The Angel That Announces Death

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Ophelia and Gudako were awakened by the sound of the villagers going about their day. 

Gudako did a couple of stretches before getting ready to go on patrol with Arash and Bedivere. Mash was going to be staying behind with Ophelia and Zhuge.

Zenobia was currently discussing something with Cursed Arm when they heard the sound of clanking armour approaching. Cursed Arm gripped the bandaged that covered his left arm as the sound got closer. However he relaxed when he saw the wolf-shaped helmet cresting the hill.

Y/n: "You lot sure as shit don't make it easy to get to these villages."

Cursed Arm: "It's safer like this."

Y/n: "I don't doubt it. But you guys need to get ready to get a move on."

Zenobia: "You bring news from Camelot?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Tristan's been deployed here. He's a vicious archer and he's been buffed to hell and back by Artoria."

Cursed Arm: "Where can we go? There is nowhere for us to run."

Y/n was about to answer when the sun suddenly got a lot brighter.

???: "You may send the villagers unto us in the dunes."

Y/n looked up and his eyes widened as he recognised the aura of a divine spirit. However this one was different from any he had experienced thus far.

Ahura-Mazda: "T- That's definitely a god."

Cailleach: "No joke, I can tell it's an Egyptian god too."

Y/n watched as the divine spirit descended. The light that surrounded them dispersed and he got a look at this new face.

Sekhmet grinned at him as she stepped forward. Ophelia trembled as she sensed the overwhelming power that Sekhmet held.

Sekhmet: "You may send your villagers to Egypt. However there is a price for doing so."

Y/n: "If you're going to try and fight, then I'm the only person here that can stand a chance."

Sekhmet: "Hahaha! I don't doubt that! But no, my price is the assistance of the angel of death who lives atop the mountain."

Hundred Faces walked over as Serenity appeared behind Y/n.

Hundred Faces: "You want the great founder?"

Serenity: "The great founder will not respond to such selfish demands."

Sekhmet: "This isn't for my own satisfaction. I'll have your magician for that. This is for the good of humanity. Egypt is rallying its forces to launch a pre-emptive offensive against Camelot."

Y/n: "That makes sense. Agravain's been tasked with scouting Egypt on multiple occasions."

Sekhmet: "So she's already trying to gain an edge. I have tolerated the camp in the north, however perhaps I should destroy it."

Y/n: "Try it and no amount of divine intervention will save you from me. That camp is for refugees and injured soldiers who remain disloyal to the Lion King."

Sekhmet was quiet for a moment before her smirk returned.

Sekhmet: "Very well. But my position remains the same. Fetch the grand assassin and I will accept the villagers to Egypt with open arms. Should you want to fix this singularity, magician, I and four of my fellow gods shall be awaiting you in the palace. Do try not to die before you get to me."

Y/n felt himself go cold upon hearing those words. Not just Sekhmet, but four others!? That could only spell disaster.

Bailong: "If Sekhmet has played her cards right, we'll be dealing with some of the heaviest hitters in the Egyptian pantheon."

Ahura-Mazda: "I'd imagine Isis would be among them. Perhaps Osiris and Ra would be there too."

Cailleach: "I doubt it. Sekhmet may be a goddess of war, but that also means she has the mind of a tactician. She'll have trials prepared for each god. But if we want these villagers moved, we should get a move on up the mountain."

Y/n: "I agree. We need these people safe. Sekhmet, can we trust you to keep your word."

Sekhmet: "You may hold me to it."

Y/n nodded before turning to Cursed Arm.

Y/n: "Ultimately this is your village, Cursed Arm. It's your call."

Cursed Arm: "... Very well. I shall entrust the villagers to Egypt's care. Just know this, the price for disturbing the great founder as a Hassan-i-Sabbah is your head. I shall bear the punishment for it."

Serenity: "No, I should."

Hundred Faces: "I can already tell your master's not gonna let you go through with that, Serenity."

Sekhmet: "Well how you get him to help is of no concern to me. I shall be take the villagers with me to Egypt."

Ophelia: "They will be kept safe, right?"

Sekhmet: "Do not worry about that. My sister would annoy me about it if I were to let them get hurt."

Sekhmet then walked into the middle of the village and extended her arms upwards to the sun.

Sekhmet: "Father. Let your barge descend to us that I may escort these people to Egypt."

The villagers looked up and gasped in awe as a boat descended from the skies above. It was made of pure gold and radiated with the brilliance of the sun itself.

This was Ra's barge.

Y/n: "How the hell?"

Sekhmet: "When you are born of the sun god, Ra. Then these things become trivialities."

Sekhmet grinned again as she got the villagers loaded into the massive barge.

Sekhmet: "I hope to see you again soon, magician."

The goddess raised her arms again and both she and the barge vanished in a flash of flames.

Y/n: "... Well, we should get moving if we want to ensure the safety of the villagers."

