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Ahmer pov
After that we all gathered around the table in the living room on the first floor. With every one applauding, I cut the cake. I cut a thin slice of that death by chocolate fudge cake and fed each of them turn by turn, Starting from Hammad, Saira, Alia.....then at the end. I turned to Farah who was standing right next to Hammad, smiling freely while she gathered her hair on her right shoulder. As I raised a slice upto her mouth and she levelled her eyes up but something happened.

Something, such that our gazes got tangled. It was like we were connected to each other by our entangled eyes looking at eachother, completely drowned.

"Ahmer, Farah is waiting." Ahmad jerked me out of my fantasy world.
I bowed down in embarrassment and then presented her the slice which she ate.

Date: 10th june
Time: 1 am

Ahmer, wearing his black sweat pants and grey shirt was lying on his bed scrolling facebook anxiously but his mind was lost somewhere else. He put his phone on the pillow beside him as his concentration has already bidded good bye to him.

Suddenly he picked up his phone again, typed a text message, he did gave it a thought for a millisecond before pressing the send icon and finally he sent the message. He uneasily  put his phone on the adjacent side table and lied down with his eyes resting.

After five whole minutes his phone vibrated and he excitedly opened his eyes to check her reply.

"Hi." Ahmer.
"Hey." Farah.
"You are still awake?" Ahmer.
"Just about to sleep." Farah.
"So you knew it all along, huh?" Ahmer.
"Well yes. It was pre planned. :D" Farah.
"Thanks for accompanying me for the walk." Ahmer.
"No need. I enjoyed it aswell." Farah.
"It's better you sleep now. Tomorrow we have a flight to catch. :P" Farah.
"Yup. Good night :D." Ahmer.
"Good night.:)" Farah.

Date: 10th june
Time: 10 am

It was another bright morning and as planned all of them were supposed to leave for Islamabad.

"Alia, can you please hurry up." Ahmad shouted as he came up the stairs in the living room to Alia and Saira who were apparently trying to pack their overstuffed suitcase.

"I am coming." Alia replied to him as she gathered up her stuff from the cupboard.
"Ahmad bro, coffee?" Hammad asked him as he moved pass him.
"No, I am good." he replied and sat lazily down on the couch.

In the meanwhile Farah joined them as she walked out of her room. She moved towards the coffee table, grabbed few chocolates and started eating them while taking her seat.

Just then Ahmer walked up the stairs to the living room leaving everyone unexpectedly shocked.
"Ahmer, you okay?" Hammad asked out of worry sarcastically.
"Yes. Why would you ask that?" He replied.
"You are ready before time. This is a dream that came true." Ahmad said mockingly.
"It was actually not funny at all." Ahmer replied annoyingly and took the seat opposite Farah who sat there amused by the conversation.

"We are ready." Saira called out moving out of her room with her packed suitcase followed by Alia.
"Let's leave then in five minutes" Ahmad announced.
"I'll get my bag." Farah said and left for her room.
Soon all of them left for the airport.

Time: 10: 45 am

"Kindly put your bags on the scale." one of the airport staff members said.
All of them placed their baggage one by one for check in on the baggage belt and handed their tickets to the officer. She took their and examined them carefully.

"I am afraid but Mr Ahmer Murtaza and Miss Farah Malik, you can not board this flight." she told them.
"Why?" Farah asked her in bewilderment.
"What happened?" Ahmer further asked her.
"Actually the airlines cancelled your tickets due to some interior issue." she informed them.
"How can you do it without even informing us?" Farah protested.
"That's not fair." Alia added.
"Please at least give us seats in another flight." Ahmer suggested.
"Sir, wait I'll talk to my senior about it." she said and left the cabin.
"Okay." Farah said.

"I am not leaving without the seats." Farah announced.
"Let's see if they give the seats or not." Ahmad said to them.
"Let's just wait to see what they come up with." Ahmer said.

"Sir, the airlines will compensate you with the seats in the flight to depart after an hour." she informed as she came back.
All of them exchanged glances and then Farah and Ahmer nodded.
"Fine." Farah replied.
"I guess you people leave, boarding is about to close." Ahmer told others.
"Yes." Farah added.
"Okay. You guys take care." Saira wished us before leaving.
"Bye." Alia said as they all moved towards the boarding gate.
"Bye." Ahmer and Farah replied moving their way to the waiting area,dragging the bags with them.

They walked lousily to the waiting area and sat on the chairs. Farah unzipped her handbag and took out her phone, in less than a minute Farah was completely engrossed in her phone, while Ahmer's phone started ringing.

"Hello." Ahmer answered the call.
"Ahmer, you boarded your flight?" Murtaza said.
"No baba," he replied.
"Actually the airlines cancelled our seats. We'll leave after one hour on the next flight." he completed.
"We?" he asked.
"Me and Farah." he replied.
"Ok. Stay safe." he said.
"Thankyou baba. Bye." he cut the call.

He turned to his right and saw Farah looking at him. He smiled at her.
"It was baba," he told her.
"Asking about the flight." he continued.
"Hmm." she replied.
"Did you informed your family?" he asked her putting his phone down.
"I informed mama," she replied taking a sigh.
"My father died years back. He was a police officer, he died in the line of duty." she said looking towards her handbag.
"Sorry to hear that." he said and she smiled.

Once again her phone vibrated, she unlocked it and hurriedly opened the message as she looked at the message she started laughing as if she had gone crazy.
"What happened?" he asked in amazement wondering what's wrong with her.
She looked at him, and managed to calm down herself

"I was here and simultaneously I was supposed to be at a psychology seminar. So my sister attended it on my behalf and nobody could point out that she is not Farah but Seher," she told him while he kept looking at her confusingly.
"Wait I'll show you the thing." she said while showing him a  photograph of Farah and Seher on her phone screen.

"You two are identical twins!" He exclaimed as he scanned the whole picture.

'If you are shocked by what I say then you obviously haven't paid attention to who I am'

Hi people, isn't it a sweet coincidence, what do you guys think about it??

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