." he added.

"But we don't have much, they'll be looking for us because they know we are inside the building." she said while inspecting the garage.

After an hour.

Rehan and Farah were engrossed in dismantling the rusty window of the garage that probably led inside the hallway of the building.

They used a few car tools which they found inside the garage to unlatch the window but it won't slide due to rust embedded on it.

Finally they observed that it moved about the edge, which meant that a few more tries would succeed them.

Just then they heard some sound as if some men were taking. It seemed as they were approaching them with not so moderate speed.

"They are here." Rehan announced as he and Farah pushed harder to open it.
"Hurry up." Farah said as they sensed the footsteps approaching them.

"Come on jump inside." Rehen said as he offered her his arm in support while she climbed up to the window and managed to jump inside.
As he climbed up the window, following her another gunshot echoed around the boundaries of the head quarters.


Date: 27th june
Time: 6 am.

She was sleeping peacefully with her brown eyes enclosed inside her pale and shaggy eye lids, while her dull lips looked straight.
Her hair were tied nicely at the back of her head though a few strands did managed to wander on her face. She was covered in a thick blanket till her neck.

Just then a agitiated smirks started to appear on her face with her still sleeping. With time the frequency of the appearance of smirks increased until she abruptly opened her eyes staring the plain of the room.

She was laying on a bed positioned in the middle of a small room, surrounded by white washed walls, a grey couch in front of her with a glass table crowded with bunch of different flowers, a square window to her right completely covered with a dotted white curtain and loads of machines with drips protuding out and inserted into her arms and almost lifeless hands.

As soon she accustomed herself with the surroundings, she tried her luck on herself by trying to move. She held up her right hand carefully not to disturb the drips as she was familiar with the amount of pain it could cause to her and tried to pull the blanket off her feeble body when sharp spasm of pain swirled through her abdomen which forced her to let go off her desire to move out of the bed.

She laid on her back, wondering what caused her the injury. She focused on her mind when something rang a bell inside her.

'She remembered to the extent when she jumped off the garage window into the coridor and Insp Rehan was supposed to follow her. She climbed down the window, as she placed a step forward in the corridor, she was just trying her best to look through the pitch black coridor when in less than a minute she noticed that a sharp thing just pierced through her back.

She turned around but could only see an unknown person with a pistol in his hand as her vision was enough murky by now. The next thing that she remembered was she woke up in a hospital.'
Flashback over.

Time: 6 pm.

Farah pov
What is this sound? Who is this talking? I moaned in my sleep in a considerably low voice before I partially opened my eyes slowing adjusting them with the light.

As I opened them I saw Mama and Seher. Mama was seated on the sofa and Seher was handling my medicines on the table. I smiled at it and Seher and Mama noticed it.

"Farah how are you feeling child?" Mama asked me as she walked towards me.
"Fine." I replied and Seher came beside me.
"Missed you Farah." Seher hugged me and I replied her by patting her.

"How long have I been here? What day is it?" I asked them.
"Hmm it's been about two days." Seher replied calmly.
"You got shot that day, you were unconscious for two days..." Seher added while I listened to her. In the meanwhile I leaned forward and sat on the bed while Mama assisted me.

"How is Insp Rehan?" I asked her.
"He is fine, just minor injuries," Seher announced and walked towards the glass table. She picked up few bouquets of flowers and walked back to me.

"He sent these for you, there are some other flowers too." She handed me amusingly. I smiled back in gesture and started to search the flowers.

'Get well soon Farah, :D
                         Insp Rehan'
I whispered to myself as I read the wishes hidden in the flowers before I came across that bouquet.

A bouquet of blood red roses with white lillies in between.

'What are you, wonder woman??? :P

I smiled shyly as his greetings came across me, though I somehow managed to hide my expressions when I observed Seher eyeing me from the corner of her eye while Mama didn't noticed it at all.

I rolled my eyes casually as I forwarded the flowers towards Seher who walked upto me. She was about to take the flowers from me when we administered a knock on the door.

"Come in." Seher answered still standing beside me. The door swung open, revealing the person behind it.

"Life is too short to wake up 
  with regrets so love the people  
who treat you right. Everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it."

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