Arash: "Agreed. You should head back to the fortress. Tristan will get suspicious if you're not there."

Y/n: "Unfortunately you're correct in that assumption. I can't jeopardise my position quite yet. I'll wait until Artoria turns her eyes firmly to Egypt."

Ophelia and Gudako both approached the knight before he turned to leave.

Ophelia: "Will you be able to handle Sekhmet if you fight her?"

Y/n: "Normally, I'd have a chance. But if Sekhmet's brought Isis down from the heavens to fight with her, then I'll be in trouble."

Gudako: "Who's Isis?"

Ophelia: "The goddess of magic. Y/n's right, he may be in trouble if she gets involved."

???: "Then allow me to give you some advice before you leave."

The three masters froze as a cold washed over them all. Every servant present was also on high alert as they came face to face with a man with a Jackal-shaped helmet.

???: "Greetings, Chaldea. I am Anubis."

Ophelia: "The god of mummification. Formerly the actual god of death."

Anubis: "Ah, I see you know of my past."

Gudako: "This guy's giving me the chills... Up top anyway. Downstairs is a different story."

Y/n: "Really didn't need to know that, Gudako."

Anubis: "Heh. To keep such a casual air around a god, it's refreshing. Too many people are obsessed with the idea of holding us above all others. I am the one that cares for humans on their journey to the hall of judgement so it's a nice change of pace to be seen as just another servant."

Ophelia: "Wait, you're not a full god?"

Anubis: "No. I am a Caster divine spirit. While I will not tell you the names of the other three. Know that their classes are Saber, Ruler and most importantly... Ancient God."

Ophelia's eyes widened in shock. Malter had mentioned that class before. They had met one such servant before in their timeline.

Now one was apparently awaiting them in Egypt.

Y/n: "So let me guess. I'll have five trials, with the last one being Sekhmet?"

Anubis: "Indeed. Though it will only be three trials. I will give you this hint. Ruler will be your first trial. Saber and I are second. Sekhmet and Ancient God are last." 

There was a sudden change in the atmosphere as Anubis looked to the sky.

Anubis: "Hm. It seems I must go. I shall await you at the gates of Egypt. I do hope you are successful, the villagers may not be safe if you come to us empty handed."

Anubis smirked before he tapped his staff on the ground. From the Earth emerged a small barge that Anubis stepped into as it sunk back into the ground.

Y/n: "So Anubis will be one of my opponents in there... Damn."

The knight of wolves left Serenity with the others as he headed back to the fortress to welcome Tristan.

The other masters and servants made their way up the side of the mountain. Gudako eventually asked Zenobia to carry her. Ophelia couldn't help but laugh seeing the queen of Palmyra carrying Gudako on her shoulders.

The group mostly bantered among themselves as they ascended the side of the mountain.

Eventually though, they found their destination.

Nestled into the rock was the mausoleum of the evening bell. The resting place of every Hassan-i-Sabbah from first to last. This was where they would find the first Hassan. The Grand Assassin himself.

Mash: "I feel... Cold. Like I did when Anubis showed up..."

Ophelia: "It's probably because the literal angel of death is the first Hassan's noble phantasm. Anubis and Hassan both have an aura of death, so it's natural you'd feel cold around them."

Gudako: "C'mon, we've gotta get this guy on our side. Otherwise the villagers may be in danger."

Cursed Arm: "Indeed."

The three Hassans walked to the doors of the mausoleum and pushed them open.

As the group entered, a thundering voice boomed around the mausoleum.

???: "Thou hath committed the sin of disturbing the mausoleum of the evening bell."

Cursed Arm: "Great Founder. I beg of you for assistance. The knights of Camelot are going to be unleashed upon us."

???: "Thou knows the price of such a transgression, Hassan of the Cursed Arm."

Cursed Arm: "Indeed. I shall offer my head as payment."

???: "... Very well. Thou request is heard. But first, a test. That thou may be judged worthy of the angel of death."

Ophelia and Gudako got ready as Serenity started to convulse in agony.

Ophelia: "If Y/n finds out about this, he's gonna be pissed."

Gudako: "Ever heard of an understatement?"

Mash: "S- Senpai, should I engage?"

Gudako: "Yeah, go all out but try not to hurt her too bad. We don't wanna deal with an angry magician."

Mash: "A- Alright! Engaging the enemy!"

Mash sped forward as Zhuge reinforced her with a buff. She slammed her shield into the assassin, sending her sprawling onto the ground.

Thankfully that one attack was all that was needed to take Serenity down.

Hassan's voice boomed around them once again.

???: "Thou hath proven thyselves worthy. To strike down one's opponent after taking in outside factors is the mindset worthy of a Hassan-i-Sabbah."

Ophelia: "So you'll help us?"

???: "Thou shall receive my aid when the evening bell tolls."

The two masters sighed in relief. Hassan-i-Sabbah himself was on their side. The grand assassin.

