Journey To The Holy City

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Y/n rode on horseback as he made his way to the holy city of Camelot, having just witnessed Rhongomyniad's power for himself, he knew that this singularity wasn't going to be easy by any measure whatsoever. By a large margin, this was probably the single most challenging one that Chaldea had faced thus far.

As he passed through the city that once was Jerusalem, he closed his eyes. He could hear the people moving out of the way as his horse strode up to the gates of the holy city.

He was brought inside the gates by knights who lead him to the throne room. Artoria was waiting for him as he walked in. Before he could take a knee before her, she held her hand up motioning for him to stop.

Artoria: "You shall not bow to me. As far as I am concerned, we are equals, you and I."

Y/n: "I don't think I understand."

Artoria: "There isn't much to understand, Y/n. As a master then you should not be bowing your head, even before me. I am a servant at the end of the day. While I cannot be contracted, I must respect the fact that you are able to handle such powerful servants as Percival and Lordred. Shinbei is no pushover either. He was able to back up Gawain when that blonde woman attacked. However, this is neither the place or time. Before we begin, I must ask how the raid went."

Y/n: "Before the lance's light crushed all beneath it, Mordred and I razed the village to the ground. We met next to no resistance."

Artoria narrowed her eyes as she looked at his person for any hint of a lie. However she found no trace of any deception. Such was Y/n's plan. He had told her the truth, the knights met no resistance. However that was because he had evacuated the village beforehand.

Y/n knew that Artoria would be able to pick up on lies form a mile away, which made him nervous that his collaboration with Morgan would be discovered. However a small smile emerged on Artoria's face.

Artoria: "Good. I had high hoped for you from the beginning. I'm glad that those hopes have been validated successfully."

Artoria stepped down from her throne to stand before the master.

Artoria: "I have been having odd dreams lately. Of a me from far in the future from now."

Y/n knew that she meant that she was seeing the fifth grail war. However he let nothing show.

Y/n: "Is that why you called me here, your highness?"

Artoria: "No. Merely making idle talk. However, it is time that your receive your king's blessing."

Artoria held her hand out. Y/n took a second and held it in his own. Instead of an immediate power boost however. Artoria smirked as she waved her other hand, locking the doors of the throne room as she dragged him to the throne.

Shit was about to get steamy.

Too bad you lot ain't gonna see it.

Under the scorching heat of Egypt. Gudao was busy practicing his magecraft with Nitocris acting as an overseer. She was proficient in the magecraft of ancient egypt, however that did not mean she wouldn't be able to offer advice on modern magecraft.

She encouraged Gudao to practice Gandr spells as well as reinforcements.

As Gudao stopped to take a break, Nitocris decided to start up a conversation.

Nitocris: "I must say, you were rather loud when you spent your first night here."

Gudao: "That's because of a few reasons. First of which was that nobody told me Astolfo was a guy. In addition, nobody told me he had a dick the size of a monster can."

Nitocris: "What you're telling me is that you ended up getting dommed by Astolfo and your rear hurts."

Gudao: "It only hurt the morning after. I've since got my revenge... Which he then got revenge for... Which I returned the very next night."

Nitocris: "What I'm getting is that you both revenge fuck each other."

Gudao: "Pretty much."

Nitocris: "What about the other masters? Sakura told us about their abilities, but I don't now much about them other than that."

Gudao: "My sister's a gremlin. More so than me if it were possible. Ophelia's pretty calm most of the time. She makes the occasional sarcastic quip, but she keeps things pretty straightforward."

Nitocris: "What about the magician?"

Gudao: "Y/n? He's something else. When we first met him, he was cracking jokes all the time. Now he's... different somehow. He's more distant than he was."

Nitocris: "Fighting for a cause like preventing the incineration of human history will inevitably change a person. He will likely never go back to how he was."

Gudao: "I know. Which is why I want to get this whole grand order thing out of the way. I'd rather stay at Chaldea without some massive mission to save humanity. When all this is said and done and we've beaten Goetia, I want to travel with my servants."

Nitocris: "I see. What of the others?"

Gudao: "Sakura'll probably wanna go find her sister. Ophelia'll likely stay at Chaldea while they get a new director in. Gudako's probably gonna get a giant gangbang organised between her and all the male servants."

Nitocris: "Well, you did say she's a gremlin."

Gudao: "As for Y/n? I honestly don't know what he's gonna do. His main objective in the grand order was to have fun and see his servants from the fifth grail war again."

Nitocris: "So he has no other plans other than that?"

Gudao: "He'll probably take his servants and make a run for it when he gets the chance."

Nitocris nodded until a shadow loomed over the two. They looked up and saw Ozymandias looking down at them.

Ozymandias: "Lady Sekhmet demands our presence."

The two nodded before heading inside so they could deal with whatever Sekhmet had planned for them.

Sekhmet: "Ah, you made it. Good. Do you perhaps know this servant?"

Gudao looked at the woman clad in black and blue and nodded.

Gudao: "Morgan. Why're you here?"

Morgan: "I was simply here to check in on you and Sakura. Egypt is a major player in bringing Camelot down after all."

Sekhmet: "Ha! And you think I'll listen to you?"

Morgan: "I do not need you to listen to me, Lady Sekhmet. I wasn't even anticipating you'd be here. After all, Divine spirits like yourself normally do not manifest."

Sekhmet: "Indeed. However there must be another reason for your visit other than checking on these masters."

Morgan: "I will confess that much. The other reason for my visit is to give you a warning."

Sekhmet: "A warning?"

Morgan: "According to my intelligence, Artoria will likely turn her wrath towards Egypt once she has dealt with the villages of the Hassan-i-Sabbah."

Sekhmet: "She would dare attack us?"

Nefertari: "If she were to try, it would put the people of Egypt in immense danger!"

Sekhmet: "Indeed. If the Hassans fall, then we will be next."

Cleopatra: "Then there are limited options."

Ozymandias: "Hm... I trust that assassin in the shadows reports to one of the other masters?"

Morgan turned as Shinbei walked out of the shadows of the pillars near the entrance.

Shinbei: "Apologies for any rudeness."

Gudao: "Shinbei!"

Shinbei: "Greetings, Gudao."

Sakura: "Is Y/n doing alright, Shinbei?"

Shinbei: "Indeed. He recently contracted Hassan of Serenity as his servant."

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that Y/n was close with Serenity so she was assured that he would be safe with her around.

Ozymandias: "Your name is Shinbei then?"

Shinbei: "Indeed, Pharaoh Ozymandias."

Ozymandias: "Then relay a message to the masters in the remaining village of the Hassan-i-Sabbah. Tell them to make their way to Egypt. They will be given shelter away from the Lion King's lance. From there, we shall prepare to mount an attack."

Sekhmet: "Making decisions without my permission, Ramses?"

Ozymandias: "Lady Sekhmet, with all due respect, this is not a matter we can take lightly. The Hassan-i-Sabbah have a weapon hidden up their sleeves that we can utilise."

Nefertari: "... The grand assassin."

Sekhmet: "Grand Assassin? Ah, I see. The avatar of death himself. Very well, I shall allow it. Go forth, Shinbei. Relay that message."

Shinbei nodded before vanishing from his spot.

Sekhmet: "If that lance-wielding bitch wants to try and fight us, then she will have to bring the full might of her army."

Morgan: "I shall return to my fortress and relay the news to those loyal to me."

Sekhmet: "Very well. Take this one with you."

Sekhmet motioned to a woman that was just hidden next to the throne. Morgan recognised her as another caster, however she nodded and the two casters walked out of the sun temple.

The following day, Y/n finally arrived back at the fortress where he found Morgan with Agravain and Mordred. Percival and Touta were with them as well.

Y/n: "Percival, Tawara. How come you two are back so soon?"

Percival: "We were instructed to come back to the fortress by Morgan."

Y/n: "Any particular reason, Morgan?"

Morgan: "Yes actually. She was asking about Touta."

Y/n looked over and saw the other caster that had arrived with Morgan. She had long dark hair and carried a staff of some description.

The caster turned to him and waved with a smile before walking over.

???: "Greetings. You must be the master from Chaldea that Morgan was telling me about."

Y/n: "That's me. Name's Y/n von Einzbern. One of five masters from Chaldea."

???: "Mm, got it. Well I am Xuanzang Sanzang. Just call me Sanzang if it's easier."

Y/n: "I see. I think Chen Gong mentioned you once or twice. You were the protagonist of Journey to the West, right?"