The group left the mausoleum with minimal injuries. They had to admit, it was easier than they originally thought.

However, the real challenge was about to begin. Arash gasped as he saw smoke rising from the village. The group rushed down to get a good view of whatever was happening.

They did not like what they saw.

Knights from Camelot ransacked the houses and set them ablaze while their general, a red haired bowman wandered among the rubble. Y/n was close by as well.

Y/n: "Is this truly necessary, Sir Tristan? There were no villagers here."

Tristan: "We must be absolutely sure. If any are still hiding here then we must put them down. It's truly saddening. Just like how those people there are trying to hide."

Y/n internally cursed Tristan's timing as the others got out from cover.

Tristan: "Two masters. Do you know them by chance?"

Y/n: "I have no knowledge of them. I had assumed Shinbei, Lordred, Percival and I were the only people from the current timeline."

Tristan: "I see. Then let us do what we came here to do... Kill them."

Y/n nodded and drew a large jagged sword before rushing at the group. The three Hassans had spread out to draw the attention of the other knights away from the main group.

Zenobia summoned her weapons and began firing them relentlessly at Tristan, who managed to avoid them all before playing his bow as if it were a harp. The invisible arrows were fired and Zenobia found herself getting struck by three arrows at the same time from different directions.

Y/n went after Mash. He knew she could handle him better than others would. he brought his blade down and it clashed with Mash's shield before Bedivere sped towards him. He just barely managed to block the strike in time to jump back a few feet.

Of course, this was all an act. He couldn't just out himself to Tristan. He managed to keep the fact that he was a magician a secret from those loyal to Artoria.

He held back in every strike as he and Bedivere exchanged blows. Tristan was managing to keep Zenobia and Arash at bay while the knights took care of the Hassans.

That was when it happened.

The sky was suddenly illuminated by a bright light. This one was different from Sekhmet's entrance though. This one was much closer.

Tristan: "The lance has fallen. Come! We must leave before this village is reduced to dust."

Tristan smirked as he walked away. Y/n nodded and sheathed his sword as he did the same.

However he looked to Arash, who watched in confusion as the knight of wolves nodded to him.

But it made sense. Rhongomyniad would destroy them.

Unless he stopped it.

Arash closed his eyes and smiled. He then yelled to the others.

Arash: "Get in the middle of the village! Hurry!"

Zenobia: "Arash, you're not seriously going to-"

Arash: "I am, queen Zenobia! This bow fired the shot that once divided the land. I WILL UNLEASH IT'S TRUE NAME HERE AND NOW!!"

Arash aimed his bow up as he nocked an arrow. He closed his eyes and smiled.

Arash: "Go forth and save the world, Chaldea."

Arash: "STELLA!!!"

The arrow was loosed. The sky rumbled with the sound of the arrow clashing with the lance. Suddenly, the lance's holy light dispersed. Gudako and Ophelia looked up in amazement before looking to Arash, who was glowing.

Gudako: "W- Wait! Arash!"

Ophelia: "The arrow that divided the land... I see, it's a noble phantasm that sacrifices it's user."

Arash: "Yup. But you guys don't have time to sit around and wallow. Get going. Egypt should be your next stop."

Gudako: "... We'll summon you again when we get back to Chaldea, okay?"

Arash: "Heh. Lookin' forward to it."

With that, Arash Kamangir faded away. The three Hassans and Zenobia walked over with Bedivere, Zhuge and Mash.

Serenity: "We should get moving."

Hundred Faces: "Agreed. We must meet with the gods in Egypt."

Ophelia: "... Alright. Arash's sacrifice will not go in vain. Let's get a move on."

Gudako: "Okay. We should probably look into Lancelot's camp as well."

The group was about to make their descent when Cursed Arm heard something from the river nearby.

They looked over and saw a horde of crocodiles lumbering over to them.

Ophelia: "Shit! It's just one thing after another in this place!"


???: "Calm yourself. You carried out the task Sekhmet set for you. I just sent these crocs here to give you a lift."

Ophelia looked around and noticed that all of the crocodile's eyes were glowing green.

???: "Climb onto one and it'll take you downriver to the banks of the Nile. Anubis and I are both waiting for you there."

Ophelia wisely decided it would be dumb to try and defy a god, especially an Egyptian one. So she climbed onto one of the huge crocodiles and it crawled back into the river and swam away with her on its back. The other followed suit and were carried downriver by the crocodiles.

From atop the mountain, a robed figure watched.

???: "The evening bell tolls when the fog of war descends upon the white castle."

Artoria closed her eyes in her throne room before leaning back in her throne.

Artoria: "That desert land is going to be more trouble than it once was. But how will my knight of wolves fare against them?"

Artoria smirked as she stood up and gazed out of one of the massive windows.

Artoria: "... I will save humanity. No matter the cost."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Five Gods of Egypt.

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