Sanzang: "Mhm! That was me! Though none of my disciples have followed me here unfortunately."

Y/n: "Bailong, wanna interject here?"

Bailong: "Shut up."

Y/n laughed as the dragon went silent. One of Bailong's children was said to have acted as Sanzang's steed during the journey to the west. Bai Longma was a kind of white dragon horse, though in Chinese he was known as Ao Lie, just as his father was known as Ao Run.

Y/n: "I'm surprised though, I wasn't expecting to see you here. This is a bit further west than you've been before after all."

Sanzang: "I should probably be the surprised one with the fact that the white princess of the true ancestors is here."

Y/n: "Meh, Arcueid ain't bothering anyone. Anyway, Morgan, what's the story in Egypt?"

Morgan: "I confirmed Sekhmet's presence myself. She's no joke. She manifested as a berserker and believe me, she could go toe to toe with some of the strongest heroic spirits, that includes Gilgamesh."

Y/n: "Damn, so she's right up there, huh?"

Morgan: "I wouldn't hesitate to say that she far outshines even some grand servants. Sekhmet is by far the strongest berserker I've ever seen."

Percival: "She is a goddess of war. It makes sense that she'd be up there."

Y/n: "I thought it was impossible to be stronger than a grand servant?"

Morgan: "Indeed. However Divine Spirits cannot qualify as grand servants. Though they can be on par with, and even leagues stronger than them in some cases. But that's something for another time, for the moment, have any of you heard from Lordred?"

Mordred: "We got word a few days back that she found Gareth badly injured. Lancelot's taking care of her until she's healed."

Y/n: "Good. We can get the refugees from the Hassan's villages over there when we get word to raid the east village."

Mordred: "Y'know I was kinda nervous about all this. But this is kinda exciting, huh?"

Morgan: "I'm glad you think so, Mordred."

Y/n smirked as the servants all talked amongst themselves about various subjects.

Touta: "How about I make everyone a meal tonight? I've been taken pretty good care of thanks to Y/n so it's the least I can do."

Y/n: "I'll help out. Can't have you making all the food by yourself."

Touta laughed as he and Y/n headed to the kitchens so they could make some dinner for everyone. Mordred then saw Percival deep in thought.

Mordred: "The hell's got you usin' your brain?"

Percival: "Hm? Oh, it's just something that Hassan of Serenity told me. Apparently there's a mausoleum up high in the mountains. It's known as the mausoleum of the evening bell."

Mordred: "You think something's in there?"

Percival: "It's a mere hunch. However I've heard whispers of the grand assassin. It makes sense that if he is here, then he is in that mausoleum. His identity would be the first Hassan-i-Sabbah."

Mordred: "Sounds pretty hardcore!"

Shinbei: "If nothing else, it would be to our benefit to try and convince such a servant to join our side."

Mordred: "Yeah. We gotta get that guy on our side. What's more, if we can bring Sekhmet to our side, we'll be set!"

Shinbei: "I have been in Sekhmet's presence. It will be nowhere near as easy as you think. Our master has four of the five lost magics at his disposal, however this is a goddess who is descended from Ra himself. She may be the toughest fight yet. Our master definitely has his work cut out for him."

The knights fell into their thoughts before Y/n and Touta walked in with freshly grilled fish and plenty of rice to go around.

Meanwhile within the throne room of the Sun King's temple, Sekhmet smirked.

Sekhmet: "They must be planning to go to the grand assassin. A wise move. If Egypt does not aid them, then having the grand assassin on their side is a suitable alternative... Hm... I could always make things more interesting..."

Sekhmet's smirk widened as she looked at four sandstone idols that she held in her hands. One was of a woman with feathered wings, another was of a man with a crocodile's head. Another was a man with the head of a jackal and the last was a woman with a crown of cow's horns and a sun disk.

Sekhmet: "Do I make their journey even more difficult? Such a hard decision. What do you think, Avatar of death?"

Sekhmet turned to her left with a smile. The sound of armour clanking reverberated around the room as her attempted killer stepped into view.

???: "Thou do what thou will. When the time comes though, Thou shalt hand over thy head."

Sekhmet: "I'm not afraid of you. Though the Chaldeans should be afraid of these four should I turn them loose... Ah what the hell!? We shall test Chaldea's resolve once and for all...

... Against five of the gods of Egypt."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Angel That Announces Death.

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